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Hunting for Profit & Gathering Wealth An Exclusive Members Only offering

of investment opportunities, providing

it’s members with the ability to profit
from a unique and exclusive network of
property supply and funding provision.
Contents Who we are and what we stand for
003 Who we are and what we stand for Security and Peace of Mind

004 Mission Statement With over 40 years experience in finance, insurance and property investment, we understand that any investment
requires careful consideration and a full understanding of the information on which returns are based.
005 Overview of the UK property market
Managing Expectations
006 The Problem
Much of our research has shown that highly regarded professionals are expecting growth levels in excess of 30%
008 The Opportunity
over the next five years, however our profit predictions are never based on theses ‘best case’ scenarios. We also
factor in realistic rental yields and projected resale costs. We are confident that our estimated returns are realistic
010 The Solution
and may in some cases be surpassed.
012 How it works – 10 Key Points
Minimising Risk
013 The Exclusive Offer
Full due diligence is carried out on every property purchased. From the purchase price which will always be
017 The Next Step significantly discounted from independent current valuations, to an analysis of the rental opportunity (demand and
price) and the exit strategy – the resale at the end of the chosen term. We also diversify your portfolio by offering
geographical spread and property type.


Hunt & Gather We provide updates at every key stage of your investment and our experienced investment consultants are available
i n v e s t m e n t to answer any questions you may have and talk you through all the details before and after you invest.

Mission Statement Overview of the UK property market

To provide experienced investors 2007

At its peak from early to mid 2007, we saw mainstream, high street lenders aggressively competing for investors

with an end to end, seamless Buy To Let mortgage business at tiny margins above wholesale money market rates or Bank of England Base rate,
100% rental cover ratios and as little as 10% Buy To Let deposits required. We also saw some lenders providing
buyers with the ability to buy property at below market value and remortgage at RICS market value the same day

solution for fully packaged

to generate significant cash back payments. Such was the voracious appetite for mortgage lending to collateralize
for trading, banks and some building societies were lending to Buy To Let “investors” whose own credit record
was classified as sub-prime.
Now in late 2009, those days and most of those lenders are gone. The wholesale market of CDO’s and MBA’s

property investment. virtually imploded and many investors have been left holding a Buy To Let property portfolio they may have
difficulty refinancing at this point in time.

Q3 2009
• Bank of England Base Rate at 0.50% - an all time low.

Hunting for profits •

Property Repossessions and landlord / developer liquidations abound.
Mainstream, high street bank Buy To Let lending rate margins at a record high.
Residential Mortgage products across the market have increased, although demand from lenders for a

and gathering wealth.

minimum of 15% deposit remains high. Buy to let products on the other hand, continue to decline with
not much sign of slowing or bottoming out and more and more lenders making financing Buy To Let
property investment difficult.
Hunt & Gather • Property Auction business is booming – although no one really seems to be getting a bargain as competition
i n v e s t m e n t
is so fierce, prices paid are quite often higher than the current market value.
• Massive opportunity to buy deeply discounted investment property.
The Problem The Lending Problem
• Everyone knows that the property market has taken a huge hit over the last two years and that prices have • For most investors, the problem right now is that they cannot borrow or leverage against their deposits as
come down by nearly 30 per cent across the UK. For many this would make investing in property right now mainstream and high street lenders are unwilling or unable to lend to a sufficient loan to value to make Buy
seem risky. But the wealthy, the smart and the credit worthy are taking another view. Maybe property is at a To Let investment accessible.
low ebb. But maybe this is the time to invest.
• In the current market Buy To Let mortgages for new build houses are available to 75% Loan To Value and
• The main reason for this is that property in the UK typically follows an 18 year cycle of rise and fall. So after for the majority of lenders, 65% on new build flats and apartments.
a fall (such as the one we have just experienced) it is pretty safe to assume there will again be a rise and This means investors needing to put in 25% -35% using their own cash. They may have this money tied up in
therefore a profit can be made. equity in their property portfolio but due to restrictive loan to value and lending criteria, most are unable to
release it.
• Unfortunately, it is never as simple as just finding a property in which to invest. As much of the credit crunch
can and has been blamed on sub-prime lending and on over-lending on investment property, the banks • Banks and building societies appear to have no appetite whatsoever to be the first to reinvigorate the Buy To
are being understandably cautious about falling into the same trap again. It is therefore now harder than Let market for investors.
it has been in recent years for individuals to purchase properties - unless of course they have large cash
deposits and have the credentials that will enable them to take on responsibility for new
Buy To Let mortgages.

Hunt & Gather

i n v e s t m e n t


The Opportunity Why UK Residential Property?

“Much wealth that once was, has been lost. Now is the perfect time to Hunt & Gather.”

• The biggest transfer of wealth happens during a recession so, if you are ever going to invest in property, • Research and historical records show that the UK housing market follows a similar pattern of growth after
right now is, in our opinion, the time to be doing it. Many people will remember when property each property price crash or economic recession, making it easier to predict growth rates on an ongoing
investment via Buy To Let began and provided ordinary people with the ability to invest in property and basis. Leading property professionals Savills are predicting property market growth of approximately 10%
amass a fortune. That wave crashed devastatingly last year and we are still feeling the effects. For some across the UK within the next three years, followed by a spike taking the total growth from today’s prices to
this is disaster, but for the smart investor, it is opportunity. over 30% in just five years (from Savills Residential Property Focus Research May 2009).

• Finance is more difficult to get from mainstream lenders and property bargains are screaming to be • Traditional Investments are currently less attractive with higher risk levels as a result of the credit crunch.
snapped up. We hunt down heavily discounted property deals for our members and offer them for
sale to those with cash in the bank, liquid assets in other classes or a credit record which allows them • The rise in repossessions and the drop in property sales over the last 18 months means more attractive
access to finance. We hunt for investments which offer Day 1 equity profit and our members gather opportunities for buying high quality stock at preferential deeply discounted prices.
wealth in their growing property portfolios.
• Overall demand for UK housing is still and will continue to be strong as the supply of new build homes has
• Some parties say prices are still falling and some say last month saw a fractional rise but what is safe to declined whilst the population continues to increase.
say is we are at the bottom. This means that there are agents in the market who will source and sell for
well below the current market value. If you find the deals you can buy 25% below the current RICS • Overseas and Commercial property can be very volatile and at a time when security is as important as
valuations without any research. However the leg work costs in time, every time. returns, the UK residential market offers more predictability based on historic trends.

We know many ‘investors’ are waiting until the market has turned until they start buying again. If that
is what you want to do, that is fine but don’t expect to find such big discounts when the market starts to
rise. When the market does start to rise, there will inevitably be more investor competition fighting for
those deals, as all the amateurs jump back in and start to buy as well. So now really is the time to buy at
the& Gather
right price.
i n v e s t m e n t


The Solution
The 4 investing Golden Rules
If you are buying now (or want to) there are 4 Golden Rules which we suggest are always absolutely followed The investors getting into trouble are those who have to sell their investments now. We know this, because we
to minimise the risks of investing in the current market. These are: are offered their properties at least twice a week. We can’t and don’t take on every one but we research and re
package the best ones. It is not a good time to sell, however if you follow the 4 Golden Rules you should not need
to sell. It does not matter if the value comes down as long as you believe the value will go up in the long term. In
1) Always buy below market value (current RICS valuation). the meantime, your property will make positive cash flow for you. By the way, if you don’t believe that property
prices will go up in the future, you probably should not be buying property, as it is for the long term growth that we
invest, even though at the moment it is good practice to buy property AS IF you do not expect prices to ever go up
2) Buy in an area with strong rental demand. again. So the big questions are:

• Are you making the most of this fantastic buying opportunity?

• Do you know how to finance deals right now?
3) Only buy property that will give you a positive cash flow. • Do you know how to buy no money or little money down?
• Are you sourcing enough / any investment deals?

If you have answered “no” to any of these questions then you could be missing out on one of the best buying
4) Buy for the long term (5 to 10 years). opportunities in the last 20 years. If you are standing on the side lines watching other investors snapping up deals
because you are unsure of what to do contact us and we will send you an invitation.

Now is the time to Hunt & Gather.

Hunt & Gather

i n v e s t m e n t


How it works - 10 Key Points The Exclusive Offer

“An enduring desire to hunt for profitable investments in order to gather wealth”
We will :

• Undertake a ‘decision in principle’ within 48 hours to ensure that ‘Hunt & Gather’ will be Hunt & Gather is totally exclusive and by invitation only. Members will be investors who want to build or expand a
suitable for you. portfolio of property and retire wealthy. This is not ‘Get Rich Quick’ it is ‘Get Rich Slow’ but the point is that Hunt
• Support you in creating a portfolio of properties using our highly experienced team who are scouring & Gather investors will get rich.
the country looking for ideal investments from distressed developers, banks and liquidators.
• Offer a mixture of new build and second hand properties geographically spread around the country Hunt & Gather members will receive remarkable client service, exclusive deals and a way to
• Obtain an independent RICS valuation on every property invest in UK residential property using the unique commercial funding available to our members
• Negotiate on the properties and secure them for you at a deep discount from their current (Subject to status. Terms & Conditions apply).
market value.
• Use independent solicitors and brokers to secure you the right buy–to–let mortgages or commercial There are no monthly charges and you invest when you choose to. You are under no obligation to buy any of the
funding with little or no money down. properties we offer. Hunt & Gather offer a complete property investment solution. You can select from any of the
• Ensure that each property is cash–flow positive after paying the mortgage properties we have available, you pay a reservation fee, we arrange financing, valuation and solicitors.
• Help you find tenants for the property if you wish... 78% of our current properties sourced
come with tenants. Members will:
• Do everything for you from hunting down the best deals to successful completion. An end to end
seamless solution for fully packaged property investment. • Build their portfolio with as little of their own money or capital as possible.
• Put you in touch with a tax advisor should you wish to ensure you run your portfolio as tax efficiently as • Benefit from buying below market value as it means instant Day 1 equity is created.
possible and allow you to off-set costs such as petrol and other related expenses. • When one buys at below market value, the benefit is instant.
• Typically on a property valued at £200,000 members would have £30,000 in Day 1 equity if we had negotiated
a 15% discount .
Investing in property with Hunt & Gather is a simple, straight forward way to build your UK property portfolio
and future&wealth.
i n v e s t m e n t


Portfolio Example
• Five properties worth £1,000,000 (assume £200,000 per property). Equity growth over a three year period:
• So let us assume that over a period of time, say 30 months, we secure you five properties with a market Predicted Growth Rates Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Gross Profit
value of £1,000,000. With a conservative discount of 15%, this means you would have made £150,000
in Day 1 equity. Government predicted 5.50% 1,055,000 1,113,025 1,174,241 324,241

• Then over time if we apply a realistic figure of 8.5%* growth which is the average between the government Actual (last 30 years) 11.74% 1,117,400 1,248,582 1,395,166 545,166
predicted figure of 5.5%* and the actual figure of the last 30 years which is 11.74%* you can see that
Average 8.50% 1,085,000 1,177,225 1,277,289 427,289
after 3 years of growth you would have over £372,289 of equity in your portfolio net after taking
off fees.

• Hunt & Gather is an innovative way of building long term wealth and financial freedom. We source and and over an eight year period:
secure for you on average five distressed properties at 15 percent below their market value which creates
for you instant equity of around £150,000. Because we have a hands on service we can help you tenant Predicted Growth Rates Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Gross Profit
them and ensure that they are cash flow positive after paying the mortgage.
Government predicted 5.50% 1,238,824 1,306,959 1,378,842 1,454,678 1,534,685 684,685

• The aim is to build you equity from a small initial investment. We do all the hard work from finding the Actual (last 30 years) 11.74% 1,558,958 1,741,980 1,946,488 2,175,006 2,430,352 1,580,352
properties by scouring the country and negotiating hard with developers, banks and liquidators on your
behalf, securing the mortgages and finding tenants, where possible with little or no money down. Average 8.50% 1,385,858 1,503,656 1,631,467 1,770,141 1,920,603 1,070,603

The two charts opposite show how your equity could grow based on three growth rate projections:

Hunt & Gather

i n v e s t m e n t


DIY vs Hunt & Gather The Next Step

The DIY Way
• You spend your weekends and evenings looking for properties. Contact us today and let Hunt & Gather build your equity.
• Find a good investment and make an offer and fight it out with other buyers.
• Put down 25% to 35% deposit on property (eg £50,000 on £200,000 property). Email us via:
• Three months to contract exchange.
• Find a tenant for new property.
• Wait a few years to get money or equity for another property investment. Or visit our website to apply for an Invitation:
• If 8.5% growth P/A, then £105,457 equity on 1 property after 3 years.
• £105,457 - £50,000 deposit = £55,457 equity profit.

The Hunt & Gather way

• We source properties for you.

• We offer properties that stack up financially.
• We handle the solicitors, vendors, brokers & finances.
• Swift completion so you can move on to next property.
• Properties already tenanted or we help find tenants.
• Typically complete on 5 properties in 18-36 months.
• If 8.5% growth P/A, then £427,289 portfolio equity profit on 5 properties after 3 years.
All information is illustrative and the figures suggested are given purely as guidance is not intended to be relied upon by readers. All subject to market conditions. *5.5% is
Hunt & Gather
the predicted Gov. average growth. 11.74% is the actual figures for the last 30 years. 8.5% is an average between the 2 figures. (The Office Of The Deputy Prime Minister)
or (The Centre For Economics And Business Research) provide these figures and more. All figures shown are gross. Growth rate is calculated by multiplying
%i prediction
n v ebysthet Gross m eMarketn tValue.

Hunt & Gather
i n v e s t m e n t

Hunting for Profit & Gathering Wealth

Hunt & Gather Investment Ltd.

5 St Helens Place Telephone +44 (0) 207 959 6880
Bishopsgate Email
London EC3A 6AU

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