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CTU in Prague, CZ - 2009

Virtual Virtual Model Model Design Design (in (in Matlab) Matlab)
Jirka Roubal

Department of Control Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Czech Technical University in Prague 2009

J. Roubal, CTU in Prague



CTU in Prague, CZ - 2009

Contents and References

1. Simulink Model in Matlab 2. Mask of the Subsystem 3. VR Model 4. Examples

R OUBAL , J. (2009), Jirkovy stranky [online]. [cit. 2009-01-16], . EK , P. & R OUBAL , J., H U S

(200x), Zaklady regula cn techniky v p r kladech, Pracovn

verze. . T HE M ATHWORKS (2008), The Mathworks [online]. [cit. 2008-07-20], .
J. Roubal, CTU in Prague 2/19


CTU in Prague, CZ - 2009

Simulink Model in Matlab

1 Simulink Model in Matlab

1.1 Example of Water Tank System
Consider a model of the water tank, which consists of a rotary-pump, a tank, inow and outow pipes and an output valve. The tank is lled with the uid by the rotary-pump. The uid can drain away from the tank through the output valve. The system input is the voltage of the motor of

u [V] and the system output is the level of the uid in the tank h [m].
the rotary-pump The minimum and maximum of the input voltage

umin = 0 V, umax = 10 V. The height of the tank is 0.3 m.


Figure 1: Water tank system

J. Roubal, CTU in Prague



CTU in Prague, CZ - 2009

Simulink Model in Matlab

EK , P. & The model of the system can be written as (R OUBAL , J., H U S


200x) (1)

(t) = ko h

h(t) + bu(t)

and the simulink scheme (T HE M ATHWORKS 2008) of model (1) is in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Simulink model of the water tank

In the blocks in Figure 2 are lled variables condition of the integrator block 1/s.
J. Roubal, CTU in Prague

Umin, Umax, b, ko and ho as an initial



CTU in Prague, CZ - 2009

Mask of the Subsystem

2 Mask of the Subsystem

Now, we select the model components (in Figure 2) and click on

Create subsystem. If

we doubleclick on the blue block in Figure 3, the model of the system (shown in Figure 2) will be opened.

Figure 3: Subsystem of the Simulink model

If we click by right button of the mouse on the subsystem (blue block shown in Figure 3), we can Mask

Subsystem ... and draw some picture on the block, see Figure 5, set some

parameters of the model, see Figure 6, or write help, see Figure 7.

J. Roubal, CTU in Prague 5/19


CTU in Prague, CZ - 2009

Mask of the Subsystem

Scope enough Limit data points to last and Save data to workspace - the data can be used in Matlab workspace to plot
Note, it is appropriate to set in the the graphs.

(a) Scope

(b) Scope settings

Figure 4: Scope settings

J. Roubal, CTU in Prague



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Mask of the Subsystem

Figure 5: Mask of the subsystem: picture on the subsystem

J. Roubal, CTU in Prague 7/19


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Mask of the Subsystem

Figure 6: Mask of the subsystem: parameters of the subsystem

J. Roubal, CTU in Prague 8/19


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Mask of the Subsystem

Figure 7: Mask of the subsystem: help of the subsystem

J. Roubal, CTU in Prague 9/19


CTU in Prague, CZ - 2009

Mask of the Subsystem

Then, the model in the Simulink looks like in Figure 8(a) and if we doubleclick on the model, we can set the model parameters in the dialog window, see Figure 8(b).

(a) Subsystem

(b) Dialog window of the masked subsystem

Figure 8: Subsystem with the mask in Simulink model and dialog window of the masked subsystem

J. Roubal, CTU in Prague



CTU in Prague, CZ - 2009

VR Model

3 VR Model
Now, we add from the VR Toolbox library blocks VR gure 10(b), we click on

Signal Expander and VR Sink

and set the VR Signal Expander as in Figure 10(a) and in the dialog window shown in Fi-

New button. The VRML editor will open, see Figure 11, where we put some objects and change the name of the object (default name is Transform) and save the WRL le. Then, in dialog window, shown in Figure 12, click on scale in the water
branch. Then we can connect the output of the VR expander to the input of VR Sink, see Figure 13.

Figure 9: Simulink model of the system with Virtual Reality toolbox blocks
J. Roubal, CTU in Prague 11/19


CTU in Prague, CZ - 2009

VR Model

(a) VR Signal Expander

(b) VR Sink

Figure 10: VR Signal Expander and VR Sink block dialog windows

J. Roubal, CTU in Prague



CTU in Prague, CZ - 2009

VR Model

Figure 11: VRML Editor

J. Roubal, CTU in Prague 13/19


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VR Model

Figure 12: Dialog windows of the WRL le

J. Roubal, CTU in Prague 14/19


CTU in Prague, CZ - 2009

VR Model

Figure 13: Simulink model of the system with Virtual Reality

The Simulink model with the Virtual Reality of the Water Tank can be found in (R OUBAL , J. 2009).

J. Roubal, CTU in Prague



CTU in Prague, CZ - 2009

Other Examples

4 Other Examples
Several models with virtual realities were prepared within the students bachelor thesis and are described in (R OUBAL , J. et al. 200x).

Figure 14: Coupled tanks system with Virtual Reality

J. Roubal, CTU in Prague



CTU in Prague, CZ - 2009

Other Examples

Figure 15: Mass on spring system with Virtual Reality

Figure 16: Double mass on springs system with Virtual Reality

J. Roubal, CTU in Prague



CTU in Prague, CZ - 2009

Other Examples

Figure 17: Inverted pendulum system with Virtual Reality

Figure 18: Ball on plate system with Virtual Reality

J. Roubal, CTU in Prague 18/19


CTU in Prague, CZ - 2009

Questions ...

Questions ...
Prepare a Simulink model with the Virtual Reality within your semestral work.

J. Roubal, CTU in Prague


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