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MAR 2007

Prestressed IBeam Design Example



This example illustrates the design of a pretensioned I-Beam for a two span bridge without skew. The 130'-0" spans are supported with Mn/DOT 72" beams. Mn/DOT standard details and drawings for diaphragms (B406, B812), railings (Fig. 5-397.117), and beams (Fig. 5397.517) are to be used with this example. This example contains the design of a typical interior beam at the critical sections in positive flexure, shear, and deflection. The superstructure consists of six beams spaced at 9'-0" centers. A typical transverse superstructure section is provided in Figure A framing plan is provided in Figure The roadway section is composed of two 12' traffic lanes and two 12' shoulders. A Type F railing is provided on each side of the bridge and a 9" composite concrete deck is used. End diaphragms (B812) are used at each end of the bridge and interior diaphragms (B406) are used at the interior third points and at the pier.


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A. Materials



The modulus of elasticity for high strength concrete suggested by ACI Committee 363 is used for the beam concrete. The composite deck is assumed to have a unit weight of 0.150 kcf for dead load computations and 0.145 kcf for elastic modulus computations. The beam concrete is assumed to have a unit weight of 0.155 kcf for dead load computations. The material and geometric parameters used in the example are shown in Table Table Material Properties
Material Parameter Prestressed Beam Deck

at transfer fci
fc at 28 days

7 ksi

--4 ksi ---

Eci at transfer


8.0 ksi
+ 1000 fci

Ec at 28 days

(1265 fc ) + 1000
= 4578 ksi
60 ksi 270 ksi 29,000 ksi 28,500 ksi 0.6 inch diameter 270 ksi, low relaxation

= 4347 ksi

33,000 (0.145)1.5 fc = 3644 ksi 60 ksi --29,000 ksi -----

fy for rebar fpu for strand


Es for rebar Ep for strand Strand type

B. Determine Cross-Section Properties for a Typical Interior Beam

The beams are designed to act compositely with the deck on simple spans. The deck consists of a 7 inch thick concrete slab with a 2 inch wearing course. For simplicity and in order to be conservative, the beams are designed assuming the full 9 inches of thickness is placed in a single pour. A 1/2 inch of wear is assumed. A thickness of 81/2 inches is used for composite section properties. The haunch or stool is assumed to have an average thickness of 21/2 inches for dead load computations and 11/2 inches for section property computations. The effective flange width, b e , is the smallest of: 1 1) 1/4 x Effective Span Length = 130 12 = 390.0 in 4 2) 12 x Slab Thickness + 1/2 Top Flange Width 30 = 12 8.5 + = 117.0 in 2


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3) Average Beam Spacing = 108.0 in



The modular ratio of the deck concrete to the beam concrete is:
n= E cdeck 3644 = = 0.796 E cbeam 4578

This results in a transformed effective flange width of:

b etrans = 0.796 (108.0) = 86.0 in

Properties for an interior beam are given in Table Table Cross-Section Properties
Parameter Height of section, h Deck thickness Average stool thickness Non-composite Section 72 in ----Composite Section 82.0 in 8.5 in 1.5 in (section properties) 2.5 in (dead load) 108.0 in (deck concrete) 86.0 in (beam concrete) 1553 in 2 1,235,000 in 4 56.29 in 21,940 in 3 48,040 in 3 (beam concrete) 60,350 in 3 (deck concrete) 78,610 in 3

Effective flange width, be Area, A Moment of inertia, I Centroidal axis height, y Bottom section modulus, Sb Top section modulus, St Top of prestressed beam

--786 in 2 547,920 in 4 35.60 in 15,390 in 3 15,050 in 3 15,050 in 3

C. Shear Forces and Bending Moments

Three load combinations will be considered; Strength I, Service I, and Service III. As a result of the simple span configuration, only maximum

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p values need to be considered.


Load effects related to settlement, thermal effects, water load, or stream pressure will not be considered. It shall be assumed that traffic can be positioned anywhere between the barriers. Number of design lanes = [3.6.2] []
distance between barriers 48 = =4 design lane width 12

Dynamic load allowance IM = 33% 1. Determine Live Load Distribution Factors Designers should note that the approximate distribution factor equations include the multiple presence factors. Distribution Factor for Moment Interior Beams LRFD Table lists the common deck superstructure types for which approximate live load distribution equations have been assembled. The cross section for this design example is Type (k). To ensure that the approximate distribution equations can be used, several parameters need to be checked.


1) 2) 3) 4)

3.5 ft beam spacing = 9.0 ft 16.0 ft 3.5 in slab thickness = 8.5 in 12.0 in 20 ft span length = 130 ft 240 ft

4 number of beams = 6


The distribution factor equations use a Kg factor that is defined in LRFD Article
= Ec beam Ec deck = 4578 = 1.256 3644

e g = ( deck centroid ) ( beam centroid ) = 77.75 35.60 = 42.15 in K g = I + A e g 2 = 1.256 547,920 + 786 (42.15)2 = 2.442 x 10 6

( )

One design lane loaded:

S gM = 0.06 + 14



K 12 L t 3 s


9.0 gM = 0.06 + 14


90 130

2.442 x 106 12 130 8.53


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gM = 0.473 lanes/beam


Two or more design lanes loaded:

S gM = 0.075 + 9.5



Kg 12 L t 3 s


9.0 gM = 0.075 + 9.5


90 130


2.442 x 106 12 130 8.53


gM = 0.698 lanes/beam


Distribution Factor for Moment - Exterior Beams LRFD Table contains the approximate distribution factor equations for exterior beams. Type (k) cross-sections have a deck dimension check to ensure that the approximate equations are valid.

The distance from the inside face of barrier to the centerline of the fascia beam is defined as de . For the example this distance is:
de = 24 (2.5 9.0) = 1.50 ft

The check to use the approximate equations is:

1.0 ft de = 1.50 ft 5.5 ft


One design lane loaded:


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The lever rule shall be used to determine the live load distribution factor for one lane. The fascia beam live load distribution factor is found by summing reactions about the first interior beam:
W1 = W2 = 0.5 lanes

W1 L 1 + W2 L 2 0.5 8.5 + 0.5 2.5 gM = 1.2 = 1.2 S 9.0

gM = 0.733 lanes/beam

Two or more design lanes loaded: The distribution factor is equal to the factor e multiplied by the interior girder distribution factor for two or more lanes
de = 24.0 22.5 = 1.5 ft

d 1.5 e = 0.77 + e = 0.77 + = 0.935 9.1 9.1

gM = e gint = 0.935 0.698 = 0.653 lanes/beam


Skew Factor No correction is necessary for a skew angle of zero. Distribution Factor for Shear Interior Beams LRFD Table can be used.

[] []

One design lane loaded: S 9.0 gV = 0.36 + = 0.36 + = 0.720 lanes/beam 25.0 25.0 Two or more design lanes loaded:
S S gV = 0.2 + 12 35

9.0 9.0 = 0.2 + 12 35

= 0.884 lanes/beam

Distribution Factor for Shear Exterior Beams One Design Lane Loaded: The lever rule shall be used which results in the same factor that was computed for flexure and is equal to 0.733 lanes/beam

Two or more design lanes loaded:

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d 1.5 e = 0.6 + e = 0.6 + = 0.750 10 10 The exterior beam shear distribution factor for two or more design lanes is determined by modifying the interior distribution factor: gV = e gint = 0.750 0.884 = 0.663 lanes/beam


Skew Factor No correction is necessary for a skew angle of zero. Distribution Factor for Deflection The distribution factor for checking live load deflections assumes that the entire cross section participates in resisting the live load. The minimum Multiple Presence Factor (MPF) used by Mn/DOT when checking live load deflection is 0.85. The deflection distribution factor is:
gD =

[] [Table]

(# of lanes) (MPF ) = (# of beam lines )

4 0.85 = 0.567 lanes/beam 6

Table contains a summary of the live load distribution factors.

Table Distribution Factor Summary (lanes per beam)
Interior Beam

Flexure 0.473 0.698 0.567 0.733 0.653 0.567

Shear 0.720 0.884 0.733 0.663 -

One Design Lane Two or More Design Lanes Deflection One Design Lane Two or More Design Lanes Deflection

[1.3.3 1.3.5]

2. Load Modifiers The following load modifiers will be used for this example:
Strength Ductility Redundancy Importance

Exterior Beam

Service 1.0 1.0 n/a 1.0

Fatigue 1.0 1.0 n/a 1.0

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

I = D R I

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3. Dead and Live Load Summary


Beam Selfweight = (786 / 144) 0.155 kip/ft 3 = 0.846 kip/ft Stool Weight = (2.5 ft ) (0.208 ft ) 0.150 kip/ft 3 = 0.078 kip/ft Deck Weight = (9.0 ft ) (0.75 ft ) 0.150 kip/ft 3 = 1.013 kip/ft Future Wearing Surface = 0.020 kip/ft 2 (48 ft ) (1 / 6 ) = 0.160 kip/ft Barrier Weight = 2 (0.439 kip/ft ) (1 / 6 ) = 0.146 kip/ft Diaphragm Weight (9.0) [(2) (0.0103) + 0.0149] 17 0.5 + 2 (4.17) (0.490) = 0.561 kip 12 12 The bending moments and shears for the dead and live loads were obtained with a line girder model of the bridge. They are summarized in Tables and
Table Shear Force Summary (kips/beam)
Brg Brg Trans Load Type/Combination CL Face Point (0.0') (0.63') (2.38') Selfweight Stool
Dead Loads

Critical Strand 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.1 Span Span Span Span Shear Span Dev Point Point Point Point Point Point Point (5.8') (13.0') (13.6') (26.0') (39.0') (52.0') (65.0') 50 5 60 9 9 1 134 44 4 53 8 8 1 118 44 4 52 8 8 1 113 33 3 40 6 6 1 89 22 2 26 4 4 1 59 11 1 13 2 2 0 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

55 5 66 10 9 1 146

54 5 65 10 9 1 144

53 5 63 10 9 1 141

Deck FWS Barrier Diaphragms Total

Live Loads

Uniform Lane Truck with DLA Total

37 79 116

36 78 114

35 77 112

34 75 109

30 70 100

30 70 100

24 62 86

18 53 71

13 45 58

9 36 45

Strength I Load Comb

(1.25 DL + 1.75 LL)

Service I Load Comb (1.00 DL + 1.00 LL) Service III Load Comb

386 262 239

380 258 235

372 253 231

358 243 221

323 218 198

316 213 193

262 175 158

198 130 116

138 87 75

79 45 36

(1.00 DL + 0.80 LL)

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Table Bending Moment Summary (kip-ft/beam)

Load Type/Combination Brg Brg Trans CL Face Point (0.0') (0.63') (2.38') 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 3 41 0 78 6 7 13 91 128 12 154 1 297 22 24 46 343 Critical Strand 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.1 Span Span Span Span Shear Span Dev Point Point Point* Point Point Point Point (5.8') (13.0') (13.6') (26.0') (39.0') (52.0') (65.0') 305 28 365 3 701 53 58 111 812 643 59 770 7 1479 111 122 233 1712 670 62 802 8 1542 116 127 243 1785 1144 105 1370 15 2634 197 216 413 3047 1501 138 1798 22 3459 259 284 543 4002 1716 158 2054 24 3952 296 324 620 4572 1787 165 2140 24 4116 308 338 646 4762

Selfweight Stool

Deck Diaphragms Total DC1 Barrier

Dead Loads


FWS Total DC2

Total (DC1+DC2)

Live Loads

Uniform Lane Truck with DLA Total

0 0 0

18 39 57

68 145 213

161 343 504

340 719 1059

354 749 1103

604 1265 1869

793 1638 2431

906 1857 2763

944 1912 2856

Strength I - Load Comb

(1.25 DL + 1.75 LL)

Service I - Load Comb (1.00 DL + 1.00 LL) Service III Load Comb (1.00 DL + 0.80 LL ) * Drape point for strands.

0 0 0

214 148 137

802 556 513

1897 1316 1215

3993 2771 2559

4162 2888 2667

7080 4916 4542

9257 6433 5947

10,550 10,951 7335 6782 7618 7047

D. Design Prestressing

Typically the tension at the bottom of the beam at midspan dictates the required level of prestressing.
1. Estimate Required Prestress Service III load combination shall be used

Bottom of beam stress:

MDC2 M = DC1 + S gb S cb MLL 0.8 + S cb

4116 12 646 12 2856 12 0.8 = 15,390 + + = 4.81 ksi 21,940 21,940

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As a starting point, the total prestress losses will be assumed to be 30%. This results in an effective prestress of
fpe = 0.75 fpu (1 0.30) = 0.75 270 0.70 = 141.8 ksi

Strands are typically placed on a 2" grid. The bottom flange of a 72" beam can hold a maximum of 48 strands. The centroid of a 48 strand pattern would be (# of strands) ( of strands) y str = (total # of strands) 10 (2 + 4 + 6 ) + (4 8) + 2 (3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 11 + 13 + 15) = = 5.79 in 48 Using the centroid of this group as an estimate of the strand pattern eccentricity results in
e 48 = y g 5.79 = 35.60 5.79 = 29.81 in

The area of a 0.6" diameter 7-wire strand is 0.217 in2 The axial compression produced by the prestressing strands is
P = A s fpe = (# of strands) (0.217) (141.8)

The internal moment produced by the prestressing strands is

Mp / s = A s fpe e 48 = (# of strands) 0.217 141.8 29.81

The allowable tension after losses = 0.19

= 0.19 8 = 0.54 ksi fc

This moment and the axial compression from the prestress must reduce the bottom flange tension from 4.81 ksi tension to a tension of 0.54 ksi or Required fpe = 4.81 0.54 = 4.27 ksi Using the fact that fpe =
P M + A S

One can estimate the required number of strands:

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4.27 1 + 29.81 A S gb g = (0.217 + 141.8)


4.27 1 + 29.81 786 15,390 = 43.2 strands (0.217 + 141.8)

A strand pattern with 44 strands should be tried. After reviewing Bridge Details Part II Figure 5-397.517, a 44 strand draped strand pattern was selected. Also, the drape points were chosen to be at 0.40L = 52.0 ft from the centerline of bearing locations. The trial strand pattern is shown in Figure The properties of this strand pattern at midspan are: 10 (2 + 4 + 6 ) + 2 (3 + 5 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 11 + 13) y strand = = 5.27 in 44
e strand = y b y strand = 35.60 5.27 = 30.33 in

Section Modulus at the strand pattern centroid is

S gps = Ig e strand = 547,920 = 18,065 in3 30.33


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2. Prestress Losses Prestress losses are computed using the refined method. Initial Relaxation Loss It shall be assumed that the prestress is transferred 18 hours after stressing
t= 18 = 0.75 days 24
fpj log (24 t ) 0.55 fpj fp 40


fpj = 0.75 fpu = 0.75 270 = 202.50 ksi

fpR1 =

fpR1 =

log (24 0.75) 202.50 0.55 202.50 = 1.80 ksi 40 0 . 9 270

Elastic Shortening Loss The alternative equation presented in the LRFD C5. shall be used.
fpES = A ps fpbt Ig + em2 A g em Mg A g A ps Ig + em2 A g +

A g Ig Eci Ep

A ps = (# of strands) (strand area) = 44 0.217 = 9.55 in2 fpbt = fpj fpR1 = 202.50 1.80 = 200.70 ksi em = e strand = 30.33 in A g Ig E ci Ep = 786 (547,920)(4347) = 65,687,764 in6 28,500

A ps Ig + em2 A g = 9.55 [547,920 + (30.33)2 (786 )] = 12,137,748 in6 fpES = 200.70 (12,137,748) 30.33 (1787 ) (12) (786 ) = 24.73 ksi 12,137,748 + 65,687,764


Shrinkage Loss Use an average humidity for North Dakota of 70%.

fpSR = 17.0 (0.150 H) = 17.0 (0.150 73) = 6.05 ksi


Creep Loss Non-composite dead load moment excluding selfweight

MDC 1 SW = (4116 1787 ) = 2329 kip-ft

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Composite dead load moment, MDC 2 = 646 kip-ft

y cg y g + e strand e fcdp = MDC 1 SW strand + MDC 2 Ig Icg

30.33 56.29 35.60 + 30.33 = 646.12 2329.12 547,920 + 1,235,000

= 1.87 ksi fcgp = P e M Pi + i strand sw Ag S gps S gps

Pi = fpj fpR1 fpES A ps = (202.50 1.80 24.73) (9.55) = 1681 kips fcgp = 1681 1681 (30.33) 1787 (12) + = 3.77 ksi 786 18,065 18065

fpCR = 12 fcgp 7 fcdp = (12 3.77) (7 1.87) = 32.15 ksi


Relaxation Loss After Transfer

fpR2 = 0.30 20 0.4 fpES 0.2 fpSR + fpCR


= 0.30 [20 0.4 24.73 0.2 (6.05 + 32.15)] = 0.74 ksi


Total Losses

TL = fpES + fpSR + fpCR + fpR2 = 24.73 + 6.05 + 32.15 + 0.74 = 63.67 ksi
fpe = fpj TL = 202.50 63.67 = 138.83 ksi

prestress loss percentage =

TL 63.67 100 = 100 = 31.4% fpj 202.50


3. Stresses at Transfer (compression +, tension -) Stress Limits for P/S Concrete at Release Compression in the concrete is limited to:
= 0.60 7.0 = 4.20 ksi 0.60 fci

Tension in the concrete is limited to: = 0.0948 7.0 = 0.25 ksi The minimum of 0.0948 fci or 0.20 ksi Tension limit = -0.20 ksi

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Check Release Stresses at Drape Point (0.40 Point of Span)

Pi e strand = 1681 30.33 = 50,985 kip-in P P e 1681 50,985 Top stress due to P/S = i i strand = Ag 786 S gt 15,050 = 1.25 ksi P 1681 50,985 P e Bottom Stress due to P/S = i + i strand = + Ag 786 S gb 15,390 = 5.45 ksi

Selfweight moment at drape point = Msw0.40 = 1716 kip-ft

M Top stress due to selfweight = sw0.40 S gt 1716 12 = = 1.37 ksi 15,050

M 1716 12 Bottom stress due to selfweight = sw0.40 = = 1.34 ksi S gb 15,390

Top stress at drape point = 1.25 + 1.37 = 0.12 ksi < 0.20 ksi Bottom stress at drape point = 5.45 1.34 = 4.11 ksi < 4.20 ksi
Check Release Stresses at End of Beam The strands need to be draped to raise the eccentricity of the prestress force and limit the potential for cracking the top of the beams.


Centroid of strand pattern at the end of the beams: 10 (2 + 4 + 6 ) + 2 (8 + 57 + 59 + 61 + 63 + 65 + 67) y strand = = 20.0 in 44 The eccentricity of the strand pattern is:
e strand = y b y strand = 35.60 20.00 = 15.60 in

The internal prestress moment is:

Pi e strand = 1681 15.60 = 26,224 kip-in P P e 1681 26,224 Top stress at end = i i strand = Ag 786 S gt 15,050 = 0.40 ksi < 0.20 ksi


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P P e 1681 26,224 Bottom stress at end = i i strand = Sgb Ag 786 15,390

= 3.84 ksi < 4.20 ksi


For simplicity, the stresses were checked at the end of the beam assuming the full prestress force was effective. The check could have been made at the transfer point (60 strand diameters away from the end of the beam).
[] 4. Stresses at Service Loads (compression +, tension -) Stress Limits for P/S Concrete After All Losses Compression in the concrete is limited to (Service I Load Combination):
= 0.45 8.0 = 3.60 ksi 0.45 fc

(for prestress and permanent loads) Check the bottom stress at end of beam and the top stress at midspan against this limit.
= 0.40 8.0 = 3.20 ksi 0.40 fc

(for live load and 1/2 of prestress and permanent loads) Check the top stress at midspan against this limit.
= 0.60 1.0 8.0 = 4.80 ksi 0.60 Q w fc

(for live load, prestress, permanent loads, and transient loads) Check the top stress at midspan against this limit. Tension in the concrete is limited to (Service III Load Combination): = 0.19 8.0 = 0.54 ksi 0.19 fc Check the bottom stress at midspan against this limit.
Check Stresses at Midspan After Losses: Let Pe = A ps fpe = 9.55 138.83 = 1326 kips

Bottom stress
MDC 1 MDC 2 MLL 0.8 Pe Pe e strand + + = A S gb S cb S S cb gb g

4116 12 646 12 2856 12 0.8 1326 1326 30.33 = 15,390 + + 786 21,940 15,390 21,940
= 0.51 ksi < 0.54 ksi


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Top stress due to all loads


P P e MDC 1 MDC 2 + MLL + = e e strand + Ag S gt S gt S gtc

1326 1326 30.33 4116 12 (646 + 2856 ) 12 = + + 78,610 786 15,050 15,050
= 2.83 ksi < 4.80 ksi


By inspection, top stress due to prestress and permanent loads is less than 3.60 ksi. Also by inspection, top stress due to live load plus 1 /2 prestress and permanent loads is less than 3.20 ksi.
Check the Compression Stresses at End of Beam After Losses Bottom flange stress due to prestress and permanent loads
Pe P e 1326 1326 15.60 + e strand = + = 3.03 ksi < 3.60 ksi Ag S 786 15,390



5. Flexure Strength Limit State Resistance factors at the strength limit state are: = 1.00 for flexure and tension = 0.90 for shear and torsion = 1.00 for tension in steel in anchorage zones

Strength I design moment is 10,951 kip-ft at midspan. Rectangular beam behavior shall be checked by comparing the tensile capacity of the strands and the compression capacity of the deck. Tensile strength of 44 strands is: 44 0.217 270 = 2578 kips Maximum compressive force generated by the deck is b t s = 0.85 4.0 108 8.5 = 3121 kips 0.85 fc The strands have less capacity than the deck, so assume a rectangular cross section.

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From previous calculations, distance to strand centroid from bottom of the beam is:
y strand = 5.27 in


fpy 243 = 2 k = 2 1.04 1.04 = 0.280 f 270 pu dp = ( beam height ) + stool + deck y strand = 72 + 1.5 + 8.5 5.27 = 76.73 in


A ps fpu c= fpu 1 b k A ps 0.85 fc dp

9 . 55 270 = 8.02 in = 270 0.85 4.0 0.85 108 + 0.28 9.55 76.73 c 8.02 = 270 fps = fpu = 1 k 1 0.28 = 262.10 ksi 76.73 dp a = 1 c = 0.85 8.02 = 6.82 in

Internal lever arm between compression and tension flexural force components:
dp 6.82 a = 76.73 = 73.32 in 2 2

Mn = A ps fps 73.32 = 9.55 262.10 73.32 = 18,524 kip-in = 15,294 kip-ft Mn = 1.0 15,294 = 15,294 kip-ft > Mu = 10,951 kip-ft



6. Limits of Reinforcement Maximum Reinforcement The depth of the flexural compressive block is compared to the depth of the steel centroid to verify adequate ductility.
c 8.02 = = 0.10 < 0.42 dp 76.73


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Minimum Reinforcement
fr = 0.24 fpeb = = = 0.24 8.0 = 0.68 ksi fc


Pe P e + e strand Ag S gb 1326 1326 30.33 + = 4.30 ksi 786 15,390

S cgb Mcr = fr + fpeb S cgb MDC 1 1 S gb

21,940 = (0.68 + 4.30) 21,940 (4116 12) 15,390 1 = 88,240 kip-in

= 7353 kip-ft 1.2 Mcr = 1.2 7353 = 8824 < 15,294 kip-ft provided


E. Design Reinforcement for Shear [5.8]

1. Vertical Shear Design Determine d v and Critical Section for Shear A theta angle of 26 degrees shall be assumed. If the theta angle ends up flatter, the critical section will move towards midspan and the shear demand will reduce.

The effective shear depth dv shall be determined at the critical section for shear. a dv = dp 2 The effective shear depth is no less than:
dv 0.72 h = 0.72 (72 + 1.5 + 8.5) = 59.04 in

The internal face is assumed to be at the inside edge of the 15 inch sole plate. The critical section will be at least 66.54 inches (59.04 + 15 / 2) or 5.55 feet away from the centerline of bearing. Find the centroid of the prestressing strands at this location: The centroid of the prestressing strands is at: 5.55 ft. y str @ dv = y end y end y drape 0.40 span

5.55 = 20 (20 5.27) = 18.43 in 0.40 130

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With this approximation to the strand centroid, dp can be computed:

dp = h y str @ dv = (72 + 1.5 + 8.5) 18.43 = 63.57 in

From the flexural strength computations, a = 6.82 in a 6.82 dv = dp = 63.57 = 60.16 in 2 2 But the effective shear depth dv need not be less than dv 0.72 h = 59.04 in or dv 0.9 de = 0.9 dp = 0.9 (63.57) = 57.21 in Therefore take dv = 60.16 in Based on the assumed , the critical section location is: dcritv = 7.5 + 0.5 dv cot () = 7.5 + 0.5 (60.16 ) cot (26 ) = 69.17 in = 5.8 ft GOVERNS or dcritv = 7.5 + dv = 7.5 + 60.16 = 67.63 in
Determine Shear Stress From Table the Strength I design shear at 5.8 ft is
Vu = 358 kips

The amount of force carried by the draped strands at their effective prestress level is:
P12d = 12 0.217 138.83 = 361.5 kips

The inclination of the draped strands is:

(62 8) / 12 = arctan = 4.887 deg rees 52.63

The vertical prestress component is:

Vp = P12d sin () = 361.5 sin (4.887) = 30.8 kips

The maximum shear capacity of the section

dv b v + Vp = 0.25 8.0 60.16 6.0 + 30.8 = 752.7 kips Vn = 0.25 fc The maximum design shear the section can have is: v Vn = 0.90 752.7 = 677.4 kips >> 358 kips

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The shear stress on the section is:

Vu v Vp v= b d v v v 358 0.90 30.8 = = 1.017 ksi 0.90 6 60.16

The ratio of the shear stress to the compressive strength is:

v 1.017 = = 0.127 fc 8.0

Determine Longitudinal Strain x It shall be assumed that minimum transverse reinforcement will be provided in the cross section.
A ps shall first be determined. Note that A ps computed here is different This Aps includes only the area of than the Aps computed earlier. prestressing steel found on the flexural tension side of the member. Near the end of the beam, Aps must also be reduced for development

Development length l d is:

2 l d = K fps fpe db 3 2 = 1.6 262.10 (138.83) (0.6 ) = 162.8 in 3

Transfer length l tr is:

l tr = 60 db = 60 (0.6) = 36.0 in

At the critical section dcritv = 69.14 in from the beam end, the strand development fraction
Fdev = fpe fpu

dcritv l tr l d l tr

f 1 pe fpu

138.83 69.14 36.0 138.83 + 1 = 0.641 270 162.8 36.0 270

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The flexural tension side of the member is defined as:

hcomp 2

82.0 = 41.0 in 2

At dcritv none of the draped strands fall on the flexural tension side. Therefore, A ps = (# straight str.)(strand area)( Fdev )
= (32)(0.217)(0.641) = 4.451 in2


Equation shall be used to compute the strain:

Mu d + 0.5 Vu Vp cot () A ps fpo = v 2 Ep A ps

1897.12 60.16 + 0.5 (358 30.8) cot (26 ) (4.451 0.70 270) = 2 (28,500 4.451)

127.4 = 253,707 = 0.000502 Because the value is negative, equation three should be investigated with the additional concrete term: From Figure, A c = 431 in2
x Mu d + 0.5 Vu Vp cot () A ps fpo = v 2 Ec Ac + Ep A ps

( (

1897.12 60.16 + 0.5 (358 30.8) cot (26 ) (4.451 0.70 270) = 2 (4578 431 + 28,500 4.451)

127.4 = 4,199,943 = 0.000030

ratio determined, interpolate to With the strain and shear stress to fc find and in LRFD Table = 23.2 degrees = 2.90

MAR 2007



Since the original assumption for (26 degrees) does not match the computed angle, do an iteration assuming = 23.2 degrees. Because new angle is flatter than original assumption, do not revise location of critical section for shear (conservative). For = 23.2 degrees, x = 0.000019 Then with
v = 0.126 and x = 0.000019 , interpolate to get: fc

= 23.4 degrees (close enough to assumed angle) = 2.89

The concrete contribution:

b v dv = 0.0316 2.896 8 6 60.16 = 93.2 kips Vc = 0.0316 fc

The required steel contribution is:

Vs = Vn Vc Vp = Vu 358 Vc Vp = 93.2 30.8 = 273.8 kips v 0.90

The required spacing of double leg #13 stirrups:

s= A v fy dv cot () Vs = 2 0.20 60 60.16 cot (23.4) = 12.2 in 273.8

Double leg stirrups at a 12 inch spacing at the end of the beam shall be provided.
A v = 040 in2 / ft Vs = 277.9 kips

Other sections are investigated similarly.

[5.8.4] 2. Interface Shear Transfer Top flange width b v = 30 in

The Strength I vertical shear at the critical shear section due to all superimposed loads is:
Vu = 1.25 (9 + 9) + 1.75 (109 ) = 213.3

Interface shear force is:

Vh = Vu = de a dp 2 Vu = 213.3 = 3.55 kip/in 60.16

MAR 2007



Required nominal interface design shear is:

Vn = Vh 3.55 = = 3.94 kip/in v 0.90

The interface area per 1 inch length of beam is:

A cv = 30 1 = 30.0 in2 /in

The upper limits on nominal interface shear are:

A cv = 0.2 4 30.0 = 24.0 kip/in > 3.94 kip/in 0.2 fc


0.8 A cv = 0.8 30.0 = 24.0 kip/in > 3.94 kip/in


The amount of interface shear carried by cohesion shall be determined. A note on the Bridge Details II Fig. 5-397.517 requires the top flanges of the beam to be roughened. Consequently use a cohesion (c) of 0.100 ksi and a friction factor ( ) of 1.0. The nominal interface shear resistance is:
Vn = c A cv + (A vf f + Pc ) Pc = 0.0 kip

The required interface shear steel is:

A vf = V c A cv 3.94 0.1 (30.0) = = 0.016 in2 /in = 0.19 in2 /ft fy 1.0 60


The minimum shear steel that needs to be provided is:

A vf min = 0.05 b v 0.05 30 = = 0.025 in2 /in = 0.30 in2 /ft fy 60

The minimum requirement controls. Vertical shear reinforcement A v = 0.40 in2 /ft > 0.30 in2 /ft at the critical section for shear. Therefore, no additional reinforcement is required for interface shear. Other sections are investigated similarly.

MAR 2007



3. Minimum Longitudinal Reinforcement Requirement A diagonal section shall be checked with a crack starting at the inside edge of the bearing sole plate.

Straight strands cross the crack at: sole plate + y 32 cot () = 15 + 4.25 cot (23.4) = 24.82 in The transfer length for 0.6" strands is:
60 ds = 60 0.6 = 36 in

To find the tensile capacity of the straight strands at the crack interpolate:
Tr = fpe A ps length to crack 24.82 = 138.83 32 0.217 = 664.6 kips transfer length 36

The force to carry is: Vu T= 0.5 Vs Vp cot () v 358 = 0.5 277.9 30.8 cot (23.4) 0.90
= 526.9 kips < 664.6 kips


F. Design Pretensioned Anchorage Zone Reinforcement []

Bursting Reinforcement To prevent cracking in the beam end due to the transfer of the prestressing force from the strands to the concrete, bursting steel needs to be provided in the anchorage zone.

A load factor of 1.0 and lateral force component of 4% shall be used to determine the required amount of steel. The factored design bursting force is:
Pb = 1.0 0.04 Pi = 1.0 0.04 1681 = 67.2 kips

The amount of resisting reinforcement is determined using a steel stress fs of 20 ksi:

As = Pb 67.2 = = 3.36 in2 fs 20

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This steel shall be located at the end of the beam within a distance of:
h 72 = = 18.0 in 4 4

The number of #16 double legged stirrups necessary to provide this area is:
As 3.36 = = 5.4 2 Ab 2 0.31

The first set of stirrups is located 2 inches from the end of the beam. Provide six sets of #16 stirrups spaced at 3 inch centers. ( 2 + 5 3 = 17 in < 18 in)
[] Confinement Reinforcement Reinforcement is required at the ends of the beam to confine the prestressing steel in the bottom flange. G1303E and G1607E bars (see Figure will be placed at a maximum spacing of 6 inches out to 1.5d from the ends of the beam. For simplicity in detailing and ease of tying the reinforcement, the vertical shear reinforcement shall be spaced with the confinement reinforcement in this area.
1.5 d = 1.5 (72) = 108.0 in

G. Determine Camber and Deflection [] [] []

Camber Due to Prestressing and Dead Load Deflection Using the PCI handbook (Figure 4.10.13 of the 3rd Edition), the camber due to prestress can be found. The centroid of the prestressing has an eccentricity emid of 30.33 inches at midspan. At the end of the beams the eccentricity e e is 15.60 inches. E is the initial concrete modulus (4347 ksi), Po equals the prestress force just after transfer (1681 kips). The drape points are at 0.4 of the span. The span length is 130.0 feet. Using the equation for the two point depressed strand pattern:
e = emid e e = 30.33 15.60 = 14.73 in ps = Po e e L2 Po e L2 a2 + 8 EI EI 6 8

1681(15.60)(130 12)2 1681(14.73) (130 12)2 (0.4 130 12)2 + 8 (4347)(547,920) 4347(547,920) 8 6 = 5.84 in

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Downward deflection due to selfweight 0.846 (130 12)4 5 5 w L4 12 sw = = = 2.28 in 384 E I 384 4347 547,920 Camber at release rel = ps sw = 5.84 2.28 = 3.56 in To estimate camber at the time of erection the deflection components are multiplied by standard PCI handbook multipliers. (See Figure 4.6.3 of the 3rd Edition.) They are: Release to Erection Multipliers: Prestress = 1.80 Selfweight = 1.85 Camber and selfweight deflection values at erection are: 1.80 5.84 = 10.51 in Prestress: 1.85 ( 2.28) = 4.22 in Selfweight: 0.03 in Diaphragm DL: 2.84 in Deck and stool DL: 0.17 in Parapet: The values to be placed in the camber diagram on the beam plan sheet are arrived at by combining the values above. Initial Total Camber
10.51 4.22 0.03 = 6.26 in

say 61/4 in

Est. Dead Load Deflection

2.84 + 0.17 = 3.01 in

say 3 in

Est. Residual Camber 61/4 3 = 31/4 in

Live Load Deflection The deflection of the bridge is checked when subjected to live load and compared against the limiting values of L/800 for vehicle only bridges and L /1000 for bridges with bicycle or pedestrian traffic.

Deflection due to lane load is:

0.64 4 5 w L4 5 12 (130 12) = = = 0.73 in 384 E I 384 4578 1,235,000


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Deflection due to a truck with dynamic load allowance is found using hand computations or computer tools to be:
truck = 1.46 in

Two deflections are computed and compared to the limiting values; that of the truck alone and that of the lane load plus 25% of the truck. Both deflections need to be adjusted with the distribution factor for deflection.
1 = DF truck = 0.567 1.46 = 0.83 in 2 = DF ( lane + 0.25 truck ) = 0.567 (0.73 + 0.25 1.46 ) = 0.62 in

There is no bicycle or pedestrian traffic on the bridge, the deflection limit is: L 130 12 OK = = 1.95 in >> than 1 or 2 800 800

H. Detailing Items

Approximate weight of each beam is:

L A y = 131.25 ft 786 in2 144 in /ft
2 2

0.155 kips ft

1 ton = 55.5 tons 2 kips

Initial prestress force at jacking is:

44 0.217 0.75 270 = 1933 kips

Figure shows the detailed beam sheet for the bridge.

MAR 2007




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