PR - April 24, 2014

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News Release April 24, 2014 References: Bayan Muna Rep. Neri Colmenares, 0917 !"04"9

As intl survey shows overwhelming colonial mentality in PH #$ AN% A&#'N( A%M'N #$'N) C(*(N'A* M+N,A*',- .(R A+%C A//R(0A*1BA-AN M#NA
Bayan Muna Rep. Neri Javier Colmenares today said that the 2013 Global Attitudes ro!e"t o# e$ Resear"h Center in %ashin&ton sho$in& that '( per"ent o# the )ilipinos polled said they had a #avorable vie$ o# the *nited +tates is a &larin& proo# o# more than a "entury o# "olonial mentality and distorted history o# hilippine and Ameri"an relations. ,-t is also very sad and opportunisti" that the *+ and A.uino administration are usin& "olonial mentality to the hilt to push #or the approval o# the A&reement on /nhan"ed 0e#ense Cooperation 1A/0C2. As the polls sho$ it seems that most )ilipinos #avor Ameri"a more than Ameri"ans themselves34 said the senior deputy minority leader. 5he survey also sho$ed that ninety per"ent o# the )ilipinos thou&ht the *nited +tates &reatly in#luen"ed their "ountry6s a##airs3 #ollo$ed by the 7enyans 1'( per"ent23 the Bra8ilians 1'3 per"ent23 and the +outh A#ri"ans 199 per"ent2. Colonial mentality in the hilippine "onte:t is the belie# that anythin& Ameri"an is superior to anythin& lo"al and anythin& "an be a"hieved $ith supposed Ameri"an benevolen"e and support. ,5he *+ and the A.uino administration are ma:imi8in& "olonial mentality or the &eneral pro;Ameri"an stan"e o# many )ilipinos $hi"h resulted #rom de"ades o# distortin& history startin& #rom the hilippine;Ameri"an $ar3 to the supposed benevolent assimilation and to the "urrent *+ aid in the "ountry. 5his is a very hard stru&&le to $a&e "onsiderin& that this has been in&rained even in our edu"ational system and ma&ni#ied by the media3 this "an only be "ountered by laun"hin& a massive edu"ation "ampai&n $hi"h is nationalist3 s"ienti#i" and mass; oriented34 said the senior deputy minority leader. ,- #ully a&ree $ith <inan&an n& 7ulturan& ilipino6s board member Julie o in her assertion that $e must instil patriotism in our "ountrymen espe"ially our "hildren. %e must learn and re;learn the lessons #rom our "ountry6s history and see i# indeed the *+ is our ally. As it is ho$ "an the *nited +tates prote"t us #rom China $hen more than hal# o# *+ bonds are held by the Chinese= %ill the *nited +tates3 #or our sa>e3 do anythin& that $ill ris> the do$n#all o# their e"onomy= )or that matter3 $ill the *nited +tates do anythin& #or any other "ountry i# it $ill not serve their interests=4 he as>ed. ,%e must also study and populari8e the lives o# our national heroes li>e those o# Jose Ri8al3 Andres Boni#a"io3 /milio Ja"into3 Mel"hora A.uino3 Apolinario Mabini3 and many more $ho #ou&ht "olonial +pain and imperialist Ameri"a durin& the turn o# the 21st "entury34 said the pro&ressive solon. ,As the revolution intensi#ied then and even as a bun"h o# leaders surrendered3 e:"han&in& arms #or money. As Manila $as le#t the only stron&hold o# the +panish #or"es3 the *nited +tates entered the s"ene and o##ered to ,help4 )ilipino #reedom #i&hters to deal the +paniards the #inal blo$. Mabini had the insi&ht and #oresi&ht to be $ary o# Ameri"a6s motives. 5rue enou&h3 the *nited +tates laun"hed its sava&e $ar o# "on.uest as soon as the +paniards le#t. 5andan& +ora and Mabini $ere e:iled to Guam #or re#usin& to pled&e alle&ian"e to the ne$ "on.ueror3 the *nited +tates3 the very same "ountry the present administration is as>in& prote"tion #rom a&ainst Chinese in"ursion today34 added Rep. Colmenares. ,%e must learn #rom Mabini that $e must assert our "ountry6s soverei&nty3 be"ause it is only $e as a people $ill "are #or her &reatness and nobility. ?er independen"e is our o$n "om#ort and #reedom@ her &reatness $ill deliver us our needs@ her nobility is our o$n &lory3 providin& us a de"ent li#e to the end. %e must learn history so as not to "ommit the mista>es o# the past. -t is only $ith this belie# that $e "an "ombat "olonial mentality3 truly be independent and proud o# our history34 ended Rep. Colmenares. AAA .or more informa2ion, please con2ac2: CAR* A*A /u3lic 'nforma2ion (fficer 0917"1104"9

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