French Phonetic

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R. 1. 2. 3. !. %. '. ). Tips: U. 1. 2. 3. !. %. '. Tips: &he 0rench ; sound does not e=ist in 1nglish.

ish. &he closest sound we have in 1nglish is O; as in soup, $ut unfortunately the 0rench have that sound as well with their O;. #ou must $e a$le to tell these sounds apart. &he ; sound is always spelled ; and the O; sound is always spelled O;, so they are easy to tell apart in writing. Open your mouth. 2ay O. 8raw out the O until your lips are where they would $e to ma/e a Purse your lips as tightly as you can. 7eeping your lips pursed, say 1. 9oil: the 0rench ;< sound. Open your mouth. Close your throat as if you're going to gargle or to avoid swallowing a mouthful of liquid, and say K carefully, several times. Pay attention to where in your throat the K sound is made. e'll call this the K place. "egin slowly closing your throat, until you can almost feel the K place. #our throat should $e only partially constricted. &ense the muscles around the K place. (ently push air through your partially constricted throat. Practice saying *a+*a+*a ,where * - steps !+'. every day. &ry not to thin/ of this letter as an *. &he 0rench * is nothing li/e the 1nglish * ,pronounced in the middle of the mouth. or the 2panish * ,pronounced in the front of the mouth.. &he 0rench * is pronounced in the throat. &he 0rench * sounds a lot li/e the ch in 34och 5ess3 and the /h in 6ra$ic transcription, as in 7halid.

Nasal vowels. e=pelling air through the mouth and nose without o$struction of the lips, tongue, or throat. 5asal> different from the normal pronunciation of the same vowels. 9owels> followed $y ? or 5 -@ nasal 1=cept> the nasal consonant A followed $y another vowel -@ vowel and consonant> $oth voiced. 0or e=ample> un nasal une voiced 1nglish> nasal consonant ,? or 5. is pronounced, nasaliBes the vowel that precedes it , 1nglish own on . 0rench> vowel A nasalC consonant A not pronounced , 0rench on an .

4 French accents vowels; 1 accent consonant. accent aigu ,acute accent.> E. "eginning of a word -@ used to follow that vowel, e.g., !tu"iant ,student.. accent grave # ,grave accent.> $, E, or U. $ and U -@ distinguish $etween words that would otherwise $e homographsC e.g., ou ,or. vso% ,where.. accent circon&le'e ( ,circumfle=.> $, E, ), *, or U -@ 2 used to follow that vowel, e.g., &or+t ,forest.C distinguish $etween homographsC e.g., "u ,contraction of de D le. vs ", ,past participleof devoir.. accent tr!-a . ,dieresis or umlaut.> E, ), or U -@ used when two vowels are ne=t to each other and $oth must $e pronounced, e.g.,na/ve, a0l. c!"ille 1 ,cedilla.> 2 -@ changes a hard C sound ,li/e 7. into a soft C sound ,li/e 2., e.g., gar3on. &he cedilla is never placed in front of 1 or E, $ecause C always sounds li/e an 2 in front of these vowels. 4 Capital letter> often left unaccented. 5 categories o& silent letters in French. 1 muet F 1lision G muet and aspire 0inal consonants Final consonants &he $asic rule> final consonant is not pronounced, $ut there are many e=ceptions. ", C, 0, 7, 4, H, and *> usually pronounced at the end of a word. &ip> ", 7, and H> rare as final consonants -@ 2aReFu6 Usuall7 pronounce" o-e e'ceptions4 " le ?aghre$ le plom$ 1.

un sno$ un clu$ 2 un truc un flic avec actif un chef un oeuf un anora/ un loo/ le $iftec/ il avril un hItel un $ol le coq cinq un four hiver a$rutir er gentil, outil vowel D +il> : l'appareil, un oeil un estomac, un ta$ac, le porc nasal vowel D c> un $anc, $lanc un nerf, une clef, oeufs


$oulanger, $oucher 8er infinitives> a$onner, causer 8ier suffi=> premier, cahier

K Other 0rench consonants> usually silent at the end, some e=ceptions -@ proper names or words $orrowed from other languages. Usuall7 silent 8 froid chaud d'accord ( ?, 5 le sang long o-e e'ceptions4 sud 9roper na-es: 8avid, 6lfred le grog

? and 5> usually silent, $ut cause the vowel preceding them to $e nasal. un 6atin wor"s: amen, forum $alcon parfum un drap $eaucoup un champ e=prLs trois vous $as et a$ricot salut vingt deu= un pri= un Npou= cheB le riB un slip, un cap 5ote> plus and tout=tous have their own pronunciation rules. un fils, un auto$us, le tennis


$rut, ouest, huit 8ct ending> direct, strict 8pt ending> concept, sept si=, inde=, 6i=

le gaB


E ;uet 8 French <roppe" E Elision. 0rench> no stressed sylla$lesF unaccented 1> sometimes 3unstressed3 disappears in spo/en 0rench ,lision or amussement ., and the ver$ is to elide ,lider or amur.. Potential dropped E>

o o o

E muet E caduc E instable

K8espite its name, the 1 muet isn't always silent. P=Q indicates aphonetic sym$ol.

&he phonetic sym$ol for the 1 muet is the schwa P Q KK 1=ceptions 1 muet is pronounced -@ sounds more or less li/e the u in full ai in two+sylla$le &aire 1 muet is virtually always spelle" E + no accent. Gowever, the unaccented 1 is not forms always an 1 muetC some unaccented 1's are pronounced P Q ,the R sound. or ,the nous faisons en faisant S sound.. >here "oes the letter E represent an E muet? 6. En the nine single sylla$le words with one consonant 2ee e=ception $elow ,EEC. 6t the end of a word, possi$ly followed $y other silent letters
Te faisais ?onsieur


ce, de, Te, le, me, ne, que, se, te

U 4 and * are liquid consonants

". C.


homme femmes parlent En the non+final sylla$le of a word, after a consonant sound and $efore one of the following> 1. single consonant sound devoirs recherche logement 2. consonant D liquid consonantU chevronnN secrNtaire replacer ?iscellaneous 1. &he re+ prefi= in front of ss ressortir ressource 2. &hese three words dessous dessus dehors verrai tennis dessert restaurant spectacle dis+le mange+le "ut> donne+le+moi


>here "oes the letter E not represent an E muet? 6. En front of a dou$le consonant ,1=ceptions> see 8, a$ove. ". C. En front of two different non+liquid consonants 6t the end of a sentence after an affirmative command

4i/e liaisons, optional 1 muets are pronounced more in higher registersK of 0rench and less in faster, more familiar speech. >hen is the E muet pronounce"? *, 0, O $. $t the en" o& a wor"@ its pronunciation "epen"s on what &ollows. 1. &he nine single sylla$le words ,ce, de, je, le, me, ne, que,se, te. in front of a. 9 or Gm + 1 muet must $e 0 le D ami - l'ami replaced $y acontraction. ce D est - c'est Te D ha$ite T'ha$ite $. Ga + the 1 muet must $e * le homard pronounced. ce hi$ou c. C + pronunciation of the O le fils 1 muet is optional. Te parle 2. Other words that end in an 1 muet and precede a. 9 or Gm + the 1 muet is silent. 0 autre ami Po tra miQ C that precedes it is enchain. $. C or Ga + the 1 muet is usually O 1lle parle silent. Ef a C follows, it Parles+tu V might liaise. Parlent+ils V A. )nsi"e a wor" or rh7th-ic group 1. En the first sylla$le of a rhythmic * *egardeB la tNlN. group 4eveB+la main. 2. hen the 1 muet is not in the first or last sylla$le and is preceded $y a. one consonant sound O We regarde la tNlN. 7ey *equired 0or$idden Optional 9owel G muet G aspirN Consonne

K En poetry, all optional 1 muets are required in order to have the correct num$er of sylla$les each verse.

$. 3.

two or more consonant sounds

* *, O O, *

&wo or more 1 muets in a row + the elisions alternate *, O, *, O. a. 1=ceptions + &hese word pairs alternate O, *.

5ous te parlons. emmener appartement mercredi We ne sais pas. 5e me le dis pas. Ce que We te

B -uet 8 French ;ute B. ?ost 0rench G's are not pronounced -@ word acts as if it $egins with a vowel -@ contractions and liaisons are required. 0or e=ample> le + homme contracts to l'homme + you can't say "le homme." 6nd les hommes is pronounced with a liaison> Play BuhmQ. 0rench words that $egin with H muet. 0or nouns, the gender is provided ,in parentheses.> haCile s/illful fitness h!-isphEre ,m. h!-ophile hemisphere ho--e ,m. man ho-o8 ,prefi=. honn+te honest honor

haCilit! ,f. haCiller

hemophiliac hemorrhage hemorrhoid

to dress clothes

h!-orragie ,f. h!-orro/"e ,f. h!patite ,f. herCage ,m. herCe ,f.

haCits ,m. haCiter

honneur ,m. honorer

to live in ha$it

hepatitis pasture

to honor hospital

haCitu"e ,f.

hHpital ,m.

hacDer ,m. hac/er Ba"Es ,m. Gades ha"F ,m. haTT ha"ron ,m. hagar" hadron

grass heredity

horaire ,m. schedule, timeta$le horiIon ,m. horiBon horloge ,f. hor-one ,f. cloc/ hormone

h!r!"it! ,f. h!riter

to inherit heroin, heroine herpes

h!ro/ne ,f. herpEs ,m. h!siter


horoscope ,m. horoscope horreur ,f. horriCle horri&ier horror

Ba/ti ,m. Gaiti haleine ,f. $reath Galloween

to hesitate heterose=uel

h!t!rose'uel heure ,f. heureu'

horri$le to horrify horticulture hospitality

Balloween ,f. halluciner

hour happy

to hallucinate

horticulture ,f. hospitalit! ,f. hostile hostile

halo8 ,prefi=. har-onica ,m. har-onie ,f. harpagon ,m. Bawa/ ,m. harmonica harmony s/inflint, 2crooge

he'agone ,m. he=agon hiCerner hi$ernate hi$iscus

hiCiscus ,m. hier hilare

hHte ,m. host huile ,f. huJtre ,f. oil oyster human

yesterday $eaming the Gimalayas

Gawaii wee/ly


Bi-ala7a ,m. hin"ou Gindu

hu-ain ,m. hu-Cle

h!Cerge-ent ,m. lodging h!Cerger h!C!ter to house to daBe, stupefy Ge$rew

hum$le mood

hip8hop ,m.


hu-eur ,f. hu-i"e

hippo"ro-e ,m. racetrac/ hippopota-e ,m. hippopotamus hiron"elle ,f. hirsute swallow

humid hyacinth

h!Creu ,m.

h7acinthe ,f.

hectare ,m. hectare hectiGue hectic

h7Cri"e ,m. hy$rid h7"r8 ,prefi=.

hairy, shaggy

h!"onis-e ,m. hedonism h!g!-onie ,f. h!licoptEre ,m. h!liuh!li' helium heli= Gelsin/i hegemony helicopter

histoire ,f.

story, history


hydraulic hydrogen

hiver ,m. winter holo8 ,prefi=. hologra--e ,m. ho-!opathie ,f. hologram homeopathy

h7"rogEne ,m. h7giEne ,f.


h7per8 ,prefi=. h7po8 ,prefi=. h7st!rie ,f. hysteria


ho-ici"e ,m. homicide ho--age ,m. tri$ute

h!-ato-e ,m. hematoma B aspir! 8 French $spirate B.

G> $orrowed from other languages -@ usually aspirate. H aspir is not pronounced, it acts li/e a consonant -@ contractions> not permittedC liaisons> not made in front of it. 0or e=ample> le + hockey does not contract to "l'hockey" $ut remains le hockeyC les hros ,the heroes.> Play ay roQ -@ liaison> Play Bay roQ -@ les zros ,the Beros. -@ falsch French wor"s that Cegin with H aspir. hKCleur la hache hacher $oaster a=e to chop hashish haddoc/ hanter harceler la har"e har"er har"i to haunt to harass herd to leash daring herring spiteful anger la hi!rarchie le hi!rogl7phe hippie hisser hippie to hoist, heave, haul ho$$y to nod hoc/ey Golland lo$ster Gong 7ong Gungary hierarchy hieroglyphe

le hachisch le ha""ocD la haie le ha/Du le haillon la haine

le hoCC7 hocher

hedge hai/u rag hatred

le hareng la hargne

le hocDe7 la Bollan"e le ho-ar"

le haricot $ean harnacher le harpail la harpe le harpon le hasar" la hKte hKter to harness herd harp harpoon luc/, chance

ha/r to hate ha/ssaCle halal detesta$le

Bong8Kong la Bongrie


la honte shame le hoGuet hors hiccup

le hKle suntan haleter le hall la halle le hallier le halo la halte le ha-ac to pant hall mar/et thic/et, $rush halo $rea/ hammoc/ ham$urger

haste to hasten


la houe hoe la houille coal swell stormy hooligan tuft to scold cover to cover

haut high la hauteur height

la houle houleu'

le havre haven hercher le hEre to haul wretch, young stag hedgehog hernia heron

le hooligan la houppe houspiller la housse housser

le ha-Curger le ha-eau le ha--a-

le h!risson la hernie le h!ron

hamlet hammam

la ha-pe le ha-ster la hanche

pole hamster hip hand$all handicap shed to snatch, gra$ harangue to e=haust

le h!ros


le hou' le huClot la huche huer

holly porthole chest, trun/

la herse hearse, harrow le h+tre heurter le hiatus le hiCou le hic $eech tree to stri/e hiatus owl

le han"8Call le han"icap le hangar happer harangue harasser

to $oo Guguenot

le huguenot huit eight hululer

snag hic/ory

to hoot to smell to shrie/

le hicDor7 hi"eu'

hu-er hurler


6iaisons 8 French 9ronunciation. 6iaison> normally silent consonant at the end of a word is pronounced at the $eginning of the word that follows it. 2o-pare... vous ont un les PvuQ Po,n.Q Puh,n.Q PlayQ vous aveB ont+ils un homme les amis Pvu Ba vayQ Po,n. teelQ Puh,n. nuhmQ Play Ba meeQ 9ronunciation De74 a e ee u LnM father $ed meet fool nasal n

&he $asic requirement of a liaison> word that ends in a normally silent consonant followed $y a word that $egins with a vowel or mute G. &his does not mean, however, that all possi$le liaisons are necessarily pronounced. En fact, the pronunciation ,or not. of liaisons is su$Tect to very specific rules, and liaisons are thus divided into three categories> 6ette r < F N R oun" PtQ PvQ PnQ PrQ PBQ T N O PtQ PBQ PBQ $. c. 0or$idden liaisons , iaisons interdites. Optional liaisons , iaisons #acultatives. a. *equired liaisons , iaisons o!li"atoires.

"eginner -@ required liaisons X for$idden liaison sections, as these are the essentials *elated phenomenon in 0rench> enchaYnement,lin/ing.. 6iaisons> final consonant is normally silent $ut is pronounced due to the vowel that follows it , vous vs vous avez. EnchaJne-ent: final consonant is pronounced whether or not a vowel follows it ,pour vs pour elle.

6iaisons oCligatoires 8 ReGuire" 6iaisons ReGuire" liaisons> must $e pronounced no matter what register of 0rench is $eing spo/en. *equired liaisons occur $etween syntactically+related words. ). No-inal group 6rticle, num$er, or adTective D noun or adTective un homme Puh,n. nuhmQK les amis Play Ba meeQ deu' enfants Pdeu Ba,n. fa,n.Q mes !lLves Pmay Bay levQ petit ami Ppeu tee ta meeQ les anciens !lLves Play Ba,n. sye,n. Bay levQ

)). PerCal group Pronoun D pronoun, pronoun D ver$ 9ous aveB Pvu Ba vayQ 5ous en avons Pnu Ba,n. na vo,n.Q Ont8ils Po,n. teelQ ))). ingle s7llaCle a"verCs@ conFunctions@ an" prepositions tout entier Ptu ta,n. tyayQ cheI elle Pshay BelQ trLs utile Ptre Bu teelQ $ien !trange P$ye nay tra,n.BhQ quan" on dNcidera P/a,n. to,n.Q )P. Quan" R est8ce Gue KKK Huan" est+ce que P/a,n. te s/euQ P. ;an7 &i'e" e'pressions + here are Tust a few e=amples c'est8S+dire Psay ta deerQ avant hier Pa va,n. tyerQ plus ou moins Pplu Bu mwa,n.Q comment alleB+vous V P/o ma,n. ta lay vuQ 6iaisons inter"ites 8 ForCi""en 6iaisons

a a7 e ee eu uh u LnM Ih

father hate $ed meet full the fool nasal n mirage

ForCi""en liaisons> cannot $e pronounced no matter what register of 0rench is $eing spo/en. 0or$idden liaisons sometimes occur when their pronunciation would otherwise cause confusion due to a similarity with another e=pression. ). $&ter a singular noun KPronunciation l'Ntudiant est prZt Play tu dya,n. ayQK a father un gar[on intelligent Pgar so,n. e,n. te lee Bha,n.Q a7 hate e $ed )). $&ter et Lan"M ee meet en haut et en $as Pe,n. o ay a,n. $aQ eu full un gar[on et une fille Pu,n. gar so,n. ay un feeyQ uh the u fool ))).)n &ront o& an h aspir! LnM nasal n les h!ros Play ay roQ Ih mirage en haut Pa,n. oQ KK5ote that the )P.)n &ront o& onIe an" oui pronunciation of the O les onBe NlLves Play o,n. Bay levQKK here is enchaYnement, un oui et un non Pu,n. wee ay u,n. no,n.Q not a liaison P. $&ter interrogative a"verCsKKK an" touFours Com$ien en aveB+vous VP/o,n. $ye,n. a,n. na vay vuQ Comment est+il V P/o,n. ma,n. ay teelQ Huan" as+tu mangN V P/a,n. a tu ma,n. BhayQ touTours ici Ptu Bhu ree seeQ P).$&ter inversion 2ont+ils arrivNs V 9ont+elles assister V Pso,n. tee la ree vayQ Pvo,n. teh la see stayQ

6+t+on !tudiN V ParleB+vous anglais V

Pa to,n. ay tu dyayQ Ppar lay vu a,n. glehQ

6iaisons &acultatives 8 *ptional 6iaisons Optional liaisons> pronounced in higher registers ,levels of formality. and not in lower registers. &hese rules are listed in order from the most to least common. &hat is, even familiar speech will often ma/e the first /ind of liaison, while only in very high level 0rench will the last /ind of liaison $e made. ). $&ter plural nouns KK 5ote that if you don't ma/e a liaison, the last pronounced consonant is enchaYnN as usual. ay e ee eu uh u ,n. Bh a father hate $ed meet full the fool nasal n mirage Puhm Ba reevQK or Puh ma reevQKK Pliv reu Bu teelQ or Pli vru teelQ

les hommes arrivent des livres utiles

)). Aetween two8part verCal structures We suis allN Pswee Ba layQ or Pswee a layQ Els ont eu Po,n. tuQ or Po,n. uQ &u vas aller Pva Ba layQ or Pva a layQ ))). 9resent tense o& +tre R noun@ a"Fective@ or a"verC il est idiot Pee lay tee dyoQ or Pee lay i dyoQ il est heureu= Pee lay teu reuQ or Pee lay eu reuQ il est ici Pee lay tee seeQ or Pee lay ee seeQ )P. $&ter -ulti8s7llaCle a"verCs an" prepositions asseB utile Pa say Bu teelQ or Pa say u teelQ tellement avare Ptel ma,n. ta varQ or Ptel ma,n. a varQ aprLs Ztre venu Pa pre BetrQ or Pa pre etrQ depuis un an Pdeu pwee Bu,n.Q or Pde pwee u,n.Q P. o-e conFunctions44T mais enfin Pme Ba,n. fe,n.Q or Pme a,n. fe,n.Q puis on est arrivN Ppwee Bo,n.Q or Ppwee o,n.Q P). $&ter verCs444 Lver7 high registerM Els arriveront : midi Pa ree vro,n. taQ or Pa ree vro,n. aQ 1lle prend un livre Ppra,n. tu,n.Q or Ppra,n. u,n.Q 1nchaYnement. consonant sound at the end of a word is transfered to the $eginning of the word that follows it. ;nli/e liaisons, which cause otherwise silent letters to $e pronounced, with encha$nement, the consonant would $e pronounced whether or not it was followed $y a word $eginning with a vowel or mute G. Compare... sept PsetQ avec Pa ve/Q elle PelQ entre Pa,n.trQ Pronunciation /eyK sept enfants avec elle elle est entre eu= Pse ta,n. fa,n.Q Pa ve /elQ Pe leQ Pa,n. treuQ a e ee eu ,n. father $ed meet full nasal n

5ote> consonant is not necessarily the last letter of the word, simply the last sound of the word> elle est - Pe leQ last e=ample> the consonants t and r are Toined -@ $oth tac/ed on to the word that follows liaisons> $ased on linguistic X stylistic factors, $ut encha$nement > phonetic issue. 0rench language doesn't li/e to have sylla$les end in consonants, so whenever possi$le the final consonant is tac/ed onto the word that follows it.

French 2ontractions T 6es 2ontractions.

Contractions> in 1nglish optional, in 0rench required. ). >or"s that are &ollowe" C7 a vowel@ h -uet@ or the pronoun 7 "rop the vowel an" contract with the secon" wor": 6. 2ingular definite article> le@ la le D a$ricot la D NlectricitN le D intNrieur le D orage la D usine le D homme l'a$ricot l'NlectricitN l'intNrieur l'orage l'usine l'homme

". 2ingle+consonant words that end in 1 muet> ce@ "e@ Fe@ le@ -e@ ne@ Gue@ se@ te ce D est c'est de D histoire d'histoire Te D ha$ite T'ha$ite Te le D aime Te l'aime Te D y vais T'y vais Te me D appelle Te m'appelle il ne D est pas il n'est pas que D il qu'il il se D appelle il s'appelle Te te D enverrai Te t'enverrai 1=ception> hen the first person singular su$Tect pronoun Te is inverted, it does not contract. Puis+Te D avoir Puis+Te avoir 8ois+Te D Ztre 8ois+Te Ztre C. &he conTunctions puisGue and lorsGue Puisque D on 4orsque D il Puisqu'on 4orsqu'il

)). The prepositions S an" "e contract with the "e&inite articles le an" les an" those &or-s o& leGuel Lla an" lU: not contractM V : D le au : D les au= : D lequel auquel : D lesquels au=quels : D lesquelles au=quelles <E de D le du de D les des de D lequel duquel de D lesquels desquels de D lesquelles desquelles : D la : la de D la de la : D l' : l' de D l' de l' : D laquelle : laquelle de D laquelle de laquelle le and les> o$Tect pronouns, rather than definite articles -@ contract with : or de. We lui ai dit de le faire E told him to do it. El m'a aidN : les laver. Ge helped me wash them. ))). 2ontractions &ig!es 8 et contractions auTourd'hui is a contraction of au D Tour D de D hui that dates $ac/ to the 12th century d'a$ord d'accord ,d'ac. d'ailleurs d'aprLs d'ha$itude Tusque is nearly always contracted> Tusqu':, Tusqu'alors,Tusqu'en, Tusqu'ici, etc. presqu'Yle quelqu'un s'il s'ils )P. No contraction Ce&ore h aspirN onBe today in the first place, first of all o/ay ,O7. $esides, moreover according to usually, as a rule until... peninsula someone si D il ,if heFit. si D ils ,if they.

We ha\s, le hNros, du homard ;n groupe de onBe mem$res

oui y at the $eginning of foreign words a&ter presque qui $etween si D elle,s. la une

Huand on vote, le oui indique... le yaourt, le yacht presque ici, presque impossi$le ,e=ception> presqu'Yle. la personne avec qui il parle... si elle, si elles front page of a newspaper

Euphon7 LagreeaCle or har-onious soun"M 0rench> tends to flow from one word to the ne=t with no hiatus ,pause.. En situations where euphony doesn't happen naturally, 0rench requires that sounds $e added or words changed. 0rench does not li/e to have a word that ends in a vowel sound followed $y a word that $egins with a vowel sound. &he pause created $etween two vowel sounds, called a hiatus, is undesira$le in 0rench, so the following techniques are used to avoid it 1. Contractions Contractions avoid the hiatus $y dropping the vowel at the end of the first word. 0or e=ample> le ami Pleu a meeQ $ecomes l'ami Pla meeQ 4iaisons 4iaisons transfer the normally silent sound at the end of the first word onto the $eginning of the second word. 0or e=ample> vous aveB is pronounced Pvu Ba vayQ instead of Pvu a vayQ & inversion hen inversion results in a ver$ ending in a vowel D il or elle, a & is added $etween the two words to avoid hiatus. 0or e=ample> a+il Pa eelQ $ecomes a+t+il Pa teelQ 2pecial adTective forms 5ine adTectives have special forms used in front of words that $egin with a vowel. 0or e=ample> ce homme Pseu uhmQ $ecomes cet homme Pseh tuhmQ 4'on Putting l' in front of on avoids the hiatus. 4'on may also $e used to avoid saying qu'on,sounds li/e con.. 0or e=ample> si on Psee o,n.Q $ecomes si l'on Psee lo,n.Q &u form of the imperative &he tu form of the imperative of +er ver$s drops the s, e=cept when followed $y the adver$ial pronouns y or en. 0or e=ample> tu penses : lui @ pense : lui Ppa,n. sa lweeQ @ penses+y Ppa,n. s,eu. BeeQ K 1nchaYnement is the transfer of the sound at the end of one word onto the word that follows, such as in the phrase $elle ]me , 4 sound at the end of $elle would $e pronounced even if the ne=t word $egan with a consonant, which is what distinguishes enchaYnement from liaison.. &hus, enchaYnement does not avoid hiatus the way liaison does, $ecause there is no hiatus after a word that ends in a consonant sound. Gowever, what enchaYnement does is ma/e the two words flow together, so that when you say $elle ]me, it sounds li/e P$eh lahmQ instead of P$el ahmQ. 1nchaYnement thus increases the musicality of the phrase. *hythmic group is a group of syntactically+related words in a sentence.K &here are 3 $asic /inds> 5ominal ,noun. groups 9er$al groups Prepositional groups K5ote> individual words within rhythmic groups are syntactically related -@ required liaisons. The last s7llaCle of each rhythmic group is accentuated in two ways. 1. Entonation Entonation > pitch of someone's voice. The last s7llaCle of each rhythmic group inside the sentence is pronounced at a higher pitch than the rest of the sentence, while the final rhythmic group's &inal s7llaCle is pronounced at a lower pitch. &he only e=ception to this is questions> in this case, the last rhythmic group's final sylla$le is also at a high pitch. 2. &onic accent &he 0rench tonic accent is a slight elongation of the final sylla$le in each rhythmic group. *hythmic groups normally have up to ) sylla$les, $ut this varies according to how quic/ly they are $eing spo/en. Ef a sentence is spo/en very quic/ly, some of the shorter






rhythmic groups may $e Toined together. No-inal group 8avid et 4uc ?on mari Rtienne ;n Ntudiant 5ous parlons PerCal group veulent vivre est prof d'anglais est arrivN. 6lleB+vous 9repositional au ?e=ique. : Casa$lanca. d'un film. au theaterV

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