Siop Lesson Plan

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SIOP Lesson Plan

Topic: Who were the


Content Objectives:

Language Objectives:

Pilgrims and why did they

come to the New World?

Grade 3 Social

Students will be able to

identify why the Pilgrims left
England and describe their
journey to the New World.


December 2013

Students will be able to write a journal entry from the

perspective of a Pilgrim, describing their journey from
England to the New World.
Differentiation for WIDA Proficiency Levels:
Level 2: Students will be able to fill in a journal entry
template describing a Pilgrims journey from England
to the New World, using vocabulary from a word
Level 5: Students will be able to write a journal entry
from the perspective of a Pilgrim describing their
journey from England to the New World, using
vocabulary from a word bank.

Materials (including supplementary and adapted):

Key Vocabulary:
Content Vocabulary:
Church of England
Printing Press
Mayflower Compact

Massachusetts, Our Home by Mary Stockwell (Chapter

4, Lesson 1)
Map of the world or globe
Chart paper for journal entry model
Journal entry template with word bank

Academic Vocabulary:

Higher Order Questions:

What does perspective mean?

What does it mean to take the perspective of another person?
How might it feel to be told you can't practice your own religion?
How might it feel to have to move to a new, unknown country? (Can link this
question to ELL experience)



Building Background :
Write Content Objective on the Board

(Developed by John Seidlitz. Used with permission.)

SIOP Lesson Plan

20 minutes

5 minutes

Interactive Read-Aloud of Massachusetts, Our Home, Chapter 4, Lesson 1

While reading:
- Identify and define key vocabulary (see below). Write vocabulary
words on the board as they come up so students can read and
comprehend words.
- Pause after each section of text and reiterate key points. Check for
understanding using thumb tool.
- Ask questions for students to turn-and-talk about (pair ELL
students with supportive non-ELL students ):
o What would you do if you were a Separatist and people
were treating you badly for trying to practice your own
o How do you think the Pilgrims felt when they arrived at this
strange new place?
- Show on map or globe distance between England and Virginia;
Virginia and Cape Cod.

Introduction to Journal Assignment
- Tell students they are will be writing a journal entry from the
perspective of a Pilgrim. Explain the meaning of perspective: they
are going to pretend they are Pilgrims and really think about how
they might have felt. Check for understanding using thumb tool.
- Check for understanding of what is a journal/diary. Show exemplar
on chart paper. Exemplar will show format of a journal entry and
expectations for content: should include facts they learned from
the read-aloud and show their thinking about how they would
have felt. Verbally go over expectations with students.

Links to Experience:
When thinking about how the Pilgrims might have felt about not being
able to practice their religion, encourage students to think about times
when they were told they couldnt do something they really wanted to do.

ELLs may be able to recall their own journey from their home country to
America. If they are comfortable, they might want to share with the class.

When showing the distance between England and Virginia on the map,
could also point out ELL students home countries.

When introducing journal assignment, ask if any students keep a journal
or have read books written in journal format.

(Developed by John Seidlitz. Used with permission.)

SIOP Lesson Plan

Links to Learning:
Students have all visited Plimoth Plantation as a class.
Students have just finished a unit on the Wampanoag Indians.

Key Vocabulary:
Church of England
Printing Press
Mayflower Compact


Student Activities (Check all that apply for activities throughout lesson):
Scaffolding: x Modeling
x Whole Class
Small Group x Partners
x Independent

x Independent
x Hands On x Meaningful
x Links to Objectives

Independent Practice:
Students will write short (one-page) journal entry from the perspective of

a Pilgrim, describing their journey from England to the New World.

Students may use exemplar provided during whole class lesson as a
model. This will be done independently at seats.

For Level 2 ELL students:

Provide a journal entry template with a word bank of key vocabulary.
The template will be set up with sentence starters and students will be
expected to fill in the blanks using vocabulary from the word bank.
Students will complete independently, but teacher will circulate to
provide support.
For Level 5 ELL students:
Provide written directions. Provide a word bank of key vocabulary.
Students are expected to use the exemplar and the written directions to
write a journal entry using vocabulary from the word bank. Students
will complete independently, but teacher will circulate to provide

(Developed by John Seidlitz. Used with permission.)

SIOP Lesson Plan

Review and Assessment (Check all that apply):

x Group

x Written


Review Key Vocabulary :
Did the students use key vocabulary from the lesson in their journal entry?

Review Key Content Concepts:
Did the students include facts from the lesson and their own thinking in
their journal entries?

(Developed by John Seidlitz. Used with permission.)

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