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Charles Law

Nigel Cabaluna1, Ronald Dela Cruz2 and Tom Mari Jandel Rentoy3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City 2 Department of Geo etic Engineering, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City ! "nstitute of Civil Engineering, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City #Correspon ing author$ tcrentoy%up &e u&ph

Charles Law states that gases follow a certain rule concerning its two properties namely volume, and temperature. This two properties came from the equation known as the Ideal Gas Law wherein P !n"T. #rom what we$ve learned from chemistry, the volume is directly proportional to temperature %y some constant k where k!n"&P. 'aving pressure and the num%er of moles controlled in this e(periment, this could satisfy the fact that gases )air* would follow the ideal gas law. +eywords, Ideal gas law, volume, temperature, directly proportional, constant, controlled components, Charles Law

1# $ntrodu"tion
#rom chemistry we all know that gases follow a certain format on their properties. This is commonly known as the Ideal Gas Law. In this law, is s stated that this properties is related to each other %y this equation, -herein P stands for pressure, for volume, n for num%er of moles, " is the constant )"!../01* and T for temperature, which is measured in +elvin. In this equation, we can see the relationship %etween volume and temperature. They are directly proportional to each other )when the volume goes up so does the temperature value. #rom this idea, we can assume a similar Law wherein the pressure, and num%er of moles are %eing controlled. 2nd thus Charles$ Law can %e concluded in this equation. Charles$ Law states that volume is directly proportional to temperature %y some k &T ! k.

2# Methodology
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3# Results and Dis"ussion %# Con"lusion !"&nowledgements

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0. >. /. 1. #. 2uthor, =. Coauthor, FTitle of paper,F '& of (his Paper 3)0*, pp 0>/8/14, >555. #. 2uthor, =. Coauthor, GTitle of paper,H in Proc. of >4th =amahang Pisika ng Pilipinas, )Los Ianos, Philippines, >557*, pp 055805>. #. 2uthor, GTitle of paper,H 'ourn of this Paper )to %e pu%lished* #. 2uthor, Iook ?entioned, Chapter /, Pu%lisher, City, >555.

=PP #ooter, 8 >

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