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HCA 465 Spring 2013

Lab Assignment: Correlation and Regression Name: Stacey Kim

You have a lab assignment which is worth 10% of your grade so make sure you do well in it. It is NOT a group assignment and so turn in individual work. Important: Please do not share your work as all those in question will be penalized heavily. The assignment is due by start of class next lab class. Place the assignment in the Correlation and Regression DROPBOX in BeachBoard. You do not have to print out the answers. All computers on campus have SPSS for Mac and PC. Here are some additional instructions on what to do for the Lab Assignment. 1) Download the SPSS dataset SURVEY4ED.sav and the codebook. Save them on your flash drive or computer. 2) Download the question sheet (Correlation and Regression Assignment) and have your answer(s) below the corresponding question(s). 3) When you do the analyses, copy and paste the results (tables or graphs) from SPSS onto Microsoft Word. (Right click -> copy -> paste in MS Word). 4) If you have questions send me an email or stop by during office hours. Please, be very specific with your question(s).

See questions on next page

HCA 465 Spring 2013

Lab Assignment: Correlation and Regression Name: Stacey Kim

The following assignment is based on the SURVEY4ED.sav data set. Download the SURVEY4ED.sav file from BeachBoard. Open up SPSS, find the dataset where you saved it, perform analysis, and answer the following questions. You will need to use the codebook, which is available on BeachBoard. Problem: You have been assigned to Perceived Control of Internal States Scale (PCOISS) of participants. You believe the Total Perceived Control of Internal States Scale (Tpcoiss) of participants depends on their total mastery (Tmast) score and total self-esteem (Tslfest) score. 1) Which variable(s) is/are the independent variable and which is/are the dependent variable? - Independent variables: total mastery (Tmast) score and total self-esteem (Tslfest) score - Dependent variable: total perceived control of internal states scale (Tpcoiss) 2) Create a scatterplot of the dependent variable and each independent variable. Is there a linear relationship between the dependent and independent variables?

HCA 465 Spring 2013

Lab Assignment: Correlation and Regression Name: Stacey Kim

Yes there is a linear relationship between the dependent and independent variables

3) If so, would you characterize the relationship as positive or negative? State the linear regression coefficients (r). - I would characterize the relationship as positive. 4) Are there any outliers? If so, how many? - Yes there is one outlier on total perceived control of internal states scale and total self-esteem scatterplot 5) Perform a linear regression analysis to predict the Total Perceived Control of Internal States Scale (Tpcoiss).

HCA 465 Spring 2013

Lab Assignment: Correlation and Regression Name: Stacey Kim

Descriptive Statistics Mean Total PCOISS Total Self esteem Total Mastery 60.63 33.61 21.76 Std. Deviation 11.985 5.432 3.970 N 430 436 436

Correlations Total PCOISS Pearson Correlation Total PCOISS Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson Correlation Total Mastery Sig. (2-tailed) N 430 .531** .000 430 .521** .000 429 436 .550** .000 434 436 1 Total Self esteem .531** .000 430 1 Total Mastery .521** .000 429 .550** .000 434 1

Total Self esteem

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

a. Based on the descriptive statistics what are the mean scores for the total perceived control of internal states scale, total mastery, and total self-esteem? Total perceived control of internal states scale mean: 60.63 Total mastery mean: 21.76 Total self-esteem mean: 33.61 b. What is the linear correlation coefficient of the independent variables on the dependent variable?

HCA 465 Spring 2013 -

Lab Assignment: Correlation and Regression Name: Stacey Kim

The linear correlation coefficient of the independent variables on the dependent variable is 0.000 c. Write down the linear regression model that can be used to predict the total perceived control of internal states scale.


Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients


B (Constant) 1 Total Mastery Total Self esteem a. Dependent Variable: Total PCOISS 12.664 .978 .791

Std. Error 3.134 .139 .102

Beta 4.041 .325 .358 7.028 7.752 .000 .000 .000

Y = 12.664 + 0.978x + 0.791x d. Is the regression model adequate for predicting the total perceived control of internal states scale? Why or why not?

Model Regression 1 Residual Total

Sum of Squares 22106.518 39100.116 61206.634

df 2 426 428

Mean Square 11053.259 91.784

F 120.426

Sig. .000

a. Dependent Variable: Total PCOISS b. Predictors: (Constant), Total Self esteem, Total Mastery

The regression model is adequate for predicting the total perceived control of internal states scale because the significance level is less than 0.05. Therefore, it is reliable. e. What percentage of variation in the total perceived control of internal states scale can be predicted by the regression equation?
Model Summary


R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate





a. Predictors: (Constant), Total Self esteem, Total Mastery b. Dependent Variable: Total PCOISS

HCA 465 Spring 2013

Lab Assignment: Correlation and Regression Name: Stacey Kim

36.1% f. Assume John Doe (22 years old) has a total mastery score of 23 and a total self-esteem score of 31. Predict the total perceived control of internal states scale. Show your work. Y= 12.664 + 0.978(23) + 0.791(31) = 59.679

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