Reflective Lesson Plan 1

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Claflin University School of Education - - - EDUC 450 Reflective Lesson Plan Model Name: Marquetta Strait PART I: PLANNING
Context Clues / Research for Black History Month Is this lesson original idea? If not, from what source did I borrow this lesson?

Date: January 24, 2014

Title of Lesson


Some of this lesson was borrowed from the following website: My lesson on context clues is supported by a PowerPoint presentation that was created for my students.

Subject Area (s) Grade Level

English Language Arts/ Writing 4th Grade Reading:

Curriculum Standard(s) 4-3.1 Generate the meaning of unfamiliar and multiple-meaning words by using
context clues (for example, those that provide an example or a definition). Writing: 4-4.4 Use grammatical conventions of written Standard American English, including subject-verb agreement; past, present, and future verb tenses; conjunctions. (Grade level conventions). 7-6.8 Design and carry out research projects by selecting a topic, constructing inquiry questions, accessing resources, and selecting and organizing information. What will students experience during the lesson? What is the agenda for the lesson? What is the content to be taught?

Description and Background Information

Reading: The students will be able to experience implementing reading strategies to decode unfamiliar words. The agenda for the lesson is to teach the four types of context clues: synonyms, antonyms, explanations, and examples. The four types of context clues will be thoroughly explained to increase students comprehension. The students will then practice using these strategies to determine the meanings of the unfamiliar words through many activities. The information that we will is using decoding strategies to determine unfamiliar or multiple-meaning words.

Writing: The students will be able to experience conducting their mini research projects. They will randomly select an African American historian and find information from a variety of sources on their historian. They will then write a descriptive paragraph. The agenda for the lesson is to model how the final paragraph is supposed to be written. To aid the students on their writing, the students will receive a biography report worksheet. This will allow students to write the necessary information about their historian. What will I need to teach this lesson? participate? What do students need to


Reading: The teacher will have a PowerPoint presentation for the content, audio speakers for playing a video on context clues, a graphic organizer worksheet on context clues, Rags to Riches (an interactive game on context clues), and worksheets to extend learning. The students will need a pencil and their Language Arts journal to complete their bell ringer. Writing: The students will have biography report worksheets. After they have edited and revised their information, they will then write their historians information on a Valentines heart. What will students be able to do at the conclusion of this lesson? Write measurable objective(s).

Lesson Objectives

At least 95% of my students will be able to identify context clues in a given text to define unknown words or phrases. Reading: Students will be able to use multiple strategies in order to determine the meaning of unfamiliar and multiple-meaning words in their readings. Purpose: Context clues are very important because their comprehension and effective usage leads to students academic success. They can increase students vocabulary, reading comprehension, and make children better readers. Writing: Students will be able to use proper grammar and explain how other innovators have influenced their lives and others.
How will I vary these objectives for students who do not understand the material?

Varying Objectives for Individuals Needs

For students that do not comprehend the lesson, I will identify appropriate times to use certain strategies. I will then have the class to name and explain the characteristics of the five types of context clues: synonyms, antonyms, explanations, affixes/prefixes/suffixes, and examples. If someone says an incorrect response, I will ask the class to rename and explain the characteristics. How will I vary these objectives for students who have already mastered the concept?

I will provide more examples so that students can use context clues in their reading. I will then have students create a word, incorporate context clues, and share with the class. The class will then review their sentences to develop a meaning for the unfamiliar words. How will I vary these objectives for students who are presently learning English? For students that are learning English, I can explain to them the four types of context clues. I will use graphic organizers to show how students can use context clues strategies to determine the meaning of unknown words. I will also teach students that they should underline key words that would aid them in their investigation.


How will I find out what students already know about this topic?


I will question what students do when they come across words that they may seem unfamiliar. What will I do to make a connection between students and this lesson? I will read Andrew Clements Frindle. This is a book about a young boy that learns some interesting information about how words are created,


suddenly he's got the inspiration for his best plan ever...the frindle.
What will I say to explain the importance of learning this lesson? The purpose of this lesson is to show how the knowledge that we learn in the classroom can be applicable and transferrable in the real-world. What will I do to show students what is expected?

Statement of Purpose

Teacher Modeling or Demonstration

I will provide examples of words that may seem unfamiliar and strategies that I can use to break down the text. I will also use think alouds to convey to my students to ponder on the word. Ex: Hmmm...I read the word barren and I'm not sure what that means.

Let me take a look around see what I can learn from the clues the writer left for me.
What will we do together as they learn how to succeed at the new task? Together, we will view passages that have unfamiliar or multiple-meaning words. We will then underline, on the StarBoard, essential clues. What will I ask to know if students understand so far? List questions. What will I do throughout the lesson to determine if students understand the information? List activities/techniques or describe the strategies that you plan to use. Questions: 1. 2. If the answer is ______, how were you able to come to that answer? After reading the question, what made you omit these answer choices?

Guided Practice

Checking for Understanding



Raise your hand if you agree with that answer?

Strategies: 1. On your worksheet, write the definitions for simile, metaphor, and hyperbole. Work within your group to identify each examples characteristics. If there is a disagreement amongst your group on your answer choice, prove to your group why it is the correct choice and identify the characteristics of your answer choice.


What will students do to internalize the knowledge?

Independent Practice

The students will be given some time to respond to questions on figurative language on the PowerPoint presentation. What will students do to demonstrate what they learned during the lesson? If an assessment is used, attach a copy. If using an authentic assessment, attach a copy of the scoring rubric. The students will complete a group work assignment, which will be a worksheet. The worksheet will be in a form of a chart that will require the students to place a definition for each figurative language that has been covered and placing the examples in the appropriate place. How will I conclude the lesson and relate it to future experiences?



I will conclude the lesson by giving the students a ticket out the door activity. Ticket Out the Door Activity: Corina dislikes reading, but she must read a story for class. Her novel was just getting good before she came to a word that she did not know. Corina wants to give up on reading the novel. As Corinas guardian angel, what advice can you give her to determine the unknown words? What can students do at home or in the classroom to apply the knowledge or skills? What will you do to connect the lesson with the home, community and community agencies?

Extension Activities

Homework: The students will complete a worksheet that focuses on context clues. How is technology meaningful to this lesson? How do you plan to use implement student used technology during the lesson? The PowerPoint presentation, Context Clues game, What activities do you plan to implement to connect your lesson across the curriculum to all 7 content areas? English: The students will create poetry using examples of similes, metaphors, and hyperboles. Math: Social Studies: The students will be assigned to a group and they will create a song that represents the French and Indian War, which will consist of examples of figurative language. Science: After creating a science fair project, the students will go through their scientific information and identify similes, metaphors, and hyperboles. P.E.: The students will do a clapping exercise/activity before introducing the lesson.

Technology Connections Across the Curriculum

Art: The students will draw a picture representing a simile, metaphor, and hyperbole. Music: Music will be incorporated into presentation and played as a timekeeper during the group work.


Describe the strengths of your instructional techniques, strategies and classroom management. Describe the strengths of student engagement.
Although I was not able to teach my lesson in its entirety to my first class, I was able to teach the entire lesson to my second class. Being that this is an afternoon class, the students did not seem to be motivated. I decided to increase the students motivation by making the content relatable and including some humor. The students loved my lesson and were eager to answer questions and give their opinions. My lesson was filled with a variety of examples that focused on context clues (i.e. written examples, an interactive game, and a diary filled with silly words.) I believe the students really enjoyed the interactive game, Rags to Riches, the most. The game was similar to Who Wants to be a Millionaire. The questions included context words, and as a class, the students had to use substitution to select the best answer choices. At the end of the lesson, I distributed a sticky note to each student for a closure activity. The students were to respond to the purpose of knowing antonyms and synonyms. Afterwards, the students were to place their responses on my Ticket Out the Door board. At the end of the school day, I read through the class responses. Many students sai d that it was important to comprehend antonyms and synonyms in order to determine unknown words.


Describe the weaknesses of your instructional techniques, strategies and classroom management. Describe the weaknesses of student engagement. Although the students were interested, there was not enough time to do the full lesson.

Suggestions for Improvement

What would you change when teaching this lesson again?

After teaching my lesson, it is important that I continue to use proper time management. There will be times that one class may lag behind the other due to meetings or distractions, but it is still my responsibility to get my students to comprehend the content.

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