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Mapua Institute of Technology

Architectural Essays and Reviews

ASSIGNMENT: Architectural Criticism
Can any architecture built and inhabited in the tropics not be tropical? The point of initiation for most of tropical architecture is the climate. The modern tropical architecture has been an adaptation of modern trends and materials used in design and construction to the climate and the lifestyles originating from the tropical climate. This leads to an exploration of open and semiopen spaces, verandahs and balconies, natural light and ventilation and, open plans. However, the city and the modern lifestyle wrapped around modern technology do not always encourage such natural living. Strong bree es and natural ventilation welcome in hot humid conditions, means that, it brings in dust together with that, some materials deteriorates have a negative effect on high tech electronic e!uipment and fungi might grow faster destroying them. "hat is tropical architecture then? #s it $ust a representation of %tropical& features, or, buildings responding to the %Tropical 'ifestyles&? "hat is then the tropical lifestyle in a modern (sian city and what would be the tropical architecture of the future?
The Bonifacio Global City in Taguig has become a premier business district in the country. Dubbed the Bonifacio High Street, a kilometer-long boulevard of greenery lined with novel retail and office centers is one of the newest commercial areas at the Bonifacio Global City BGC!. The Bonifacio "igh #treet marries business and leisure with an impressive lineup of welldesigned office spaces, and over $%& retail shops and restaurants that are envisioned to boast the latest in creative concepts. The Piazza at Serendra is a place where amenities are nestled in a lush tropical landscaping that provides both wide, open spaces and private nooks for personal space. ' suburban feel is granted by how two-thirds of the entire #erendra development has been dedicated to greenery and open spaces. 'nd finally, e(clusive amenities and a uni)ue retail promenade ensure that urban conveniences are but a few steps away.

You are ex ected to develo an architectural criticism on either !oni"acio #i$h Street or %ia&&a at Serendra' (ased on one o" the "ollowin$ themes)

1. Interpretation of Modern Tropical Lifestyle in an Asian mega city 2. A Breathing Space in the ne commercial centre
*hile doing your criticism, take the following steps as a guide+ #tudy the design of the buildings and development including its layout plan, floor plans, sections and elevations. ,nterview the users and if possible, interview the architect Do background research to find out the concepts involved and the approach to design Develop a thesis a point of view! based on your selected theme. Develop a line of reasoning to strengthen your thesis by taking the design of the building and the development as an e(ample and discussing various aspects of it.

Mapua Institute of Technology In your criti*ue' you could com lement and a$ree with the desi$n as a re resentation o" your selected theme' and develo a line o" reasonin$ to stren$then it' or' you could disa$ree or *uestion it on the (asis o" your own line o" reasonin$) Either way' your criticism should (e well reasoned out)

Critical Essay
The essay based on your architectural criticism, should be word rocessed on letter si&e white a er and should be not less than +,-- words. -ou are e(pected to include ma s' lans' drawin$s' hotos and s.etches to support your theses. ,t should have a cover a$e' re"erences and be stapled or bound on one side. The essay should (e written individually)

!"e !ate of #inal $ssay% Monday& 1'th !ecem(er& 2)1*

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