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Monday, August 15, 2011

VmWare Interview Questions With Answers

VMware 4.1 Questions 1. What is HA? VMware HA delivers the availability needed by many applications running in virtual machines independent o! the operating system and application running in it. VMware HA provides uni!orm cost"e!!ective !ailover protection against hardware and operating system !ailures within your virtuali#ed $% environment. & Monitors virtual machines to detect operating system and hardware !ailures. & 'estarts virtual machines on other physical servers in the resource pool without manual intervention when server !ailure is detected. & (rotects applications !rom operating system !ailures by automatically restarting virtual machines when an operating system !ailure is detected. ). How HA wor*s? VMware HA continuously monitors all servers in a resource pool and detects server !ailures. An agent placed on each server maintains a +heartbeat, with the other servers in the resource pool and a loss o! +heartbeat, initiates the restart process o! all a!!ected virtual machines on other servers. VMware HA ensures that su!!icient resources are available in the resource pool at all times to be able to restart virtual machines on di!!erent physical servers in the event o! server !ailure. 'estart o! virtual machines is made possible by the Virtual Machine -ile .ystem /VM-.0 clustered !ile system which gives multiple 1.2 .erver instances read"write access to the same virtual machine !iles concurrently. VMware HA is easily con!igured !or a resource pool through Virtual3enter. 4ey -eatures o! VMware HA & Automatic detection o! server !ailures. Automate the monitoring o! physical server availability. HA detects server !ailures and initiates the virtual machine restart without any human intervention. & 'esource chec*s. 1nsure that capacity is always available in order to restart all virtual machines a!!ected by server !ailure. HA continuously monitors capacity utili#ation and +reserves, spare capacity to be able to restart virtual machines. & Automatic restart o! virtual machines. (rotect any application with automatic restart in a di!!erent physical server in the resource pool. & $ntelligent choice o! servers /when used with VMware 5istributed 'esource .cheduler /5'.00. Automate the optimal placement o! virtual machines restarted a!ter server !ailure. %he VMware HA .olution With VMware HA a set o! 1.2 .erver hosts is combined into a cluster with a shared pool o! resources. VMware HA monitors all hosts in the cluster. $! one o! the hosts !ails VMware HA immediately responds by restarting each a!!ected virtual machine on a di!!erent host.

6sing VMware HA has a number o! advantages7 & Minimal setup and startup. %he 8ew 3luster wi#ard is used !or initial setup. Hosts and new virtual machines can be added using the Virtual $n!rastructure 3lient. & 'educed hardware cost and setup. $n a traditional clustering solution duplicate hardware and so!tware must be available and the components must be connected and con!igured properly. When using VMware HA clusters you must have su!!icient resources to accommodate the number o! hosts !or which you want to guarantee !ailover. However the Virtual3enter .erver ta*es care o! all other aspects o! the resource management. & VMware HA 9democrati#es9 high availability by ma*ing it available and cost":usti!iable !or any application regardless o! hardware and operating system plat!orm. VMware HA is !ocused on hardware !ailure not on operating system or so!tware !ailure. $! you need greater levels and guarantees o! availability to handle those situations you can consider using both VMware HA and traditional high availability approaches together. VMware HA -eatures 6sing a cluster enabled !or VMware HA provides the !ollowing !eatures7 & Automatic !ailover is provided on 1.2 .erver host hardware !ailure !or all running virtual machines within the bounds o! !ailover capacity. VMware HA provides automatic detection o! server !ailures and initiates the virtual machine restart without any human intervention. & VMware HA can ta*e advantage o! 5'. to provide !or dynamic and intelligent resource allocation and optimi#ation o! virtual machines a!ter !ailover. A!ter a host has !ailed and virtual machines have been restarted on other hosts 5'. can provide !urther migration recommendations or migrate virtual machines !or more optimum host placement andbalanced resource allocation. & VMware HA supports easy"to"use con!iguration and monitoring using Virtual3enter. HA ensures that capacity is always available /within the limits o! speci!ied !ailover capacity0 in order to restart all virtual machines a!!ected by server !ailure /based on resource reservations con!igured !or the virtual machines.0 & HA continuously monitors capacity utili#ation and 9reserves9 spare capacity to be able to restart virtual machines. Virtual Machines can !ully utili#e spare !ailover capacity when there hasn;t been a !ailure. <. What is 5'.? Align 'esources to Meet =usiness 8eeds VMware 5'. continuously monitors utili#ation across resource pools and intelligently aligns resources with business needs enabling us to7 & 5ynamically allocate $% resources to the highest priority applications. 3reate rules and policies to prioriti#e how resources are allocated to virtual machines. & >ive $% autonomy to business organi#ations. (rovide dedicated $% in!rastructure to business units while still achieving higher hardware utili#ation through resource pooling. & 1mpower business units to build and manage virtual machines within their resource pool while giving central $% control over hardware resources.

=alance ?our 3omputing 3apacity VMware 5'. continuously balances computing capacity in resource pools to deliver the per!ormance scalability and availability not possible with physical in!rastructure. VMware 5'. allows us to7 & $mprove service levels !or all applications. VMware 5'. continuously balance capacity will ensure that each virtual machine has access to appropriate resources at any point in time. & 1asily deploy new capacity. VMware 5'. will seamlessly ta*e advantage o! the additional capacity o! new servers added to a resource pool by redistributing virtual machines without system disruption. & Automate planned server maintenance. VMware 5'. can automatically migrate all virtual machines o!! physical servers to enable scheduled server maintenance with #ero downtime. & 5ramatically increase system administrator productivity. 1nable system administrators to monitor and e!!ectively manage more $% in!rastructure. 'educe 1nergy 3onsumption in the 5atacenter VMware 5istributed (ower Management /5(M0 continuously optimi#es power consumption in the datacenter. When virtual machines in a 5'. cluster need !ewer resources such as during nights and wee*ends 5(M consolidates wor*loads onto !ewer servers and powers o!! the rest to reduce power consumption. When virtual machine resource re@uirements increase /such as when users log into applications in the morning0 5(M brings powered"down hosts bac* online to ensure service levels are met. VMware 5istributed (ower Management allows $% organi#ations to7 & 3ut ongoing power and cooling costs by up to )AB in the datacenter during low utili#ation time periods. & Automate management o! energy e!!iciency in the datacenter VMware 5'. /with 5(M0 is included in the VMware v.phere 1nterprise and 1nterprise (lus edition. 5'. and 5(M leverage VMware vMotion /live migration0 to balance load and optimi#e power consumption with no downtime. -eatures %he !ollowing is a list o! the *ey !eatures o! VMware 5'.. & Aggregation o! physical server resources. Manage 3(6 and memory across a group o! physical servers as a uni!orm shared pool o! resources. & -leCible hierarchical organi#ation. Drgani#e resource pools hierarchically to match available $% resources to the business organi#ation. VMware 5'. ensures that resource utili#ation is maCimi#ed while business units retain control and autonomy o! their in!rastructure. 'esource pools can be !leCibly added removed or reorgani#ed as business needs or organi#ation change. & (riority .ettings. Assign priorities in the !orm o! shares or reservations to virtual machines within resource pools and to sub resource pools to re!lect business priorities. -or eCample the production sub resource pool can have higher shares o! the total resources in a cluster and business critical applications within the production resource pool can have !iCed guarantees/reservations0 o! 3(6 bandwidth and memory & Management o! sets o! virtual machines running a distributed application. Dptimi#e the service level o! distributed applications by controlling the aggregate allocation o! resources !or the entire set o! virtual machines running the distributed application. & A!!inity 'ules. 3reate rules that govern placement o! virtual machines on physical servers. -or eCample a group o! virtual machines can be set to always run on the same server !or

per!ormance reasons. Alternatively certain virtual machines can be set to always run on di!!erent servers to increase availability. 8ew in v.phere 4.1 is the ability to restrict placement o! virtual machines to a group o! physical servers in a cluster. %his is use!ul !or controlling the mobility o! virtual machines that run so!tware licensed !or a speci!ic group o! physical servers. $n addition this !eature can be used to *eep sets o! virtual machines on di!!erent rac*s or blade systems !or availability reasons. & (ower Management. 'educe energy consumption in the datacenter by using the 5istributed (ower Management /5(M0 !eature o! 5'. to consolidate wor*loads and power o!! servers when they are not needed by the virtual machines in the cluster. When resource re@uirements o! virtual machines increase 5(M brings hosts bac* online so service levels can be met. & Manual and Automatic Mode. VMware 5'. collects resource usage in!ormation !rom servers and virtual machines and then generates recommendations to optimi#e virtual machine allocation. %hese recommendations can be eCecuted automatically or manually. o $nitial placement. When a virtual machine is !irst powered on VMware 5'. either automatically places the virtual machine on the most appropriate physical server or ma*es a recommendation. o 3ontinuous optimi#ation. VMware 5'. continuously optimi#es resource allocations based on de!ined resource allocation rules and resource utili#ation. %he resource allocation changes can be automatically eCecuted by per!orming live migration o! virtual machines through vMotion. Alternatively in manual mode VMware 5'. provides eCecution recommendations !or system administrators. & Maintenance mode !or servers. (er!orm maintenance on physical servers without disruption to virtual machines and end users. When a physical server is placed in maintenance mode VMware 5'. identi!ies alternative servers where the virtual machines can run. =ased on automation mode settings the virtual machines are either automatically moved to use the alternative servers or the system administrator per!orms the move manually using the VMware 5'. recommendations as a guideline. & Earge"scale management. Manage 3(6 and memory across up to <) servers and 1)FA virtual machines per 5'. cluster. 4. What is vMotion? 1Cperience >ame"changing Virtual Machine Mobility VMware vMotion technology leverages the complete virtuali#ation o! servers storage and networ*ing to move an entire running virtual machine instantaneously !rom one server to another. VMware vMotion uses VMwareGs cluster !ile system to control access to a virtual machineGs storage. 5uring a vMotion the active memory and precise eCecution state o! a virtual machine is rapidly transmitted over a high speed networ* !rom one physical server to another and access to the virtual machines dis* storage is instantly switched to the new physical host. .ince the networ* is also virtuali#ed by the VMware host the virtual machine retains its networ* identity and connections ensuring a seamless migration process. VMware vMotion allows you to7 & (er!orm live migrations with #ero downtime undetectable to the user. & 3ontinuously and automatically optimi#e virtual machines within resource pools. & (er!orm hardware maintenance without scheduling downtime and disrupting business

operations. & (roactively move virtual machines away !rom !ailing or underper!orming servers.

'eliably Manage Eive Migrations with 1ase =ene!it !rom the reliability and manageability derived !rom a production"proven product used by thousands o! customers !or years. Eive migration o! virtual machines across your in!rastructure is surprisingly simple with !unctionality that lets you7 & (er!orm multiple concurrent migrations to continuously optimi#e a virtual $% environment. & $denti!y the optimal placement !or a virtual machine in seconds with a migration wi#ard providing real"time availability in!ormation. & Migrate any virtual machine running any operating system across any type o! hardware and storage supported by v.phere including -ibre 3hannel .A8 8A. and i.3.$ .A8. & (rioriti#e live migrations to ensure that mission"critical virtual machines maintain access to the resources they need. & .chedule migrations to happen at pre"de!ined times and without an administratorGs presence. & Maintain an audit trail with a detailed record o! migrations. How 5oes VMware VMotion Wor*? Eive migration o! a virtual machine !rom one physical server to another with VMware VMotion is enabled by three underlying technologies. -irst the entire state o! a virtual machine is encapsulated by a set o! !iles stored on shared storage such as -ibre 3hannel or i.3.$ .torage Area 8etwor* /.A80 or 8etwor* Attached .torage /8A.0. VMware v.torage VM-. allows multiple installations o! VMware 1.2H to access the same virtual machine !iles concurrently. .econd the active memory and precise eCecution state o! the virtual machine is rapidly trans!erred over a high speed networ* allowing the virtual machine to instantaneously switch !rom running on the source 1.2 host to the destination 1.2 host. VMotion *eeps the trans!er period imperceptible to users by *eeping trac* o! on"going memory transactions in a bitmap. Dnce the entire memory and system state has been copied over to the target 1.2 host VMotion suspends the source virtual machine copies the bitmap to the target 1.2 host and resumes the virtual machine on the target 1.2 host. %his entire process ta*es less than two seconds on a >igabit 1thernet networ*. %hird the networ*s being used by the virtual machine are also virtuali#ed by the underlying 1.2 host ensuring that even a!ter the migration the virtual machine networ* identity and networ* connections are preserved. VMotion manages the virtual MA3 address as part o! the process. Dnce the destination machine is activated VMotion pings the networ* router to ensure that it is aware o! the new physical location o! the virtual MA3 address. .ince the migration o! a virtual machine with VMotion preserves the precise eCecution state the networ* identity and the active networ* connections the result is #ero downtime and no

disruption to users. 4ey -eatures o! vMotion. 'eliability. (roven by thousands o! customers in production environments since )AA4 VMotion continues to set the standard !or the most dependable live migration capabilities. (er!ormance. (er!orm live migrations with downtime unnoticeable to the end users. Dptimal use o! 3(6 and networ* resources ensures that the live migrations occur @uic*ly and e!!iciently. $nteroperability. Migrate virtual machines running any operating system across any type o! hardware and storage supported by VMware 1.2. & .upport !or -ibre 3hannel .A8. $mplement live migration o! virtual machines utili#ing a wide range o! up to 4>= -ibre 3hannel .A8 storage systems. & 8A. and i.3.$ .A8 support. $mplement live migration o! virtual machines with lower"cost more easily managed shared storage. & 3ustomi#able 3(6 compatibility settings. 1nsure that virtual machines can be migrated across di!!erent versions o! hardware. 1nable virtual machines to bene!it !rom the latest 3(6 innovations. & 8ew " 1nhanced VMotion 3ompatibility. Eive migrate virtual machines across di!!erent generations o! hardware. Migrate virtual machines !rom older servers to new ones without disruption or downtime. Manageability & Migration wi#ard. Quic*ly identi!y the best destination !or a virtual machine using real"time in!ormation provided by migration wi#ard. & Multiple concurrent migrations. (er!orm multiple concurrent migrations to continuously optimi#e virtual machine placement across the entire $% environment. & (riority levels. Assign a priority to each live migration operation to ensure that the most important virtual machines always have access to the resources they need. & .cheduled migration tas*s. Automate migrations to happen at pre"de!ined times and without an administratorGs presence. & Migration audit trail. Maintain a detailed record o! migration operations including dateItime and the administrators responsible !or initiating them. J. What is VMware .torage VMotion?

VMware .torage VMotion is a component o! VMware v.phereK that provides an intuitive inter!ace !or live migration o! virtual machine dis* !iles within and across storage arrays with no downtime or disruption in service. .torage VMotion relocates virtual machine dis* !iles !rom one shared storage location to another shared storage location with #ero downtime continuous service availability and complete transaction integrity. .torage VMotion enables organi#ations to per!orm proactive storage migrations simpli!y array migrations improve virtual machine storage per!ormance and !ree up valuable storage capacity. .torage VMotion is !ully integrated with VMware v3enter .erver to provide easy migration and monitoring. How is VMware .torage VMotion 6sed in the 1nterprise? 3ustomers use VMware .torage VMotion to7 & .impli!y array migrations and storage upgrades. %he traditional process o! moving data to new storage is cumbersome time"consuming and disruptive. With .torage VMotion $% organi#ations can accelerate migrations while minimi#ing or eliminating associated service disruptions ma*ing it easier !aster and more cost"e!!ective to embrace new storage plat!orms and !ile !ormats ta*e advantage o! !leCible leasing models retire older hard"to"manage storage arrays and to conduct storage upgrades and migrations based on usage and priority policies. .torage VMotion wor*s with any operating system and storage hardware plat!orm supported by VMware 1.2K enabling customers to use a heterogeneous miC o! datastores and !ile !ormats. & 5ynamically optimi#e storage $ID per!ormance. Dptimi#ing storage $ID per!ormance o!ten re@uires recon!iguration and reallocation o! storage which can be a highly disruptive process !or both administrators and users and o!ten re@uires scheduling downtime. With .torage VMotion $% administrators can move virtual machine dis* !iles to alternative E68s that are properly con!igured to deliver optimal per!ormance without the need !or scheduled downtime eliminating the time and cost associated with traditional methods. & 1!!iciently manage storage capacity. $ncreasing or decreasing storage allocation re@uires multiple manual steps including coordination between groups scheduling downtime and adding additional storage. %his is then !ollowed by a lengthy migration o! virtual machine dis* !iles to the new datastore resulting in signi!icant service downtime. .torage VMotion improves this process by enabling administrators to ta*e advantage o! newly allocated storage in a non"disruptive manner. .torage VMotion can also be used as a storage tiering tool by moving data to di!!erent types o! storage plat!orms based the data value per!ormance re@uirements and storage costs. How 5oes VMware .torage VMotion Wor*?

VMware .torage VMotion allows virtual machine storage dis*s to be relocated to di!!erent datastore locations with no downtime while being completely transparent to the virtual machine or the end user. =e!ore moving a virtual machines dis* !ile .torage VMotion moves the +home directory, o! the virtual machine to the new location. %he home directory contains meta data about the virtual machine /con!iguration swap and log !iles0. A!ter relocating the home directory .torage VMotion copies the contents o! the entire virtual machine storage dis* !ile to the destination storage host leveraging +changed bloc* trac*ing, to maintain data integrity during the migration process. 8eCt the so!tware @ueries the changed bloc* trac*ing module to determine what regions o! the dis* were written to during the !irst iteration and then per!orms a second iteration o! copy where those regions that were changed during the !irst iteration copy /there can be several more iterations0. Dnce the process is complete the virtual machine is @uic*ly suspended and resumed so that it can begin using the virtual machine home directory and dis* !ile on the destination datastore location. =e!ore VMware 1.2 allows the virtual machine to start running again the !inal changed regions o! the source dis* are copied over to the destination and the source home and dis*s are removed. %his approach guarantees complete transactional integrity and is !ast enough to be unnoticeable to the end user. 4ey -eatures o! VMware .torage VMotion 3omplete transaction integrity. 8o interruption or downtime !or users and applications during virtual machine storage dis* migrations. $nteroperability. .torage VMotion can migrate storage dis* !iles !or virtual machines running any operating system across any type o! hardware and storage supported by VMware 1.2.

10 How we manage the licenses i.e. timely updating licenses brie!ly eCplain? """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """

)0 $! we !ound HA issue what are steps we should !ollow to resolve the issues? %o troubleshoot HA errors7 8ote7 Most o! these troubleshooting steps are done on the 1.2 console. 1.'un this command to veri!y that host name is in lowercase and is !ully @uali!ied7 hostname ).'un this command to veri!y that hostname is shortname only and is in lowercase7 hostname Ls <.'un this command to veri!y that the correct service console $( is displayed7 hostname Li 4.Veri!y that the host name in IetcIhosts is lowercase and both -Q58 and shortname are present. J.Veri!y that the search domain is present in the IetcIresolv.con! !ile and is in lowercase. M.Veri!y that the host name in IetcIsyscon!igInetwor* is -Q58 and is in lowercase. N.Veri!y that the host name in the IetcIvmwareIesC.con! !ile is -Q58 and is in lowercase. F.Veri!y that the system name returned by the uname "a command is in lowercase. O.Veri!y that the host name is in your 58. server and is in lowercase. %o do this run these commands7 a.nsloo*up Where is the name o! the host. %his command should return the service console $(. b.nsloo*up Where is the -Q58 name o! the host. %his command should return the service console $(. c.nsloo*up Where is the $( address o! the host.

%his command should return the -Q58 o! the host 1A.Ma*e sure the route !or the service console is correct. %o do this !rom each host ping the other hosts in the environment. 11.Veri!y that all primary service consoles have the same name. 1).Veri!y that all primary service consoles are in the same $( subnet. 1<.$! the vm*ernel port group o! vMotion is on same v.witch as primary .ervice 3onsole port group add das.allowVmotion8etwor*sP1 to the advanced settings o! HA. 14.$! the host has multiple service consoles add das.allow8etwor*A to the Advanced HA .ettings o! the cluster to ensure that only the primary service console is allowed. -or more in!ormation see $ncompatible HA 8etwor*s appearing when attempting to con!igure HA /High Availability0 /1AAMJ410. 1J.Veri!y that you have the appropriate licenses available !or HA. %o do this in EM %ools per!orm a status en@uiry and veri!y that you have V3Q5A. licenses available. $! you are unable to con!igure HA a!ter veri!ying these troubleshooting steps7 1.'un this command on the 1.2 host to stop vpCa7 service vmware"vpCa stop %he host appears as not responding in the v3enter .erver a!ter a while. ).'un these commands to uninstall aam7 1.rpm "@a R grep aam ).rpm "e /pac*age names output !rom command above0 <.rpm "e /other pac*age names output !rom command above0 4.!ind I "name aam 8ote7 1nsure to delete the directories listed by this command. <.5isconnect the 1.2 host !rom the v3enter .erver. 4.'e"connect the host to the v3enter .erver. %his !orces the V(2A pac*age and the the HA pac*ages to re"deploy. J.'e"con!igure all the hosts !or HA. M.6pgrade to 1.2 <.J 64 or later and v3enter .erver ).J64 or later. N.A!ter upgrading add das.bypass8et3ompat3hec*Ptrue to the Advanced HA .ettings o! the cluster i! it continues to have issues. $! your issue continues to eCist a!ter per!orming these steps contact your networ* or storage administrator. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """

<0 'edundancy between 8$3s in an 1.2 server S how many minimum 8$3s re@uired !or esC """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """ 40 Minimum re@uirements !or VMotion con!igure? """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """ J0 How licenses calculatedIpurchased !or VMware environment? """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """ M0 What are the partitions o! an 1.2 server? .ervice 3onsole (artitions and .i#es !or 1ach 1.2 .erver Host Mount (oint (artition .i#e 5escription IdevIsda /(rimary0 Iboot eCt< )JA M= 3hange !or additional space !or upgrades 8IA swap 1MAA M= 3hange !or maCimum service console swap si#e I eCt< J1)A M= 3hange !or additional space in root IdevIsda /1Ctended0 Ivar eCt< 4AOM M= 3reate partition to avoid over!illing root with log !iles Itmp eCt< 1A)4 M= 3reate partition to avoid over!illing root with temporary !iles Iopt eCt< )A4F M= 3reate partition to avoid over!illing root with VMware HA log !iles Ihome eCt< 1A)4 M= 3reate partition to avoid over!illing root with agent I user !iles vm*core 1AA M= (re"con!igured -ree .pace /Dptional0 Auto"con!igured and used !or local VM-."< volume /needed !or virtual machines running Microso!tGs 3lustering .o!tware. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

"""""""""" N0 Whether we need licenses !or HA 5'. !eature? ?es """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""" F0 What should be the main reason !or purple screen errors? (urple .creen o! 5eath A (urple .creen o! 5eath as seen in VMware 1.2 .erver <.A $n the event o! a hardware error the vm*ernel can ;catch; a Machine 3hec* 1Cception.%his results in an error message displayed on a purple console screen. %his is collo@uially *nown as a (.D5 or (urple .creen o! 5eath. 6pon displaying a (.D5 the vm*ernel writes debug in!ormation to the core dump partition. %his in!ormation together with the error codes displayed on the (.D5 can be used by VMware support to determine the cause o! the problem.

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""" O0 How to con!igure virtual switches S what is port"group S what is VEA8? """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1A0 Whether HA use VMotion or not? 8o it re@uires 5'.. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 110 Whether 5'. use VMotion or not? yes """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1)0 What are processes S port numbers !or virtual center HA running in 1.2? (orts and descriptions7 FA L 'e@uired !or direct H%%( connections. (ort FA redirects re@uests to H%%(. port 44<. 44< " Eistens !or connections !rom the v.phere 3lient v.phere Web Access 3lient and other .54 clients. Dpen port 44< in the !irewall to enable the v3enter

.erver system to receive data !rom the v.phere 3lient. <FO " %his port is used !or Eightweight 5irectory Access (rotocol /E5A(0 services. Who says E5A( says Active 5irectory .ervices !or the v3enter .erver group. M<M L ..E port o! the local instance !or v3enter Ein*ed Mode. $tGs the port o! the local v3enter .erver A5AM $nstance. OA) " 6sed to send data to managed hosts. %o send data to your 1.2 or 1.2i hosts. Also this port is used !or remote console access to virtual machines !rom v.phere 3lient. %his port must not be bloc*ed by !irewalls between the server and the hosts or between hosts. OA)IOA< " 6sed by the v.phere 3lient to display virtual machine consoles. FAFA L v3enter Management Webservices H%%(. F44< " .ecure connections !or v3enter Management Webservices H%%(.. MAAOO " 6sed to stream inventory ob:ect changes to .54 clients. -irewall rules !or this port on the v3enter .erver can be set to bloc* all eCcept !rom and to localhosts i! the clients are installed on the same host as the v3enter .erver service. """"""""Various services are installed when you deploy v3enter in total J services are installed"""""""""" 1.VMware Virtual3enter .erver7 Heart o! v3enter ).VMware mount service !or Virtual3enter7 used during cloning operation or while deploying !rom template <.VMware Virtual3enter management webservices7 Web management services run on it. 4.VMwareV3M.5.7A5AM services !or lin*ed mode J.VMware v3enter orchestrator con!iguration7 use !or v3enter orchestrator """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1<0 $n 1.2).J.) how we ta*e bac*ups o! vm !iles? """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "" 140 1Cplain the purpose o! 'edo log !iles? """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""

1J0 VM is not able to power o!! how to trouble shoot d issues? (owering o!! the virtual machine %o determine i! you must use the command line attempt to power o!! the virtual machine7 1.3onnect VMware $n!rastructure /V$0 3lient to the Virtual 3enter .erver. 'ight"clic* on the virtual machine and clic* (ower o!!. ).3onnect V$ 3lient directly to the 1.2 host. 'ight"clic* on the virtual machine and clic* (ower o!!. $! this does not wor* you must use the command line method. 5etermining the virtual machine;s state 1.5etermine the host on which the virtual machine is running. %his in!ormation is available in the virtual machine;s .ummary tab when viewed in the V$ 3lient page. ).Eog in as root to the 1.2 host using an ..H client. <.'un the !ollowing command to veri!y that the virtual machine is running on this host7 T vmware"cmd "l %he output o! this command returns the !ull path to each virtual machine running on the 1.2 host. Veri!y that the virtual machine is listed and record the !ull path !or use in this process. -or eCample7 T Ivm!sIvolumesIII.vmC 4.'un the !ollowing command to determine the state in which the 1.2 host believes the virtual machine to be operating7 T vmware"cmd getstate $! the output !rom this command is getstate/0 P on the Virtual3enter .erver may not be communicating with the host properly. %his issue must be addressed in order to complete the shutdown process. $! the output !rom this command is getstate/0 P o!! the 1.2 host may be unaware it is still running the virtual machine. %his article provides additional assistance in addressing this issue. (owering o!! the virtual machine while collecting diagnostic in!ormation using the vm"support script 6se the !ollowing procedure when you want to investigate the cause o! the issue. %his command attempts to power o!! the virtual machine while collecting diagnostic in!ormation. (er!orm these steps in order as they are listed in order o! potential impact to the system i! per!ormed incorrectly.

(er!orm these steps !irst7 1.5etermine the World$5 with the command7 T vm"support "C ).4ill the virtual machine by using the !ollowing command in the home directory o! the virtual machine7 T vm"support "2 %his can ta*e upwards o! <A minutes to terminate the virtual machine. 8ote7 %his command uses several di!!erent methods to stop the virtual machine. When attempting each method the command waits !or a pre"determined amount o! time. %he timeout value can be con!igured to be A by adding "dA to switch to the vm"support command. $! the preceding steps !ail per!orm the !ollowing steps !or an 1.2 <.C host7 1.Eist all running virtual machines to !ind the VM$5 o! the a!!ected virtual machine with the command7 T cat IprocIvmwareIvmIUInames ).5etermine the master world $5 with the command7 T less ". IprocIvmwareIvmITTTTIcpuIstatus <..croll to the right with the arrow *eys until you see the group !ield. $t appears similar to7 >roup vm.TTTT 4.'un the !ollowing command to shut the virtual machine down with the group $57 T IusrIlibIvmwareIbinIvm*loadQapp "* O TTTT $! the preceding steps !ail per!orm the !ollowing steps !or an 1.2 4.C host7 1.Eist all running virtual machines to !ind the vmC3artel$5 o! the a!!ected virtual machine with the command7 T IusrIlibIvmwareIbinIvmdumper "l

)..croll through the list until you see your virtual machine;s name. %he output appears similar to7 vmidPJ1J1 pidP"1 c!g-ileP9Ivm!sIvolumesI4a1Ma4Fa"dFANaaNe"eMN4" AA1e4!!cJ)eOImdineeenQtestIvmQtest.vmC9 uuidP9JM 4d aM db Aa e) eJ <e"aO )b <1 4b MO )O 1J 1O9 display8ameP9vmQtest9 vmC3artel$5PTTTT <.'un the !ollowing command to shut the virtual machine down with the vmC3artel$57 T IusrIlibIvmwareIbinIvm*loadQapp "* O TTTT (owering o!! the virtual machine using the vmware"cmd command %his procedure uses the 1.2 command line tool and attempts to grace!ully power o!! the virtual machine. $t wor*s i! the virtual machine;s process is running properly and is accessible. $! unsuccess!ul the virtual machine;s process may not be running properly and may re@uire !urther troubleshooting. 1.-rom the .ervice 3onsole o! the 1.2 host run the !ollowing command7 vmware"cmd stop 8ote7 is the complete path to the con!iguration !ile as determined in the previous section. %o veri!y that it is stopped run the command7 T vmware"cmd getstate ).-rom the .ervice 3onsole o! the 1.2 host run the command7 T vmware"cmd stop hard 8ote7 is the complete path to the con!iguration !ile as determined in the previous section. %o veri!y that it is stopped run the command7 T vmware"cmd getstate <.$! the virtual machine is still inaccessible proceed to the neCt section. 6sing the 1.2 command line to *ill the virtual machine $! the virtual machine does not power o!! using the steps in this article it has li*ely lost control o! its process. ?ou need to manually *ill the process at the command line. 3aution7 %his procedure is potentially ha#ardous to the 1.2 host. $! you do not identi!y the appropriate process id /($50 and *ill the wrong process it may have unanticipated results. $! you are not com!ortable with the !ollowing procedure contact

VMware %echnical .upport and open a .ervice 'e@uest. (lease re!er to this article when you create the .'. 1.%o determine i! the virtual machine process is running on the 1.2 host run the command7 T ps auCwww Rgrep "i .vmC %he output o! this command appears similar to the !ollowing i! the .vmC process is running7 root <AO< A.A A.< )A1M FMA ? .V Wul<A A71N IusrIlibIvmwareIbinIvm*loadQapp IusrIlibIvmwareIbinIvmware"vmC "ssched.groupPhostIuser "T namePVMware 1.2 .erverXversionP<.J.AXlicensenamePVMware 1.2 .erverXlicenseversionP).A build"1JFFN4X "Y pipePItmpIvmhsdaemon"AIvmCJMO))Fe44ba!4Od1X Ivm!sIvolumesI4O<O)e<A" 1M)A<NdA"1NcM" AA1!)OeOabecII.vmC %he process $5 /($50 !or this process is in bold. $n this eCample the ($5 is <AO<. %a*e note o! this number !or use in the !ollowing steps. 3aution7 1nsure that you identi!y the line speci!ic only to the virtual machine you are attempting to repair. $! you continue this process !or another virtual machine the one in @uestion you can cause downtime !or the other virtual machine. $! the .vmC process is listed it is possible that the virtual machine has lost control o! the process and that it must be stopped manually. ).%o *ill the process run the command7 T *ill <.Wait <A seconds and chec* !or the process again. 4.$! it is not terminated run the command7 T *ill "O J.Wait <A seconds and chec* !or the process again. M.$! it is not terminated the 1.2 host may need to be rebooted to clear the process. %his is a last resort option and should only be attempted i! the preceding steps in this article are unsuccess!ul. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""" 1M0 Why we use two di!!erent ports !or licenses and what r those port 8o.?

)NAAA """ Eicense transactions !rom 1.2 .erver <i to the license server /lmgrd.eCe0.RDutgoing %3(R )NA1A """ Eicense transactions !rom 1.2 .erver <i to the license server /vmwarelm.eCe0.R Dutgoing %3(R """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""" 1N0 V3 server is not coming up how to troubleshoot? """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""" 1F0 5i!!erence between 1.2<.J S 4.A? """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""" 1O0 =rie!ly describe about update Manager is it possible to update the powered o!! vms by update manager? """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""" )A0 1Cplain VMware .napshot S what is d command to ta*e a snapshot? """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""" )10 .uppose we have < port groups con!igured in a single Vswitch /connected to single physical 8$3 o! the esC host0 with < di!!erent VEA8s so how d VMs !rom one VEA8 will communicate to another VM o! di!!erent VEA8? """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""" ))0 What is d command to list all the running VMs S registered VMs? 'un the vm"support "C command to show which virtual machines are currently running on the 1.2 host. 'un the vmware"cmd "l command to display the names o! the virtual machines registered on this host. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""

)<0 What is d command to list d H=As? esCc!g"scsidevs "a /"aR""hbas (rint H=A devices with identi!ying in!ormation0 esCc!g"scsidevs "A /"AR""hba"device"list (rint a mapping between H=As and the devices it provides paths to.0 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""" )40 What r d ()V conversion processesItools available how we can per!orm d ()V o! a EinuC server with d help o! 3E$ commands /in case no speci!ic tools available0? 3onverting a powered on Windows operating system /()V0 .ource 5estination %3( (orts 65( (orts 8otes 3onverter server to .ource computer 44J 1<O OAFO OAOA 1<N 1<F $! the source computer uses 8et=$D. port 44J is not re@uired. $! 8et=$D. is not being used ports 1<N 1<F and 1<O are not re@uired. $! in doubt ma*e sure that none o! the ports are bloc*ed. 8ote7 6nless you have installed 3onverter server to the source computer the account used !or authentication to the source computer must have a password the source computer must have networ* !ile sharing enabled and it cannot be using .imple -ile .haring. 3onverter server to Virtual3enter 44< Dnly re@uired i! the conversion target is Virtual3enter. 3onverter client to 3onverter server 44< Dnly re@uired i! a custom installation was per!ormed and the 3onverter server and client portions are on di!!erent computers. .ource computer to 1.2 44< OA) $! the conversion target is Virtual3enter then only port OA) is re@uired. 3onverting a powered on EinuC operating system /()V0 .ource 5estination %3( (orts 8otes 3onverter server to .ource computer )) %he 3onverter server must be able to establish an ..H connection with the source computer. 3onverter client to 3onverter server 44< Dnly re@uired i! a custom installation was per!ormed and the 3onverter server and client portions are on di!!erent computers. 3onverter server to Virtual3enter 44< Dnly re@uired i! the conversion target is Virtual3enter. 3onverter server to 1.2 44< OA) OA< $! the conversion target is Virtual3enter only ports OA) and OA< are re@uired. 3onverter server to Helper virtual machine 44< Helper virtual machine .ource computer )) %he helper virtual machine must be able to establish an ..H connection with the source computer. =y de!ault the helper virtual machine gets its $( address assigned by 5H3(. $! there is no 5H3( server available on the networ* chosen !or the target virtual machine you

must manually assign it an $( address. 3onverting an eCisting virtual machine /V)V0 .ource 5estination %3( (orts 65( (orts 8otes 3onverter server to -ileshare path 44J 1<O 1<N 1<F %his is only re@uired !or standalone virtual machine sources or destinations. $! the computer hosting the source or destination path uses 8et=$D. port 44J is not re@uired. $! 8et=$D. is not being used ports 1<N 1<F and 1<O are not re@uired. $! in doubt ma*e sure that none o! the ports are bloc*ed. 3onverter client to 3onverter server 44< Dnly re@uired i! a custom installation was per!ormed and the 3onverter server and client portions are on di!!erent computers. 3onverter server to Virtual3enter 44< Dnly re@uired i! the target is Virtual3enter. 3onverter server to 1.2 44< OA) $! the conversion target is Virtual3enter only port OA) is re@uired. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""" )J0 What is d command to chec* d status o! a VM? vmware"cmd getstate 'etrieve the list o! VMs in inventory with the !ollowing command7 vmware"vim"cmd vmsvcIgetallvms ZrootY1.2".'V"O4 I[T vmware"vim"cmd vmsvcIgetallvms Vmid 8ame -ile >uest D. Version Annotation 1MA VMV2("1 Z.A8".%D'1")[ VMV2("1IVMV2("1.vmC win2((ro>uest vmC"AN )4A 6buntu Z1.2".torage"O4")[ 6buntuI6buntu.vmC ubuntu>uest vmC"AN %hen @uery each VM with their VM$57 vmware"vim"cmd vmsvcIpower.getstate -or eCample7 vmware"vim"cmd vmsvcIpower.getstate 1MA ZrootY1.2".'V"O4 I[T vmware"vim"cmd vmsvcIpower.getstate 1MA 'etrieved runtime in!o (owered on """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

"""""""""" )M0 What is d command to rescan the H=As? esCc!g"rescan """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""" )N0 How to !ind the world $5 o! a particular VM and what is d VMware proprietary command to *ill the same? vm"support "C esCcli vms vm list Eist all running virtual machines on the system to see the World $5 o! the virtual machine you want to stop. esCcli vms vm list ) .top the virtual machine by running the !ollowing command. esCcli vms vm *ill ""type ""world"id %he command supports three ""type options. %ry the types se@uentially /so!t be!ore hard hard be!ore !orce0. %he !ollowing types are supported through the ""type option7 . so!t L >ives the VM2 process a chance to shut down cleanly /li*e *ill or *ill ".$>%1'M0 . hard L .tops the VM2 process immediately /li*e *ill "O or *ill ".$>4$EE0 . !orce L .tops the VM2 process when other options do not wor*. $! all three options do not wor* reboot your 1.2I1.2i host to resolve the issue. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""" )F0 what is d command to add a route in esC to communicate to di!!erent networ* segment? 3on!igure the route using the command7 Troute add "net 14).1)1.JM.A netmas* )JJ.)JJ.)J4.A gw ))4.JF.1NJ.1 Add the !ollowing line to IetcIrc.local so that route is set on boot7 TIsbinIroute add "net 14).1)1.JM.A netmas* )JJ.)JJ.)J4.A gw ))4.JF.1NJ.1 %o ensure the route holds on reboot create an eCecutable !ile. %o create an eCecutable !ile7 1.Eogin to the 1.2 host using a ..H client. ).3hange the directory to IetcIinit.d .

<.'un this command to create a !ile called routes7 Tvi routes 4.Add this code to the !ile7 TT\ IbinIbash T case 9]19 in ;start;0 echo 9Adding additional routes... 9 IsbinIroute add "net 1N).<1.<.A netmas* )JJ.)JJ.)JJ.A gw 1N).<1.F.1X echo XX U0 echo 96sage7 ]A ^ start _9 XX esac J..ave the !ile and eCit the vi editor. M.'un this command to ma*e the !ile eCecutable7 Tchmod NNN routes N.3hange the directory to IetcIrc<.d. F.'un this command to create a symbolic lin* to that !ile7 Tln IetcIinit.dIroutes O.'eboot the 1.2 host !or the changes to ta*e e!!ect. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""" )O0 What is d de!ault si#e o! the swap partition S .3 M1MD'?? 1MAAM= .WA( 4AA M= /MA2 FAAM=0 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""" <A0 How to increase .3 memory a!ter the esC build?

&1.2 Host L F>= 'AM "` 5e!ault allocated .ervice 3onsole 'AM P <AAM= &1.2 Host L 1M>= 'AM "` 5e!ault allocated .ervice 3onsole 'AM P 4AAM= &1.2 Host L <)>= 'AM "` 5e!ault allocated .ervice 3onsole 'AM P JAAM= &1.2 Host L M4>= 'AM "` 5e!ault allocated .ervice 3onsole 'AM P MA)M=

&1.2 Host L OM>= 'AM "` 5e!ault allocated .ervice 3onsole 'AM P MM1M= &1.2 Host L 1)F>= 'AM "` 5e!ault allocated .ervice 3onsole 'AM P NA<M= &1.2 Host L )JM>= 'AM "` 5e!ault allocated .ervice 3onsole 'AM P FAAM= cp IetcIvmwareIesC.con! IetcIvmwareIesC.con!.old cp IbootIgrubIgrub.con! IbootIgrubIgrub.con!.old IbinIsed "i "e asI)N)IFAAIG IetcIvmwareIesC.con! IbinIsed "i "e asIJ1)IFAAIG IetcIvmwareIesC.con! IbinIsed "i "e asI)N)MIFAAMIG IbootIgrubIgrub.con! IbinIsed "i "e asIJ1)MIFAAMIG IbootIgrubIgrub.con! IbinIsed "i "e asI)NNJA4IF1F1NMIG IbootIgrubIgrub.con! IbinIsed "i "e asIJ)<)M4IF1F1NMIG IbootIgrubIgrub.con! """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" <10 What r d port 8o. !or Vmotion S VMware converter? 1.2 4.C FAAA %3( 1.2I1.2i Host /VM %arget0 %D 1.2I1.2i Host /VM .ource0 VMotion 3ommunication on VM4ernel $nter!ace 1.2 4.C FAAA %3( 1.2I1.2i Host /VM .ource0 %D 1.2I1.2i Host /VM %arget0 VMotion 3ommunication on VM4ernel $nter!ace 1.2i 4.C FAAA %3( 1.2I1.2i Host /VM %arget0 %D 1.2I1.2i Host /VM .ource0 VMotion 3ommunication on VM*ernel $nter!ace 1.2i 4.C FAAA %3( 1.2I1.2i Host /VM .ource0 %D 1.2I1.2i Host /VM %arget0 VMotion 3ommunication on VM*ernel $nter!ace 3onverter 4.C )) %3( Helper Virtual Machine .ource 3omputer to be converted 'e@uired !or conversion o! EinuC"based source computers /data !lows !rom source to VM0 3onverter 4.C )) %3( v3enter 3onverter .erver .ource 3omputer to be converted 'e@uired !or conversion o! EinuC"based source computers 3onverter 4.C 1<N 65( v3enter 3onverter .erver .ource 3omputer to be converted -or hot migration. 8ot re@uired i! the source computer does not use 8et=$D. 3onverter 4.C 1<F 65( v3enter 3onverter .erver .ource 3omputer to be converted -or hot migration. 8ot re@uired i! the source computer does not use 8et=$D. 3onverter 4.C 1<O %3( v3enter 3onverter .erver .ource 3omputer to be converted -or hot migration. 8ot re@uired i! the source computer does not use 8et=$D. 3onverter 4.C 44< %3( v3enter 3onverter 3lient v3enter 3onverter .erver Dnly re@uired i! the 3onverter 3lient and 3onverter .erver were installed on

di!!erent systems 3onverter 4.C 44< %3( .ource 3omputer to be converted 1.2I1.2i Host 'e@uired !or destination VM access when target is 1.2I1.2iIv3enter 3onverter 4.C 44< %3( .ource 3omputer to be converted v3enter .erver 'e@uired i! v3enter .erver is the conversion target 3onverter 4.C 44< %3( v3enter 3onverter .erver v3enter .erver 'e@uired i! v3enter .erver is the conversion target 3onverter 4.C 44< %3( v3enter 3onverter .erver 1.2I1.2i Host 'e@uired !or system conversion 3onverter 4.C 44< %3( v3enter 3onverter .erver Helper Virtual Machine 'e@uired !or conversion o! EinuC"based source computers 3onverter 4.C 44J %3( v3enter 3onverter .erver .ource 3omputer to be converted 'e@uired !or system conversion. 8ot re@uired i! the source computer uses 8et=$D. 3onverter 4.C OA) %3( .ource 3omputer to be converted 1.2I1.2i Host 'e@uired !or data transport during cloning o! system to be converted to target 1.2I1.2i Host 3onverter 4.C OAFO OAOA %3( v3enter 3onverter .erver .ource 3omputer to be converted 'e@uired !or system conversion. 'emote agent deployment """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""" <)0 How to create Vm*core partition a!ter the esC build? using parted we can create vm*core partition i! there is !ree space availabe else !irst !ree up about 1AAM= space on dis* by resi#ing the root or any other partion on the dis* and then create new vm*core partion with !c !ilesystem and reboot the host. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""" <<0 What r d agents will install a!ter adding an esC in V3 server? Vmware vcenter Agent """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" <40 What r d port 8o. !or VMware management service?

FAFA F44< VMware v3enter 4 Management Web .ervices " H%%( and H%%(. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" <J0 What is d maC 8o o! VMs can run per host? <)A """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" <M0 What r all d !iles going to b create a!ter a vm build? .vmC .vm!C .vmsd .vmd* /when start < more !iles are created """ .log vswp .nvram0 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" <N0 What r d location o! V3 server log !iles? 37b(rogram5atabVMwarebVMware Virtual3enterbEogs """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" <F0 What r d necessary log !iles in 1.2 server? esC server logs VMWare 1.2 .erver Eogs 10 Vm*ernel a. Eocation7 IvarIlogI b. -ilename7 vm*ernel c. %his log records in!ormation related to the vm*ernel and virtual machines )0 Vm*ernel Warnings a. Eocation7 IvarIlogI b. -ilename7 vm*warning c. %his log records in!ormation regarding virtual machine warnings <0 Vm*ernel .ummary a. Eocation7 IvarIlogI

b. -ilename7 vm*summary c. %his log records in!ormation used to determine uptime and availability statistics !or 1.2 .erver. %his log is not easily readable by humans import into a spreadsheet or database !or use. d. -or a summary o! the statistics in an easily viewed !ile see vm*summary.tCt 40 1.2 .erver =oot Eog a. Eocation7 IvarIlog b. -ilename7 boot.log c. Eog !ile o! all actions that occurred during the 1.2 server boot. J0 1.2 .erver Host Aagent Eog a. Eocation7 IvarIlogIvmwareI b. -ilename7 hostd.log c. 3ontains in!ormation on the agent that manages and con!igures the 1.2 .erver host and its virtual machines /.earch the !ile dateItime stamps to !ind the log !ile it is currently outputting to0. M0 .ervice 3onsole a. Eocation7 IvarIlogI b. -ilename7 messages c. 3ontain all general log messages used to troubleshoot virtual machines on 1.2 .erver. N0 Web Access a. Eocation7 IvarIlogIvmwareIwebAccess b. -ilename7 various !iles in this location c. Various logs on Web access to the 1.2 .erver. F0 Authentication Eog a. Eocation7 IvarIlogI

b. -ilename7 secure c. 3ontains the records o! connections that re@uire authentication such as VMware daemons and actions initiated by the Cinetd daemon. O0 Virtual3enter HA Agent Eog a. Eocation7 IvarIlogIvmwareIaamI b. -ilename7 aamQcon!igQutilQU.log c. %hese !iles contain in!ormation about the installation con!iguration and connections to other HA agents in the cluster. 1A0 Virtual3enter Agent a. Eocation7 IvarIlogIvmwareIvpC b. -ilename7 vpCa.log c. 3ontains in!ormation on the agent that communicates with the Virtual3enter .erver. 110 Virtual Machine Eogs a. Eocation7 %he same directory as the virtual machineGs con!iguration !iles are placed in. b. -ile8ame7 vmware.log c. 3ontains in!ormation when a virtual machine crashes or ends abnormally.

Virtual3enter $nstallation Eogs 10 %he !ollowing install logs are located in the B%1M(B directory o! the user that installed Virtual3enter a. vmlic.log i. 3ontains various test results !or provided license !ile during the installation. b. redist.log i. 3ontains M5A3IM3A5 Q-1 rollup installation in!ormation c. vmmsde.log i. 3ontains M.51 installation in!ormation d. vmls.log i. %he Eicense server installation log. e. vmos@l.log i. %he Virtual3enter database creation log !ile

!. vminst.log i. Virtual3enter installation log !ile g. V35atabase6pgrade.log i. 'esults on upgrading the V3 5atabase. h. vmmsi.log i. %he V$ client installation log. VpCd"A.log is a small log !rom the starting the client the !irst time. Virtual 3enter Eogs 10 Eocation7 a. 37b5ocuments and .ettingsbAll 6sersbApplication 5atabVMwarebVMware Virtual3enterbEogs )0 8ame7 vpCd"T.log /T is one digit A"O0 a. vpCd"indeC contains the T o! the currently active log !ile <0 Eogs rotate each time vpCd is started and also when it reaches J M= in si#e V$ 3lient Eogs 10 Eocation7 6ser B%1M(BbvpC )0 8ame7 viclient"T.log /T is one digit A"O0 <0 Eogs rotate each time V$ 3lient is started and is should be used !or client"speci!ic diagnostics Miscellaneous Eogs 10 3ore 5ump a. Eocation7 B6.1'('D-$E1BbApplication 5atabVMware )0 Eicense .erver 5ebug Eog a. Eocation7 B.ystem'ootBb%emp b. -ilename7 lmgrd.log i. %his !ile is overwritten each time the service starts c. %his !ile contains various in!ormation about the license !ile and server. <0 Web Access /%omcat0 Eogs a. Eocation7 37b(rogram -ilesbVMwareb$n!rastructurebVirtual3enter .erverbtomcatblogs

b. -ilename7 various !iles c. All the %omcat logs are here esC"console logs sysboot"vm*ernel"boot.log sysboot"dmesg"boot.log sysboot"vm*ernel"late.log sysboot"dmesg" late.og sysboot.log cd Ivm!sIvolumesI1.2".torage"O4"1IesCconsole"4c44<OF!"4)<F"bFFF"))Me"AA1eAbcd)<MaIlogsI 3ore"dump location cd vm!sIvolumesI1.2".torage"O4"1IesCconsole"4c44<OF!"4)<F"bFFF"))Me"AA1eAbcd)<MaIcore" dumps """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "" <O0 What is 1.2%D( command and how to use this command /with all the !ieldsIoptions0? 1sCtop version 4.1.A .ecure mode D!! 1sCtop7 top !or 1.2 %hese single"character commands are available7 cE " redraw screen space " update display h or ? " helpX show this teCt @ " @uit $nteractive commands are7 !- Add or remove !ields oD 3hange the order o! displayed !ields s .et the delay in seconds between updates T .et the number o! instances to display W Write con!iguration !ile dI.esCtop41rc * 4ill a world e 1CpandI'ollup 3pu .tatistics V View only VM instances E 3hange the length o! the 8AM1 !ield l Eimit display to a single group

.ort by7 67B6.15 '7B'5? 87>$5 .witch display7 c7cpu i7interrupt m7memory n7networ* d7dis* adapter u7dis* device v7dis* VM p7power mgmt Hit any *ey to continue7 O7)M71Npm up O days 4J min 14O worldsX 3(6 load average7 A.A) A.AM A.AM (3(6 6.15/B07 ).J <) <F A.< 1O A.J A.< A.4 ).) JN A.A A.A A.< )4 A.< JA AV>7 14 (3(6 6%$E/B07 <.4 <4 41 A.J )M 1.A A.N A.N ).N MJ A.) A.) A.M )O A.M MA AV>7 1M 33(6/B07 A us ) sy ON id A wa X csIsec7 1AF $5 >$5 8AM1 8WE5 B6.15 B'68 B.?. BWA$% B'5? B$5E1 BDV'E( B3.%( BMEM%5 B.W(W% 1 1 idle 1M 1<J1.JM 14ON.MN A.AA A.AA 1)).)) A.AA A.O4 A.AA A.AA A.AA JO JO 6buntu N ))O.M4 )M4.4J A.AA 441.<N A.A) 1<F.JA A.NO A.AA A.AA A.AA 11 11 console 1 1.MJ ).MM A.A< OF.)4 A.AN OF.)< A.A1 A.AA A.AA A.AA MA MA VMV2("1 J 1.AF 1.JM A.AA JAA.AA A.1A 1OO.NO A.A1 A.AA A.AA A.AA N N helper NN A.A4 A.AJ A.AA NNAA.AA A.A1 A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA F F drivers 1A A.A1 A.A1 A.AA 1AAA.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA JM JM vm*iscsid.4<A< ) A.A1 A.A1 A.AA )AA.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA 4O 4O storage'M.4)O) 1 A.AA A.AA A.AA 1AA.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA 1O 1O vm*apimod O A.AA A.AA A.AA OAA.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA ) ) system N A.AA A.AA A.AA NAA.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA O O vmotion 4 A.AA A.AA A.AA 4AA.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA 4N 4N -% 1 A.AA A.AA A.AA 1AA.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA 4F 4F vobd.4)O1 M A.AA A.AA A.AA MAA.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA J) J) net"cdp.4<AA 1 A.AA A.AA A.AA 1AA.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA J< J< net"lbt.4<A1 1 A.AA A.AA A.AA 1AA.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA JN JN vmware"vm*authd 1 A.AA A.AA A.AA 1AA.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA A.AA %he !ollowing optional switches relevant to esCtop in batch mode can be used7 a .hows all statistics and not what is speci!ied in the de!ault con!iguration !ile i! it eCists. b 'uns esCtop in batch mode. c Eoads a user"de!ined con!iguration !ile instead o! the dI.esCtop<1Arc de!ault. d .peci!ies the delay between statistics updatesX the de!ault is J seconds and the minimum is ). n .peci!ied the number o! statistics updates to capture be!ore eCiting. -or eCample the !ollowing command would run esCtop in batch mode updating all statistics to the !ile per!stats.csv every 1A seconds !or <MA iterations /a total o! MA minutes0 be!ore eCiting7

esCtop "a "b "d 1A "n <MA ` per!stats.csv """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 4A0 What is d location o! esC dump !ile and how to read it? 3ore"dump location cd vm!sIvolumesI1.2".torage"O4"1IesCconsole"4c44<OF!"4)<F"bFFF"))Me"AA1eAbcd)<MaIcore" dumps """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 410 What id d location o! the license !ile /U.E$30 in V3 server and 1.2 server? 37b(rogram5atabVMwarebVMware Virtual3enterblicensesbsitebVMware Virtual3enter .erverb4.Ab4.1.A.) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 4)0 What is d command to chec* the VM-. version and 1.2 version? vm*!stools "( storage8 vmware "v and vimsh "n "e ;hostsvcIhostsummary; R grep !ull8ame D' cat IprocIvmwareIversion """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 4<0 How to eCtend the D. drive o! a guest D. /windows VM0 vm*!stools "2 JAM Ivm!sIvolumesI.torage)ItestvmItestvm.vmd* vm*!stools "2 JAM Ivm!sIvolumesI.torage)ItestvmItestvm.vmd* """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 440 What is d command to clone a VM? vmware"vdis*manager with option "r T vm*!stools "i Ivm!sIvolumesI5atastoreA4IrhelJQtestQtemplateIrhelJQtestQtemplate.vmd* Ivm!sIvolumesI5atastoreA4IrhelJQtestQcloneIrhelJQtestQclone.vmd* """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 4J0 What is d command to chec* all d virtual switch con!iguration details? %o con!igure networ*ing !rom the 1.2 service console command line7 1.1nsure the networ* adapter you want to use is currently connected with the command7 ZrootYserver root[T esCc!g"nics Ll

%he output appears similar to7 8ame (3$ 5river Ein* .peed 5upleC 5escription vmnicA AM7AA.AA tg< 6p 1AAAMbps -ull =roadcom 3orporation 8et2treme =3MJN)1 >igabit 1thernet vmnic1 AN7AA.AA tg< 6p 1AAAMbps -ull =roadcom 3orporation 8et2treme =3MJN)1 >igabit 1thernet $n the Ein* column 6p indicates that the networ* adapter is available and !unctioning. ).Eist the current virtual switches with the command7 ZrootYserver root[T esCc!g"vswitch Ll %he output appears similar to7 .witch 8ame 8um (orts 6sed (orts 3on!igured (orts 6plin*s v.witchA <) < <) vmnicA (ort>roup 8ame $nternal $5 VEA8 $5 6sed (orts 6plin*s VM 8etwor* portgroup) A A vmnicA $n the eCample output there eCists a virtual machine networ* named VM 8etwor* with no .ervice 3onsole portgroup. -or illustration the proceeding steps show you how to create a new virtual switch and place the service console port group on it. <.3reate a new virtual switch with the command7 ZrootYserver root[T esCc!g"vswitch La v.witch1 4.3reate the .ervice 3onsole portgroup on this new virtual switch7 ZrootYserver root[T esCc!g"vswitch LA +.ervice 3onsole, v.witch1 =ecause there is a space in the name /.ervice 3onsole0 you must enclose it in @uotation mar*s. 8ote7 %o create .ervice 3onsoles one at time you may need to delete all previous settings. -or more in!ormation see 'ecreating .ervice 3onsole 8etwor*ing !rom the command line /1AAA)MM0. J.6p"lin* vmnic1 to the new virtual switch with the command7 ZrootYserver root[T esCc!g"vswitch LE vmnic1 v.witch1

M.$! you need to assign a VEA8 use the command7 ZrootYserver root[T esCc!g"vswitch "v "p +.ervice 3onsole, v.witchA where is the VEA8 number. A #ero here speci!ies no VEA8. N.Veri!y the new virtual switch con!iguration with the command7 ZrootYserver root[T esCc!g"vswitch Ll %he output appears similar to7 .witch 8ame 8um (orts 6sed (orts 3on!igured (orts 6plin*s v.witchA <) < <) vmnicA (ort>roup 8ame $nternal $5 VEA8 $5 6sed (orts 6plin*s .ervice 3onsole portgroupJ A 1 vmnicA .witch 8ame 8um (orts 6sed (orts 3on!igured (orts 6plin*s v.witch1 M4 1 M4 vmnic1 (ort>roup 8ame $nternal $5 VEA8 $5 6sed (orts 6plin*s .ervice 3onsole portgroup14 A 1 vmnic1 F.3reate the vswi! /.ervice 3onsole0 inter!ace. -or eCample run the command7 ZrootYserver root[T esCc!g"vswi! La vswi!A Li 1O).1MF.1.1A Ln )JJ.)JJ.)JJ.A Lp +.ervice 3onsole, ZaVnicG warning[ >enerated 8ew Mac address AA7JA7CC7CC7CC7CC !or vswi!A 8othing to !lush. O.Veri!y the con!iguration with the command7 ZrootYesC[T esCc!g"vswi! Ll 8ame (ort >roup $( Address 8etmas* =roadcast 1nabled 5H3( v swi!A .ervice 3onsole 1O).1MF.1.1A )JJ.)JJ.)JJ.A 1O).1MF.1.)JJ true !alse


"""""""""""""""""""""""""" 4M0 What is d command to upgrade the -. !romVM-.) to VM-.<? %he !irst thing that you will need to do to per!orm the upgrade is log into the 1.2 < host as root. Dnce logged in then you need to unload the 1.2 < VM-. drivers that are currently loaded. %he unloading o! the VM-. drivers is !or both VM-. ) and VM-. <. %o per!orm this you need to run the commands below. vm*loadQmod "u vm!s) vm*loadQmod "u vm!s< ?ou then need to load a speci!ic driver !or 1.2< that is called the 91.2< AuCiliary -. driver9. %he command below that loads this driver also includes the switch to enable the upgrade mode contained within the driver. vm*loadQmod !sauC !sauC-unctionPupgrade %he neCt step is to per!orm the upgrade on the VM-.) volume. %o do this you need to ma*e sure that there are no other hosts accessing the volume. %his is very important as it will go pear shaped @uic*ly i! other servers try to access the volume during the upgrade process. vm*!stools "% Ivm!sIvolumesI Dnce the upgrade is completed you need to chec* and con!irm that the volume is vm!s<. ?ou can do this by running the !ollowing command which is once again another vm*!stools command. vm*!stools "( Ivm!sIvolumesI ?ou should also con!irm that all your !iles are o* by chec*ing the !ile system. %he commonly used list command !or !ile systems at the service console is 9ls "l9. $! you have any more volumes to upgrade you may rinse and repeat the steps above until they are all done. Dnce all your volumes are upgraded you do need to unload the 9auCiliary driver9 that we loaded be!ore and reload the normal VM-. drivers. %wo ways o! doing this one is to reboot and the other is to run the commands below. vm*loadQmod "u !sauC vm*loadQmod vm!s) vm*loadQmod vm!s< &1.2 <.A.A is provided with <.)1 /initial release0

&1.2 <.J.A is provided with <.<1 &v.phere /1.2 4.A0 is provided w ith <.<< &v.phere /1.2 4.10 is provided with <.4M

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""" 4N0 What is '5M and what r all d -ile .ystems /-.0 it supports?

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""" 4F0 What is .'M and how it wor*s? VMware v3enter .ite 'ecovery Manager delivers advanced capabilities !or disaster recovery management non"disruptive testing and automated !ailover. VMware v3enter .ite 'ecovery Manager can manage !ailover !rom production datacenters to disaster recovery sites as well as !ailover between two sites with active wor*loads. Multiple sites can even recover into a single shared recovery site. .ite 'ecovery Manager can also help with planned datacenter !ailovers such as datacenter migrations. 5isaster 'ecovery Management . 3reate and manage recovery plans directly !rom VMware v3enter .erver. . 5iscover and display virtual machines protected by storage replication using integrations certi!ied by storage vendors. . 1Ctend recovery plans with custom scripts. . Monitor availability o! remote site and alert users o! possible site !ailures. . .tore view and eCport results o! test and !ailover eCecution !rom VMware v3enter .erver. . 3ontrol access to recovery plans with granular role"based access controls. . Eeverage i.3.$ -ibre3hannel or 8-."based storage replication solutions. . 'ecover multiple sites into a single shared recovery site. . %a*e advantage o! the latest !eatures and technologies included in VMware v.phere. 8on"5isruptive %esting . 6se storage snapshot capabilities to per!orm recovery tests without losing replicated data. . 3onnect virtual machines to an eCisting isolated networ* !or testing purposes. . Automate eCecution o! tests o! recovery plans. . 3ustomi#e eCecution o! recovery plans !or testing scenarios. . Automate cleanup o! testing environments a!ter completing tests.

Automated -ailover . $nitiate recovery plan eCecution !rom VMware v3enter .erver with a single button. . Automate promotion o! replicated datastores !or recovery using adapters created by leading storage vendors !or their replication plat!orms. . 1Cecute user"de!ined scripts and pauses during recovery. . 'econ!igure virtual machinesG $( addresses to match networ* con!iguration at !ailover site. . Manage and monitor eCecution o! recovery plans within VMware v3enter .erver. WhatGs 8ew in v3enter .ite 'ecovery Manager 4? . (rotect more o! your environment with added support !or 8-. storage replication. . .et up many"to"one !ailover using shared recovery sites. . Eeverage new !eatures in v.phere. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""" 4O0 What is d series o! HIW /virtual0 used !or VMGs virtual mother motherImain board?

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""" JA0 What r d date store path selections S what r d options available !or networ* load balancing? ?ou can display in!ormation about paths by running vic!g"mpath with one o! the !ollowing options7 . Eist all devices with their corresponding paths state o! the path adapter type and other in!ormation. vic!g"mpath ""list"paths . 5isplay a short listing o! all paths. vic!g"mpath ""list"compact . Eist all paths with adapter and device mappings. vic!g"mpath ""list"map Managing (ath (olicies with esCcli -or each storage device managed by 8M( /not (ower(ath0 an 1.2I1.2i host uses a path selection policy. =y de!ault VMware supports the !ollowing path selection policies. $! you have a thirdparty (.( installed on your host its policy also appears on the list. %he !ollowing path policies are supported by de!ault7 %able J"1. .upported (ath (olicies

(olicy 5escription VMWQ(.(Q-$215 %he host always uses the pre!erred path to the dis* when that path is available. $! the host cannot access the dis* through the pre!erred path it tries the alternative paths. $! you use the VMWQ(.(Q-$215 policy use esCcli nmp !iCed to set or get the pre!erred path VMWQ(.(Q-$215QA( 1Ctends the VMWQ(.(Q-$215 !unctionality to active passive and AE6A mode arrays. VMWQ(.(QM'6 %he host uses a path to the dis* until the path becomes unavailable. When the path becomes unavailable the host selects one o! the alternative paths. %he host does not revert bac* to the original path when that path becomes available again. %here is no pre!erred path setting with the M'6 policy. M'6 is the de!ault policy !or activepassive storage devices and is re@uired !or those devices. VMWQ(.(Q'' %he host uses an automatic path selection algorithm rotating through all available paths. %his algorithm implements load balancing across all the available physical paths. Eoad balancing is the process o! spreading server $ID re@uests across all available host paths. %he goal is to optimi#e per!ormance in terms o! throughput /$ID per second megabytes per second or response times0. %able J"). (ath (olicy 1!!ects (olicy ActiveIActive Array ActiveI(assive Array Most 'ecently 6sed Administrator action is re@uired to !ail bac* a!ter path !ailure. Administrator action is re@uired to !ail bac* a!ter path !ailure. -iCed VM*ernel resumes using the pre!erred path when connectivity is restored. VM*ernel attempts to resume using the pre!erred path. %his can cause path thrashing or !ailure when another .( now owns the E68. 'ound 'obin 8o !ail bac*. 8eCt path in round robin scheduling is selected.

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