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Departing and Landing / 1. At the airport 1 for departure 1: 2. On the airplane 3. At the airport 2 for entering a country 2: - Immigration Customs 4. Information Desk at the airport - Transportation Accommodation Accommodation 1. At the hotel for check-in /check-out : / 2. At the hotel for room-service 3. At the reception desk 4. Making tour or transportation reservation at the hotel Order 1. At the restaurant 2. At the chain-restaurant (such as a burger or pizza restaurant) 3. At the coffee shop 4. At the bar Shopping 1. At the outdoor or flea market 2. Situation 2 3. Situation 3 4. Extra situation 1 Transportation 1. Find the right questions 2. Buying tickets At the train station At the bus station Page 2 of 32


- At the dock for a ferry and boat At the gas station Health

1. Reservation for the hospital 2. At the hospital Emergency 1. Call 911 911

Departing and Landing /

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1. At the airport 1 for departure 1:


Hello, Good morning (afternoon or evening). Where are you flying today?

A: 3 . (I am flying to Wellington, New Zealand and will stop over in Auckland for three hours.) CHECK-IN WORKER: Can I see your ticket and passport please? A: , E-ticket . (Sure, here is my passport and e-ticket.) CHECK-IN WORKER: Thank you. A: () . (Can I have an aisle seat (a window seat) please?) CHECK-IN WORKER: middle seats are left. A: , 12 . ? (Oh no. I have to be on the airplane over 12 hours. Middle seats make me always tired. Is there any available seat next to the door?) CHECK-IN WORKER: Hold on. Do you speak English? It is one of the requirements to take a seat next to the door. A: 1) , . ( .) (Of course, I do speak English/ Sorry, I cannot speak English.) CHECK-IN WORKER: 1) Ok, then I will give you a seat next to the door. (I am sorry then I cannot provide you a seat next to the door.) A: Thank you. CHECK-IN WORKER: No problem. Could you please put your luggage here? A: . (Ok.) CHECK-IN WORKER: Are these three bags all yours? A: (Yes) CHECK-IN WORKER: One of your bags is overweight. Also, only two bags are allowed. You need to take one of these bags with you. A: , . . (Ah, Ok. I will do take this one) Ok, let me check it first. I am sorry but all aisle seats are taken. Only

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2. On the airplane
Scene 1

A: ? (Could I get a blanket and newspaper please?) FLIGHT ATTENDANT: Ok. FLIGHT ATTENDANT: What would you like to drink, maam? A: ? (Can I get a (glass of) wine, please?) FLIGHT ATTENDANT: Would you like red wine or white wine? A: . ( I would like to have white wine.) FLIGHT ATTENDANT: Here you are. A: Thank you.

Scene 2 Direction: Listen to the announcement and explain the situation Announcement: Hello, passengers at the flight Delta 329 which stops at Welling through Auckland. The departure gate has been changed from the gate D to E. Also, there will be slight departure delay due to unexpected weather conditions outside. Also, it looks like the flight is slightly overbooked so we are offering complementary roundtrip tickets to a few passengers who are willing to take for the next trip. Thank you for your patience.

Whats the situation here? -------------------------------------------------------------------Scene 3 Direction: Listen to the announcement and explain the situation

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome onboard the flight Delta 982 to Boston through Detroit. My name is Jude Lee and I am your captain. Your cabin crew is here to ensure you have an enjoyable flight to Wellington this morning.

In a few moments we will be screening a safety video about this aircraft. You ll also find a Page 5 of 32

safety briefing card in the seat pocket in front of you. We require that you give us your careful attention.

Whats the situation and where is this flight flying to? -------------------------------------------------------------------Scene 4 A: . ? (Excuse me, would it be possible to switch (change) my seat with someone? I would like to sit with my husband.) FLIGHT ATTENDANT: Certainly, maam. For now, please take your seat, and once the plane takes off, Ill help you with that. A: . (Thank you.) -------------------------------------------------------------------Scene 5 Situation: (You found someone who takes your seat.)

A: . . . (Excuse me, I think youre in my seat. May I ask your seat no. please?) B: , ? . . (Ah, really? Let me check my ticket. Oopse, I am sorry, my mistake.) A: . (No problem) -------------------------------------------------------------------Scene 6 Announcement: Hello, passengers. Meals will be served soon. Teriyaki chicken with steamed rice and grilled salmon with steamed vegetables are ready for you today. As our crew pass by, please tell her/him what you would like to have. Enjoy your meal. Thank you.

FLIGHT ATTENDANT: What would like to have for dinner, chicken or salmon, ma am? A: . (Chicken, please) FLIGHT ATTENDANT: Here you are. Enjoy your meal. A: . (Thank you.)

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3. At the airport 2 for entering a country 2:


BORDER GUARD: Welcome to New Zealand. Where do you live? A: . (I live in South Korea/I am from South Korea) BORDER GUARD: Whats the purpose of your visit to New Zealand? A: . ( / .) (I am here for sightseeing/ for attending the seminar/for visiting my friends.) BORDER GUARD: How long to you plan to stay in Wellington? A: 2 . (For two weeks) BORDER GUARD: What do you do back home? A: . . (Sorry, I dont understand. Could you repeat it please?) BORDER GUARD: Uh..your jobwhat do you do? A: , . (I am a government employee/I am a civil servant.) BORDER GUARD: Have you ever been here before? A: , . ( .) (No, this is my first time/Yes, I have been in Christchurch last year.)

CUSTOMS OFFICER: Could you please put your bag on this rail please? A: . (Ok) CUSTOMS OFFICER: Do you have anything to declare? A: , . ? (No, I have nothing to declare. But I bought two bottles of liquor. Is that ok?) CUSTOMS OFFICER: No, problem

4. Information Desk at the airport

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RECEPTIONIST: Hello, what can I do for you? (May I help you?) A: . ? (I need to go to Maryland hotel in Wellington. What number of the bus should I ride?) RECEPTIONIST: Take the number 707 bus at the 12 green stop and get off at the center of Tepapa museum. (He points at the map.) Tepapa museum is here and the bus stop you will get off is here. Maryland is across from the bus stop. You won t miss it. A: , . . ? (Ah, its very close from the bus stop. Thank you. Is there any subway in Wellington?) RECEPTIONIST: Unfortunately, we dont have the subway system here.


RECEPTIONIST: Hello, what can I do for you? A: 24 , ? (I would like to stay around the 24 street. Is there any accommodation with reasonable price?) RECEPTIONIST: What price range do you expect? A: , 30-50 ? (Well, is there any place to stay with 30 to 50 dollars per night?) RECEPTIONIST: The 24 street is very close to the center of Manhattan so its not easy to find accommodation with that price range. How about Riverside hotel? It is only 65 dollars per night. Will it be ok with you? A: , . . (Oh, ok. It will be fine. Thank you.)
th th

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1. At the hotel for check-in /check-out : /


A: , . . . (Hello, my name is Ahn, Dajeong. Ahn is my last name. I have a reservation.) HOTEL CLERK: Certainly, maam. (Checks the reservation system) Yes, would you like a room facing the pool or the ocean? A: ? (Is there a difference in price between the two?) HOTEL CLERK: Yes, the rooms that face the ocean are $100 per night, while the ones facing the pool are $80 per night. A: . (Ok, I will go with the one facing the ocean, please.) HOTEL CLERK: And you would like that for three nights, correct? A: , . (Yes, thats right.) , 5 . (No, I am supposed to stay for five nights.) HOTEL CLERK: Ill have the porter bring up your bags. A: . . (No, thats fine, Ill do it myself.)

---------------------------------------------------------------SCENE 2

HOTEL CLERK: We have you booked in room # 504. A: ? (Would it be ok to see the room first?) HOTEL CLERK: Of course, its upstairs to your right. Heres the key. Page 9 of 32

(A is looking around the room.)

A: , . ? (Well, its a little dark. Do you have any that are brighter?) HOTEL CLERK: Yes, we do have one, but it faces the street, so its little noisy. A: ? (Could I take a look at that one?) HOTEL CLERK: Of course. Its room # 308 and its downstairs to your left. Heres the key.

(A is looking around the room.)

A: . . (That room is perfect. I will take it.) HOTEL CLERK: That will be 100 dollars. A: ? (Do I have to pay upfront?) --------------------------------------------------------------------

2. At the hotel for room-service


(A is calling the front desk) HOTEL EMPLOYEE: Hello, this is Maryland from the front desk. May I help you? A: , ? (I forgot to bring my toothbrush and paste. Can you bring one please?) HOTEL EMPLOYEE: I am afraid so. We no longer provide free toothbrush and paste. A: , ? . (Ah, I see. Then please add it to room charge.) HOTEL EMPLOYEE: Yes, maam.


SCENE 2 Page 10 of 32

(A is hungry. She wants to order some food) HOTEL EMPLOYEE: Hello, this is Joan from the hotel restaurant, Max. How may I help you? A: , ? (I would like to order Caesar Salad now. Is it possible?) HOTEL EMPLOYEE: Yes, of course. The restaurant opens until 11 pm every night except for the weekends. It will take 30 minutes. Will it be ok with you? A: . ? (Ok, its fine. Can I pay with my credit card?) HOTEL EMPLOYEE: No, problem.


3. At the reception desk

A: , . (I cant open the window in my room. It seems to be stuck.) HOTEL CLEARK: Ill get someone to take a look at it. Anything else? A: , ? . (Yes, how much is Welches in the mini bar? I couldn t find the price list.) HOTEL EMPLOYEE: Its $7 a can. We will bring the price list for you now. A: , ? . (Yes, could you tell the people in the room next to us to be quiet at night? They were screaming all night and we couldnt sleep.) HOTEL EMPLOYEE: Absolutely. Ill ask them to keep the noise down. Anything else? A: . ? (No, I think thats itwhat time do we have to check out tomorrow?) HOTEL EMPLOYEE: You will have to leave your room by 12;00 pm. A: , ? (OK. And is there somewhere we can leave our bags until the evening?) HOTEL EMPLOYEE: Yes, you can leave them in our storage room.

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4. Making tour or transportation reservation at the hotel

Scene 1 ( )Reserve the trip for the tour sites you choose

A: . ? Ive heard that Kaora beach is very famous here. Is there any tour program to look around Kaora beach and Pakao cave altogether? HOTEL EMPLOYEE: It sounds a very excellent choice. Let me check the tour program first. Ah, there are two kinds of programs: one nights two days and two nights and three days including BBQ. A: 1 2 2 3 ? What is the difference between 1 night and 2 days and 2 nights and 3days program? HOTEL EMPLOYEE: In the case of one night and two days program you have no free time to explore the sites by yourself and of course no BBQ time. A: , ? What is the price difference? HOTEL EMPLOYEE: One night and two days program is 350 dollars and two nights and three days program is 450 dollars. A: , 100 , 2 3 . . ? Hmm, Only I can pay 100 dollars more for another night stay Then, I will book for two nights and three days program. Could you please give me the brochure? Is it included the timetable or program schedule? HOTEL EMPLOYEE: Excellent choice. Here is your brochure and time table for two nights and three days program. A: . . . Thank you very much. I am very excited. This is my first time to visit New Zealand. HOTEL EMPLOYEE: You will love Kaora beach and Pakao cave. Enjoy your trip. A: , . Yes, thank you very much.

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Scene 2 ( )Choose the sites where you would like to visit after having information from a hotel

A: . . . I havent come to New York before so I would like to know what they are famous here. I haven t set up any tour plans yet. HOTEL EMPLOYEE: Don t worry, Miss. New York is full of exciting places. What are you interested? Do you like plays and performances? Do you like shopping? A: . . I love going to museums and watching plays and performances. Also, I really want to see the statue of Liberty that is very famous in New York. HOTEL EMPLOYEE: Hmm, I strongly recommend Metropolitan Museum and Museum of Natural History. For the plays and performances, you cannot miss the Broadway and off-Broadway. For the statue of Liberty, you need to go to take the line no. 1 and get off at the South Ferry st. You can buy the tickets for the ferry at Castle Clinton. A: . , ? It sounds very exciting. Then, can I have Metropolitan museums and Museum of Natural History brochures? HOTEL EMPLOYEE: Of course, here they are. You can see the public transportation from here to each museum. If you have any question, feel free to ask us please. A: . Thank you.

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1. At the restaurant

Scene 1-- ( )

WAITER: Welcome to our NEXUS restaurant. How many people do you have, ma am? A: 4. We are four in total. WAITER: This way, maam. ( ) (After sitting) A: ? ? Can I smoke here or is there a smoking room? WAITER: Im sorry maam. This is smoking free building. Smoking is only available outside. A: . ? Ah, I see. Is it applied for all places in NY? WAITER: New York city passed the bill that banned on smoking in the public place and indoor space four years ago. A: , . Wow, I didnt know. WAITER: Here is the menu. Todays special soup is mushroom and potato. Chefs special is Caesar salad and tenderloin steak. A: . ( )(look at the menu) Everything looks delicious. WAITER: Take your time. When you are ready, please call me. My name is Jess. A: . . Ok. Thank you. (15 ) (15 minutes later) WAITER: Are you ready to order? A: , . I will take New York strip. B: . Page 14 of 32

I will have seafood cream pasta. C: . I want double cheese burger. D: . ( ) I will have this. (Meat ball tomato pasta) WAITER: (To A) How would you like your steak? A: . I like medium-rare. WAITER: (To B) What kinds of pasta would you like to have? B: ? What kinds of pasta do you have? WAITER: We have penne, bologna, fettuccine, spaghetti, linguine, and gnocchi. B: . I will have fettuccini. WAITER: (To D) What kinds of past would you like to have? D: . I will have gnocchi. WAITER: (To everybody) What would you like for drinks? A: . Can I have red wine? WAITER: Of course, what kinds of red wine would you like to have? We have Sauvingnon, Piont noir, Merlot and Shraz. A: . Merlot, please. B: . I will have diet coke. C: . White wine, please. WAITER: What kinds of white wine would you like to have? We have Chardonnay, and Sauvignon Blanc. C: . I will have Chardonnay. D: . Water will be fine with me. WAITER: Do you want a bottle of water? ( , ) Page 15 of 32

D: , . No, a glass of water is fine. WAITER: No, problem. I will check the menu you order again: For A, medium-rare steak. For B, seafood cream pasta with fettuccini. For D, meat ball tomato pasta with gnocchi. For C, a double cheese burger. Is everything all right? A: , . . Perfect. Thank you. ( ) (After food comes out) WAITER: Is everything ok? B: . . Very good. Thank you.

Tips (Lets try to read food name in English)

Red Wine

Sauvingnon Pinot noir Merlot Shraz

[] [ ]

[] []

White Wine

Chardonnay [] Sauvignon Blanc [ ]

Penne [] Bologna [] Fettuccine [] Spaghetti [] Linguine [] Page 16 of 32

Gnocchi []

2. At the chain-restaurant (such as a burger or pizza restaurant)

EMPLOYEE: Welcome to Burger Queen. A: ( ) stand in front of the clerks EMPLOYEE: How may I help you? A: 1 . Can I have no. 1 with extra cheese and pickles? EMPLOYEE: Its 12 dollars and 50 cents. A: . Here it is. EMPLOYEE: Here you are. Thank you. A: Thank you.


. , . ) I would like to have a burger with extra cheese and minus onions.

Extra .

3. At the coffee shop

EMPLOYEE: Hello, what would you like to order? A: . ( . Short black . .) Can I have a long black? Page 17 of 32

EMPLOYEE: What size do you want? A: ? What kinds of sizes do you have? EMPLOYEE: We have three sizes, short, tall, and grande. You can see the cup size here. A: . I would like to have it in grande. Extra Situation 1 In the middle of eating a meal, WAITER: Is everything alright? A:, . . Yes, that was a really great meal. We loved it. WAITER: Im glad you liked it. Is there anything else I can get you? A: . ? Yes, two glasses of wine (two wines) ..and do you have a dessert menu? WAITER: Certainly. Ill be right back with that. A: . . Oh, and be sure to give our compliments to the chef. The meal was amazing. WAITER: Ill be sure to do that. (After a while) Here you go. A: ? Thanks. Is NY cheesecake good? WAITER: Yes, its very tasty. Our customers usually love it. A: . OK. Bring us two pieces, please. Exra Situation 2 About bad service WAITER: Is everything alright? A: . ? Well, no, actually the meal is a little cold. Could you ask them to heat it up? WAITER: Sure. Ill be right back with that. A: ? Oh, and I asked for a salad, but onion rings came. WAITER: Im sorry about that. Ill get your salad as well. A: 15 . One last thing, I asked for soda about 15 minutes ago. WAITER: Yes, I totally forgot about that. Its a very busy time now.

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(After a while) A: , . Excuse me, Im still waiting for my soda. WAITER: Oh, right! Ill get that for you right away. A: . Never mind. We are leaving. Extra Situation 3 Vocabulary related to Franchise Restaurants

fries (French fries)

coke (coca-cola/soda/soft)

combo meal

onion rings

vending machine

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4. At the bar
BARTENDER: What can I get you? A: ? Hi. What beer do you have on tap? BARTENDER: Fosters, Erdinger, and Miller A: . ? Ill have Erdinger, please. Can I run a tab? BARTENDER: No, youll have to pay as you go. A: . . No, problem. How much do I owe you? BARTENDER: $ 2 dollars, please. A: . . Wow! Thats cheap! BARTENDER: Its happy hour. Draught beer is half price until 8:00 PM. A: ? Great! And do you serve food here? BARTENDER: Only Bar snacks..Would you like some peanuts?

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1. At the outdoor or flea market Shopping A. At the outdoor or flea market
CLERK: Can I help you find something? A: ? Yes, do you have this dress in a bigger size? CLERK: What size are you looking for? A: 6 . 8 . . Size 6But if you have a size 8, I will try it on as well. CLERK: Ok, let me check in the back (comes back) There you go I found the dress in a size 8 A: . ? Thanks. Where are your fitting rooms? CLEARK: Just around the cornerLet me know if you need anything else. (After trying it on) CLERK: So how did that fit? A: . . Not too goodI think I need a smaller size. CLERK: Thats the smallest size we have in that colorWould you like me to look for another color? A: . . No, I like this colorThanks anyway.

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SITUATION 2 STORE CLERK: Can I help you find something? A: ? Yes, does this scarf come in yellow? STORE CLERK: No we dont have it in yellowonly in black, red, and orange. A: , . ? Oh, Ok. And its on sale, right? STORE CLERK: Yes, it is. All our scarves and hats are 20% off today and tomorrow. A: ? And what about the gloves? STORE CLERK: They are normal price. A: . ? These gloves dont have a price tag. How much are they? STORE CLERK: Those are$15.99 A: . ? . Ok, Ill take them. Could you wrap them up for me? They re a present. SITUATION 3 souvenirs A: ? How much are these postcards? CLERK: Theyre 5 for $2. A: . I only need two. CLERK: If you buy them individually, they are $0.50 each. A: . . ? OK. Ill take these two. Do you sell any souvenirs? CLERK: Yes, we do. Weve got some mugs, fridge magnets, and moretheyre right over there. Is there anything in particular youre looking for? A: , . . ? Yes, my mother collects plates with names of cities. Do you have any? CLERK: hmmno we dont. But theres a store just down the street that sells those. A: ? Whats the name of that store? CLERK: Its called Empire State Souvenirs. Its just down the street to your right. EXTRA SITUATION 1 Learn the vocabulary related to souvenirs

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This _____________ is too short.

I need a ______________.

These _______________ are on sale.

Thats a beautiful _____________.

This _____________ is on sale.

Do you sell _______________?

That ________________ is hand-made.

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That ________________ is beautiful.

This _________ is on sale.

I am looking for a __________________.

1. Find the right questions

1) Answer: Its the standard charge for the seat reservation. Question: Why did you charge me 5 more? Did you give me back my change? Do I have to change trains? 2) Answer: No, only regular seats. Question: How much is the ticket? Does this train have sleeper seats? Do I have to change trains? 3) Answer: Yes, its 10% cheaper if you have you International Student Card. Question: Can I get a student discount? Is there a discount for seniors? Is there another train to London today? Page 24 of 32

4) Answer: No, its a direct train. Question: Does this train have sleeper seats? How much is the ticket? Do I have to change trains? 5) Answer: No, well put them in the bus baggage compartment. Question: Did you find my bag? Do I have to bring my bags on the bus? Is this the only bus station in this city? 6) Answer: Yes, there are three stops before the station. Question: Is this the only bus station in this city? Are there any buses going to Charleston today? Does the bus stop anywhere before the central bus station? 7) Answer: Yes, if its not expired youll get 70% of the ticket price back. Question: Can I get a refund (= money back) for an unused ticket? Can I get a discount if I buy my ticket in advance? Do you have a schedule I could look at? 8) Answer: If you buy your ticket one week in advance, it will be 20% cheaper. Question: Can I get a discount if I buy my ticket in advance? Can I get a refund (=money back) for an unused ticket? Do you have a schedule I could look at? 9) Answer: Yes, theres one at 10:00 AM, and another at 5:45 PM. Question: Can I get off before the central bus station? Are there any buses going to Charleston today? Is this the only bus station in town? 10) Answer: No, they leave from Victoria Station. Question: How much is a ticket to Brussels? How long is the trip to Brussels? Do trains to Brussels leave from this station?

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3. Buying tickets

-At the train station

YOU: Hello. I _____________ two tickets to Manchester, please, for the 5:00 PM train. Would buy Would like Would sell CLEARK: First or send class? YOU: Whats the __________________ between the two? Difference in price Different price Cheaper CLERK: First class tickets are 47 each and second-class tickets are 35 each. YOU: Ill take two second-class tickets. Can I buy the __________tickets now as well?

round return back CLERK: If you like When would you like to come back? YOU: Yes, ______________. Second-class as well. can be can do please do

-At the bus station

YOU: Hello. ___________ two tickets to Bosgon, please, for the 5:00 PM bus. Would I purchase Coul I give Could I get CLERK: Sure. Thatll be $100. YOU: Oh, I thought these tickets were _____________? Low Page 26 of 32

On sale So expensive CLERK: They are, but only when you book two weeks in advance. YOU: Ok, no problem Ill take them. How much _________ they were? Did you pay Did you sell Did you say CLEARK: $100. You did want one-way tickets, not round-trip, right? YOU: Thats right. Can I pay by _________? Credit card Credit A credit CLERK: No, Im sorry, we only accept cash. YOU: Ok, could you tell me where the nearest _________ (=cash machine) is? VIP ATM KLM CLERK: Theres one in the bank across the street from here.

-At the dock for a ferry and boat

YOU: Hello. ____________? When can the next ferry to Calais leave When would the following ferry to Calais leave When does the next ferry to Calais leave CLERK: At 10:45. Would you like to buy tickets. YOU: Yes, ____________? How much it is How much are they How much cash CLERK: The tickets are $ 100 each way. YOU: Ok, ___________, please. Well take three Can we give three We can take three Page 27 of 32

CLERK: Are you driving? Or do you have bicycles youll be taking on the ferry ? YOU: No, were _________. No bicycle On foot Walk CLERK: Here are your tickets. Thatll be $300 in total. YOU: (Handing the cashier the money) ___________________. Money Here is Here you go.

EXTRA SITUATION 1 1) I dont have my ________________ identification card. ( .) 2) I dont have any _________. Can I pay by credit card? ( , ?) 3) I ____ my ticket. ( .) 4) I _______ my train. ( .) 5) We cant find the ________ that our train leaves from. ( ,) 6) Are the __________ occupied? ( ?) 7) I asked for a __________ seat because I like to sleep on trains. ( , .) Page 28 of 32

8) My window wont close _______ (=all the way). Can you fix it? ( . ?) 9) Why is there such a long _________? ( ?) 10) Im hungry. Is there a restaurant ______ on this train? ( , ?)

4. At the gas station

GAS STATION ATTENDANT: What can I do for you. YOU: Fill it up, pleaseHey, ______________ is Philadelphia from here? 1) how long 2) how far 3) where GAS STATION ATTENDANT: Its about 100 miles from here. YOU: Whats _______________ to get there? 1) the best way 2) best 3) a way GAS STATION ATTENDANT: Take the 95. That will take you all the way to Philadelphia. YOU: Thanks. Is the 95 a ___________ highway? 1) paying 2) toll 3) cash GAS STATION ATTENDANT: No, its free. Would you like me to clean your windshield? YOU: Yes, pleaseAnd could you check my __________ as well? 1) oil 2) liquid 3) container GAS STATION ATTENDANT: All rightAll done. Thatll be $46.75. YOU: Here you go. _________________ 1) Keep the money Page 29 of 32

2) Keep it for yourself. 3) Keep the change.


1) I got a flat ________________________ 2) This isnt the car I _____________ online. 3) I ______________ my keys in my car. 4) I ________ out of gas. 5) I got into an _______________ 6) My car is making a lot of _____________ 7) My battery is _____________ 8) Can you give me a __________? Can you help me recharge my battery? 9) I dont have an international drivers ______________ 10) I never drive when Im _______________.

1. Reservation for the hospital
DOCTOR: What seems to be the problem? YOU: I havent been feeling well..I have been ___________ (=vomiting) for the past 12 hours. 1) throwing 2) discharging 3) throwing up Page 30 of 32

DOCTOR: I see And do you have a fever? YOU: Yes, I checked my _____________ two hours ago. It was 101 (35.5C) 1) tab 2) temperature 3) payment DOCTOR: HmmmSounds like you got food poisoning. Does your body feel sore? YOU: Yes, my body does __________ a little. 1) pain 2) cash 3) hurt DOCTOR: OK. Im going to prescribe an antibiotic Penicillin YOU: Im ____________ to PenicillinCould you prescribe another one? 1) allergic 2) sick 3) reacting DOCTOR: Oh, Ok. Ill prescribe another oneTake one pill every six hours, drink plenty of water, and stay in bed for the next 24 hours. YOU: Thank you, doctor! Where can I buy __________? 1) this pill 2) these pills 3) some medication DOCTOR: Theres a pharmacy right next to the clinic.

2. At the hospital
EXTRA SITUATION 1 1) I lost my _________________ (glasses/glass) 2) I have a _____________ (fever/heat) 3) I need to _____________ (refill/redo) my prescription. 4) I feel ________________ (dizzy/unclear) Page 31 of 32

5) Her face is _______________ (swollen/larger) 6) My husband got a bad ___________ (sunburn/roast) 7) I have been_________________ (coughing/cough) all night. 8) My son feels ___________ (better/good) thank he did yesterday. 9) My daughter has been ____________ (vomiting/releasing) for four hours. 10) I think I _______________ (sprained/stained) my ankle. 11) My wife got a __________(rash/red) on her arm.

12) I __________ (injured/pained)=(hurt) myself skiing.

Emergency 1. Call 911 911

OPERATOR: 911, what can I do for you? YOU: . OPERATOR: Are you in a safe area now? Where are you at? YOU: 123. OPERATOR: We are just sending cops. Are you hurt? YOU: . . OPERATOR: Wait a little bit. Cops will be there really soon.

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