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& Advanced Technologies services

The Project and Technology introduction

From a long passed times it was considered that there are no water on the African Continent and there is a huge deficiency of water resources at this land.

Time is chained and with the advent of new technologies the huge deposits of fresh waters have been found out in Africa. These deposits capable to provide African population with the water for log period of years

Now you see a modern map of underground waters of the African continent - it is unbelievable but in Africa a lot of WATER!

It is the Time to erase stereotypes!

This presentation is describing the project on implementation of Know-How technology of search , determination and extraction of fresh water with the subsequent manufacture of bottled drink water.

The project consists of 4 basic parts:

1-st part Determination of water on 2000 territory 2-nd part Water deposited detailing

3-rd part Water well drilling 4-th part Bottled drinking water manufacture

Further we will see each part of the project in more details

The 1st part : Determination of water on 2000 territory

The planed territory, of a size of 2000 sq. km, is studying from space by satellite. After gathering of a package of all necessary data this package transfer from the satellite to the Scientific Research Centre Laboratory. In the laboratory these dates pass the special analysis and processing, with application of a technology of a nuclear magnetic resonance method. By means of the newest technologies and methods more exact territory in the size of 2 sq. km defined for a following step of search of underground waters deposit. Approximate period of duration of carrying out of scientific works makes 1-1,5 months

The 2nd part: Water deposit detailing

On the dates received from the satellite in territory of 2 sq. km detailed works on search of subsoil waters are made and again space systems and the newest technologies helps to us with it.
Dates from the earth are transferred to the satellite, for the detailed analysis of territory and deposit, and the received package of data is transferred again to the laboratory. After data processing in laboratory result of scientific researches is the coordinates for a point for drilling!!! Stands out 1 or 2 points depending on a relief. Thus, unprecedented till today, but the accuracy that the found water is fresh water- makes 90 %!!!! Approximate period of duration of work makes about 2-2,5 months depending on a relief.
If necessary for the client the map and preliminary volume calculation of a deposit of underground waters can be made in3D.

The 3rd part: Water well drilling

Using the dates which processed by means of the Newest Knowhow technology we have a result. Depending on a relief, we have specified 1 or 2 points!! in which it is necessary to make drilling works. The well to be drilled at the point precisely specified on coordinates. Drilling should be executed with the casing pipe method and to be carried out by the qualified drilling org.

Depth of drilling can be from 100 to 300 meters depth depending on a relief. Approximate period of duration for work of this part makes 7-10 days, depending on readiness of the necessary documentation and permissions.

The 4th part: Bottled water manufacture

The water obtained from the water well will be sent to a laboratory for the chemical analysis. During the analysis a necessary actions and methods of clearing of water in a drink water condition are defined. The bottled water manufacture line should start installation on this stage. Water bottles are planed to manufacturing in plastic bottles in capacity of in litters 0,25/ 0,5/ 1/ 1,5/ 5/ 10/ 19/ Approximate period of duration for plant installation and manufacturing beginning- makes 4 months, depending on obtaining of the necessary permit documentations .

Regarding the costs and payments, we can divide the projects cost into the costs of

projects parts and will have quotation as shown below:

Costs of works:
1st Part Determination of water on 2000 territory- 670 000 euro 2nd Part - Water deposit detailing on the area 2 sq. km 850 000 euro

3rd Part - Water well drilling works from 120 000 to 250 000 euro (approx)
4th Part Bottled drinking water manufacture plant installation 4 100 000 euro

The investment come back period is 4,5 -5 years

Note: expenses for permits are not considered

The project can be sold to the client as in a full package, and in parts, i.e. at will of the

customer he can buy either only a water well or entirely water plant
Terms of payment: Option 1: The client pays in advance the payment of the project completely or per each part. In this case, the 3D map and preliminary calculation of the volume of the water deposit is given to the client free of charge as a bonus. See table 1
Option 2: Client issues an irrevocable letter of credit and at occurrence of water from a drilled well

- client pays the performed works + a bonus of 10 % as Handling fee. See table 1
Option 3: Client issues an irrevocable letter of credit and at occurrence of water from a drilled well

- client pays the performed works + a bonus of 10 % as Handling fee. Client issues an irrevocable letter of credit and after water plant is installed- client pays ready manufacture +10 % as handling fee. See table 2.

Table 1
Note: All permits should be obtained by client


Cost (euro) Option 1 Option 2

2 3 4 *

Studying of the 2000 sq. km of the earth

Definition of the area 2 sq. km with the water deposit Drawing up 3D map and preliminary volume of deposit Water well drilling works Handling fee 10 % if payment after water obtaining Total per project (15% profit and any taxes excluding)

670 000
850 000 53 000 250 000 0 1 823 000

670 000
850 000 53 000 250 000 182 300 2 005 300

Table 2
1 2 3 4 Studying of the 2000 sq. km of the earth

Note: All permits should be obtained by client

Cost (euro)
Option 3 670 000 850 000 53 000 250 000 Option 3 (a) 400 000 800 000 53 000 250 000

Definition of the area 2 sq. km with the water deposit Drawing up 3D map and preliminary volume of deposit Water well drilling works

* 5

Handling fee 10 % if payment after water obtaining Bottled water Plant construction
Handling fee 10 % if payment after plant start up Total per project (15% profit and any taxes excluding)

0 4 100 000
0 5 923 000

182 300 4 100 000

410 000 6 333 000

The options of the financing on the project type

1) If customer will buy a fresh water well then:
2 005 300 euro (the cost of project) 1 000 000 euro (my own investment) = 1 005 300 euro (investment needed) Period of investment back 3-4 month from the date of contract with customer

2) If customer will buy a fresh water well and drinking water plant:
6 333 000 euro (the cost of project) 1000 000 euro (my own investment) = 5 333 000 euro (investment needed) Period of investment back 8-10 month from the date of contract with customer

3) If you are a partner and we install the Drinking Water Plant for our own use :
5 923 000 euro (the cost of project) 1 000 000 euro (my own investment) = 4 923 000 euro (investment needed) Period of investment back 4,5-5 month from the date of finance and getting share profit from the sales for all period of operation.

Depending on the volume of investment it is possible to execute Projects for sale and Project for ourselves to get maximal profit from the operating

So, the general Financing reserve shall be up to 6 338 300 Euro (or 8 800 000 USD)

Advanced Technologies
Addition services we can provide if some body decided to start or develop or check volume of his own water or minerals deposits (including metals, oil, gas or others)

Services we can provide you with: determination of the fact of presence or absence of mineral

deposits in an investigated territory- before you start invest you money. If you have already got the field- we can define of exact characteristics of deposit (error of ground-level contours of deposit is 10 m, error of occurrence depth is less than 5 %). Give you of 3D shape of a real deposit and calculation of preliminary volume of extractable oil, gas, water. Choice of optimum points for productive drilling. With productivity is not less than 90 %.
Notes: Prices depends from field and scope of work . Oil Gas and Metals needs deeper analyses, so this is a bit expensive compare the water. All permits should be obtained by client

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