Pep Setengah Tahun 2014 p1

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Diagram above shows a hazard warning symbol. A substance labeled with this symbol A B C D burns easily gives out harmful rays causes damage to the skin and eyes upon contact causes the skin to itch or become sore upon contact hich of the following statement is true about mi!tures" A #i!tures are formed by chemical reactions. B $he physicals properties of a mi!ture are different from those of its constituents. C $he different types of particles in the mi!ture are mi!ed in a fi!ed proportions. D #i!tures can be broken down into simpler substances by using physical methods. & ( )



$he diagram above shows the structure of an animal cell. correct labels for &' ( and )" & cytoplasm Cell membrane Cell membrane nucleus Object ( Cell membrane *ucleus Cytoplasm Cytoplasm Density ( g/cm3)

hich of the following are

A B C D +.

) *ucleus Cytoplasm *ucleus Cell membrane

, / 0

-.. 2.% +.1

hich of the following ob2ects will sink in a li3uid with a density of 1.1g4cm%" 5 55 555 A B C D , / 0 5 and 55 only 5 and 555 only 55 and 555 only 5' 55 and 555

Which of the following hazard symbols is used for concentrated ammonia?

The diagram shows Organisms that live in water. X and Z have chloroplasts but W and do not have chloroplast

! # $ % '

X" and Z can move but W cannot. W has a cell membrane but X" and Z do not. W and Z are unicellular but X and are multi cellular. X and Z can ma&e their own food but W and cannot.

Which of the following organs !" #" $ or % is a part of the respiratory

system ?

The diagram shows li)uid * and + do not mi,. +olid X and different level as shown in the diagram.

float at

Which one of the following statements is false ? ! # $ % . -i)uid + is more dense than solid . +olid X is more dense than li)uid +. -i)uid * is less dense than li)uid +. +olid X is less dense than solid .

/n the diagram" both balloons are balanced. When one balloon in diagram0a1 bursts" the result is shown in diagram0b1.

What is the inference that can be made from the result ? ! # $ % 2. The table below shows the +./. units of three physical )uantities. 3hysical )uantity Temperature -ength 4lectric current Which of the following represents 3" 5 and *? !. #. $. %. 2. 3 $elcius &elvin &elvin $elcius 5 centimetre metre metre &ilometre * volt !mpere 6olt ampere +. /. unit 3 5 * !ir has mass. !ir occupies space. #alloons can be filled with air. !ir can diffuse through the walls of the balloon.

The diagram shows a microscope.

What is the function of the part labelled X? !. to control the amount of light. #. to place a specimen for observation. $. to reflect light from the light source. %. to change the position of the ob7ective lens.


The diagram shows the blood circulatory system in a human body.

Which of the following are its8 functions? /. To transport o,ygen to all parts of the body. //. To dispose unwanted carbon dio,ide from the body. ///.To carry waste materials to the &idneys. !. #. $. %. (. / and // only / and /// only // and /// only /" // and ///

The diagram shows the stages of human cell organization. $ell Tissue 3 +ystem

Which of the following are e,amples of stage 3? !. #. $. %. .. 2 cm +tomach" &idneys" s&in" nose +tomach" ovum" lungs" brain 9idneys" sperm" uterus" s&in -iver" ears" heart" platelets

What is the estimated area of the leaf in figure above? !. 2' cm: #. 2( cm: $. 2. cm:

%. 2; cm:

1. $he diagram above shows a plant cell. hich are the structures that are not found in an animal cell" A & and ) C ( and ) B & and 6 D ( and 6 2. $he scientist who discovered cells was A Carl 7ewis C B 7ouis &asteur D )obert 8ooke Ale!ander 9lemming

J = &ut the epidermal layer onto the drop of water on the glass slide. K = &ut a drop of water on a clean glass slide. L = &ut a few drops of iodine solution on one end of the cover slip. M = >se a needle to lower a cover slip onto the epidermal layer. %. $he steps above are used to prepare an onion cell slide. hich of the following is the correct se3uence of the steps" A :;7# C ;:7# B ;:#7 D 7;:# Cell $issues $ 6ystem hich of the following is an

+. $he diagram above shows the human cell organisation. e!ample of $" A 8eart C 9rog B Blood D 6perm


hich of the following is true about the above organism"


5t is a multicellular organism 5t is made up of only one cell 5t does not contain chlorophyll 5t cannot be seen by using a microscope


hich of the following apparatus is used to measure a fi!ed volume of a li3uid" A Beaker C &ipette B Burette D #easuring cylinder


hich comparison between mass and weight is correct" Mass Weight A 5nfluenced by the force of gravity *ot influenced by the force of gravity B #easured in newtons #easured in kilograms C #easured by using a lever balance #easured by using a spring balance D 5ts value is not always the same 5ts value is always the same .. hich of the following is not a matter" A Air C 7ight B 6oil D ater

@. $he diagram shows an oscillating pendulum. A complete oscillation would be fromA A () C ()(& B &() D &()(& 1-. hat is4are the suitable apparatus used to measure the diameter of a ping=pong ball" A A measuring tape C A ruler and a piece of thread B An internal calipers and a ruler D A ruler and two wooden blocks

11. $he diagram shows the rise in volume of water when . dices of the same size and mass were dropped into a beaker of water. 9ind the volume of one dice. A % cm% C ? cm% % B . cm D 2+ cm% & B riting a report ( B #aking a conclusion ) B 5dentifying the problem 6 B Collecting data 12. &' (' ) and 6 are steps in a scientific e!periment. hich se3uence is correct" A &' )' 6' ( C )' 6' &' ( B )' &' 6' ( D )' 6' (' & 1%. 5f the mass of an astronaut on Carth is 1- kg' what is his mass on the moon" A - kg C 12 kg B 1- kg D +2- kg

$he diagram shows the skeletal system of the human body.

A B C D 1+.

hich of the following is the function of the skeletal system" $o help the body to move $o produce reproductive cells $o enable gas e!changes to take place $o support the weight of the body and protect soft organs 7ight ater

hich of the following is not a matter" A Air C B 6oil D


hich of the following is responsible for the different characteristics of ice' water and steam" A $he size of the particles C $he mass of the particles B $he number of the particles D $he arrangement of the particles

1?. $he table shows four substances &' (' ) and 6 with different densities. Substances Density (gcm-3) & -.2+ ( -.@2 ) 2.16 1@.2% hich of the following will sink in water of density 1 gcm=%" A & and ( C ) and 6 B & and ) D ( and 6 11. hich of the following is not an application of the concept of density" A A ship floating in the sea B An airplane flying in the air C 7ogs being transported by rivers D A submarine floating and sinking in the sea

1.. 5t is easier to compress a gas than to compress a li3uid because A gas is lighter than li3uid C li3uids have bigger particles B gases have bigger particles D the particles of a gas are further apart

1@. $he diagram shows two types of organisms. about the organisms"

hich of the following statements are true

5 Both are unicellular organisms 55 Both carry out all the life processes 555 Both are made up of more than one cell A 5 and 55 B 5 and 555 C D 55 and 555 5' 55 and 555

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