Frequently Asked Questions For WAAM-SLAM 2

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Frequently Asked Questions for WAAM-SLAM II


What is WAAM-SLAM II? Wellesley Academic Action Movement-Siblings Leading Action for Multiculturalism II is a student movement modeled after the original WAAM-SLAM in 2001, where a group of students organized around the hiring of full time advisors for students of Asian and Latin@ descent, respectively, more academic programs and a multicultural space. WAAM-SLAM II is a continuation of that student movement in 2001 while adding new demands, as outlined in the "Transformative Justice and Education Bill". Was Dean Lynchs home phone accidentally called? Yes, unfortunately 3 students accidentally got through to Dean Lynchs home phone. The call campaign took place on April 12-13 and the purpose was for students to leave voicemails for deans on their office voicemail. Dean Lynchs number was taken from Wellesley directory where it was listed as the campus number. We were not aware that this was her home phone number. After we realized that that this point, take aggressive measures to bring transformative justice and education to Wellesley College. As members and supporters of WAAM-SLAM 2, we pledge to act nonviolently to bring forth institutional change to Wellesley College. Where did these demands come from? These conversations have taken place since 1966 during student-led movements asking for increased enrollment of students of color and an advisor for these communities. There are also records of letters addressed to the administration within our own college archives from then until most recently in 2013. Many demands derive from the original WAAM-SLAM movement in 2001, including the establishment of a physical multicultural space that were left. These discussions have been in progress for 48 years! For further questions, please email

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