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Part 1: Grammar 1. Hes just gone out (Pre-intermediate) a). Analysis of Meaning: He was here, but left a short time ago. Just short time ago (Murphy Raymond, English Grammar in Use, Intermediate, Cambridge University Press, 2003) b). Conveying Meaning: My husband left his office 10 minutes ago. I called his office now. His secretary said, Hes just gone out. c). Checking meaning: Is my husband at office now? (No) Was he at his office a short time ago? (Yes) Did he leave a long time ago? (No)

d). Form: Hes just gone out Present Perfect Simple with just In the present perfect, just comes between the auxiliary verb (have) and the past participle. He + has + Just + gone out Subject + has/have + time adverb+ past participle+out e). Phonology: Hes just gone out Has is contracted to s /Hi:z/ Students might not say the contracted s. they might just say he and not say hes. Hes just gone out / Hi:z dst n at /

2. If only I hadnt said that (Upper intermediate) a). Analysis of Meaning: I have said something that I regret saying. Now I wish I had not said it. If only is used to talk about regrets-things we would like to change about the past or the present. If only is used to say that we would like things to be different (Swan Michael, Practical , Oxford University Press, 2005) b). Conveying meaning: My friend and I went shopping yesterday. My friend asked me for my opinion on how she looked in a dress. I told her she looked fat in it. My friend got upset with me and is not talking to me now. If only I hadnt said that my friend looked fat in the dress, then she would still be talking to me. c). Checking meaning: Did I say something that I shouldnt have? (Yes) Do I regret it now? (Yes) Did it happen in the past? (Yes)

d). Form: If only + subject + had not + Past participle + that e). Phonology: Had not is contracted to hadnt. Students might not say the contracted form. I will drill hadnt chorally and individually. If only I hadnt said that. /f nli a hd()nt sed t/

3. I used to find the local food too hot, but now Im used to it (Intermediate) a). Analysis of meaning: If a person is used to something, it is familiar, he or she has experienced it so much that it is no longer strange or new. Analyse and contrast: I used to find- in the past I found the local food too hot. In the past I did it regularly but not anymore Im used to it- Im accustomed to it. At present Im comfortable with the food. It is not strange or new anymore. b). Conveying meaning: Teacher: I have been living in Oman for 6 years. I love trying new food. In the beginning I used to find the local food too hot. But now Im used to it and enjoy it.

c). Check meaning: I used to findDid I find the local food too hot in the past? (Yes) Do I find the local food too hot now? (No) Did I find the local food too hot once or many times in the past? (Many times) Im used to itAm I talking about the past or present? (Present) Do I find it easy to eat the local food now? (Yes) Am I accustomed to the food now? (Yes)

d). Form: I used to findSubject + used to + infinitive + verb base I m used to Subject + be + used to+ infinitive

e). Phonology: Used to find Weak form of 'to' /tu/ I used to- /a just tu fand / Im used to it I am is contracted to Im. Students might not say the contracted Im. They might just say I. Drill Im chorally and individually. / am just tu t /

Part 2. Vocabulary 1. a library (Elementary) a). Meaning Analysis: A building or room containing collections of books, magazines, and sometimes films and recorded music for people to read, take home for sometime or refer to. b). Convey meaning: Show students photo of a library.

source: Ask students what they see in the room. Elicit- room with lots of books. Ask students how are the books kept? Elicit on shelves or neatly organised. I would give a brief concrete situation: My daughter loves reading. She loves spending time in her school library, which has many books. She likes the way the books are neatly organised on shelves. If she likes a book she brings it home to read and returns it to the library after reading it. c). Checking Understanding: Can the library be a building or a room? (Yes) Are there many books and magazines? (Yes) Do people bring books home or buy books from the library? (Bring books home)

d). Form:

Library is a noun. Plural form of library is libraries. Collocations Public library, School library, British library, University library, Central library. Staff working at a library are called librarians. e). Phonology: Library

The one r sound following close upon another is particularly vulnerable to the process of dissimilation the tendency for neighbouring like sounds to become unlike, or for one of them to disappear altogether. So students might pronounce library as dissimilated (la b ri) or (la bri) or a third dissimilated form (la br i) ( Students may also pronounce /labrri/ as /lbrri/ I will drill the correct pronunciation chorally and individually.

2. Annoyed vs Nervous (Intermediate) a). Meaning analysis: Annoyed - feeling slightly angry or impatient Synonyms bothered, angry, irritated Nervous - feeling worried or slightly afraid. Synonyms - anxious, troubled, worried We do not use nervous to talk about angry feelings. We use annoyed or irritated for that. If you are nervous, you cannot relax because you are worried about something that you have to do.

b). Convey meaning: Show students photos of people being annoyed and nervous Annoyed

What do you think this lady is feeling? Annoyed or happy? Elicit : annoyed Nervous

What do you think this lady is feeling? Nervous or calm? Elicit : nervous I would give a brief concrete situation and incorporate mime into it.

I had a math exam last month. The day before the exam I was very nervous (mime biting my nails) and could not sleep. While taking the exam I could not concentrate, as I had not slept properly the day before. I could not answer most of the questions. I failed the exam. I was very annoyed with myself for worrying about the exam unnecessarily and failing it. c). Checking understanding: For nervous: Was I worried about the math test? (yes) Was I worried about something that was going to happen in the future? (yes) Was I very worried or slightly worried? (Slightly worried) For anxious: Was I angry or happy with myself? (Angry) Was I very angry or slightly angry? (Slightly angry) d). Form: Annoyed adjective. Annoy verb Annoyer noun Nervous adjective Nervousness noun Nervously adverb Collocations nervous breakdown, nervous laugh, nervous tension e). Phonology: Annoyed: / nd / Students may pronounce annoyed as / njid/ Nervous: /n(r)vs / Students may pronounce nervous as /n:vus/ I will drill the correct pronunciation of both words chorally and individually.

Bibliography Swan Michael, Practical English Usage, Oxford University Press 2005 Parrott Martin, Grammar for English Language Teachers, Cambridge University Press 2000 Murphy Raymond, English Grammar in Use, Intermediate, Cambridge University Press, 2003 Workman Graham, Concept Questions and Timelines, Copy2Teach, Chadburn Publishing Aitken Rosemary, Teaching Tenses, Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd, 1992

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