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Briana Clift PSY 1100 News Article 4 2.26.

14 Much research has been done to better understand memory and brain loss. They have found a protein that strengthens or weakens memory. Of course there are other factors such as genes, receptors, neurons. Focusing first on synapse, there is a presynapses that gets the neurotransmitters prepared and a post synapse that aides in receiving. A strong synapse is based on how big of change in the post synapse. 50 years ago it was discovered that RNA synthesis that is translated to new proteins is essential in order for long term memories to be created. What is surprising is that there is only a small window where RNA and proteins can react, following a significant experience to create a memory. It is still unknown which mRNA and how the proteins are encoded to create memories. In the 1980s, experimental tools were created that allowed researchers to establish molecule techniques. These techniques were used to find a gene that will substantially increase during that most important time for memory creation. These genes were named intermediate early genes (EIGs). Encoded in one of these EIGs is a protein Homer1a. Homer1a is responsible for the weakening or strengthening of a memory. Strengthening requires Homer1a to bind to (mGluR5) metabolic glutamate receptor type 5. MGluR5 is involved in learning and memory. When Homer1a is responsible for weakening instead of mGluR5 binding another glumate receptor GluA2 detaches from Homer1a and continually weakens synapse.

Looking deeper at strengthening, Homer1a is relying on a change that occurs to mGluR5. At this position, when the phosphorylation happens and the binding it Homer1a somehow also changes. The receptors yet is unknown how. Much research was done using drug addiction such as cocaine and amphetamines. A result of mGluR5 receptor phosphorylation allows Homer1a to bind stronger. Another consequence is that a binding site is create named Pin1. From this we can see how dopamine released into the brain increases motion in mGluR5 where is connects to other proteins. EIGs are connected to both synaptic biology as well as systems biology. It is very connected to storage and information processing allows a way to visualize and possibly manipulate one or a network of neurons so that we might better understand their attachment to memory. EIG action in neurons shows ways in which synapse are regulated as network and neurons store information. By modeling this it will give better understanding and allow special attention to be brought to the biochemical events that are most important. The ultimate goal being to prevent memory loss diseases by fully understanding memory.

This is important to human development because most memory loss diseases end in loss of life to the person. This especially hits home for me since my grandpa has dementia and it carries a burden to our entire family as his disease gets worse. It would be so amazing if we could alter and prevent this disease. I also thought it was interesting that biochemical science and synapse science are so closely connected in this discovery and how scientists that specialize in both categories will need to come together and work to fully understand memory and work toward a cure.

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