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I. PURPOSE Observing the esterification reaction (reaction of alcohols with carboxylic acids). II. BASIC THEORY JABRIK YA ! YARI. III. EQUIPMENTS AND MATERIAL Equipments an Mate!ia"s Bea"er )leeve *est *+be -+rnace -oot *hree .ethylated )/irit B+rner *est *+be 0or" )to//er *her&o&eter 1thanol .ethanol Acetic Acid )+lf+ric Acid )alicylic Acid 4istilled 5ater I&. STEPS OF 'OR( (. 7re/aring &aterials and e8+i/&ents. #. 9eating a//roxi&ately (%% &l of water in a bea"er +ntil the te&/erat+re is abo+t :%,;%o0 2. 5hile the water in heating /rocess< /+tting a//roxi&ately 2 &l of ethanol< 2 &l of glacial acetic acid< and #% dro/s of consentrated s+lf+ric acid into sleeve test t+be. 3. 0hec"ing the s&ell before the reaction &ixt+red. $. 0logging the sleeve test t+be with a cor" that /aired with s&all test t+be. =. -illing the s&all test t+be with distilled water at s+fficiently. :. 7+tting that device into the bea"er filled with water that has been heated. ;. 9eating it for a few &in+tes. >. O/ening the cor" and s&elling the &ixt+res. (%. Re/eating the above ste/s by +sing a s/at+la of salicylic acid< 2 &l of &ethanol< and #% dro/s of concentrated s+lf+ric acid Si#e$Unit #$% &' , , , )&all , , , , , !lacial 0oncentrated 0rystal Num%e! ( # ( set ( ( ( ( 2 &' 2 &' 2 &' 3% dro/s ( s/at+la 6 (% &'

(0ARI !A.BAR 4I I *1R 1* !I.A A 71RA !KA* 71R0OBAA &. RESULTS OF OBSER&ATIONS )&elling &ixt+res? (. A &ixt+re of ethanol< acetic acid< and concentrated s+lf+ric acid. Before heated After heated Before heated After heated &I. ? *he s&ell of acid. ? *he s&ell of inflatable ballon. ? *he s&ell of '7! ? *he s&ell of balsa&.


#. A &ixt+re of &ethanol< salicylic acid< and concentrated s+lf+ric acid.

DISCUSSION AND DATA ANALYSIS 4ibahas bareng yaaa si/.

&II. QUESTIONS (. a. b. 5rite the e8+ation that occ+rs in the ex/eri&ents@

0oncentrated 9#)O3

092,09#,O9(a8) 6 0920OO9(a8) 1thanol Acetat acid 092,O9(a8) 6 .ethanol 0:9=O(s) )alicylate acid

092,0OO,0#9$(a8) 6 9#O(l) 1thyl acetate 5ater

0oncentrated 9#)O3

0;9;O2(a8) 6 9#O(l) .ethyl salicylate 5ater

#. .ention the na&e of ester that for&ed in this ex/eri&ents@ a. 1thyl acetate (ethyl ethanoate). b. .ethyl salicylate (o,&ethyl,hydroxy,benAoate). 2. 5hat is the f+nction of concentrated s+lf+ric acid in this ex/eri&entsB 0an concentrated s+lf+ric acid was re/laced with dil+te s+lf+ric acidB 1x/lain yo+r answer. )+lf+ric acid serves as a catalystC the catalyst f+nction is to s/eed +/ the reaction by lowering the activation energy so the reaction can ta"e /lace 8+ic"ly. *he reaction is an endother&ic reaction< beca+se the reaction absorbs heat fro& the environ&ent. In order for the reaction to ta"e /lace< it &+st be heated. *he s+lf+ric acid can also be +sed to test the odor of ester /rod+ced. 0oncentrated s+lf+ric acid can be re/laced with dil+te s+lf+ric acid< b+t

as is the case in the e8+ilibri+& reaction< the &ore the catalyst< the reaction will r+n faster. *he concentration of s+lf+ric acid that is not balanced by the n+&ber of reactants will have less effect on the reaction rate. 3. 5hat is the f+ction of cold water in the s&all t+beB At the &o&ent there is a heating /rocess that contains a condenser so that the water is cold< it is intended that the res+lting ester i&&ediately condenses and settles again $. 5hy sleeve t+be is not heated directly to the b+rnerB In order not crac"ed and bro"en so it will not lea" gas. =. 5hy does the te&/erat+re of the water bath in the above ex/eri&ent sho+ld not exceed ;% D 0BB Beca+se a reaction has an o/ti&+& te&/erat+re< which for the esterification reaction< the o/ti&+& te&/erat+re is ;% D 0. )o that the reaction can be r+n< the te&/erat+re &+st be &aintained within this range. If the te&/erat+re is too low< the reaction will not be /erfect and if the te&/erat+re is too high ester /rod+ced will be less /+re can even be da&aged. :. .ention "itchen &aterials and other &aterials in the ho&e that yo+ thin" contains esterB *he &aterials that contain wax esters< a&ong others< food essences< cocon+t oil< corn oil< fish oil< soa/< and &argarine.

(. 1sterification is the /rocess of for&ation of ester alcohols and carboxylic acids #. *he res+lt of &ixing of ethanol< acetic acid< and s+lf+ric acid /rod+ce ethyl acetate< the s&ell is the s&ell of heated sol+tion before and after the acid s&ell of heated inflatable balloon. 2. Res+lts &ixing &ethanol< salicylic acid< and s+lf+ric acid /rod+ce &ethyl salicylate< s&ell is the s&ell of heated sol+tion before and after heated '7! bal& s&ells. 3. 0hanges in odor indicate the /resence of new s+bstances that are for&ed in the reaction is an ester (which has the characteristics of fragrance). $. 1sterification reaction is endother&ic beca+se incl+ding t+h"an "ill war&ing.


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