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Jill Tash I am attempting to break a pact you made, and I understand the position this letter may provoke.

But I cant wait around as your friend for things to go my way again, for such a prized individual as yourself there is not enough time and I truly do feel as if this is my last shot. We talked about love yesterday, and I do agree that love is not really a thing; it is not graspable to rational humans who will never understand it. But people do have feelings, and all I felt today was a sickness knowing that I likely lost you, in spite of my belief that I could never truly have anyone. I tend not to care about missing out on experiencing others, why chase them when they arent chasing me? But there is, at least in my mind, so much left unexperienced from such a desirable individual I have become affected by a bitter residue of memories that are already starting to dissipate. 6.019 I acted incorrectly and now our paths have separated in a way that I dont see them ever reconnecting, unless I change the inputs I have portrayed. My actions were futile and misleading, behavior I tend to exhibit to protect myself, but you deserve better and I needed better to be with you. I could not regard our interactions with any enjoyment if I was to let the world behave as it will without these words, heres hoping I can change our paths. I would like one more shot on top of the 15 I have already had, but no one deserves so many. Im not asking to interact as I tried the last 5 wasted months (I didnt think they were wasted till now). I tried befriending you and taking no risks, but that was cowardly of me, and now due to my past actions the only way I see escape is threw this jumble of words. I was not even sure what I was asking of you when I first wrote this letter, but presently the only way I can rationalize my feelings is that I wish to lay claim on your persona. I dont wish to use such a term of ownership when thinking about our potential interactions, but I dont have any other words Jill, Im free this Tuesday through Thursday but Wednesday would be best for me, if you want to do anything involving my company Id love to spend more time with you. But if we are to meet again I will ignore the fact that you are with another at times. When Im with you I want to act in all aspects of a relationship, I could not restrict myself to being your friend. . I want to reveal more than I have shown to have wanted and I want more than I deserve. My offers finally out there, and I will do little more. 5.828 Im deeply appreciative of what I learned from our interactions; maybe next time I get a voluptuous lab partner I wont act the fool, if not for myself maybe for you.


P.S. I wanted to write something along the lines of swim away from me back to big sea little fishy, but the cuteness was too much excitement for me to put that thought coherently

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