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SLCC Genetic Disease Schizophrenia Essay 1

Schizophrenia Oscar Medrano Salt Lake Community College

SLCC Genetic Disease Schizophrenia Essay 2 Abstract The purpose of this Essay is to inform the reader about the Genetic disease Schizophrenia and its signs and symptoms, its causalities or factors, which trigger the disease. It also states those who are at most risk as well as how to treat it. In order to better educate the reader so that they may be able to utilize this information in helping a family member or close relative who may have it or even for the reader him or herself.

SLCC Genetic Disease Schizophrenia Essay 3

Schizophrenia Growing up with a Schizophrenic parent this subject touched a more personal note. My mother was diagnosed with the disease when I was younger they had found her talking to invisible people on the swing set at a park in her underwear. We were too young to understand but as I grew older I came to want to know what this disease was. Schizophrenia is still an ongoing research topic that is elusive us as far as its origin. It has been known as unknown etiology(National Institute of Mental Health, 2013 pg. 24). Schizophrenia is brain disorder with unknown origins, it affects about 1% of the population (National Institute of Mental Health, 2013) Research states that men are more likely to receive the gene carrying the disease. There are two different kinds of symptoms, positive and negative. Positive Symptoms are behaviors that involve hallucinations seeing things that arent there, hearing voices, and affecting other senses. Delusions, with the afflicted feeling thoughts of grandeur believing they are somebody more important or even fantasizing they are Superman, not only this but the afflicted may even hold thoughts of paranoia or feeling like people are out to get them. Schizophrenics may even have trouble getting their thoughts organized and even have difficulty getting people to understand them. Another symptom may be that the Schizophrenic will repeat a certain movement over and over in a catatonic state. (National Institute of Mental Health, 2013) Negative Symptoms may be more internal and may not be detected. They may mimic depression making it hard to diagnose. The person may speak with a

SLCC Genetic Disease Schizophrenia Essay 4 monotone voice Flat effect, lacking the motivation to go out and do things and even being shy. (National Institute of Mental Health, 2013) There are subtypes of Schizophrenia and are in no way set in stone, one may have one type and then proceed to have a different type as time goes on. Disorganized, Paranoid, Residual, and Undifferentiated. ( 2013 pg 1) Disorganized Schizophrenia is when the person cannot seem to get their thoughts organized and their speech may suffer for it. Their actions are disorganized and inappropriate for the current situation. Paranoid Schizophrenia patients may have hallucinations seeing things that arent there and have other senses affected as well such as smelling, and hearing. Residual Schizophrenia is more at a later stage when previous positive symptoms seem to stop and may never return. The last is the catchall of Schizophrenia it is an Undifferentiated type this type may have a little bit of everything. ( 2013) There are many factors that go into how one receives the disease or even the triggers that brings on the onset of Schizophrenia. Research has shown that both genetics and environmental factors are both needed to have the onset come on. Though your immediate family may have the disease there is a 10% chance that you will receive it, higher if youre a twin(International Journal of Mental Health 2013, pg 6). Recent research states that having the disease in your genes though does not mean it will show up there are environmental factors that are needed to trigger the disease such as social isolation, childhood trauma, any other form of

SLCC Genetic Disease Schizophrenia Essay 5 trauma such as losing your parents at such a young age (Rosenfarb, 2013). Stress may even cause the disease to rise from its dormant state. Prenatal risk factors may be linked to stress on the fetus, and infections or viruses the mother receives (International Journal of Mental Health page26). Inadequate Folate level, a well-known cause of neural tube defects, has also been associated with an increased risk for schizophrenia(International Journal of Mental health page 25). Hypoxia, or a reduction of oxygen, is an obstetric complication that has been related to a diagnosis of schizophrenia later in life (International Journal of Mental health page28). There are medications however that may help the symptoms subside but there is no cure as far as we know. These medications include Risperidone, Olanzapine, Quetiapine, and other anti-psychotics (National Institute of Mental Health 2013, pg 9). The problem with these is that not only do they only treat the symptoms but also the side affects create a problem for some. This may create drowsiness, skin rashes and even blurred vision (National Institute of Mental Health 2013). Educating the family may help make the Schizophrenic feel more support and love at home, making it easier for them to cope with the disease. Overall the disease and its origin are still undergoing much research. Researchers are still trying to find the gene that ties in with the disease. By educating parents of signs at an early age they may be able to prevent severe symptoms from arising in their children.

SLCC Genetic Disease Schizophrenia Essay 6 References U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National Institute of Health, Schizophrenia (2013); International Journal of Mental Health vol. 42 no. 1 spring (2013); Irwin S. Rosenfarb, The Psychological Record (2013) 63, 929-946; 2013.

SLCC Genetic Disease Schizophrenia Essay 7

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