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$ rnt8 urfiniltf ot fil3 ronlf,I{ ufi

'loltA, tttf fUffiOt:IH l{llR' 19t0-ttt3'
Dtrdt ;4 t3&l Swrdr.: fOE,2gl U. t'4. I |tl''I

360-!73-5448email jdlund33@msn'com
Sec.-Treasurer: Bill Hill 101 GrahamRd' Jagper,Tn.3?34'7 Ph' 423'942'26/,4
Bremerton,Wr Rennioncoordinaton Dick Lund(Addressabove)
Vp & Assistrnt coordin.tori: SueHamilton,2024WindingCreekLane,MasonOh.45040'ph 513-3984713
e-mailxrhslu!.tau@tu$Jgi-- sheryl& Perryschreider10560McKelveyRd.cincinnati'oh.45240
ph 513{48-0351e-mail
Nv. 89012 Ph'702-260-4224, e-mail
four",l,utt""t Bob& DanKalan ilSS King MesaDr. Henderson,
Via; ph"t"grrpher: FrankRowe755RacineAve. Columbus,Oh.43204 ph6l4'n4'5270
Chaplain: BJnSmith 1929HixsonPikeChattanooga' Tn 374A5fiA3A6:':l!7- ,
web site Nancycunningham,5634 Dallas'Tx'
Richard, cunnisg-lt4ll'l-'Nlt.ttct
765 Reunion site, http :/gpiffi ncunnittghu

Dear fellow 765 ers.

We three Kalans are well and happy to be home againin Nevada. We made a trip to Illinois, by
cat, inMarch. Dan was the confirmation sponsorto his youn gz"d cousin Ken. It furned out to
be a nice family reunion. The weather though, was cold and rainy off and on. We couldn't wait
to get back to our Nevada home.

While we were back in Illinois, Ron and Marlene Torii arrangeda mini reunion with them and
Elmer and Joan Wilke and the 3 of us. We had a really good visit and lunch at our favorite
Lithuanian restauranton Chicago's south side.

What made the whole trip extra tough was that Bob had to do all the driving. I haven't driven
since we moved here and Dan's doctor won't let him drive, at least for now. So, Bob had to
brave it and do all the driving, he's such a good guy!

The committee on the Washington reunion are working feverishly to get all of the details done
by the time that I get this newsletter ready to send out. I would like to include all of the details in
this newsletter rather than wait until June; (the next newsletter.)

I have a couple of letters in here , (from the Rothfuss' and Harris') They sent me these for the
December newsletter but I got them a couple of days after I mailed out the newsletters,so, the
holiday greetingswill be carried over to be Easter greetings.

Audrey didn't mention why Dan couldn't drive. He had seizureson new years day andFeb 9tr.
The one in Feb. lasted over 20 minutes and kept him in the hospital}days for tests etc. Found no
reasonfor them other than the old head injury, and gave him more meds. to

Hope to seeyou all in Wash.

Our Best Wishes and Hugs

Audrev. Bob and Dan

My neighbor was attempting to build a patio for the first time. He boughtl00 cement blocks.
Laying them out in a pattern, he discoveredthe chosenareawas too small.

He stackedthe blocks against the house and clearedmore space.The next day he put the cement
blocks down, only to find the ground was too hard to keep the patio level.

He ordered a truckload of sandto be delivered the following morning.Again he stackedthe

blocks against the house.

Observing all this I said "are you going to put your patio away every night?"




,,7 V

DecemberL6, 2008

Greetingsto the Hill Billies(that is what l've beentold you'arecalled),

I am writing this letter on behalfof my dad Hugh Kienenberger"Hoot". Todaywe receivedthe

newsletter from the gonventionin Salt LakeCitywhich stirred many happy memoriesfor dad
and he askedme to write you in hopesthat you will alsospreadthe word to other membersof
the 765th.t ltinda) haveheard many wonderful storiesof good times sharedafter mom and dad
would return from the conventions.

He and I are trying to makethe best of Christmasfollowingthe worst year of our lives.I will not
try and sugarcoat the story | will just get to the point. On April 28thHoot and Virginia'sson
Casey(my brother) suffered a brain aneurysmand passedaway peacefullyon his ranch in
Dodson,he was 53 and left a wife, a L6 year old daughterand a 13 year old son. Mom and dad
were barelyshakingoff the shockof losingtheir son when mom fell in their home and
sustaineda massivesubduralhematoma and passedaway 35 hours later on November 15th.As
I am sure you can remember she was a picture of health, exerciseddaily and consumeda veiiy ,
healthydiet. Dad and I missher so and althoughwe haveto classifyher death as accidental,
God knew exactlywhat he was doing and it was no accidentthat he calledher home. I have
taken a leave of absencefrom my RN position in the operating ro.omat CassiaRegionalMedical
Center in Burley ldaho and have returned to Malta to be with my dad. Pleasecall us anytime,
dad has a horribletime trying to hear on the phone but I am an excellenttranslator.406-654-
2505.our mailingaddressis P.O.Bax7Q7Malta, MT 59538.

The following if from Hoot personally;

lf you are out in our part of the county swing by and stay awhile or at least say howdy. Our
daughterLindais takingtime off her job to take care of me. Sheis a RNwho assiststhe Dr in
surgery.I considermyself very luckyto have her here. We also have a very caringfriend who is
a Dr; she stops by the house every few days and visits. Livingin a small town out west sure has
its advantages.Our hospital is lessthan four blocksup the street. The southern part of Montana
is getting lots of people from Californiaetc. who are buying a couple of acresand callingit a
ranch,hardlyenoughroom to uncoila ketch rope!

and havea Wonderful2009,

T f t'!/l/j

'1{cot'' Kienenbsge?, 80, a rerired Plitlips Cou:i,v J'n !,oulvt.Q | ! L€,wL}Ttt

rar*iwr xgJKcreanlYa.r'-e:eran, pass€dara:a,vpef,cef;iily at his llore in
i\rffie m Decen'fur 19* ?C08- fuIffiriais ney be sent to the fu&ita
\1F.W. Post *i067. Arrangen:entsare ileii€ rmde by EciwarcisFrinerai
lion:e of Chincrck
I{e \Aasbom on Deceafsr 13*. 1Eg ts Walhr'1}ingl'and
Rutl isrnw) Kienenberger m tire family rarrch nonh cf Dccjson-
Sr:rvivors inciude his daughter Linda Kieneni;erger of Bule.v, iD,
daugher-r::Jaw .{nn Kienenberger of Dcdsoq grandchiidrelr; Ri}ki
flerod) Boshof TwinFaiis, ID, Shiio (fu) tvleswrl,vof }t.taita Dustin
Crces of Cnuch I*lI, Tristen Kielreni:erger ar'C Hcct Aaron
Kiqrenberger bcth of DoCsoq 6 grea-grardchil&en; sisters;I4rgniu
iJoe) Bkildsen and Betty Optand bo{r of}Iaita and $her:y (8fi1) kker
of ilftddia"r, F, brottrers;Walter,'Bud" of Clasgow, Charies(Sharon)
of Zcrtn:aq Dean (Carol) Bruce S-ec.'na), both of Dodso4 Ted tlbry
Eila) af lvcr'-1esar,o,W\ and nu{rerous nieces and nepherns. T$o
sibiings, Dororh,"*Lr:msden and Dcug Kienentmger peceded him in
dea*l Hoot's scn Case,vpassedaway AFril ?8* of this pr arx1hls
belor.'eCwife \kginia also passeCamy onNotremb'er16Pofthis lear.
Hoot gradi:ared frorn Dodscm FEgb School n L945. On
Fiowmhr 22, 195Ain fufaitahe rnarried llrginia Loftoa They shared
58 uronrierll -y*earsas hrnband ald wife. He ssved in the Korean R'm
fron tuIanchof i951 to r\&rch at 1953. Ilcoi Bade his liYing from&e
hrdttrat he vas so proud ofl Be ii cattle or sheep,vrireator sugarbe€ts,
coal and a forgg alfalfa ad haying eqr:iprent or bam bomds md T{u,gh etrg
fr . f{re*ewh er
horseslnes, I{oot provided a;s life tbr his family. fte
irh'od:ction to this run and you hrewfrat he,wouid fue hard lruorkto
giveiim a chaiienge. ,,. :
-ruoor fi
Job's veil dong lessonswell ialgi4 life urell lived; \drat a
lo.yousheavenlyrer.mionfor llcoe

Hugh "Hoot" Kienenberger
December29, 2008
Dodson High School Gymnasium
Presentedby daughter Linda Kienenberger

Our precious dad, grandpa,pdp&,brother and friend, Hugh

Allen Kienenberger left this earth to be with his heavenly loved ones on
December 19. The manner in which he left this world for the next was beautiful. He simply
went to sleep and in his dreams slipped from his body to join his soul mate on the other side. I'm
sure she had lunch ready for him. He knew that it was time; thx his work on Earth was done
and he could be reunited with his beloved wife and son.

The Hoot we all know and love led his life in a way that we would all do well to emulate.
During his working yearsohe was a farmer, rancher and welder to name a few. He was the type
of man who loved working outside in the sunshine,rain or wind, using his skilled hands and
tough work ethic to get the job done and get it done right. He was a man of the earth and spent a
good portion of his life working the land. Years of working outside had etched smile lines into
his face and given him a weatheredlook, the look of a man who wasn't afraid of a little dirt or
sunburn in his quest to provide for his family. He called Phillips county home for most of his
life and he and mom were familiar and welcome fixtures of the community. He was very close
to his family and many are happy to call him a friend.
I)ad's true joy was his family. Casey and I were the light of his life, and he was a steady and
reliable father who was always there when he was needed. He was head over heels in love with
his grandchildren His face just lit up when they were around him, and his quiet love drew
children to him like a magnet. He *as such a huge part of our lives. We will seehis wise face
when we stop to enjoy the firey colors of a blazing sunset,gaze on rows of thriving crops or hear
the bawl of a newblrn calf. He will be there whenever anyone cracks open a cold one2has a
chocolate cake with lunch, or takes the time as he did to truly enjoy family and time spent
together. We all have lessonsto learn from this quiet precious man who left us only to be with
his Virginia. Together they watch over us now, everyday...guiding our choicesand keeping us
warrn and safe. itrey are not truly gone becausein our hearts they will live forever, and no one
will ever find two more loving and protective guardian angels. From the clouds of Heaven they
will continue to watch ,x urd love us fiercely from now until the day we seethem again.

Dad's life on earth has ended, and there is no better way to honor his memory than to keep it
alive and to love and care for those left behind. His family and friends will need strength and
comfort in the coming days as we strive to reconcile the ache in our hearts with the knowledge
that he is at rest and ut p*u** after a long and wonderful life. We can rejoice knowing that at
last, his physical battles are over. In the kingdom of his father, his tired body has been healed
andknit together soundly. No more will he wheeze when he breathes,struggle to have enough
air or drag iftut long oxygen tubing from room to room, tetheredto it unwillingly. No more does
he have to walk slowlyand carefully, no more doeshi tire easily; no his blue eyes are now clear
and his stride is confident as he joins his Virginia and Caseyfor a long walk through the gardens
of Heaven.
There is no doubt in my mind that dad would have followed mom even sooner had he not been
concerned about me. He stayed long enough to comfort me and start me down the healing road
after mom's passing. We had many long talks, sharingmemories,laughter and tears as we tried
to reminisce a lifetime of love squeezedinto a handful of human years. That last precious month
together gave me a chance to spend some time alone with dad-sharing meals, caring for him,
nghting back tears as I watched as I watched him wander around in a haze of grief and shock,
pining u*uy for his love. I think he remained long enough to seeme gain back som.estrength
and be comforted by all of you gatheredhere today. Only when he was sure that I would be okay
did be finally stop fighting and let himself be welcomed home.

Christmasthis year has taken on a whole new meaning. It is with bittersweetjoy that I bid dad
goodbye. He will be truly missed. Yet he is with us still. . .in the twinkling lights of Christmas and in prayers whispered before bed. No gift in fancy paper of shiny ribbon will ever mean
more than the gift we were given in the life of Hugh Allen Kienenberger. He was like Christmas
morning every day of my life. God took extra time on that precious man and broke the mold as
soon as he was finished. Dad was destinedto be one of a kind. . .one of those incredibly loving
people who like shooting stars streak through our lives so brilliantly, yet so rarely. He was a gilt
to uit of us, and the legacy of love he leaved behind will keep his spirit alive long after his ashes
are scattered. He is with us still. God Bless that wonderful man. He left some big boots behind
for us all to strive to fill.
Dear Audrey, Bob and Dan,

I hope this note finds you all doing well. We got the news letter, loved it. Especially the
picture on the front. I apologize for not getting somenews of the Savilles.
I sent you a letter and Christmas card last Christmas and then in January-(atthe end) it
came back-no street number-I think that letter got a pretty good trip for 41 cents. Sorry.
We are still plugging alone, Shirley in a walker at home and a wheelchair elsewhere.
Calvin has to do the cooking, laundry and shopping. We do have a lady who cleansfor
In 2008 we celebratedour 50ft wedding anniversary,the children hosted a reception for
us and it was a really nice day.
We are pleasedthat we are still able to be at our home-Calvin still takes care of the lawn
and had a smaller garden.
We really miss coming to the reunion, miss seeingeveryone. Hope we will be able to
come againsometime I don't think we can make Washington, but maybe another one
someday. Our health is not a big problem, Shirley's mobility and eyesight are not good,
but we feel pretty good.
You all take care,keepup the good work, we'll try to stay in touch.

Subject: RE: passingof Hoot

From: "Nancy Cunningham"

I just cannotbelieveit!
I'm looking at a letter I receivedfrom him yesterdayrecounting2 wonderful storiesabout my
Dad and askingme to get in touch with him soon.
I sat and cried asI read his letter yeterday as he madementionof ny father's height and size'
net knowing that I haveno memoriesof hin at all, as my father died when I was quite young.
Wow-I an stunned. I will sheda few tears today for never having gotten to thank him for his
letter of having the opportunity to talk to him further about my Dad, Captain William M, "BilP'
All my thoughts are with his family and too all you, his friends and comrades.
Through all ofyou I havegottencioserto my Dad, I am grateful to all everyonein my 765th
Happy Holidays,Nancy Cunningham

Hello to the Kalan's

Haven't takentime to drop you a note lately. We're holding our own. Hope Dan is doing okay
now. Tell him he's too far away for us to comeand cheerhim up if he's sick, ashe will just haveto
I talked with Frank Conawayand FrancesSaturdaythey missedthe reunionlast yearbecauseboth
were sick. They both had surgeryat the sametime andin different hospitals. Frankswas a
scheduledspinesurgeryandFrances'swas an emergencyhip surgery. They are stayingwith their
sonandhis wife now who livesjust a shortdistancefrom them. They will be there for about6 to 8
more weeks. They areboth doing wel1,just recoveryis slow.
Sueand Sheryladvisedme that our reunionwill be Sept.16-19. Sheryladvisedus that the
Holland Am cruiseLine hasa cruiseleaving Seattleon the 19* going to Alaska and guessthat,
Sheryl& Perry,me and Bill and Ben andNancy havesignedup for that. We're hoping shewill go
also. Wish someof the otherswould go along. We're not gettingany younger,so thoughtwe
might aswell do everythingwe can,while we can.
Takecareof yourself and we'll seeyou in Seattle.
Oh, by the way, I did find out thereis a shuttlefrom the airport to the hotel we will be stayingat.
It's aboutan hour's drive from the airport andthe costis $20.00.eachI guess.
Bill & Billie

Hi Bob Audrey & Dan hopeeveryoneis doing ok. Justwantedto let you know how Frank & I aredoing.
Sincewe missedthe reunionbecauseof healthproblems, Frankhad back surgeryon Jan 14frandthen
had a leakageandthey had to operateagainon Jan28m,andhasa few minor setbacks. I had srrgery on
Feb 2 for right hip replacement.I am doing greatwith no problemsthank God. We are stayingwith our
Son& Daughter-inlaws till wereboth on the mend.

In Gods love
Frank & Frances
Tlr{}$Etslfo sERvEsunF*i eorru|cr AREEuctBt# FoRup ?o sg,ooo A YEAR


A tittle-trpwn veterens'
b€nefit for long-term care
${>enees is evai}iabl,eto
wartime vetercns snd ttrcir
spouses.But the is
bemg overlooked by thou-
ssnds of fanilies, industry
obserwrs $sy.
The Slecial Pension for
Veterans' Aid end AU€!d-
mce Fys up to $L644 a
mouth, flgrnf annually,
torrysrd aseisted liviue
e8r€far 'eetemns65 and oI-
clerwho sewd at least go
drys and oae day drring
wartime - stateside or
fii€r$ees. Veterms and
thea spouses can rec€fi|e
rryto $23,396annnatiy od
rpousesof deceasedrcEr-
ms, $t2r6BL
Yet, an *Shat d $lz'
rillioir a ]rear goes tm-
:iaimed, saidDon Soard, a
rolunteer witl Operation
feterur Aid in Oklithotru
3ity. Tn2a07, only t34,o ao
nniors natioasride re-
:efied the benefit, qihich
ras estabiishdinrg5z"
"Litetally. hm&eds of
housands'dont eyen
rrsnv about itl' Soardsdd.
'Due to inmmple'te infor-
natioa, many disqualify
hemsehes on income or
ssets or fird the paper-
rcrk too burdenmmel'

itrcrnltned pfocess
Soard helps families
:omplete tbe necessary
orrn$r $o tbat approval
pmes in four b six
aorithc. prbcess iC
treamlined for vets vrfro
re blind or hcre memory
ssues and widowa with
nedical needs, he said.
ifost applicants qualify
ndpaymente arerebinc-
ive, Soard 3aid, The ftw Aveterans'special pension enabtesTomBowentoaffiordtoliveat Legend at i
vho are denied on exce$- Rlvendell asslsted living center. where heenloys donrlnoeS and other actfuities. :
ive liquid assetscan seek P}IQTO BYJACONNAAGT,{RR€,THE OI(LAHOMAN

inencial edvice to qrali$,

e sald. skilled care isnot eri abso- TomBowen,77, of Moom.
Soardstartedhis volutt- lute need, said Willie Rr- "Until I tosed tbis op-
;ermissiontwO]'earssgo, giuson, erccutfue dlrector eration, I had no idea the
rllovdng the deaths of of Legend at Rivendell in benefit was availablejEsaid HOl,sTOAPFLY
wo family members wlro OklahomaCity. Bowen, a reHred engineer
encd inWW[ rButif someoneiusthss techrlcim Aom the Feder- For mare
"If they'd lmown abotrt Socialsecffityandasnall al Aviation Administration information see:
irisbenefft, they'd have a' peruion, it'saoterrougfuto who served stateside drlr- ) www.Veterarr
ruclr belter quality of life live herej' Rrguson sald. ingtteKore*n Confliet. Aidorg
r later Jtesl*' he said. According to a ZObS Borryenrecently morcd )wWw.vadpv
Withoutit,manyvebaee lr4etlffe $trvey, s$si$ted rnto tbe 'i"e4end facliity > Operation Veteran
ncedto go onMedicaidl Xving in OH*homa aver- folorring smral mini fidet7a?3s49
Oklahcmaisoneofnine sges $2,146 a moutlq strokes and a diagnosis of
Btes lrhere the udare wtlle nurslng homes cost short-tenn ruemory loss.
rograln doesn't cornr as- $r5l a day for a priuate "It's been pretty hard ye*s, Flnding a nearby fe-
std fiving costs..Assist- room. trying to trgndlq €x1,ermes cilitv and learnin<r oh^"+
t living often eair be an Of ?3 tegend rc.rirlontn
' ,, 1,'', ',t.i
. L.r L+ a
f \'lr:
td L-.i, a i ill i.-/ C. i a r

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One morning while having coffee at their new digs, Pat saysto Dick
" What are you going to do today?"
"But you did that yesterday"
"I didn't finish"
rrryChristlnasfrolrl the RothftrssFarnily

Subject: Merry Christmasfiom the RothfussFamily

ly <rothfussfarnily@ fu>
Fro m : Rothfb ss__Fami
Ilate: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 19:26:05-0500
To: bob(

Dear Friends,
Season'sGreetingsfrom our family to you and yours. At this mega-bttsytime of year it's
of a great
to pauseand remernber all of our blessilgs, parlicularly the blessingof having memories
- ofpeople all of whom we know throughthe 765rnTRSB'
We havenot beenableto be with you for marryyems,but we think of you collectivelyand
individualiy,andwonderhow life is treatingall. Fatehasbeenkind to someofus blessingus with
goodhealth,while shehastreatedothersbadlywith illnesses,eventakingsomeofour numbers'
Hereon sharonLanewe havehad a yearof ups anddowns'Bill hasto live his life in paiu atrci
he doesit bravely.Nothing works dght for him so it's very mucha strugglefor him. Caroleis OK
exceptfor "old Arther". Shewalks like an old lady,but shestill walksfrom five AM to ten PM and
thankf'ulthat shecanl
Son,Trii is holdinghis own with his cLL. His countshaven'tchangedmuchin live
he still can put in long hours at GE helping developthe future' 'I'hat lbt
Laura continuesto run her mini-horse farm, and businesshasbeengoodthis year. is,
goats and cats
thepeopleshekeepsbuyinghorsesfrom!! Of course,shesellshorses,too. Shestill has
anddogs,but no llamasanymore.Lauralovesherjob at Hospiceof Dayton,especiailyall of her"littlc
old ladies and little old men. lt's a sadjob" though,becauseshecan't keepthem long.
Sharonhasher work at Med-coHealthSolutionsin Fairfield,ohio. Theyareso busy
^Sn" prescriptiondrugsthat shecouldwolk eighthoursovertimeeveryweekif shewantedto' (
Ao"rJt). Her husband,Victor, continuesto work in Middletown,Ohio,for the aero-space
company,birt things areslow, so Vic doesany smalljob thathe canpick up. Their daughter,victoria'
is tZ yeaisotd now, and attendsGarfreldMiddle School.Shejoined the danceohoircalledGrandeur.
they sing and danceand perform for different programsin Hamilton. In March they will enterthe
Elena,has lelt
area-widicompetitionfoi local schooldistricts'dancechoirs.our otherg landdaughler,
us to live with'her boyfriend and we, of course,arehearlbtoken'It is not what we had hopedlbr
We pray constantlythat shewill comeback to us.
that is what is going on with us. Otherthandrivingto Columbus,Ohio, to visit Frankand
EvelynRowe,we haven'tbeentoo manyplaces,but we enjoylife anywayjnst being'

As Ever, Yottr lrrieuds,

Caroie and Bill Rothfuss
and Farniiy

p.S. Our thapks go to all the hard workers that keep our grolrp together.You are great and greatiy

In just 48 hours tomoffow will be yesterday

i i c c . : t t I L l , -t t .10()li

l !cJlo I'j:rnril-r

I i ' . , ,a r i . l i r . r , i : r ' c . s ( ) r ' l ' \ ' i vrel r . r , s s etchle l c r r n i o r r l r S a l t J - , : r l cLe' i 1 1 l, > t t 1t t t : r r , b t ' :, c x l ) r c a t ' i t t
; i c a t t l c . W r : t h o t r g i r l a b r > r r t) / o u a l l t i r a t v v e c l (e r r c lr v i s h i r r g w c c ( ) u l ( l L r et l r ; : t ' cr , v i t l tv i l r t

I r " , l ' r n t lJ t r . l n l 1 ( ) \ \ , i s i r , r , 1 1ar lrx l \ / o 1 1 rf i r g r i l i c s l r \ i c r ' \ /f t a p p v l t g ] i c i a t ,i l l l ( l r t r t t s l t l l ' a l l 1 t i g ' ] '

'' 'rilllrr' Nt:u, Year

Since \\/e iast sa\\/you in jinciunati the ;'en1has bccn lr ver)/trying anrl r.:italletteing ottr:
frlr Lrs \\ilien \.veI'cltul'nerihonre, the,.1 i rrr:cclcrl .ii
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clarnagcclrtr'[runrt. Sincc Nover-nlreL o{'20A7 i hai,e hirclcating ltlo[rlcttt..,l-ust it iot tll
r v c i s l r i . ' ll r c l i g h t s i c l cb t , r ] r el i b s . t h e o t h e r i l r c a ,l b r r ' : r r l i a t i o\n\ / a sa l s o l l r t ' n t b r t l h a s
h c : r l c r 1 .l l i f r J o \ / e n l L r fe 0 l 0 - l a r v e e l <b e l c r e ' l - h a r t l c s i i i v i r tJgI ' e l li t t i t r : t ' i t l i : ' l r r - r n , i r n c l
i l i : i i o c l r t r :rt jl i , \ s h o L r l c l e r ' 1 1s,tni l1l h a s u o t h e t r l e ccl o n r l l l e t e l ya l i e l s i x r t t o t , r l r os l ' l l t c l a p 1 ' .
l ' i i e| i : r : i i U c ll t l u c n C a f r c e ri n' t l r e b o t r e s .

i r r . l l r r r u a l '2v 0 0 [ i n l ' i e r ' g o i : r gt h n r n t a l l \ /( 1 a 1 ,o<i - t c s l i r t ' {t r n , l x - r ' t t 1 ,i 5t n , l r : rsl ' : c i r l c cIl t r c c c l r : , 1

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b t i r r c s . , ' \ l l v e a l r v c l l r r v s i r c e nt r l , i n g . l i f - l c r c r i rl r r c c l , t , i r r c : ; , r . l , o L l 'o. r i r f i . ' i l 'l r r u t t I l i : .
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t i r r r c , \ ' ' t ) r rt a l < co n e < 1 a 1a,i a t i n r e a r r . cl il r r c I i t b t h e b e s t_ \ / o rcra n . [ , i n < > r r q

a l tl o t r 1t t r e

lr'\,'sCl,l-, rs r.urclelcontroi lbr nor.v. l-le neecleria bloocl h'trnsi'r"rsiou lu,ii,c,lirts -\/calbut
otheru,isccloing goorl, l]r: is in chalge oi'the hoLrse. 1-lcis still u,oricing2-,,fclaYsa \\'(r]k
a 1 I ( t t h l ' s a L r t t r r4l h o u l s a c l a 1 ,a, s n e e c l e c l l.l e c l o c sa l l t h c c l r ' i v i n gt o c l t l c t l l t ' a
s ncl
I l c a t n r c : r r t Sl .c a u s t i l l c h ' i v ei r u t g e t too l i l e c l \ \ / l r c nlat'r'ivew h e r c I i t n t iloilll\.

O t h e l i h a r r t h e n r e c l i c a l1 t r ' - l l r l e n lrisl - eg o e s o n a n ( l y o u n r a l c et h e b c s t c l { ' i t . ( J i r r '

,'r'anclclauqlrtel tunreci 13 in Septembel anclu,as llat Mitzverhso tliis \\,as.1vcl'y lra1t1l1'
l i r r t c I t r l i r : , . \ \ z e \ v e l ' cv c t ' ) ,l r l o t t c lo 1 ' l r e lr . r ' l t c ns h c l e a c lt l r c ' J ' o l a hl t c l l c r . t l r ' .

, S 6 t 9 t lr is l r.r, Au c l I r.r,i s [ ),O L ra l l a y e r.,vhappl , [ol i cl a1,, goocl hcai i h ancl i r r/cl .],[)r.os1-rcl'or r s

S it t c t : r t - : 1 1 ,

Irv ancl l-:laineI-Iallis

I was always taught to respectmy elders,But it keepsgetting harderto find one.

April 11, 2009

Hi Bob,

We finally have a plan for the 2009,765th reunion in Bremerton,Washingtonand are very
excited about it. The hotel is beautiful and can be viewed at
We have arrangedarate of $83 plus taxanight which is a greatrate that they extendedbecause
you are veterans. They wanted me to expressthat they are honored to have you there. To make
your reservations,please call 1-800-544-9799or to call directly to the hotel 1-360-307-7621and
be sure to tell them you are with the 765th to guaranteeyour rate. The room rate will be held
only until August 17th. Any reservationsmade after that date will have dependon the hotel's
occupancy and the regular rate at that time. My contact person is a very nice man named Mario
Calderon,and can be reachedat the direct number to the hotel listed above.

Dick has also arrangedsomefun for everyone. Below is the schedulefor the reunion. As you
can seethere will be free time for thosewho like to spreadout and explore their own interests.
There is a shuttle offered ata low rate that runs from the hotel to Seattlefor those that want to
explore. Our suggestionfor thoseflying to the reunion is to land in Seattleand take the shuttteif
you would rather not rent a car. Kitsap Air Porter leavesthe airport every hour at 20 minutes
past the hour. You must reseryeyour spot with the shuttle service for your return trip to the

Wednesduy,September 16th
Check in
Dinner on own

Thursday, September lTth

Water Tour of the Puget Sound
Dinner will be a Clam Bake hostedby the Lunds. For thosewho are not fans of seafood,there
will be burgersand more traditional picnic items.

Friday, September 18th

Club meeting in the morning
Free Afternoon
6:00 Banquet/Auctionat hotel

Saturday, September 19th

Tour the Under SeasMuseum.
Dinner on your own

Sunday, September20th
Goodbyesand departures
On an additional note, there area few of us leaving on Saturday,September19thfor a cruiseto
Alaska. We decided to extend our vacation for anotherweek and would love to have anyone that
wants to join us to pleasemake your reservationsand come along.

We will be on Holland Cruise Lines. The name of the ship is the Amsterdam. This is a seven-
day cruise and will be leaving from and returning to the port in Seattle. As I mentioned,we will
depart on Saturduy,September19tr and return on Saturday,September26th. Shuttle
affangementscan be made to take people from the ship back to the airport on the 26th. We will
be visiting Juneau,Alaska, a Hubbard Glacial Cruise, Sitka, Alaska, Ketchikan, Alaska, Victoria,
Canadaand then debark back in Seattle. Due to the fact that we stop in Canada,a valid passport
is needed.

Those of us going have usedmy AAA travel agent,Janet. She is making the arrangementsthat
will allow us all to be on the samecabin floor and also on the samedining schedules.Shemay
be reachedat 513.361.7522and can answerany questionsyou may have. Just be sureto give her
my husband'sname (Perry Schneider)to pull up the trip. We would really love it if everyone
came along for the fun.

This is all the information that I have for now. The next newsletter will contain the sign up sheet
to include a cost for the tours and the banquet. As it standscurrently, the total price will be
below our norrnal expenseswhich I believe is a very good thing. Pleasedo not hesitateto make
the hotel reservationsthough, becausethat gives us a betterway to determinethe size of buses
and break down the cost per person.

As always,anyonewith questionsis welcometo call me. My home numberis 513.648.0351and

my cell is 513.608.0259.

I wish you all a blessedand enjoyablespring!

Sheryl Schneider

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