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What is BYOD?

Bring Your Own Device is a policy many school districts are implementing where students can bring their own personal electronic device to school. The students device can access the internet securely as a guest on the schools wireless internet. -your-own-device-byod-8-tips-from-the-field-for-a-successful-byod-adoption/

A Teachers Guide

A device can be personally owned laptop, tablet or smart phone with the ability to access the internet. See the examples below.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is a growing trend in education today. This guide will help teachers to learn more about the

facts and concerns of BYOD.

Teachers have many concerns about BYOD.
BYOD will cause students to be distracted. BYOD helps students to become more engaged and connected in classroom instruction and activities. Teachers should establish rules for the use of devices in the classroom and consequences for inappropriate use. As students learn how to use their own devices, the are more apt to use them for educational purposes.

Bring Your Own Device does not deepen the digital divide between students with and without technology. It is not practical to prohibit students with personal devices from bringing them and using them at school. Students who do not have personal devices have greater access to technology devices at school because there are less students competing for these devices.

Teacher Concerns:
BYOD will cause students to be distracted. Teachers have to be experts in using technology for BYOD to work. Lessons have to be created for the weakest device. BYOD deepens the digital divide.

BYOD increases internet safety concerns.

When students bring their own device, they are the experts of their technology in the classroom. The teacher can then focus on the educational uses of technology.

Teachers do not

BYOD Safety
Teachers should work with students to teach them about digital citizenship and safety in using technology. Students should hold each other accountable for their safe use of technology. There should be clear consequences for inappropriate use. Students need to learn safe use of their personal device to prepare them for life in todays digital world.

have to create
lessons for the weakest device. Although devices are different, they provide access to

almost all of the

same technology.

To catch the reader's attention, place an interesting sentence or quote from the story


Evernote is a note taking application. Notes can be typed, uploaded or added by a voice recording, which can all be combined or used individually. All the notes are saved to a cloud so they can be accessed from a computer, smart phone or tablet. Teachers can share their notes, videos or images on Evernote and students can access it and add their own notes.

Technology to incorporate learning with BYOD.

Socrative is an app that allows teachers to poll the class and receive immediate responses. A teacher could ask a question as a pre-assessment, post-assessment, to collect background information, check for understanding or as a reflection. A teacher could have a short quiz on Socrative about the causes of the Civil War. The students complete the quiz and receive immediate feedback on answers while the teacher receives the class results which identifies areas that need improvement.

Google -in-the-classroom-how-to-get-it---part-1.html

Google has mastered the management of digital information. Students can access multiple Google sites with BYOD. Google calendar can track assignments. Google Docs or Google Drive is used to work on word processing. Google Maps or Google Earth can be used for geography. Google Hangouts is used for collaboration. Numerous other options are available from Google depending on the digital need.

Edmodo is a free app with a website that is a secure social learning platform for teachers and students. Students and teachers can collaborate and share content. Students can access homework, grades, assignment calendar and school notices. In a chemistry class, a teacher an add a video about chemical reaction and students have to complete a poll about the outcome.

Study Boost
Study Boost allows teachers to create batches of questions that students can review and answer via text messaging or instant messaging. Students can study anywhere they have their phone or texting capability. Teachers can tailor the questions to meet the needs of the students.

Remind 101
Remind101 is a free and safe way for teachers to text their students as well as parents. The teacher can send a one way text to students to remind them about homework, projects or upcoming school events. A teacher could send the class a text during the class asking a challenging question about the lesson.

Ideas on how to use BYOD in your classroom.

Character Text
Polling the Class:

To embrace the spirit of Twitter, students can write 140 character summaries of the characters in Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet. After reading a portion of the story, the students will use their phones to reply to a free text poll sent by the teacher using Poll Everywhere. Students can also reply via the website. The character text answers are displayed on the board and can be discussed together as a class.

It is easy to poll the class and get instant feedback from students with BYOD. Teachers an create a poll to ask the class questions in any subject. Results are anonymous encouraging honest student feedback. What were the causes of the American Revolution? What is the correct answer to a chemical equation? What is the definition of a key vocabulary word? What is the third step of a geometric proof? Polls can be used to ask student opinions about controversial topics with anonymous feedback.

Using Podcasts
Students can listen to an educational podcast on their mobile device. The podcast can be paused or replayed to help students to learn at their own pace. A social studies class could listen to a podcast on the two party political system from The American Experience at

Using Edmodo in Science

This lesson uses Edmodo to help engage student learning. The class watches a short video about photosynthesis. After the video, the students use their devices to write notes about the video in the Edmodo site. The teacher then shows the notes on the board for the class to see and discuss. Next the students have to write one question with the correct answer for a class quiz. After all students submit their questions, the class will take the quiz on Edmodo about photosynthesis. -learning/279-byod-learning-in-21st-century

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