Palestinian Dialect 1

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ii I don't have... I have (with me) I don't have (with me) 1, 2 Do you f have a brother? There is no time!

I don't want to travel We didn't go We don't understand I don't understand 1, 2 Head That m That f Those Girls Director

fish 3indi... fii ma3i fish ma3i, ma3iish fii 3indik a5u? fish waqt biddiish asaafir maa ru7na i7na mish faahmiin ana mish faahim, ana faahimsh raas hadaak hadiik hadolaak banaat mudiir

Good-bye m (said by person leaving 'b5aatrak before masalame is said) Angry, sad pl Broken; rotten Sleepy pl Clever (deinos) Lazy, dumb Key, kteys New pl Somebody Our neighbor f za3laniin 5arbaan na3saniin 3akruut kaslaan muftaa7, mafatii7 jdaad waa7ad, 7add jaaritna

Your m neighbor f By yourself Is this your car? 2 Is this your car? 3 How long have you been here? I went on a trip Is this house yours or theirs? Hair I write A little later... (is it m) open or closed? And I don't know either Week, weeks Month, months Two tables Two hundred Two years Years 1, years 2 She's... years old Cat Number 1 How much? The number of your house Sunday Yesterday midday

jaartak la7aalak haadi sayyaara ilak? haadi sayyaara la ilak? qaddeesh ilak hoon? ru7t mishwaar haada bet ilak willa ilhum sha3ir baktib ba3id shwayy maftuu7 willa msakkar? w ana kamaan maa ba3raf usbuu3, asabii3 shahir, tushur taawilteen miteen santeen sanawaat, sniin 3umurha bisse numra qaddeesh numret beetak yoom il-a7ad mbaari7 iD-Duhur

When? 1, when 2 Two times a day Once a year Where (not used in questions, used as linking two clauses) When, whenever (not used in questions but to connect clauses) 0, 0 pl 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000,000 1001 nights Reply to mar7aba, starts with "a" What's wrong with you? At the doctor's (office) Like

eemta, weenta marrteen fil-yoom marra fis-sine ween lamma sifir, sfaar miteen talat miyye arba3 miyye 5amis miyye sitt miyye sabi3 miyye tamaan miyye tisi3 miyye malyoon alf leele w-leele ahleen shuu maalak? 3ind id-duktoor zayy

What does... mean?, It means that... shuu ya3ni..., ya3ni bi... Get well! At (the house of) "This is like this" (demonstrative) salaamtak at haada zayy haada

Bed (mattress) Sick What did she say to you when she came in? What did you f tell him when he entered? What did the prof tell ya'll? What did you tell them? I gotta go I speak with many mistakes Center, centers pl I will do whatever work they tell me (to do) What kind of work do you do? reply "Not long" to a question "How long have you...?" How long have you... How long have you studied Arabic? I don't know what's the matter with me. How do you say "house" in Arabic?

farshe mariiD shuu qalat-lak lamma faatat? shuu qulti-lo lamma faat? shuu qal-lku il-ustaaz? shuu inte qult-lhum? ana laazim aruu7 balaTTish markaz, maraakiz shuu biquuluu-li ana bashtgil shuu btishtgil mish ktiir 3indak waqt... 3indak waqt tit3allam 3arabi? maa ba3raf shuu maali shuu ya3ni "house" fil-3arabi

The reply to 'How do you say "house" "house" ya3ni beet in Arabic?" Not 100%, not perfectly How many languages do you know (how to speak)? "At my own pace" mish miyye fil-miyye akamm luga bti3ruf? 3ala mahli

Take your time! Newspaper Sometimes What does he want from you? Who was with you yesterday? Where do you know him from? Did he come after you? Did she come before you? Do you talk about me? This is mine. Are these from you? No, they're from my mom Did he go to your house? Who lived near you? Without 1, without 2 About Than Since/ago (Syrian), (Palestinian) For (s/o), to (s/o) To her house On There's a pen on the table. Between here and there Between me and you From/until [time]

3ala mahlak jariide marraat shuu biddo minnak? miin kaan ma3ak mbaari7? min ween bta3rafo? aja ba3dak? ajat qablak? bti7ki 3anni? haada ili hadool minnak la', hadool min immi raa7 la 3indak? kaan saakin jambak? biduun, bala 3an min min, qabil il-, illa 3indha 3ala fii qalam 3ala tawle been hoon wa hunaak beeni wa beenak min/la

Do you have a car? Of course! What's your telefone number? Young f, pl Old, age pl May God keep them! May God keep you! I wish! Good for you! (I envy you) Break (as in rest) Toilet Shop, shops I have..., I don't have... Pain Question, questions Money 1, money 2 I have (with me) I don't have (with me) 1, 2 Do you f have a brother? Do you have a sister? hour, hours Fire (lighter) Do you have a watch? Who's speaking? (polite on the telephone) Room, rooms (Turkish word)

fii 3indak sayyaara? ma3luum qaddeesh numrat tilifoonak? zgiire, zgaar kbaar Allah y5alliihum! Allah yi7faZak! yaareet! niyyaalak istiraa7a 7ammaam dukkan, dakakiin fi 3indi..., fish 3indi... waja3 su'all, as'ile maSaari, fluus fii ma3i fish ma3i, ma3iish fii 3indik a5u? fii 3indak u5t? see3a, si3aat wal3a fii ma3ak see3a? miin bi7ki? ooDa, uwaD

He walks to work He walks because he has no car Kitchen Two rooms Street, streets Refrigerator There is always hope There's no place... Problem, problems Places, stores Late f, pl Early 1, 2 Straight Homework What's new with you? Everything's fine. Do you know from what time until what time (it's open)? I'd like to do homework

biruu7 3a shugul mashi bimshi li'anno fish 3indo sayyaara maTba5 ooDteen shaari3a, shawaari3 tallaaje fii amal daayman fish ma7all mushkile, mashaakil ma7allaat mit'a55re, mit'a55riin bakkiir, badri dugri waZiife shuu a5baarak? kull shii tamaam. bti3raf min ayy see3a la ayy see3a? biddi aktib waZiife

...about water problems in Bethlehem 3an mashaakil il-mayye fi Beetla7im In order to, because Walk a little bit down the street... 3ashaan imshi shwayy fish-shaari3...

Later on you'll know what the problem ba3deen bti3raf shuu l-mushkile is Who came when I was not here? When did you come to class? miin aga lamma kunt mish hoon? eemta giit 3a dars?

How'd you come?

kiif giit?

Did you come by bus or in your car? giit fil-BaaS willa fis-sayyaartak? Who was here when you came? miin kaan hoon lamma giit?

Do you f always come here by foot? inti daayman btiigi mashi la hoon? Why'd you f come early, my friend? What time'd you go to work? When you see him do you talk to him? I was in Jerusalem when I was 20 years old. I spoke with them Saturday when I was in Jerusalem's Old City. When I come to Palestine I go straight to Bethlehem leesh giiti bakkiir, Sa7ibti? eemta bitruu7 3a shugul? lamma bitshuufo bti7ki ma3o? ana kunt fil-Quds lamma kaan 3umri 3ishriin sane. 7akeet ma3hum yoom is-sabt lamma kunt fil-Quds il-qadiime lamma baagi 3a Falastiin baruu7 dugri 3a Beetla7im

When I saw him I thought he was our lamma shufto fakkarto jaarna. neighbor. When you came, you brought bread lamma giit, jiib ma3ak 5ubiz. with you. I thought I spoke I want to come visit you You are welcome (in my home) Can you pl come at six? If busy, we'll come the next day Do you listen to the news? Every day I listen to the news, ...but I don't understand everything. fakkart 7akeet biddi aagi azuurak ahlan wa-sahlan mumkin tiigu s-see3a sitte? izi mashguul, mniigi yoom taani btisma3 il-a5bar? kull yoom basma3 il-a5bar bass bafhamsh kull ishi

I understand words here and there.

bafham kilme hoon w kilme hunaak

(It's) because the news is in Modern li'anno l-a5bar fil-3arabi il-fuS7a. Standard Arabic. Arabs have two languages: fii 3ind il-3arab lugteen:

That is to say, the official language... ya3ni il-luga ir-rasmiyye... ... and the language of conversation. w luga la l-mu7aadase conversation official (adj) I'm sorry, I don't have time. I have a meeting The director of the ski school at Snowmass At what time is the break? Where does she want to go? Who do we want to visit? We must go. They have to go. With whom do you want to come? Would you like to see him? What are you doing tomorrow? Can you come early? I can Did you come to work or to study? I came to study and read From eight to four mu7aadase rasmiyye ana mit'assif, fish 3indi waqt fii 3indi ijtimaa3 mudiir madrasat it-tazalluj fi Snowmass ayy see3a l-ishtiraa7a ween biddha truu7? miin biddna nzuur? i7na laazim nruu7 humme laazim yruu7u ma3 miin biddak tiigi? bit7ibb 'tshuufo? shuu bitsawwi bukra? btiqdar tiigi bakkiir? baqdar giit minshaan tistgil willa minshaan tit3allam? giit minshaan at3allam w minshaan aqra min is-see3a tamanye la is-see3a

arb3a The cafeteria is closed... I'll wait for you from 9:00 to 9:15 Jordanian Television On channel six News in Arabic Excuse me sir, what time is it? What's your schedule today? il kafiteerya msakkara... bastannak min is-see3a tis3a la issee3a tis3a w rubu3 urduni talfizyoon fil-qanaal sitte a5bar fil-3arabi isma7-li ya sayyid, qaddeesh issee3a? shuu barnaamjak il-yoom?

At 10:00 I've got a telephone call fromis-see3a 3ashra fii ili tilifoon min abroad. barra. At 11:00 there's a party at the hotel. is-see3a 7da3sh fii 7afle fil-uteel. At 12:00 I have to be in Jerusalem. At 8:00 I want to see the news on TV. Outside, abroad Paper In order to Building Do you understand? Do you hear what I'm saying? Do you hear well? Do you see how? is-see3a Tna3sh laazim akuun filQuds. is-see3a tamanye biddi ashuuf ila5bar fit-talfizyoon. barra waraqa manshaan 3amaara inte faahim? saami3 shuu baquul? inte saami3 kwayyis? shaayif kiif?

Do y'all understand what I'm saying? intu faahmiin shuu ba7ki?

Whatever, never mind How are you? (Egyptian) m How much? (Egyptian) I don't have any money. The bill, please. I must see him urgently Important, necessary I'm mad because he had my notebook yesterday Distress s, pl I bother myself Bothering Labor strike Idea Light weight At first At the end Hot - weather Hot - spicy Juice Milk Never 1, 2 Orange juice Mineral water Bedouin pl the group, adj Arabs (the group)

ana laazim ashuufo Daruuri Daruuri ana za3laan 3ashaan kaan 3indo duftar mbaari7 hamm, 'hmuum bagallib 7aali galabe iDraab fikra 5afiif fil-awwal fil-aa5ir shoob 7aar 3aSiir 7aliib ab'dan wala marra 3aSiir burdqaan mayye ma3daniyye il-badu, badawi il-3Arab

Candy Lamb Meat Beef Foreigner, foreigners House, apartment Day before yesterday After tomorrow What a pity!

7ilu 5aruuf la7met 3ajal ajnabi, ajaanib daar awwal mbaari7 ba3id bukra '5Saara

I don't want to travel alone tomorrow. biddiish asaafir la7aali bukra He didn't say why he didn't want to come. maa qaalsh leesh biddoosh yiigi

We didn't go to the meeting because maa ru7na 3ala l-ijtimaa3 3ashaan we were busy. kunna mashguuliin He's upset with you. To where does he want to go? When is he going to travel? (Active Part followed by Subj) Where is he going to wait exactly? (It's been) a long time since I saw him. huwwe za3laan minnak la ween biddo yruu7? eemta raayi7 ysaafir? ween raayi7 yistaanaa biZZabT? min zamaan maa shufto.

I came to Palestine a long time ago. giit 3ala Filistiin min zamaan. A long time ago I want to travel there to see him. Yesterday I spoke with him on the phone. min zamaan biddi asaafir la hunaak 3ashaan ashuufo mbaari7 7akeet ma3o fit-tilifoon.

...because I (was) asking him where 3ashaan as'alo ween saakin he lives exactly. biZZubT. She drank coffee shirbat qahwe

And she spoke Arabic with the owner w 7akeet fil-3arabi ma3 Saa7ib ilof the cafe. qahwe. When he saw that he spoke Arabic well... lamma saaf inno hiyye bti7ki 3arabi mni7

There was a foreigner f who went to a fii wa7de ajnabiyye raa7at 3ala cafe in Old Jerusalem qahwe fil-Quds il-qadiime ...He wondered (was curious) and began asking her questions Without sugar Great! 1, that's wonderful!! Great! 2 How much is the bill? I would not like to eat cheeze this morning... What do you have? I have everything. A glass of Arak I want something cold; it doesn't matter what it is A village close by Jerico Next year Answer (noun form) Clean sg, pl Long sg, pl ...istagrab w Saar yis'alha as'ile bala sukkar 3aal! mumtaaz!! aZiim qaddeesh li-7saab? ba7ibb'sh aakol jibne iS-Subu7 shuu fii 3indak? fii 3indi kull ishi kaas 3araq biddi ishi baarid, mish muhimm shuu. qarye 'zgiire jamb 'Ri7a is-sane j-jaay jawaab nDiif, 'nDaaf Tawiil, 'Twaal

Beautiful sg, pl Big sg, pl A clean house clean houses a clean car clean cars a big street big streets a clean restaurant clean restaurants a pretty garden beautiful gardens dirty Who told you? It's not important! Come over here please What's up? Did you hear what happened? What happened? reply to "mar7aba" We give thanks to God! This coming year I want to study here next year! What do you f want to study? I still don't know...

7ilu, 7ilwiin 'kbiir, 'kbaar beet 'nDiif byuut 'nDaaf sayyara nDiife sayyaraat nDaaf shari3 'kbiir shawaari3 'kbiir maT3am 'nDiif maTaa3im 'nDaaf bustaan 7ilu basatiin 7ilwiin wisi5 miin qaal-lak? mish muhimm! ta3al min faDlak shuu fii? smi3t shuu Saar? shuu Saar? mar7abteen nushkur Allah! is-sane j-jaay biddi adrus hoon is-sane j-jaay shuu biddik tudrusi? lissa maa ba3raf

Where are you f from? I'm from a town close by Ramallah. What's at the university? There's a big library... There's a clean kafiteerya... There's a pretty garden... Do you want to see the library? Is the cafeteria far away? No, it's not far, come on. Does he study at the university? Do you f study here? Why doesn't he want to drink anything? Does George know I was here yesterday? what was the answer? Why's Dauud mad at him? I year ago I was living in France. Two years ago they were living in Egypt. ...but I don't want to study French We want to study Arabic You f want to study German. The library is open from 8 to 4 Is the door locked or unlocked? Is the university big or small?

min ween inti? ana min qarye zgiire jamb Ramallah. shuu fii fil-jaam3a? fii maktabe 'kbiire fii kafiteerya nDiife fii bustaan 7ilu biddik 'tshuufi il-maktabe? il-kafiteerya b3iide? La', mish 'b3iide, 'tfaDDali. huwwe budrus fil-jaam3a? inti btudursi hoon? leesh biddoosh yishrab ishi? George bi3raf inno kunt hoon 'mbaari7? shuu kaan jawaab? leesh Dauud za3laan minno? qabil sane kunt saakin fi Fransa qabil santeen kaanu saakniin fi MaSir. bass maa biddi at3allam Fransaawi biddna nudrus 3arabi inti biddik tud-ur-si alMaani il-maktabe maftuu7a min is-see3a tamanye la see3a arba3a il-baab msakkar willa maftuu7 ij-jaam3a 'kbiire willa zgiire

He doesn't want to see the cafeteria. maa biddo yshuuf il-kafiteerya Come over here please What's up? Come, I want to tell you something. Did you hear what happened? What happened/ I heard that Samira is angry with Yusif. Who told you? It's not important! village, pl far from, ~ f inhabitants mosque, pl main (adj) in order to 1, 2 people restaurants Muslim person Muslim person f Muslims monk, mpl nun, fpl about up, over under ta3al min faDlak shuu fii? ta3al biddi aqul-lak ishi smi3t shuu Saar? shuu Saar? smi3t inno Samira za3laane min Yusif miin qaal-lak? mish muhimm! qarye, qura ba3iid 3an, b3iide 3an sukkaan jaami3, jawaami3 ra'iisi 3ashaan, 3ala shaan naas maTa3im mislim misilme misilmiin raahib, ruhbaan raahbe, raahbaat 7awaali fooq ta7t

between The West Bank class, pl brother, pl sister, pl teacher, teachers He's a liar like this/that sometimes never 1, any more never 2, 3 price tomato (colloquial) gate New Gate (of Jerusalem) Damascus Gate (North side of Old Jerusalem) Jaffa Gate (West side of Old Jerusalem) difficult not bad I wish! hopefully! Wait! correct, wrong something

"bain" iD-Diffe l-Garbiyye Saff, Sfuuf a5u, i5we u5t, 5awaat ustaaz, asaatze huwwe kazzaab heek marraat bilmarra wala marra, ab'den 7aqq bandoora bawwaabe Baab ij-Jdiid Baab il-3amuud Baab il-5aliil Si3ib mish baTTaal yareet istanna maZbuut, galat ishi

second (as in hour, minute, second) la7Za

take your time voice my wife O.K.? urgent employee, pl fruits and vegetables cucumber zuchinni lettice onion potato apple banana orange pears grapes pepper Big, bigger than Many/a lot, more Little, less Far, further New, newer Small, smaller Expensive, more ~

3ala mahlak SooT marati mnii7 Darurri mwaZZaf, mwaZZafiin fawaakih w 5uDra 5yaar kusa 5ass baSal baTaaTa tuffaa7 mooz burdqaan njaaS 3inab filfil kbiir, akbar min ktiir, aktar qaliil, aqall b3iid, ab3ad jdiid, ajdad zgiir, azgar gaali, agla

Low, lower High, higher Beautiful, more ~ Happy, happier Hungry, hungrier Tired, more ~ In a hurry, in more of a hurry Good, better Long, longer Clean, cleaner Dirty, dirtier Short, shorter Intelligent, more ~ Cold, colder Hot, hotter Cheap, cheaper Successful, more ~ Important, more ~ Where are you going? Visitor, visitors Coming sg, pl Greeting: May (God) render you healthy!

waaTi, awTa 3aali, a3la 7ilu, a7la mabSuuT, mabSuuT aktar ju3aan, ju3aan aktar ta3baan, ta3baan aktar mista3jil, mista3jil aktar mnii7, a7san Tawiil, aTwal nDiif, anDaf wisi5, awsa5 qaSiir, aqSar shaaTir, ashTar baarid, abrad su5un, as5as r5iiS, ar5aS naaj7, anja7 muhimm, ahham ween raayi7? Deef, Dyuuf jaay, jayiin ya3Tiik il-3aafye!

Reply: May God render you healthy! Allah y3afiik! Are these vegetables fresh? fresh f haadi l-5udra TaaZa TaaZa

How much is a kilo of tomatoes? 2 shekels We need to get onions. What else do we need to buy? What else? Enough 1 It's enough 2 How much's the bill? Here ya go (passing money) Dauud's fine but Yusif is better than him Khalil is tall but I'm taller Samira is short but Lara is shorter Nablus is far but Galilee is further

qaddeesh kilo l-bandoora? tneen sheekil laazim naa5ud baSal shuu laazim nishtri kamaan? shuu kaman? 5alaS bikaffi qaddeesh il-7saab? 'tfaDDal Dauud mnii7 bass Yusif a7san minno 5aliil Tawiil bass ana aTwal Samira qaSiire bass Lara aqSara Naablis ba3iid bass Jaliil ab3ad

Tony knows arabic but Carlos knows Tony bi3raf 3arabi laakin Carlos it better than him. bi3raf a7san minno Sami is intelligent in English but you f Sami shaaTir fil ingliizi laakin inti are more intelligent than him in it ashTara minno fiha Paco speaks a lot but Felipe speaks Paco bi7ki ktiir laakin Felipe bi7ki more aktar Who's smaller, me or you f? Which is bigger, BU or Bir Zeit Which is further, Nablus or Ramallah? Who is taller than me in class? What's the matter with you? miin azgar ana willa inti? miin*** akbar, jaam3et Beetla7im will jaam3et Bir Zeit? miin*** ab3ad, Nablis willa Ramallah miin aTwal minni fiS Saff shuu maalak?

What's with you being in a hurry? Where are you going? I'm going to the vegetable store. Yesterday you bought vegetables. Tonight I have a party at my house Who's coming to your place? A lot of people! Where are they coming from? Why are you standing here? Que te pasa? I'm waiting for Abraham Did he tell you that he was coming here?

shuu maalak mista3jil? ween raayi7? ana raayi7 3a dukkaan il-5uDra mbaari7 inte shtareet 5uDra! il yoom il masa fii 3indi 7afle fil beet miin jaay la 3indak? naas 'ktiir! min ween jayiin? leesh waaqif hoon? shuu maalak? bastanna Brahiim ***note lack of preposition qaal-lak inno huwwe jaay la hoon?

qaal-li inno huwwe bikuun is-see3a He told me he'd be by the bus station talaate jamb ma7aTTet il-BaaS at 3 pm. haadi I don't understand Is he a liar? Yusif waits for Sami Why didn't he come? Station Number (digits) 1, 2, (quantity) 3 Camp Famous World ana mish faahim huwwe kazzaab? Yusif bistanna Sami ***note lack preposition leesh maa aga? ma7aTTa numra, raqim, 3adad mu5ayyam mash-huur dinya

The Church of the Nativity Private school Government school The West Bank Christian sg, f = pl Municipality President, presidents Mayor Muslim sg, f, pl State, states Foreigners Foreign country Jordan fast, faster than

Kniiset il-Mahd madaaris ahliyye madaaris 7ukumiyye iD-Diffe l-Garbiyye masii7i, masii7iyye baldiyye ra'iis, ru'asa ra'iis il-baladiyye mislim, misilme, misilmiin dawle, duwal ajaanib dawle ajnabiyye il-Urdun bsuura3, asr3a min

100 Verbs Term bakzib (1) baktib (1) (baktub) (3) I lie I write Definition

banja7 (2) bafta7 (2) bas'al (2) batruk (3) badrus (3) barquS (3) barfuD (3) bashkur (3) bahrub (3) barkuD (3) baDrub (3) ba3raf (4) bafham (4) basma3 (4) ba3mal (4) bashrab (4) barja3 (4) bashra7 (4) balbas (4) barkab (4) ba7lam (4) baD7ak (4) bal3ab (4) baqdar (4) baz3al (4)

I succeed I open I ask I leave I study I dance I refuse I thank I run away I run I beat I know I understand I hear I do, I work I drink I come back I explain I put on I ride I dream I laugh I play I can I get angry

baTla3 (4) bakbar (4) barba7 (4) badfa3 (4) bawlad (4) baakol (5) baa5od (5) (A1) bafiiq (6) bajiib (6) basiir (6) banaam (7) bakuun (9) baruu7 (9) bashuuf (9) baquul (9) bazuur (9) baquum (9) bamuut (9) bafuut (9) basuuq (9) babuus (9) bajuu3 (9) ba3uuz (9) ba7ki (10) babni (10)

I get on (bus, bike, etc.) I grow I win I pay I am born I eat I take I wake up I bring I begin/happen I sleep I am I go I see I say I visit I get up I die I enter I drive I kiss I am hungry I need I speak I build

babki (10) barmi (10) banwi (10) ba3ni (10) bajli (10) balgi (10) bamshi (10) baagi (11) baqra (12) babda (12) bansa (13) ba7iss (14) ba7ibb (14) (16) ba7uTT (16) bafakkir (17) ba5alliS (17) badabbir 7aali (17) bagayyir (17) baSalli7 (17) ba7aDDir (17) bagassil (17) bagallib 7aali (17) bajarrib (17) basallim (17) basakkir (17)

I cry I throw I intend to I mean I wash dishes (fregar) I cancel I walk I come I read I begin I forget I feel I love I put I think I finish I manage (get by) I change I repair I prepare I wash I bother myself I try I say hello I close

basa55in (17) banaDDif (17) bawassi5 (17) bara55iS (17) bajaddid (17) baTawwil (17) bakabbir (17) babarrid (17) ba7assin (17) ba7alli (18) basawwi (18) (20) basaafir (19) bawaafiq (19) balaaqi (20) bat3allam (25) batzakkar (25) batjawwaz (25) batrayya7 (25) bashtgil (35) bashtri (38) bafarji (49) bastanna (A2) bastrayya7 (A4)

I heat I clean I dirty I lower the price I renew I lengthen I enlarge I cool I improve I make beautiful I do I travel I agree I find I study (generally) I remember I get married I rest (1st way) I work I buy I show I wait I rest 2

186 Terms

Term he was he saw he said he visited he died he entered he woke up he drove he kissed he got hungry he needed live m 1 live f 1 live pl 1 I don't know 1 I don't know 2 Where'd she go? Please, (come in)! (it's) possible (it's) impossible I went on a trip I envy you guys! (good for you!) I live by myself she lives by herself

Definition kaan shaaf qaal zaar maat faat qaam saaq baas jaa3 3aaz saakin saakne saakniin maa ba3raf maa ba3rafsh ween raa7at? tfaDDal! mumkin mish mumkin ru7t mishwaar niyyaalkum! ana saakin la7aali saakne la7aalha

I work I speak I learn I know I understand I write I hear I see I sleep I think I love I go I travel I think I finish I start I sleep I love, like, want to I remember I come I eat I take I drink I do I study (as in "right now I'm studying this book" vs "in general")

bashtgil ba7ki bat3allam ba3raf bafham baktib basma3 bashuuf banaam bafakkir ba7ibb baruu7 basaafir bafakkir ba5alliS babda banaam ba7ibb batzakkar baaji baakol baa5od bashrub ba3mal badrus

I do, make I do I read I leave I enter I ask I walk I buy I drink I marry/get married I manage (manage as in "I'm ok, I get by") we get by he gets by I gotta go Go! f Go! pl T/F You can use the present tense verb to express the future if you add an adverb for the future. e.g. "bukra.." I wake up... type 1, prefix for you and she type 2, prefix for you and she type 3, prefix for you and she type 1, prefix for we type 2, prefix for we

ba3mal basawwi baqra batruk bafuut bas2al bamshi bashtri bashrab batjawwaz badabbir 7aali mindabbir 7aalna bidabbir 7aalo ana laazim aruu7 ruu7i ruu7u T bafiiq bit bti btu min mni

type 3, prefix for we type 1 and 2, prefix for he and they type 3, prefix for he and they T/F: Type 1 verbs start with one consonant T/F: Type 2 verbs start with two consonants T/F: Type 3 verbs have a short "u" or "o" at the end

mnu bi bu T T T

T/F: a LONG o/u sound in the last syllable indicates type 1 T I don't have... I have (with me) I don't have (with me) 1 I don't have (with me - popular in Egypt) Do you f have a brother? There is no time! Come here! Go away! Tell me, Tell me,f I come You come You f come He comes She comes We come Y'all come They come fish 3indi... fii ma3i fish ma3i ma3iish fii 3indik a5u? fish waqt ta3al la hoon! ruu7 min hoon! qul-li quli-li baagi btiigi btiigi biigi btiigi mniigi btiigu biigu

I came You came You f came He came She came We came Y'all came They came Come! Come! f Come! pl I bring I ask Speak! I write I change I repair (ex sayyaarti) I prepare I come back I explain I dance I marry I wake up I wash I put on

giit giit giiti aga agat giina giitu agu ta3aal! ta3aali! ta3aalu bajiib bas2al i7ki baktib bagayyir baSalli7 ba7aDDir barja3 bashra7 barquS batjawwaz bafiiq bagassil balbus

I thought I spoke Excuse me Excuse me f Excuse me pl I can I forgot I bother myself I rest 1 I rest 2 I wonder I ask He began I don't want to travel We didn't go he went I go he saw I see he said I say he visited I visit he died I die

fakkart 7akeet isma7-li isma7i-li isma7u-li baqdar ana nsiit bagallib 7aali batrayya7 bastrayy7 bastagrib bas2al Saar biddiish asaafir maa ru7na raa7 baruu7 shaaf bashuuf qaal baquul zaar bazuur maat bamuut

he drove I drive he entered I enter he got up I get up he kissed I kiss he got hungry I get hungry he needed I need I work I speak I study, in general I know I understand I write I hear I sleep I think I love I travel I finish I begin

saaq basuuq faat bafuut qaam baquum baas babuus jaa3 bajuu3 3aaz ba3uuz bashtgil ba7ki bat3allam ba3raf bafham baktib basma3 banaam bafakkir ba7ibb basaafir ba5alliS babda

I remember I come I eat I take I study (as in I'm studying this book) I do 1 I do 2 I read I leave I ask I walk I buy I drink I get married

batzakkar baaji baakol baa5od badrus ba3mal basawwi baqra batruk bas2al bamshi bashtri bashrab batjawwaz

Term I you m you f he she we you pl they office

Definition ana inte inti huwwe hiyye i7na intu humme maktab

office pl university Jerusalem Bethlehem hello school boy girl world head work people student man, colloquial here where from yes, emphatic students teacher 1 teachers 1 where from? no this m this f

makaatib jaam3a il-Quds Beetla7im mar7aba madrase walad bint dinya raas shugul naas Taalib zalame hoon ween min aywa Tullaab ustaz asaatze min ween? la2 haada haadi

these that m that f those girls boys man book notebook pen, pencil Mr. Madam Who is this? teacher 2 teacher f 2 teachers 2 who? what? 1 what? 2 now street He's not here What's your name? Nice to meet you Where are you from?

hadool hadaak hadiik hadolaak banaat 'wlaad rijjaal ktaab daftar qalam sayyid sitt miin haada? m3allim m3allme m3allmiin miin? shuu? eesh? halla2 shaari3 huwwe mish hoon shuu ismak? 'tsharrafna min ween inte?

live m 1 live f 1 live pl 1 I don't live here We don't live there near near a big hotel at home today but 1 but 2 friend 1 my friend 1 friend f 1 my friend f 1 why? hospital a little some coffee some tea yesterday last year, a year ago Where'd you live last year? cinema

saakin saakne saakniin ana mish saakin hoon i7na mish saakniin hunaak jamb jamb uteel kbiir fil-beet il-yoom laakin bass Saa7ib Saa7bi Saa7be Sa7ibti leesh? mustashfa shwayy shwayyat qahwe shwayyat shaay 'mbaari7 qabil sane ween kunt saakin qabil sane? siinama

film Where does Nimir live? Where was Nimir living? together We live together Who's this? f I don't know 1 I don't know 2 Where'd she go? director neighbor Please, come in! safety with Good-bye (said by the one staying)

filim ween saakin Nimir? ween kaan saakin Nimir? sawa i7na saakniin sawa miin haadi? maa ba3raf maa ba3rafsh ween raa7at? mudiir jaar tfaDDal! salaame ma3 ma3 is-salaame

May God render you health (said by the one Allah ysallmak leaving) Read! m, f, pl America American American f France French French f negative particle of verb: iqra! iqri! iqru! Ameerka Ameerkaani Ameerkaniyye Fraansa Fransaawi Fransawiyye maa

I wasn't here lesson once again possible impossible tomorrow correct O.K.

ana maa kunt hoon dars marra kamaan marra mumkin mish mumkin bukra maZbuuT Tayyib

Good-bye m (said by person leaving before 'b5aatrak masalame is said) I want sick angry, sad angry, sad pl tired hungry f broken; rotten sleepy pl thirsty good (bien) pl intelligent, clever intelligent, clever f intelligent, clever pl clever (deinos) happy f biddi mariid za3laan za3laniin ta3baan ju3aane 5arbaan na3saniin 3atshaan kwayysiin shaaTir shaaTra shaaTriin 3akruut mabSuuTa

lazy, dumb restaurant later, afterwards key keys new new pl beautiul beautiful pl long, tall long, tall pl somebody Term He went I go He saw I see He said I say He visited I visit He died I die He drove I drive Definition

kaslaan maT3am ba3deen muftaa7 mafatii7 jdiid jdaad 7ilu 7ilwiin Tawiil Twaal waa7ad, 7add

raa7 baruu7 shaaf bashuuf qaal baquul zaar bazuur maat bamuut saaq basuuq

He entered I enter He got up I get up He kissed I kiss He got hungry I get hungry He needed I need I thought I spoke I forgot He began Was born I change I repair (ex sayyaarti) I prepare ("attend" in Fus7a) I come back I explain I dance I wake up I wash I put on I can

faat bafuut qaam baquum baas babuus jaa3 bajuu3 3aaz ba3uuz fakkart 7akeet nsiit Saar wilid bagayyir baSalli7 ba7aDDir barja3 bashra7 barquS bafiiq bagassil balbus baqdar

I work I speak I study, in general I know I understand I write I hear I sleep I love I travel I finish I begin I remember I eat I take I study I do 1 I do 2 I read I leave I walk I buy I drink I bring I ask

bashtgil ba7ki bat3allam ba3raf bafham baktib basma3 banaam ba7ibb basaafir ba5alliS babda batzakkar baakol baa5od badrus ba3mal basawwi baqra batruk bamshi bashtri bashrab bajiib bas'al

I marry/get married I rest 1, 2 I wonder I bother myself I think I close I say hello I heat I clean I try I dirty I renew I make cheap? I lengthen I enlarge I make cold I beautify I improve I come You come I came You came You f came He came She came

batjawwaz batrayya7, bastrayy7 bastagrib bagallib 7aali bafakkir basakkir basallim basa55in banaDDif bajarrib bawassi5 bajaddid bara55iS baTawwil bakabbir babarrid ba7alli ba7assin baagi btiigi giit giit giiti aga agat

We came Y'all came They came He gets by Excuse me Excuse me f Excuse me pl Tell me, Tell me,f Come here! Go away! Speak! Think! Close! Say hello! Heat! Clean! Understanding Standing Standing f Sitting Sitting pl Hearing Seeing Seeing f

giina giitu agu bidabbir 7aalo isma7-li isma7i-li isma7u-li qul-li quli-li ta3al la hoon! ruu7 min hoon! i7ki fakkir sakkir sallim sa55in naDDif faahim waaqif waaqfe qaa3id qaa3diin saami3 shaayif shaayfe

Seeing pl Going Going f Going pl He used to say To give us I agree To search I lie Term Big, bigger than Many/a lot, more Little, less Far, further New, newer Small, smaller Expensive, more ~ Low, lower High, higher Beautiful, more ~ Happy, happier Hungry, hungrier Tired, more ~

shaayfiin raayi7 raay7e raay7iin kaan yquul ya3Tiina bawaafiq ydawwir bakzib Definition kbiir, akbar min ktiir, aktar qaliil, aqall b3iid, ab3ad jdiid, ajdad zgiir, azgar gaali, agla waaTi, awTa 3aali, a3la 7ilu, a7la mabSuuT, mabSuuT aktar ju3aan, ju3aan aktar ta3baan, ta3baan aktar

In a hurry, in more of a hurry Good, better Long, longer Clean, cleaner Dirty, dirtier Short, shorter Intelligent, more ~ Cold, colder Hot, hotter Cheap, cheaper Successful, more ~ Important, more ~ Term Used to say*** Respected To give us Such and such a person Such and such a person f Investigation I agree Young man Long ago Young woman Woman, wife Liscence Definition

mista3jil, mista3jil aktar mnii7, a7san Tawiil, aTwal nDiif, anDaf wisi5, awsa5 qaSiir, aqSar shaaTir, ashTar baarid, abrad su5un, as5as r5iiS, ar5aS naaj7, anja7 muhimm, ahham

kaan yquul mu7taram! ya3Tiina flaan flaane ta7qiiq bawaafiq shaab min zamaan Sabiyye mara ru5Sa

Take care Identity card Next time By God Quickly Never mind! I lie Rented Garden 2 Because Primary Journey To search for Free; not busy Own property In the morning Secondary Except Galilee Still Nursery Kindergarten Elementary school Secondary school High school

diir baalak hawiyye taani marra waLLaahi 'bsur3a Ma3leesh bakzib fil-ajaar jneene li2anno ibtida2iyye mishwaar ydawwir faaDi milik iS-Subu7 tanawiyye maa3ada Jaliil lissa 7aDaane Saff il-bustaan madrase ibtida2iyye madrase tanawiyye tawjiihi

University Religious school Vocational school Term I think I close I say hello I heat I clean I try I dirty I renew I make cheap? I lengthen I enlarge I make cold I beautify I improve Term Speak! difficult always fine not bad I wish! hopefully! Definition

jaam3a madrase diiniyye madrase Sina3iyye Definition bafakkir basakkir basallim basa55in banaDDif bajarrib bawassi5 bajaddid bara55iS baTawwil bakabbir babarrid ba7alli ba7assin

i7ki Si3ib daayman mnii7 mish baTTaal yareet

wrong correct something second (in time) take your time I cannot voice my wife Wait! tomorrow O.K.? urgent employee employee f employees the wrong answer/The answer is wrong ana I Enta Enti Intu ni7na huwwe hiyyi hinni Shu you (m) you(f) you (pl) we he,him she, her they, them what

galat maZbuut ishi la7Za 3ala mahlak maa baqdar SooT marati istanna bukra mnii7 Darurri mwaZZaf mwaZZafe mwaZZafiin ij-jawaab galaT

miin kiff wayn aymta laish shu ya3ni? shu hayda? Shu ismak? shu ismik? na3am laa iza mumkin bijuuz sa7 tab3an galat ismi baddi hawne 3tini shway kater 7eelti 3yni tffaddal

who how where when why what does it mean? whats this? whats your name (mas.) whats your name (f) yes no if possible perhaps correct/true of course wrong my name is i want here give me a little a lot my aunt my eye come in

b7hibb mn7 mn7a mabsuta mabsut bil2afraah yallah ma3 saleeme albi suha sharaf gayr marra Term Where are you going? visitor visitors coming sg coming pl Greeting: May (God) render you healthy! Reply: May God render you healthy! Are these vegetables fresh? fresh f

i would like fine (m) fine(f) happy (f) happy(m) in happy occasions ok with safety my heart health honor another time, once Definition ween raayi7? Deef Dyuuf jaay jayiin ya3Tiik il-3aafye! Allah y3afiik! haadi l-5udra TaaZa TaaZa

How much is a kilo of tomatoes? 2 shekels We need to get onions.

qaddeesh kilo l-bandoora? tneen sheekil laazim naa5ud baSal

What else do we need to buy? shuu laazim nishtri kamaan? What else? Enough 1 It's enough 2 How much's the bill? Here ya go (passing money) shuu kaman? 5alaS bikaffi qaddeesh il-7saab? 'tfaDDal

Dauud's fine but Yusif is better Dauud mnii7 bass Yusif a7san than him minno Khalil is tall but I'm taller Samira is short but Lara is shorter Nablus is far but Galilee is further 5aliil Tawiil bass ana aTwal Samira qaSiire bass Lara aqSara Naablis ba3iid bass Jaliil ab3ad

Tony knows arabic but Carlos Tony bi3raf 3arabi laakin Carlos knows it better than him. bi3raf a7san minno Sami is intelligent in English but you f are more intelligent than him in it Paco speaks a lot but Felipe speaks more Who's smaller, me or you f? Which is bigger, BU or Bir Zeit Which is further, Nablus or Sami shaaTir fil ingliizi laakin inti ashTara minno fiha Paco bi7ki ktiir laakin Felipe bi7ki aktar miin azgar ana willa inti? miin*** akbar, jaam3et Beetla7im will jaam3et Bir Zeit? miin*** ab3ad, Nablis willa



Who is taller than me in class? miin aTwal minni fiS Saff What's the matter with you? What's with you being in a hurry? Where are you going? I'm going to the vegetable store. Yesterday you bought vegetables. Tonight I have a party at my house Who's coming to your place? A lot of people! shuu maalak? shuu maalak mista3jil? ween raayi7? ana raayi7 3a dukkaan il-5uDra mbaari7 inte shtareet 5uDra! il yoom il masa fii 3indi 7afle fil beet miin jaay la 3indak? naas 'ktiir!

Where are they coming from? min ween jayiin? Why are you standing here? Que te pasa? I'm waiting for Abraham Did he tell you that he was coming here? leesh waaqif hoon? shuu maalak? bastanna Brahiim ***note lack of preposition qaal-lak inno huwwe jaay la hoon?

qaal-li inno huwwe bikuun is-see3a He told me he'd be by the bus talaate jamb ma7aTTet il-BaaS station at 3 pm. haadi I don't understand Is he a liar? Yusif waits for Sami ana mish faahim huwwe kazzaab? Yusif bistanna Sami ***note lack preposition

Why didn't he come? station Term fruits and vegetables tomato cucumber zuchinni lettice onion potato apple banana orange pears grapes pepper Term closed that open doorkeeper my house is next to the university a little later... (is it m) open or closed? She's not there.

leesh maa aga? ma7aTTa Definition fawaakih w 5uDra bandoora 5yaar kusa 5ass baSal baTaaTa tuffaa7 mooz burdqaan njaaS 3inab filfil Definition msakkar inno maftuu7 bawwaab beeti jamb il-jaam3a ba3id shwayy maftuu7 willa msakkar? hiyye mish hunaak

Did you see here here? the secretary f closed f What did he say? He said that he didn't know. and I don't know either

shuftha hon? is-sikriteera msakkara Shuu qaal? qaal inno maa bi3raf w ana kamaan maa ba3raf

The duel suffix added to all m -een nouns: The formula for making f nouns minus e/a, plus -teen duel: week two weeks weeks month two months months thousand two thousand table two tables a hundred two hundred a year two years years 1 years 2 usbuu3 usbuu3een asabii3 shahir shahreen tushur alf alfeen taawle taawilteen miyye miteen sane santeen sniin sanawaat

she's... years old he's... years old year 2 Jericho Thursday cat number Jaffa Saturday How much? She told me that he went to Jaffa school The Schmidt School the number of your f house wife Abraham's wife Joseph's car Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday yesterday night yesterday morning yesterday midday

3umurha 3umro sine Rii7a yoom il-5amiis bisse numra Yaafa yoom is-sabt qaddeesh qaalat-li inno raa7 3a Yaafa madrase madrast 'Schmidt numret beetik mara marat 'Brahiim sayyaaret Yuusif yoom il-a7ad yoom it-tneen yoom it-talaata yoom il-arba3a yoom ij-jum3a mbaari7 il-masa mbaari7 iS-Subu7 mbaari7 iD-Duhur

this morninng tonight Thursday morning when? 1 when? 2 always two times a day late once a year dafdfawe

iS-Subu7 il-masa yoom il-5amiis iS-Subu7 eemta weenta daayman marrteen fil-yoom mit'a55ir marra fis-sine werw4e

where (not used in questions, ween used as linking two clauses) Term village villages far from f far from inhabitants mosque mosques main (adj) in order to 1 in order to 2 people restaurants Muslim person Definition qarye qura b3iide 3an ba3iid 3an sukkaan jaami3 jawaami3 ra2iisi 3ashaan 3ala shaan naas maTa3im mislim

Muslim person f Muslims monk nun monks nuns near about up, over under between the rest of these The West Bank languages students class classes brother brothers sister sisters teacher teachers He's a liar like this/that

misilme misilmiin raahib raahbe ruhbaan raahbaat jamb 7awaali fooq ta7t "bain" *********are listed back to forward in the chapter iD-Diffe l-Garbiyye lugaat Tullaab Saff Sfuuf a5u i5we u5t 5awaat ustaaz asaatze huwwe kazzaab heek

sometimes never 1, any more never 2 never 3 price tomato (colloquial) gate New Gate (of Jerusalem)

marraat bilmarra wala-marra ab'den 7aqq bandoora bawwaabe Baab ij-Jdiid

Damascus Gate (North Baab il-3amuud side of Old Jerusalem) Jaffa Gate (West side Baab il-5aliil of Old Jerusalem) Term Definition hot - weather hot - spicy hot - for objects hot - for objects f important cold cold f juice tea milk without 1 without 2 shoob 7aar su5un su5ne muhimm baarid baarde 3aSiir shaay 7aliib biduun bala

never 2 never 1 water cold water cold milk Arabic coffee orange juice mineral water Bedouin pl (the group) Bedouin (the adj) Bedouin (f adj) Arabs (the group) Arabic Arabic f egg vegetable cheeze fruit bread fig rice yogurt chicken candy lamb

wala marra ab'dan mayye mayye baarde 7aliib baarid qahwe 3arabiyye 3aSiir burdqaan mayye ma3daniyye il-badu badawi badawiyye il-3Arab 3Arabi 3Arabiyye beeD 5uDra jibne fawaakih 5ubiz tiin ruuz laban jaj 7ilu 5aruuf

meat beef cucumbers zuchinni foreigner foreigner f foreigners owner I wonder I ask He began house, apartment feast day before yesterday after tomorrow of course! What a pity! cafe Term I study (as in "right now I'm studying this book" vs "in general") I do, make I do I read I leave

la7met 3ajal 5yaar kuusa ajnabi ajnabiyye ajaanib Saa7ib bastagrib bas2al Saar daar 3iid awwal mbaari7 ba3id bukra ma2luum! '5Saara qahwe Definition badrus ba3mal basawwi baqra batruk

I enter I ask I walk I buy I drink I marry/get married

bafuut bas3al bamshi bashtri bashrab batjawwaz

I manage (manage as in "I'm ok, badabbir 7aali I get by") we get by he gets by Terms Term I travel I think I finish I start I sleep I love, like, want to I remember I come I eat I take I drink I do Term basaafir bafakkir ba5alliS babda banaam ba7ibb batzakkar baaji baakol baa5od bashrub ba3mal Definition Definition mindabbir 7aalna

0 0 (plural form) 1 masculine 1 feminine 2 masculine 2 feminine 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 30

sifir sfaar waa7ad wa7de 'tneen tinteen talaate arba3a 5amse sitte sab3a tamanye tis3a 3ashara 7da3sh Tna3sh TalaTTa3sh arbaTa3sh 5amisTa3sh sitta3sh sabaTa3sh tamanta3sh tisata3sh 3ishriin talatiin

40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 2000 1,000,000 2,000,000 1996 1001 nights Term I work I speak I learn

arb3iin 5amsin sittiin sab3iin tamaniin tis3iin miyye miteen talat miyye arba3 miyye 5amis miyye sitt miyye sabi3 miyye tamaan miyye tisi3 miyye alf alfeen malyoon malyuneen alf w-tisa3 miyye w-sitte w-tis3iin alf leele w-leele Definition bashtgil ba7ki bat3allam

I know I understand I write I hear I see I sleep I think I love I go Term clean garden village a village close by Jerico Congrats! next year next answer (noun form) clean f clean pl long long f long pl beautiful beautiful f

ba3raf bafham baktib basma3 bashuuf banaam bafakkir ba7ibb baruu7 Definition 'nDiif bustaan qarye qarye 'zgiire jamb 'Ri7a mabruuk! is-sane j-jaay jaay jawaab 'nDiife 'nDaaf Tawiil Tawiile 'Twaal 7ilu 7ilwe

beautiful pl big big f big pl a clean house clean houses a clean car clean cars a big street big streets a clean restaurant clean restaurants a pretty garden beautiful gardens dirty Who told you? It's not important! Come over here please What's up? Did you hear what happened? What happened/ All 38 Terms Term reply to "mar7aba" We give thanks to God!

7ilwiin 'kbiir 'kbiire 'kbaar beet 'nDiif byuut 'nDaaf sayyara nDiife sayyaraat nDaaf shari3 'kbiir shawaari3 'kbiir maT3am 'nDiif maTaa3im 'nDaaf bustaan 7ilu basatiin 7ilwiin wisi5 miin qaal-lak? mish muhimm! ta3al min faDlak shuu fii? smi3t shuu Saar? shuu Saar?

Definition mar7abteen nushkur Allah!

This coming year

is-sane j-jaay

I want to study here next year! biddi adrus hoon is-sane j-jaay What do you f want to study? I still don't know... Where are you f from? I'm from a town close by Ramallah. What's at the university? There's a big library... There's a clean kafiteerya... There's a pretty garden... shuu biddik tudrusi? lissa maa ba3raf min ween inti? ana min qarye zgiire jamb Ramallah. shuu fii fil-jaam3a? fii maktabe 'kbiire fii kafiteerya nDiife fii bustaan 7ilu

Do you want to see the library? biddik 'tshuufi il-maktabe? Is the cafeteria far away? No, it's not far, come on. Does he study at the university? Do you f study here? Why doesn't he want to drink anything? il-kafiteerya b3iide? La', mish 'b3iide, 'tfaDDali. huwwe budrus fil-jaam3a? inti btudursi hoon? leesh biddoosh yishrab ishi?

Does George know I was here George bi3raf inno kunt hoon 'mbaari7? yesterday? what was the answer? Why's Dauud mad at him? I year ago I was living in France. shuu kaan jawaab? leesh Dauud za3laan minno? qabil sane kunt saakin fi Fransa

Two years ago they were living qabil santeen kaanu saakniin fi MaSir. in Egypt.

...but I don't want to study French We want to study Arabic You f want to study German. The library is open from 8 to 4

bass maa biddi at3allam Fransaawi biddna nudrus 3arabi inti biddik tud-ur-si alMaani il-maktabe maftuu7a min is-see3a tamanye la see3a arba3a

Is the door locked or unlocked? il-baab msakkar willa maftuu7 Is the university big or small? He doesn't want to see the cafeteria. Come over here please What's up? Come, I want to tell you something. ij-jaam3a 'kbiire willa zgiire maa biddo yshuuf il-kafiteerya ta3al min faDlak shuu fii? ta3al biddi aqul-lak ishi

Did you hear what happened? smi3t shuu Saar? What happened/ I heard that Samira is angry with Yusif. Who told you? It's not important! Term number 2 camp famous world city was born shuu Saar? smi3t inno Samira za3laane min Yusif miin qaal-lak? mish muhimm! Definition 3adad mu5ayyam mash-huur dinya madine wilid

The Church of the Nativity private school government school The West Bank Christian Muslim municipality president mayor Think! Close! Say hello! Heat Clean! Christians f = pl Muslim f Muslim pl presidents state states foreigners foreign country Jordan Term No one is here

Kniiset il-Mahd madaaris ahliyye madaaris 7ukumiyye iD-Diffe l-Garbiyye masii7i mislim baldiyye ra2iis ra2iis il-baladiyye fakkir sakkir sallim sa55in naDDif masii7iyye misilme misilmiin ru2asa dawle duwal ajaanib dawle ajnabiyye il-Urdun Definition fish 7add hoon

Wedding Uncle To sleep Quarter

3urs 3amm ynaam 7aara

Christians (called by Muslilms) naSaara Christian (called by Muslilms) Bride Bridegroom Daytime How many 1 How many 2 The Christian Quarter The Muslim Quarter The Jewish Quarter The Armenian Quarter Police car Birthday Party Christmas Party Put on Clothes Full Electricity Singing (song) Songs Sat down nuSraani 3aruus 3ariis nhaar kam akamm 7aart in-naSaara 7aart il-misilmiin 7aart il-yahuud 7aart il-arman sayyaaret buliis 7afet 3iid milaad 7aflet 3iid il-milaad libis awaa3i malaan kahraba ginniye ganaani qa3ad

Someone Began Invited When He wins We say Pants He finishes On the seashore Stingy He doesn't have money She has beautiful eyes All my friends are there*** I don't know why All 12 Terms Term he was he went he saw he said he visited he died he entered he woke up he drove

waa7ad Saar ma3zuum lamma birba7 minquul banTaloon bi5alliS 3ala shaTT il-ba7ir ba5iil maa ma3o maSaari 3ineeha 7ilwaat kull s7aabi fiiha maa ba3raf leesh

!" # # " $%

he kissed he got hungry he needed

&' (

100 Verbs of the Palestinian Dialect - Past Tense (1st, 3rd person singulars Term kunt, kaan (9) shuft, shaaf (9) qult, qaal (9) zurt, zaar (9) qumt, qaam (9) mutt, maat (9) futt, faat (9) suqt, saaq (9) bust, baas (9) ju3t, jaa3 (9) 3uzt, 3aaz (9) ru7t, raa7 (9) kazabt, kazab (1) katabt, katab (1) naja7t, naja7 (2) fata7t, fata7 (2) sa'alt, sa'al (2) tarakt, tarak (3) darast, daras (3) was saw said visited got up died entered drove kissed was hungry needed went lied wrote succeeded opened asked left studied Definition

raqaSt, raqaS (3) rafaDt, rafaD (3) shakart, shakar (3) harabt, harab (3) rakaDt, rakaD (3) Darabt, Darab (3) 3rift, 3irif (4) fhimt, fihim (4) smi3t, simi3 (4) 3milt, 3imil (4) shribt, shirib (4) rji3t, riji3 (4) shri7t, shiri7 (4) lbist, libis (4) rkibt, rikib (4) 7limt, 7ilim (4) D7ikt, Di7ik (4) l3ibt, li3ib (4) qdirt, qidir (4) z3ilt, zi3il (4) Tli3t, Tili3 (4) kbirt, kibir (4) rbi7t, ribi7 (4) dfi3t, difi3 (4) wlidt, wilid (4)

danced refused thanked ran away ran beat knew understood heard did, worked drank cambe back explained put on rode dreamt laughed played could got angry gott on (bus, bike, etc.) grew won paid was born

akalt, akal (5) a5adt, a5ad (5) (A1) fiqt, faaq (6) jibt, jaab (6) sirt, saar (6) nimt, naam (7) 7akeet, 7aka (10) baneet, bana (10) bakeet, baka (10) rameet, rama (10) naweet, nawa (10) 3aneet, 3ana (10) jaleet, jala (10) lageet, laga (10) masheet, masha (10) giit, aga (giit or ageet) (11) qareet, qara (12) badeet, bada (12) nsiit, nisa (13) 7asseet, 7ass (14) 7abbeet, 7abb (14) (16) 7aTTeet, 7aTT (16) fakkart, fakkar (17) 5allaSt, 5allaS (17) dabbart 7aali, dabbar 7aalo (17)

ate took woke up brought began/happened slept spoke built cried threw intended to meant washed dishes (fregar) canceled walkled came read began forgot felt loved put thought finished managed (got by)

gayyart, gayyar (17) Salla7t, Salla7 (17) 7aDDart, 7aDDar (17) gassalt, gassal (17) gallabt 7aali, gallab 7aalo (17) jarrabt, jarrab (17) sallamt, sallam (17) sakkart, sakkar (17) sa55ant, sa55an (17) naDDaft, naDDaf (17) wassa5t, wassa5 (17) ra55aSt, ra55aS (17) jaddadt, jaddad (17) Tawwalt, Tawwal (17) kabbart, kabbar (17) barradt, barrad (17) 7assant, 7assan (17) 7alleet, 7alla (18) sawweet, sawwa (18) (20) saafart, saafar (19) waafaqt, waafaq (19) laqeet, laaqa (20) t3allamt, t3allam (25) tzakkart, tzakkar (25) tjawwazt, tjawwaz (25)

changed repaired prepared washed bothered -self tried said hello closed heated cleaned dirtied lowered the price renewed lengthened enlarged cooled improved beautified did traveled agreed found studied (generally) remembered gott married

trayya7t. trayya7 (25) ishtagalt, ishtagal (35) ishtareet, ishtara (38) farjeet, farja(49) istanneet, istanna (A2) istrayya7t, istrayya7 (A4)

rested (1st way) worked bought showed waited rested 2

Term bafham (understand) present paradigm bafham (understand) past paradigm bashrab (drink) present paradigm bashrab (drink) past paradigm Term badrus (I study) present paradigm

Definition bafham btifham btifhami bifham btifham mnifham btifhamu bifhamu fhimt fhimt fhimti fi-him fih-mat fhimna fhimtu fih-mu bashrab btishrab btishrabi bishrab btishrab mnishrab btishrabu bishrabu shribt shribt shribti shi-rib shir-bat shribna shribtu shir-bu Definition badrus btudrus btud-ur-si budrus btudrus mnudrus btud-ur-su bud-ursu darast darast darasti daras dar-sat darasna darastu darasu bafruD bturfuD btur-uf-Di burfuD bturfuD mnurfuD btur-uf-Du bur-uf-Du faraDt faraDt faraDti faraD far-Dat faraDna faraDtu faraDu baskur btuskur btus-uk-ri buskur btuskur mnuskur btus-uk-ru bus-uk-ru

badrus (I study) past paradigm barfuD (I refuse) present paradigm barfuD (I refuse) past paradigm baskur (I thank) present paradigm

baskur (I thank) past paradigm batruk (I leave) present paradigm batruk (I leave) past paradigm

sakart sakart sakarti sakar sak-rat sakarna sakartu sakaru batruk btutruk btut-ur-ki butruk btutruk mnutruk btut-ur-ku but-ur-ku tarakt tarakt takakti tarak tar-kat tarakna taraktu taraku barquS bturquS btur-uq-Si burqus bturqus mnurqus btur-uq-su bur-uqsu raqaSt raqaSt raqaSti raqaS raq-Sat raqaSna raqaStu raqaSu bahrub btuhrub btuh-ur-bi buhrub btuhrub mnuhrub btuh-ur-bu buh-urbu harabt harabt harabti harab har-bat harabna harabtu harabu barkuD bturkuD btur-uk-Di burkuD bturkuD mnurkuD btur-uk-Du bur-ukDu rakaDt rakaDt rakaDti rakaD rak-Dat rakaDna rakaDtu rakaDu baDrub btuDrub btuD-ur-bi buDrub btuDrub mnuDrub btuD-ur-bi buD-urbi Darabt Darabt Darabti Darab Dar-bat Darabna Darabtu Darabu Definition Boulder b3iide 3an Denver 3ashreen kiilomitir haadi qarye b3ide 3an il-Quds

barquS (I dance) present paradigm

barquS (I dance) past paradigm bahrub (I run away) present paradigm bahrub (I run away) past paradigm

barkuD (I run) present paradigm

barkuD (I run) past paradigm

baDrub (I beat) present paradigm

baDrub (I beat) pas paradigm Term Boulder is 20 km from Denver This town is about 10 km from

Jerusalem. How far is Hebron from Beit Jala?

7awaali 3ashra kiilomitir qaddeesh b3iide il-5aliil 3an Beet Jala?

The world is thus: sometimes honey id-dinya heek: marra 3asal w marra sometimes onion baSal one time this and one time that marra heek w marra heek

He's a liar, one time he's saying this huwwe kazzaab, marra biquul heek, and another time he's saying that w marra biquul heek How many universities are in the West Bank? akamm jaam3a fii fi D-Diffe ilGarbiyye?

How many people were at the party? akamm waa7ad kaan fil 7afle? Where'd you study Arabic? The students weren't bad How's Arabic? Hard? No, not at all. I wish I had a car! I wish I knew French! %%%make a ba7ki table%%% Term he went I go he saw I see he said I say he visited I visit ween t3allamt 3arabi? iT-Tullaab kaanu mish baTTaliin Kiif il-3arabi? Si3ib? La', bilmarra. yareet 3indi sayyaara! yareet ba3raf fransaawi! %%% Definition raa7 baruu7 shaaf bashuuf qaal baquul zaar bazuur

he died I die he drove I drive he entered I enter he got up I get up he kissed I kiss he got hungry I get hungry he needed I need I work I speak I study, in general I know I understand I write I hear I sleep I think I love I travel

maat bamuut saaq basuuq faat bafuut qaam baquum baas babuus jaa3 bajuu3 3aaz ba3uuz bashtgil ba7ki bat3allam ba3raf bafham baktib basma3 banaam bafakkir ba7ibb basaafir

I finish I begin I remember I come I eat I take

ba5alliS babda batzakkar baaji baakol baa5od

I study (as in I'm studying this book) badrus I do 1 I do 2 I read I leave I ask I walk I buy I drink I get married bafham (understand) subj paradigm ba3mal basawwi baqra batruk bas2al bamshi bashtri bashrab batjawwaz afham tifham tifhami yifham tifham nifham tifhamu yifhamu badrus btudrus btud-ur-si budrus btudrus mnudrus btud-ur-su bud-ursu darast darast darasti daras dar-sat darasna darastu darasu adrus tudrus tud-ur-si Yudrus tudrus nudrus tud-ur-su Yud-ur-su bafruD bturfuD btur-uf-Di burfuD bturfuD mnurfuD btur-uf-Du bur-uf-Du

badrus (I study) present paradigm

badrus (I study) past paradigm badrus (I study ) subj paradigm barfuD (I refuse) present paradigm

barfuD (I refuse) past paradigm barfuD (I refuse) subj paradigm baskur (I thank) present paradigm baskur (I thank) past paradigm baskur (I thank) subj paradigm batruk (I leave) present paradigm batruk (I leave) past paradigm batruk (I leave) subj paradigm

faraDt faraDt faraDti faraD far-Dat faraDna faraDtu faraDu afruD turfuD tur-uf-Di yurfuD turfuD nurfuD tur-uf-Du yur-uf-Du baskur btuskur btus-uk-ri buskur btuskur mnuskur btus-uk-ru bus-uk-ru sakart sakart sakarti sakar sak-rat sakarna sakartu sakaru askur tuskur tus-uk-ri yuskur tuskur nuskur tus-uk-ru yus-uk-ru batruk btutruk btut-ur-ki butruk btutruk mnutruk btut-ur-ku but-ur-ku tarakt tarakt takakti tarak tar-kat tarakna taraktu taraku atruk tutruk tut-ur-ki utruk tutruk nutruk tut-ur-ku yut-ur-ku barquS bturquS btur-uq-Si burqus bturqus mnurqus btur-uq-su bur-uqsu raqaSt raqaSt raqaSti raqaS raq-Sat raqaSna raqaStu raqaSu arquS turquS tur-uq-Si yurqus turqus nurqus tur-uq-su yur-uq-su bahrub btuhrub btuh-ur-bi buhrub btuhrub mnuhrub btuh-ur-bu buh-urbu harabt harabt harabti harab har-bat harabna harabtu harabu ahrub tuhrub tuh-ur-bi yuhrub tuhrub nuhrub tuh-ur-bu yuh-ur-bu

barquS (I dance) present paradigm

barquS (I dance) past paradigm barquS (I dance) subj paradigm bahrub (I run away) present paradigm bahrub (I run away) past paradigm bahrub (I run away) subj paradigm

barkuD (I run) present paradigm

barkuD bturkuD btur-uk-Di burkuD bturkuD mnurkuD btur-uk-Du bur-ukDu rakaDt rakaDt rakaDti rakaD rak-Dat rakaDna rakaDtu rakaDu arkuD turkuD tur-uk-Di yurkuD turkuD nurkuD tur-uk-Du yur-uk-Du baDrub btuDrub btuD-ur-bi buDrub btuDrub mnuDrub btuD-ur-bi buD-urbi Darabt Darabt Darabti Darab Dar-bat Darabna Darabtu Darabu aDrub tuDrub tuD-ur-bi yuDrub tuDrub nuDrub tuD-ur-bi yuD-ur-bi

barkuD (I run) past paradigm barkuD (I run) subj paradigm

baDrub (I beat) present paradigm

baDrub (I beat) pas paradigm baDrub (I beat) subj paradigm All 41 Terms Term I don't want to travel alone tomorrow. He didn't say why he didn't want to come.

Definition biddiish asaafir la 7aali bukra maa qaalsh leesh biddoosh yiigi

We didn't go to the meeting because we maa ru7na 3ala l-ijtimaa3 were busy. 3ashaan kunna mashguuliin Is that right? Please, enter! He's upset with you. Why's he upset with me? He didn't tell me why. What a pity! To where does he want to go? maZbuuT? tfaDDal fuut! huwwe za3laan minnak leesh za3laan minni? maa qaal-li leesh. '5Saara! la ween biddo yruu7?

Who do you know in Ramallah? When is he going to travel? (important Active Part followed by Subjunctive construction) Where is he going to wait exactly? Do you know where the "people's market" is? (It's been) a long time since I saw him. I came to Palestine a long time ago. a long time ago I want to travel there to see him. Yesterday I spoke with him on the phone.

miin bti3raf fi RamaLLa eemta raayi7 ysaafir? ween raayi7 yistaanaa biZZabT? bti3raf ween is-suq ish-sha3b? min zamaan maa shufto. giit 3ala Filistiin min zamaan. min zamaan biddi asaafir la hunaak 3ashaan ashuufo mbaari7 7akeet ma3o fit-tilifoon.

...because I (was) asking him where he 3ashaan as2alo ween saakin lives exactly. biZZubT. she drank coffee shirbat qahwe

and she spoke Arabic with the owner of w 7akeet fil-3arabi ma3 Saa7ib ilthe cafe. qahwe. When he saw that he spoke Arabic well... There was a foreigner f who went to a cafe in Old Jerusalem lamma saaf inno hiyye bti7ki 3arabi mni7 fii wa7de ajnabiyye raa7at 3ala qahwe fil-Quds il-qadiime

...He wondered (was curious) and began ...istagrab w Saar yis2alha as2ile asking her questions I want to drink something hot. I'd like to drink a cup of coffee. ...without sugar biddi ashrub ishi su5un ba7ibb ashrab finjaan qahwe bala sukkar

Great! that's wonderful!! Great! 2 How much is the bill? Shekel I would not like to eat cheeze this morning... I would like to eat vegetables. You'd f love to eat chicken il-masa What would you all like to drink? What do you have? I have everything.

3aal! mumtaaz!! aZiim qaddeesh li-7saab? sheekil ba7ibb'sh aakol jibne iS-Subu7 ba7ibb aakol 5udra inti bit7ibbi tookoli jaj il-masa shuu biddkum tishrubu? shuu fii 3indak? fii 3indi kull ishi

a glass of Arak (anise flavored liquour!!!) kaas 3araq a cup of tea without milk butt with sugar finjaan shaay bala 7aliib bass ma3 sukkar

I want something cold; it doesn't matter biddi ishi baarid, mish muhimm what it is shuu. Term necessary, important million I forgot Definition Daruuri malyoon nsiit

that (linking clauses like "I told him that inno you were here") tired distress singular, plural I bother myself bothering labor strike ta3baan hamm, 'hmuum bagallib 7aali galabe iDraab

better idea I rest 1 I rest 2 light yet, not yet at first at the end Term I must see him urgently important, necessary Did you tell him that I was here yesterday? Didn't you tell him Yusif "who"? Excuse me, I forgot He said he was tired today. They said they were lazy today. I told you that I don't know Arabic. Why are you upset? I'm mad because he had my notebook yesterday Why do you guys always come late? Term understanding understanding f understanding pl

a7san fikra batrayya7 bastrayy7 5afiif lissa fil-awwal fil-aa5ir Definition ana laazim ashuufo Daruuri Daruuri inte kuult-lo inno ana kunt hoon mbaari7 inte maa qult lo Yuusif esesh? isma7 li, ana nsiit qaal inno ta3baan il-yoom. qaalu inno kaslaaniin il yoom. qult lak inno maa ba3raf 3arabi. leesh inte za3laan? ana za3laan 3ashaan kaan 3indo duftar mbaari7 leesh daayman btiigu mit2a55ir? Definition faahim faahme faahmiin

We don't understand I understand I don't understand 1 I don't understand 2 standing standing f standing pl sitting sitting f sitting pl hearing hearing f hearing pl seeing seeing f seeing pl going going f going pl Do you understand? Do you hear what I'm saying? Do you hear well? Do you see how? Do y'all understand what I'm saying? Term

i7na mish faahmiin ana faahim ana mish faahim ana faahimsh waaqif waaqfe waaqfiin qaa3id qaa3de qaa3diin saami3 saam3a saam3iin shaayif shaayfe shaayfiin raayi7 raay7e raay7iin inte faahim? saami3 shuu baquul? inte saami3 kwayyis? shaayif kiif? intu faahmiin shuu ba7ki? Definition

half quarter third to, 'till w It's one o'clock It's two o'clock 1 h 30 3 h 15 8 h 30 3 h 20 4 h 15 8 h 40 4 h 20 6 h 55 9 h 50 5 h 30 8 h 00 10 h 40 The library is open... from eight to four The cafeteria is closed... I study Thursdays from 7:00 to 8:30

nuSS rubu3 tult illa and is-see3a wa7de is-see3a tinteen is-see3a wa7de w nuSS is-see3a talaate w rubu3 is-see3a tamaanye is-see3a talaate w tult is-see3a arb3a w rubu3 is-see3a tis3a illa tult is-see3a arb3a w tult is-see3a sab3a illa 5amse is-see3a 3ashara illa 3ashara is-see3a 5amse w nuSS is-see3a tamaanya is-see3a 7da3sh illa tult il maktabe maftuu7a... min is-see3a tamanye la is-see3a arb3a il kafiteerya msakkara... bat3allam yom il 5amis min issee3a sab3a la is-see3a tamanya w nuSS

The meetings at 4:45 I'll wait for you from 9:00 to 9:15 Term program Jordanian television on channel six News in Arabic Excuse me Excuse me f Excuse me pl Excuse me sir, what time is it? What's your schedule today? A meeting with the Belgiam consul I have a meeting wih the hospital director At 10:00 I've got a telephone call from abroad. At 11:00 there's a party at the hotel. At 12:00 I have to be in Jerusalem. (subjunctive) At 8:00 I'd like to see the news on TV. outside, abroad

il ijtimaa3 is see3a 5amse illa rubu3 bastannak min is-see3a tis3a la is-see3a tis3a w rubu3 Definition barnaamij urduni talfizyoon fil-qanaal sitte a5bar fil-3arabi isma7-li isma7i-li isma7u-li isma7-li ya sayyid, qaddeesh issee3a? shuu barnaamjak il-yoom? ijtimaa3 ma3 qunSul Baljiika fii 3indi ijtimaa3 ma3 mudiir ilmustashfa is-see3a 3ashra fii ili tilifoon min barra. is-see3a 7da3sh fii 7afle fil-uteel. is-see3a Tna3sh laazim akuun filQuds. is-see3a tamanye biddi ashuuf ila5bar fit-talfizyoon. barra

party must paper I can in order to building All 40 Terms Term Will you be home tonight? I want to come visit you You are welcome (in my home) At what time? At five thirty (pm) Can you pl come at six? If busy, we'll come the next day O.K. Do you listen to the news? Every day I listen to the news, ...but I don't understand everything. I understand words here and there.

7afle laazim waraqa baqdar manshaan 3amaara

Definition inte fil-beet il-masa? biddi aagi azuurak ahlan wa-sahlan ayy see3? see3a 5amse w nuss mumkin tiigu s-see3a sitte? izi mashguul, mniigi yoom taani Tayyib btisma3 il-a5bar? kull yoom basma3 il-a5ba bass bafhamsh kull ishi bafham kilme hoon w kilme hunaak li2anno l-a5bar fil-3arabi ilfuS7a. fii 3ind il-3arab lugteen:

(It's) because the news is in Modern Standard Arabic. Arabs have two languages:

That is to say, the official language... ... and the language of conversation. conversation official (adj) Literary Arabic I'm sorry, I don't have time. I have a meeting The director of the ski school at Snowmass At what time is the break? Who do you want to see? I wanna see Gasaan. What do you f want to see? Where do she want to go? Who do we want to visit? We're busy. We must go. They have to go. With whom do you want to come? Would you like to see him? What are you doing tomorrow? I'm going to church with my girlfriend tomorrow What do you want to do tomorrow? Can you come early?

ya3ni il-luga ir-rasmiyye... w luga la l-mu7aadase mu7aadase rasmiyye fuS7a ana mit2assif, fish 3indi waqt fii 3indi ijtimaa3 mudiir madrasat it-tazalluj fi Snowmass ayy see3a l-ishtiraa7a miin biddak 'tshuuf? biddi ashuuf Gasaan shuu biddik 'tshuufi? ween biddha truu7? miin biddna nzuur? i7na mashguuliin. i7na laazim nruu7 humme laazim yruu7u ma3 miin biddak tiigi? bit7ibb 'tshuufo? shuu bitsawwi bukra? bukra baruu7 3a l-kiniisa ma3 Sa7ibti shuu biddak tsawwi bukra? btiqdar tiigi bakkiir?

I can Mommy, why do you have to go right now? Did you come to work or to study? I came to study and read Term Who came when I was not here? When did you come to class? Who'd you guys come with today? How'd you come? Did you come by bus or in your car? Who was here when you came? Do you f always come here by foot? Why'd you come late? Why'd you f come early, my friend? I come You come You f come He comes She comes We come

baqdar ya immi, leesh laazim truu7i halla2? giit minshaan tistgil willa minshaan tit3allam? giit minshaan at3allam w minshaan aqra Definition miin aga lamma kunt mish hoon? eemta giit 3a dars? ma3 miin giitu il-yoom? kiif giit? giit fil-BaaS willa fissayyaartak? miin kaan hoon lamma giit? inti daayman btiigi mashi la hoon? leesh giit mit2a55ir? leesh giiti bakkiir, Sa7ibti? baagi btiigi btiigi biigi btiigi mniigi

Y'all come They come I came You came You f came He came She came We came Y'all came They came Come! Come! f Come! pl I bring I ask Speak! I write I change I repair (ex sayyaarti) I prepare I come back I explain I dance I marry I wake up

btiigu biigu giit giit giiti aga agat giina giitu agu ta3aal! ta3aali! ta3aalu bajiib bas2al i7ki baktib bagayyir baSalli7 ba7aDDir barja3 bashra7 barquS batjawwaz bafiiq

I wash I put on What time'd you go to work? When you saw him did you talk to him? I was in Jerusalem when I was 20 years old. When were you f in Jerusalem? When did you speak with him? I spoke with them Saturday when I was in Jerusalem's Old City. When I come to Palestine I go straight to Bethlehem When I saw him I thought he was our neighbor. When you came, you brought bread with you. I thought I spoke Term Do you have a car? Of course! What's your telefone number? I don't have kids. I'm not married young pl

bagassil balbus eemta bitruu7 3a shugul? lamma bitshuufo bti7ki ma3o? ana kunt fil-Quds lamma kaan 3umri 3ishriin sane. eemta kunti fil-Quds? eemta 7akeet ma3o? 7akeet ma3hum yoom issabt lamma kunt fil-Quds il-qadiime lamma baagi 3a Falastiin baruu7 dugri 3a Beetla7im lamma shufto fakkarto jaarna. lamma tiigi, jiib ma3ak 5ubiz. fakkart 7akeet Definition fii 3indak sayyaara? ma3luum qaddeesh numrat tilifoonak? fish 3indi wlaad ana mish mitjawwiz zgaar

old, age pl young f May God keep them! May God keep you! I wish! Good for you! (I envy you) there is, there are there is not, there are not police break (as in rest) book books toilet water shop shops I have... I don't have... pain question questions money 1 money 2 I have (with me) I don't have (with me) 1

kbaar zgiire Allah y5alliihum! Allah yi7faZak! yaareet! niyyaalak fii fish shurta istiraa7a ktaab kutub 7ammaam mayye dukkan dakakiin fi 3indi... fish 3indi... waja3 su2aal as2ile maSaari fluus fii ma3i fish ma3i

I don't have (with me) 2 Do you f have a brother? Do you have a sister? hour, watch hours pens jacket fire (lighter) Do you have a watch? Who's speaking? (polite on the telephone) room (Turkish word) rooms (Turkish word) He goes to work walking He walks because he has no car because (linking two clauses) kitchen two rooms streets refrigerator There is no time! But there is always hope! No problem! There's no place... There's no place like home! problems

ma3iish fii 3indik a5u? fii 3indak u5t? see3a si3aat qlaam jakeet wal3a fii ma3ak see3a? miin bi7ki? ooDa uwaD biruu7 3a shugul mashi bimshi li2anno fish 3indo sayyaara li2anno maTba5 ooDteen shawaari3 tallaaje fish waqt bass fii amal daayman fish mushkile fish ma7all fish ma7all zayy il-beet mashaakil

places, stores Come here! Go away! late late f late pl early 1 early 2 bread straight "fine" (a Turkish word) fine homework except What's new with you? Everything's fine. Tell me,

ma7allaat ta3al la hoon! ruu7 min hoon! mit2a55ir mit2a55re mit2a55riin bakkiir badri 5ubiz dugri tamaam mnii7 waZiife maa 3ada shuu a5baarak? kull shii tamaam. qul-li

Do you know from what time until what time (it's bti3raf min ayy see3a la open)? ayy see3a? I'd like to do homework ...about water problems in Bethlehem in order to, because I want a library in order to write Walk a little bit down the street... biddi aktib waZiife 3an mashaakil il-mayye fi Beetla7im ashaan biddi maktabe ashaan aktib imshi shwayy fishshaari3... with the people, Later on you'll know what the problem is Term God be with you! What does he want from you? Who was with you yesterday? Where do you know him from? Did he come after you? Did she come before you? Do you talk about me? Is this yours? This is mine. Are these from you? No, they're from my mom Did he go to your house? Who lived near you? with without 1 without 2 about from than since, ago (Syrian) since, ago (Palestinian)

i7ki ma3 in-naas, ba3deen bti3raf shuu lmushkile Definition Allah ma3ak! shuu biddo minnak? miin kaan ma3ak mbaari7? min ween bta3rafo? aja ba3dak? ajat qablak? bti7ki 3anni? haada ilak? haada ili hadool minnak la2, hadool min immi huwwe raa7 la 3indak? kaan saakin jambak? ma3 biduun bala 3an min min min qabil

for to to your house you f told me... they told me that... before after near at between on There's a pen on the table. Between here and there Between me and you from [time] until [time] from/until [time] Term How are you? reply to mar7aba, starts with "a" What's wrong with you? the doctor's (office) What did he say to you? like What does... mean?

ililla 3indak qultili qaaluli qabil ba3id jamb 3ind been 3ala fii qalam 3ala tawle been hoon wa hunaak beeni wa beenak min la min/la Definition kiif 7aalak? ahleen shuu maalak? 3ind id-duktoor shuu qal-lak? zayy shuu ya3ni...

It means that... Get well! 3ind "This f is like this f" (pointing at or holding two things) bed (mattress) Go! sick Did he tell you where he lives? What did she say to you when she came in? What did you f tell him when he entered? when, whenever (not used in questions but to connect clauses) What did the prof tell ya'll? What did you tell them? female friends Abraham's wife I gotta go tomorrow you'll speak better in the future God willing... (that's) not correct I speak with many mistakes center pl center

ya3ni bi... salaamtak at haadi zayy haadi farshe ruu7 mariiD qal-lak ween saakin? shuu qalat-lak lamma faatat? shuu qulti-lo lamma faat? lamma shuu qal-lku il-ustaaz? shuu inte qult-lhum? Saa7baat mart 'Brahiim ana laazim aruu7 bukra bti7ki a7san fil-mustaqbal inshaLLa mish maZbuuT balaTTish maraakiz markaz

I will do whatever work they tell me (to do) everything What kind of work do you do? reply "Not long" to a question "How long have you...?" How long have you studied Arabic? How long have you... Sleep! I don't know what's the matter with me. Go! f Go! pl The root of the imperative is formed from... How do you say "house" in Arabic? The reply to 'How do you say "house" in Arabic?" T/F You can use the present tense verb to express the future if you add an adverb for the future. e.g. "bukra.." excellent time 100%, also used to mean "perfectly" not 100%, not perfectly how many... language

shuu biquuluu-li ana bashtgil kull ishi shuu btishtgil mish ktiir 3indak waqt tit3allam 3arabi? 3indak waqt... naam maa ba3raf shuu maali ruu7i ruu7u the root of the present tense verb shuu ya3ni "house" fil3arabi "house" ya3ni beet

T mumtaaz waqt miyye fil-miyye mish miyye fil-miyye akamm luga

How many languages do you know (how to speak)? late slowly (or perhaps more literally "taking my time" or "at my own pace" w/ an implied meaning is "not too much/quickly/intensely") Take your time! I wake up... something light later newspaper sometimes/at times Term
) % *( * *+ , !" -) ./ +0" 123 4 -5 26

akamm luga bti3ruf? mit2a55ir 3ala mahli 3ala mahlak bafiiq ishi 5afiif ba3deen jariide marraat Definition to study to live, reside to work to do to eat to sleep to say to teach to write to read to happen to speak, to talk to watch

07 0 - 85 93 :" ;0' <' .67 )+ - 3+ . =0 0 0> *" *?3 @( .A B' 0C/, &D/% E/% E% F -) 0G 0(

to go over (like homework) to remember to memorize to dance to run to come 1 to go to want, to desire to love, to like, to want to hate to drink to hit to meet (someone) to get, to obtain to live to demand, to ask for to sit to wait, to await to be able to listen to hear to smoke to grow up, to get bigger to know to be

4 -5 0 -H

to learn (not like to study) to change (something) to change (reflexive, like "you've changed!" not "change your clothes!" to wear to sing to feel to cry to laugh to kick to taste to forget to remain to swim to cut to throw to think, to suppose to think to recall to help to review to come back to tire to hunger to do wrong (to someone),

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to oppress
2M . *H JD(+ 8F+ 0

to lose (something) to gain to clean to give to take to break to believe (like believe what someone is saying) to lie to use to kill to die to take revenge to wake up (intransitive) to erase to get up to steal to buy to sell to stand, to stop to walk to leave to cook to yell to play

$2 -P

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to succeed to fail to cheat to pass (like to pass someone on the street) to travel to visit to resist to attend (to prepare in Palestinian colloquial) to be absent to come 2 to point (to something) to kiss to embrace, to hug to pray to convert to Islam, to submit to win to get married to graduate to leave, to go out to enter to take out (like something from your pocket) to put to arrive

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to fly to please (something) like "what you have done pleases me" to consider strange, to be astonished to open, to unlock, to turn on (like a light) to close, to shut off (like a light) to yearn for, to miss (someone) to wake up to begin to appear as, to seem like to be necessary to melt to get hot, to warm, to warm up to cool, to cool down to rain to snow to send (like a letter) to touch to take a picture of to imagine 2 to imagine 1






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LK 26 8 -3

to build to destroy to warn, to caution to pay attention, to be alert, cautious to prepare (something) to organize (something), to arrange to look, to glance to jump, to leap to draw, to sketch, to paint to become intoxicated, to get drunk to grab, to grasp, to seize, to catch, to hold to hunt, to fish to fear, to be afraid


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