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-n completion of this activity you will be able to describe the characteristics of a DC motor and generator.
The pack includes P1 of the assess ent criteria for !TEC "ational # Electrical Technolo$%

The manufacture and construction of a DC motor is the same as the DC generator. The only difference is that the generated emf is greater than the terminal voltage in a generator, whereas in a motor it is less than the terminal voltage. Main Construction of DC Motor/Generator The main assembly parts of any dc machine are shown below,
ARMATURE PARTS Teeth Conductors Commutator STATOR PARTS ole iece !ield "inding

Yoke Stator oles !ield "indings #rmature #rmature Core #rmature "inding Commutator

Steel ring called a Yoke to which the magnetic poles are fixed. !itted to the yoke and house the field windings. Comprising many turns of conductor to form an electromagnet. $otating part mounted in bearings. %aminated cylinder of iron with slots cut to house the winding. &ultiple turns of conductor to form electromagnet. Copper segments used to connect armature windings to brushes.
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&indin$ Connections There are three main styles of winding connections used in a dc machine. /i0 /ii0 /iii0 Shunt wound machines have the field winding connected in parallel with the armature circuit. Series wound machines have the field winding connected in series with the armature. Compound wound machines use both series and shunt windings.




There are two styles of armature windings1 i0 ii0 "ave, providing two parallel paths between brushes irrespective of number of poles. %ap, as many parrallel paths as the machine has poles.

"ave wound generators produce high voltage low current output. %ap wound generators produce low voltage high current output.


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'OAD C(ARACTER)ST)CS Shunt &ound Motor 2n the shunt wound motor the field winding is connected in parallel with the armature therefore the field flux is constant so the speed is constant. #rmature reaction weakens the field slightly when under heavy load due to heavy armature current which gives an upward slope to the current 3 tor4ue curve. Since E n , if the flux is constant then n E , therefore as armature current and volt drop increase, the speed will reduce, thus the speed 3 tor4ue curve droops. Separately excited shunt motors are used where a steady speed is re4uired.

Shunt !ield

#rmature Circuit DC S7 %Y

speed 5 and current I

23T 53T

tor4ue T


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Series &ound Motor 2n the series wound motor the field winding is connected in series with the armature across the supply therefore the field current is also the armature current. -n no8load the current is small therefore the machine speed will be high. #s the load increases the current and flux will increase and so the speed will reduce.

#rmature Circuit DC Supply

23T speed 5 and current 2


tor4ue T

This characteristic provides a high tor4ue at low speeds and is therefore ideal for electric vehicles, trains and starter motors. Series motors are also used to drive fixed loads such as fans. The load must not be removed as the load current and hence flux will reduce causing the speed to increase to a very high level. This will cause permanent damage to the motor due to large centrifugal forces on the armature windings.


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Co pound &ound Motor The compound wound motor has both series and shunt field windings. The shunt winding is present to restrict the no8load speed to a safe value, however by varying the number of turns on both the shunt and series windings a combination of characteristics to suite almost any application. There are two types of compound wound motor1 Cummulative compound, Differential compound, in which the series winding is so connected that its field assists that of the shunt field. in which the series winding is so connected that its field opposes that of the shunt field.

Compound wound motors can be referred to as either 9long shunt. or 9short shunt. .

Shunt !ield

Shunt !ield

#rmature Circuit DC Supply *lon$ shunt+

#rmature Circuit DC Supply *short shunt+

speed 5 and current 2



tor4ue T

Compound wound motors are used for heavy industrial duties particularly where sudden heavy load changes can occur such as lifts, pumps, presses conveyors, hoists etc.


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U")T ,- . E'ECTR)CA' TEC("O'OG/ #SS2:5&;5T 5o. , of ' < &;T=-DS 7S;D T- $-D7C; ;%;CT$2C2TY Date Set0 Sept '66> Set 1%0 Checked 1%0 S Dacey # :regory

To 1e co pleted and returned 1%0 5ovember '66> 2n order to obtain a PASS grade you must complete the following1 Criteria !rief0 Describe the characteristics and principles of operation of a DC generator. TAS2 13 4P1a56 Sketch the circuit diagrams and load characteristics of the three main configurations of DC motor3generator, (Shunt, series and compound). TAS2 -3 4P1156 Describe the motor principle in terms of force on a current carrying conductor.

Criteria !rief0 Describe the characteristics and principles of operation of an #C generator, (alternator). TAS2 73 4P-a56 Sketch the circuit diagrams and load characteristics of wound rotor alternator system, (include excitation windings). TAS2 73 4P-156 lot the #C waveform produced from a rotating vector.


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!AC2 EM8 4E6M686 Generated in ar ature5 "hen the armature in a DC motor rotates its coils cut the field flux generating an emf that opposes the supply, known as back emf. The back emf is e4ual to the supply voltage @ minus the volt drop in the armature circuit.
E = V I a Ra

Aack emf,

= I a Ra

= E + I a R

#rmature circuit volt drop,

Supply voltage,

Aack emf,

E = V ( I a Ra )

Shunt !ield

KEY TASK A BACK EMF # DC motor operates from a ''6@ supply. 2f the armature resistance is 6.,B and armature current is (6# determine the back emf produced.



DC Supply @oltage V

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DC MOTOR START)"G DC motors produce a starting tor4ue at standstill and are therefore self starting. #s we have seen the armature circuit of a DC motor has a very low value of resistance, /tenths of -hm.s0. #ssume that we have a DC motor with an armature circuit resistance of 6.,B and switched directly to a ')6@ DC supply. #t the instant of switch8on the armature will be at standstill therefore the back emf /;0 will be Cero. !rom the emf e4uation, Starting current,
V = E + IaR I = V E Ra 250 0 = 2500 A 0.1

Such a high starting current would cause damage to the armature and will certainly trip the circuit breaker. To overcome this a resistance must be inserted in the armature circuit to limit the current at startup to a safe value. KEY TASK B - STARTING CURRENT # ,)D" DC motor operates from a ((6@ supply and has an armature circuit resistance of 6.') ohm. Determine a0 the running current of the machine and b0 the starting current. Comment on your results.


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KEY TASK C RUNNING CURRENT # '.)D" dc shunt wound motor operates from a ')6@ supply and draws a current of ,(# at full load. 2f the armature resistance is 6.( ohm and the field resistance is ,?6 ohms determine a0 the armature current and b0 the back emf. Comment on your results and the effect of back emf on the running current.


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8ACE P'ATE STARTER The basic face plate starter consists of a tapped resistance and a spring loaded operating handle. #t startup the handle is in the off position and the full resistance is in series with the armature. #s the handle is moved across the face of the starter the resistance is taken out of circuit. The handle must be moved gradually to let the motor pick up speed to allow an increase in back emf which in turn will limit the armature current.
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-ff Spring loaded -perating =andle 5o @olt Coil F

DC Supply -verload


Protection Circuits 95o @olt. coil is energised by the field current and forms an electro magnet this 9holds8in. the spring loaded handle under normal operation once in the 9-n. position. 2f there is a loss of field current then the magnetic flux will cease and the spring will return the operating handle to the 9-ff. position. 2n the case of an overload situation the high current will cause sufficient flux in the 9-verload coil. to short the supply to the no8volt coil and reducing its flux to Cero hence releasing the operating handle to the 9-ff. position.

KEY TASK D FACEPLATE STARTER # ,6k" DC motor has an armature resistance of 6.,B and is connected to ,66@ DC supply. Determine a0 the direct on8line starting current, b0 the series starting resistance re4uired to limit the start current to twice the rated running value.


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SPEED CO"TRO' O8 A DC MOTOR 8ield Rheostat


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2f a variable resistance is connected in series with the shunt field of a DC motor the field current, and hence magnetic flux can be varied by variation of the resistance. This resistance is called a field rheostat. The speed of a DC motor is inversely proportional to the field flux, thus variation of field current will act as a speed control for the motor.


!ield $heostat

DC Supply

Shunt !ield

Di9ertor Resistance 2n a series motor it is not practical to connect a resistance in series with the field due to the high current of this circuit and the adverse effect on tor4ue. Two methods of field control are possible with the series motor, ,. '. 7se a shunt8connected resistance called a divertor. 7se a tapped field.

The divertor resistance is used to carry part of the field current, variation of this resistance controls the field flux hence motor speed. The lower the field flux the higher is the armature speed.

DC Supply




Divertor in parallel with Series !ield

Ay using a tapped field and varrying the number of turns in the field winding we can varry the ampere8turns which in turn varies the field flux and hence the motor speed.


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DC Supply 2#

Tapped Series !ield

Shunt &ound The speed of a shunt wound motor n

V I a Ra

The speed of a shunt wound motor can be varied either by variation of the field flux or armature resistance. @ariation of the field flux is achieved by using a variable resistance /shunt regulator or rheostat0 connected in series with the field winding. #s the resistance is increased the field current and hence the flux is decreased resulting in a speed increase. Series &ound Speed control of a series wound motor is achieved by a0 field resistance or b0 armature resistance. The speed of a series wound motor is given by1


V I a Ra

where k is a constant. Thus a reduction in flux causes an increase in speed. This is achieved by connecting a variable resistance in parallel with the field winding thereby reducing the field current 3 flux hence increasing the speed. The parallel resistance is known as a diverter.



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#rmature reaction is the effect that the magnetic field produced by the armature current has on the magnetic field produced by the field system. 2n a generator armature reaction results in a reduction of output voltage and in a motor armature reaction results in increased speed. !itting compensating windings into the pole faces can overcome this effect. !rush Position The effect of armature reaction is poor commutation resulting in sparking at the brushes. To overcome this effect the brush position is set against the direction of rotation in a motor and with the direction of rotation in a generator. The natural position of the brushes is at +6 to the main field and is known as the Gmagnetic neutralH axis. #t this position there is no emf induced into the conductor immediately beneath the brushes.

;ffect of #rmature $eaction on Arush osition a. &agnetic field due to oles. b. &agnetic field due to #rmature. c. $esulting magnetic field.

)nterpoles #rmature current depends on the load therefore the amount of distortion due to armature reaction is variable. Since it is not possible to alter the brush position as the load changes a set of poles are placed between the main poles called 25T;$ -%;S and connected in series with the armature. The magnetic effect of the interpoles is to reduced the distortion of the field and improve commutation.

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Arushes are used to provide an electrical connection to the rotating part of the motor, #rmature in a DC machine or "ound $otor in an #C machine. The brushes must, ,. &aintain an uninterruptable contact with the commutator or slip rings. '. Carry the full load current. *. =ave a wear rate that does not wear the commutator or slip rings.

!rush Materials There are many grades of brush but they all fall into the categories listed below, (ARD CAR!O" =aving a high co8efficient of friction this material has a tendency to wear the mica insulation and copper commutator. They are mechanically robust and long lasting but their low electrical and thermal conductivity restricts their use to moderate speed low current machines. Some incorporate a proportion of graphite to assist in lubrication. "ATURA' GRAP()TE # soft material having good natural lubricating properties and a co8efficient of friction less than carbon. Arushes made of this material are silent running have long life and are suitable for high speed machines. E'ECTRO.GRAP()TE ;lectro8:raphite is formed from carbon by heating in an electrical furnace producing a brush which is soft but very tough. =aving a low co8efficient of friction and high current carrying capabilty this material is suitable for severe operating conditions, ie high running speed, heavy overloads and mechanical shock. META'.GRAP()TE &etal8:raphite is a combination of copper and graphite in varrying proportions. The graphite reduces the rate of wear and the copper providing increased mechanical strength. =aving a low co8efficient of friction and low electrical resistance this material is used for low voltage high current DC machines, ie engine starter motors, vehicle electric motors and switch gear contacts.


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Shunt "ound &otor ;xample. # )66@ shunt wound motor has a field winding resistance of *66 and an armature resistance of 6.(. 2f the current taken from the supply is *6# calculate the back emf produced by the armature.

30A 500V RA=0.4

I = I A + IF and I A = I IF IF = V 500 = = 1 .6 A RF 300

IF M IA 300

I A = 30 1.66 = 28.4 A E = V I A RA = 500 ( 28.33 0.4) = 500 11.36 = 488.6 V

5-T;I 2f the back emf e4ualled the supply voltage then no current would flow in the armature and the motor would not start.


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T-$J7; Consider the e4uation for the DC motor supply voltage @,

V = E + IaR

2f we multiply this e4uation by the armature current 2a we get the power e4uation,
2 VI a = EI a + I a R

2 "here the term @2a is the total electrical power supplied to the armature and I a R is the power loss due to armature resistance, the difference between these 4uantities EI a is therefore mechanical power developed by the armature.

2f T is the tor4ue in newton metres then the mechanical power developed in watts,

T = 2nT
and since EI a also describes the mechanical power, then and tor4ue
T = 2nT = EI a T= EI a 2n

The emf ; generated by the armature is,

2 nT = EI a = 2 p nZ Ia c


2 pnZ c

=ence Tor4ue
T= 2 p nZ Ia 2 nc p Z Ia c newton metres


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DC GE"ERATOR DC generators are classified according to the method of excitation1 i0 Seperately excited,

ii0 Self excited. # seperately excited generator has its field winding connected to a source supply outside the machine. # self excited generator gets its field supply from the armature of its own machine.



Termina l @oltage V

"hen a load is connected across the armature terminals1 Current ia will flow. Terminal voltage @ will be reduced from its open circuit /no load0 value due to the p.d. caused by the armature resistance $a.
V = E ia Ra

Terminal @oltage,

or generated voltage

E = V + i a Ra

;xample (. Determine the terminal voltage @ of a generator which develops an emf ; of (66@ and has an on load armature current ia of ')# and armature resistance $a of 6.(B. Terminal @oltage,
V = E ia Ra = 400 ( 25)(0.4) = 400 10 = 390 volts


!ield "inding

;xt. Supply


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;xample ). # generator having an armature resistance of ,B when connected to a )6B load develops a current of ,'#. Determine a0 the terminal voltage @, and b0 the generated emf ;. a0 Terminal voltage,
V = ia R L = (12)(50) = 600 volts

b0 :enerated emf,

E =V + ia Ra = 600 + (12)(1) = 612 volts

#lso induced emf,

E = B l v

where A K flux density, l K length of conductor and v K velocity of conductor. #lso flux density,
E =


flu area


E =

l v a

Since for a given machine both 9l. and 9a. will be constant and v is the rotational speed in rev3sec, 9n.. "e can say that

E n

2f the speed is changed fron n, to n' and the flux changed from L, to L', then the back emf will change from ;, to ;'. Therefore

E" n = " " E! n!!


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