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What is the X?
Kineo eXe is an eLearning authoring tool that can be used to supplement your online course by creating lesson modules or it can be added to a website to create a training modules website.

URL to the X webinar

The X Step-by-Step Instructions

How to Create a Lesson How to Add a Quiz How to Export the Lesson How to Import the Lesson

How to use the X - Instructional Applications

Education o Lesson Modules o Online Class Activities o Online Class Games Corporate World o Lesson Modules o Training Modules

How do I download Kineo eXe in Google Chrome? How do I download Kineo eXe in FireFox? What is an LMS?

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Kineo eXe.

X Agenda
1. The X-Breaker 2. The X-Welcomes You 3. The X-Objectives 4. The X-Presenters 5. The X-Webinar Materials 6. The X-Demo 7. The X-In Corporate 8. The X-In Education 9. The X-Embedded 10.The X-Trip 11.The X-Closing

The X Breaker
Audio check with hosts Welcome Slide What is her problem? Matisse, who knew? Who would you rather be?

The X Welcomes You

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Kineo eXe.

The X Objectives
Verbalize what Kineo eXe is Use the iDevices included in Kineo eXe Develop a basic lesson plan or workshop List a variety of uses for Kineo eXe

The X Presenters
Melanie Melvin Fabricio Velez Naomi Wahls

The X Webinar Materials

The X Organizer

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Kineo eXe.

The X Site

the X Demo
The X Commercial

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Kineo eXe.

The X Demo

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Kineo eXe.

The X Menu Options

It contains: File, Tools, Styles, and help.


contains options for Opening previous content you have worked on, Saving content, Exporting content as a Web Site or SCORM package, or Merging a previously authored package into the package you are currently working on

launch the iDevice editor, or select the language Tools (preferences) that you would like to use eXe in, or refresh the display (if eXe seems to stop responding) Styles select a style for your content Help information to report a bug or learn more about eXe

The X Outline Pane

It contains the tools to help you structure your lesson/project.

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Kineo eXe.

The X iDevices
These are the instructional devices that help you develop the learning content.

The X Authoring Window

It displays the editable areas in the iDevices templates selected.

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Kineo eXe.

the X in the Corporate World

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Kineo eXe.

Choose a Google Art picture

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Kineo eXe.


the X in Education

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Kineo eXe.


How to Create a Lesson in the X

PC users: Open Kineo eXe by double-clicking your new shortcut on your desktop

OR selec Kineo eXe from the Start Menu

MAC users:

OR select eXe from applications and then select eXe

Open Kineo eXe by double-clicking the Kineo eXe icon in Applications under Finder

2. You should now see Home page for Kineo eXe

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Kineo eXe.


3. To change the color scheme, click Styles and select an option from the drop down menu:

4. Select the Properties tab and update: the course or lesson title Upload a picture by clicking Load Image and selecting an image on your computer Author Description Footer
*You can use any browser to download Kineo. We recommend using a browser that works on both MACs and PCs.

Taxonomy levels (topic, section, unit)

You will want to select Update Tree (if you updated the taxonomy) and apply to update the properties.

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Kineo eXe.


5. Click the Authoring tab and Home to begin your lesson.

6. Double click an option under iDevices, such as Free Text

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Kineo eXe.


7. Type in the text box and select the green check mark when you are done OR the red x if you wish to delete the free text section from the page.

8. Select add page to add another webpage. It will default to be below the page above it.

9. You can move the positions of the pages with the arrow keys: Promote section up

Demote section

Move section up/down at the same level

Congratulations! You have successfully created a lesson in Kineo eXe

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Kineo eXe.


How to Add a Quiz in the X

1. To add a true-false quiz, you will want to select a page or create a new page. Then double click true-false question.

2. Edit the quiz by typing in the text boxes

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Kineo eXe.


3. Select the green check mark when you are done OR the red x if you wish to delete the free text section from the page.

Congratulations! You have successfully added a quiz to your lesson in Kineo eXe!

the X embedded

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Kineo eXe.


How to Export a Lesson in the X

1. To export the lesson, click File, Export, Website, Self-Contained folder

2. Select a location on your computer for the files

3. Find the file folder and open the folder. Double click the file called index.html

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Kineo eXe.


This will have opened your course or lesson in a webpage from your desktop.*

*Opening the webpage from your desktop will not create a public website. If you would like to use this in a website, upload all the documents in the exported folder and point the website to the index.html file.

Congratulations! You have successfully exported your lesson from Kineo eXe!

How to Import a Lesson in the X

1. Open your eCollege course. This will open your course to the Course Home page in Course Mode

2. Click Author to switch to Author Mode

3. Click File Manager

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Kineo eXe.


4. Click Add Folder

5. Name the topic folder

6. Click Add Folder, again.

7. Select your new folder

8. Click Upload Files

9. Click browse and find your files on your computer.

10. Make sure Unzip .ZIP file is checked.

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Kineo eXe.


11. Click Upload File

12. Select the menu header where you want your lesson, tutorial, or module.

13. Type in the Text Box

14. Click Save Changes

15. Highlight your text that you wish to replace and click the Add Web link button on the tool bar

16. Make sure link to content or files is selected and click continue

17. Click select Content from Course Folder and add your text to display

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Kineo eXe.


18. Select index.html file and click Add Link 19. Click save Changes.

Congratulations! You have successfully imported your lesson from Kineo eXe into eCollege!

Should the X be with education or the corporate world, or both?

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Kineo eXe.


the X Trip

The X Closing
Lets Talk about the X

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Kineo eXe.


Sum up the X
Lets sum up the X in Google Docs!

Please take the X Survey

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Kineo eXe.

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