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ULLEN SENTALU (ulating blencong sejatine tataraning lumaku)

A. The history of Ullen Sentalu

Museum ullen sentalu is a private museum, established by the Haryonos Family Foundation under Ulateng Blencong that supported by the elders of Mataram dynasty, including I.S.K.S PB XII, GBPH Poeger, KGPAA PA IX, GRAy. Siti Nurul Kusumawardhani, and former first lady Mrs. Hartini Soekarno. Officially open by the Governor of Yogyakarta, Paku Alam VIII on March 1, 1997. Ulating Blencong Sejatine Tataraning Lumaku, is an acronym of Ullen Sentalu

The museum collection is art history and intangible Mataram cultural heritage which is embodied in the works of fine arts e.g.: paintings and Mataram family photos, batik palace to open the space and time in tracing the history of the Islamic Mataram and Classic is the source of the nation's cultural identity.

Locations in the Tourism Area Kaliurang at the slope of Mount Merapi, which is a sacred and beautiful scenery inspired museum founder architecture to design buildings in "In The Field Architecture Concept", which was made after taking into consideration the building blend with the landscape and nature itself.

B. Location of the Ullen Sentalu

The museum is located on the slope of Mount Merapi in Kaliurang mountain resort, exactly, its Taman Kaswargan area, a heavenly garden. The Taman Kaswargan has 11.990 square meters, surrounded by natural forest and garden where there are buildings such as Ullen Sentalu Museum, Artshops, and others. Taman Kaswargan area is at historical district where there are historical places such Pesanggrahan Ngeksigondo and Wisma Kaliurang. Pesanggrahan Ngeksigondo is a

place provided for the family of Kasultanan Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat to take a rest. It was built as commanded by Sultan HB VII. While Wisma Kaliurang has been used for deliberation of 3 countries committee when revolution for independent of RI, instead of America, Belgium, and Australia. As philosophy, the name of Taman Kaswargan decided because its situated on a slope of Mount Merapi. The Javanese people considered that mount Merapi as a sacred place. Since Dutch colonial era, its known as Naar Boven (go to top). The term is used to get trip toward Kaliurang, a place for pleasure and took a rest where had a cool and beautiful view. From the areal of Ullen Snetalu Museum, the mount Merapi can be seen closely, though its called Merapi point view, and this is the part of the beauty of Taman Kaswargan.

Kaliurang, mountain resort some 25 km north of Yogyakarta, is a potential an attractive tourist destination. Its situated in straight tourist line which connects to Borobudur and Prambanan temple.

C. Ticket Prices
The ticket prices are Rp 20.000, - for domestic tourist Rp 10.000, - for students and Rp 36,000, - for foreign tourists. The museum is open every Tuesday-Sunday from 09:00 to 16:00 and closed only on Monday. With a total force of about 3 tourist guide, visitors unaccompanied with the tourist guide are not allowed to enter the area because besides no one will explain to the visitor about the items on display there is a chance the visitor will get lost. It is advisable to arrive at least two person, because when the visitor come by himself and no other party that goes along, then the visitor have to pay double to be accompanied by a guide. If you arrive on the day off, try to arrive early so you do not have to queue to get into the museum because of the limited number of guides.

D. Rooms in Ullen Sentalu

Ullen Sentalu Musuem has 7 rooms, there are Entrance, Guwo Selo Giri, and 5 rooms in Kampung Kambang.

a. Entrance Beside a welcome room, the room also can be used as display room from the life of each figure. b. Guwo Selo Giri An underground room is a long alley merger "Sumur Gumuling Taman Sari" and Gothic style. The architecture of Guwo Selo Giri dominated using stone from mount Merapi as a main material. It displays documented paintings from the figures who has related of each Mataram Dinasty. The story of the figures is packed in term of fine arts and completed history resources that related each other. So, an interaction among the art and civilization thats intangible can communicated gracious and riches. In the Guwo selo Giri there are a room that displays A Gamelan sets that play two pitch, Pelog and Slendro. c. Kampung Kambang A floating room on the pond with five rooms on it. The concept is inspired from Bale Kambang and labyrinth. The five rooms are: Tinneke Room The room exhibit poets that were dedicate to GRAj. Koes Sapariyam and has found in the room of Kaputren Surakarta Hadiningrat. The poets were written in 1939-1947 as the memorial poets from her family and friends. Shes familiar with the name of Tineke. Through the poets express intellectual literature capability of the princess behind the kratons wall. Paes Ageng Yogyakarta Room The room exhibit a realist painting from the bride wedding dress of Kasultanan Ngayogyakarta with the accessories that related by the greatness wedding of

Kasultanan. All details of its costume from the pattern, accessories, and philosophy can be known. Vorstendlanden Batik Room The room exhibit batik collected both Kasultanan Ngayogyakarta and Kasunanan Surakarta, in the year of Sultan HB VII-HB IX from Yogyakarta and Sunan PB XPB XII from Surakarta. The collection shows an art process and Javanese people creation to poured the philosophy that they considerate through the batik patterns. A merger between the beautiful art batik and philosophy meaning that are contained have opened a very rich intangible culture heritage. Pesisiran Batik Room (batik from northern coastal city in Java) The room describes the culture acculturation process in Java. The stuff that display are costumes, beside batik and some beauty handmade embroideries of the kabayas that usually used by the mixed ethnic origins in the Sultan HB VII era (1870s). The Adoring Princess Room The room represent the life album of GRAy. Siti Nurul Kusumawardhani, the only child of Mangkunegara VII with the queen GKR Timur. Exhibit her private photos documentation from childhood until her marriage (1921-1951). Through the photos there are intangible cultures, as the ritual of princess lifes stages with their accessories. These accessories are the riches culture heritage. Its very special room because we can feel the convenience with the profile. This room is dedicated by herself on her 81st birthday Its like a moral tie between the figure and Putri Dambaan room because the life albums of the princess Mangkunegaran are commended privately in the room of Ullen Sentalu Museum. After visiting five rooms in kampung kambang the visitor will be served with a special drink called Kusmayan. Except those rooms, Ullen Sentalu Museum has prepared some new exhibit as well; they are Peranakan Room, Miniature Royal Carriage Room, and Prasasti Room (Epigraphy room).

d. Garden Besides physic building, the Taman Kaswargan area is dominated by nature forest and parts of the garden that shows the atmosphere of mountain range. There are sculptures which become the outdoor museum. This located on the other part of the garden In this garden there is a corridor named Koridor Retja Landa. A corridor with the open space and the Statue of Ganesha as a welcome statue , also other archaeological statues. After passing the corridor we will a room inside will be containing paintings and statues, such as painting Ketawang Bedaya dance. This dance is danced by nine dancers who are still virgins, the ten dancers are believed to Kanjeng Queen of South, the ruler of the South Sea. In this area we will see a piece of Borobudurs relief which is hang askew. It resembles if we dont take care our national culture, it will fall and we cant find it anymore. e. Djagad Akademik Modern Art Gallery The room dedicated to endeavor an art is the part of continued culture process. Musuem Ullen Sentalu has exhibited the opuses of old art culture but actually the fine art world must be given facilities too. From that concept, Ulating Blencong foundation consider that it really need to be built the means of promote in this museum area, which is a coordinating institution of expression and appreciation to endeavor art for the young artists. So, its built a gallery named Djagad Akademik Modern Art Gallery. The mission is to give change and rise the works of young academic artists who has begun their struggle for determine the direction of their identity f. Beukenhof Restaurant The design of Kaswargan building as tourism object and nature must be completed by another facilities, such restaurant. In the Taman Kaswargan area has exist a building which surrounded by tress as the integral building concept "neighbor museum". The restaurant has existed among tress and planned, designed with colonial architecture style.

g. Artshops So far, the museum has not means of museum shop yet. But there is art shop which has relevant with the museum to support in the element of tourism of Taman Kaswargan Area.

E. Pictures of Ullen Sentalu

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Ullen Sentalu
(Submitted to fulfill English for Guiding assignment of object knowledge)

Yuniar Khoirunnisa 12522081



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