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Compeuuon rogrammlng and

roblem Solvlng uslng

(of course) yLhon
uhruv 8aldawa
AbouL Me
8.L. CompuLer Sclence from unlverslLy of
CSoCer 2011 and 2012
nauonal Cyber Clymplad Cold medalllsL 2007
CurrenLly worklng aL LnLhoughL, lnc.
Why ls solvlng dlmculL ?
Lhe daLaseL ls Loo large Lo be lLeraLe even
Lhe complexlLy ls huge or very bad
or 8C1P !!
WhaL Lhls Lalk covers
Memory ManagemenL
Common problems
LlsL forms v/s lLeraLor forms
1lme ManagemenL
Chooslng Lhe correcL daLa sLrucLures
rollng ups
Memory ManagemenL
!"# %& %' %()*+',-' .
MosL of Lhe common compeuuons requlre
you sLore and compuLe large amounLs of daLa.
8unnlng ouL of memory llmlL ls preuy
1here ls always" a way Lo lmprove memory
consumpuon of your program.
Common roblems
when you run ouL of memory, buL Lhe slLuauon
can sull be rescued (by deleung cerLaln ob[ecLs)
when Lhe resulL of an arlLhmeuc operauon ls Loo
large Lo be represenLed
LlsL forms v/s lLeraLor forms
LlsL forms
beuer Lo sLore and re-use resulLs of compuLauons
use lf you wanL Lo perform llsL operauons, where
you need Lo sLore enure llsLs
consumes much more memory
only prefer when a real llsL cannoL be avolded
all Lhe elemenLs are generaLed/lnluallzed aL once
LlsL forms v/s lLeraLor forms
lLeraLor forms
lazy and on-demand generauon of values
very low memory consumpuon
very useful when you only need Lo work wlLh Lhe
value aL hand
cannoL sLep backwards
cannoL sklp or [ump forwards
Lhey are scalable and memory-frlendly and used
where real llsLs are noL requlred
LlsL forms v/s lLeraLor forms
range v/s xrange[2]
llsL comprehenslons v/s generaLor expresslons
funcuons v/s generaLors
lmporL lLerLools
lLerLools module provldes a seL of fasL,
memory emclenL lLeraLors
provldes fasL lmplemenLauons for common
[obs llke producL, permuLauons, comblnauons
lLerLools documenLauon
lmporL lLerLools
lmporL lLerLools
1lme Cpumlzauons
chooslng Lhe rlghL daLa sLrucLure
chooslng Lhe rlghL approach
chooslng Lhe rlghL daLa sLrucLure
!"#$ &'()'#**+', -(''. #/(01 12+ 3($+4
5(($ &'()'#**+', -(''. #/(01 $#1#
,1'0310'+, #6$ 12+7' '+8#9(6,27&,4:

--Llnus 1orvalds
uaLa SLrucLures ln yLhon
don'L re-lnvenL Lhe wheel. use Luple, llsL, dlcL,
seLs, as Lhey are coded ln C and hence are lAS1
for membershlp LesLs use dlcL/seL [C(1)] lnsLead
of llsLs/Luple [C(n)]
use collecuons
Cueue operauons llke pop(), lnserL() are beuer ln
collecuons.deque [C(1)] Lhan llsLs [C(n)]
use blsecL, heapq for sorLed llsLs
lmporL collecuons[4]
cachlng resulLs from prevlous procedure calls,
and uslng lL dlrecLly
lf a funcuon call reLurns Lhe same value when Lhe
same seL of argumenLs are passed, Lhen lL can be
memolzed !

def memoized_function(value):
if value in cache:
return cache[value]
cache[value] = compute(value)
return cache[value]
CollaLz Con[ecLure[6]
f(n) = n/2, lf n ls even,
= 3n+1, lf n ls odd

lor example:
f(4) = 4 -> 2 -> 1
f(3) = 3 -> 10 -> 3 -> 16 -> 8 -> 4 -> 2 -> 1
Mulupllcauon problem
Muluply Lwo numbers assumlng Lhere ls no
mulupllcauon operaLor avallable
Cn unlx machlnes, you can slmply:
ume pyLhon
pyLhon -m crole
Cn lyLhon, you can use:
umelL my_expenslve_funcuon()
1. hup://
2. hup://[usundalley.blogspoL.ln/2011/09/pyLhon-range-vs-xrange.hLml
3. hup://
4. hup://
3. hup://
6. hup://[ecLure
7. hup://
8. hup://
9. hup://

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