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May 9th - AmSoc and Instituto General Motors Charity Gala May 14th - AmSoc Happy Hour May 17th - Annual Basketball Tournament May 25th - Memorial Service Jun 28th - July 4th Picnic

Monthly Newsletter May 2014

AmSoc Travel Club Inaugural Trip To INHOTIM

at Glouton one of the newest and best restaurants in town. Well rested, the next morning, we boarded the bus for INHOTIM! Passing through small towns in the lush countryside we finally arrived at our destination. Our private guide gave us a brief overview of the park and we started our exploration of the various pavilions and installations. Nothing could have prepared us for what we were going to see and experience. Entering through a dark tunnel, our eyes straining to make sense of our surroundings we exited into a darkened space glittering with silver strands. Rays of light filtered down on steel cables evoking a variety of responses sunlight in the rain forest, geometrical shapes..we were spellbound, caught in the spiders web. This was Lydia Papes Tteia 2002! INHOTIM is arguably one of the largest outdoor art museums in the world. The brainchild of Bernardo Paz who made his money in mining , INHOTIM was initially conceived as a large botanical park with some areas designed by the famous landscape artist Roberto Burle Marx. Paz then decided to include a few pavilions and incorporate artworks both from his private collection as well as invite artists to create site specific installations. Today the park showcases over 500 works by 100 artists both Brazilian and international. Paz was advised greatly by Brazilian artist Tunga who has one of the newest and largest pavilions exhibiting his art installations. One of the significant features of INHOTIM is the interplay of the art with its surroundings. Curators work at great length with the artists and landscapers to provide a unique viewing experience. For instance the water in one of the large man made lakes is a unique shade of green specially designed to complement the landscaping and the pavilions adjacent to it.
(continued on page 11)

In This Issue
What awaits you...
Page 6: We give you an overview of the wonderful items you can bid on during the 2014 AmSoc Gala. Gate 6 at Congonhas airport was abuzz with 19 excited voices as our group of women greeted each other excitedly, waiting to embark on this inaugural trip of the AmSoc travel club. We were accompanied by So Paulo sculptress Claudia Kiatake who had invited some of her Brazilian friends to join us. As not everyone knew each other, introductions were made and almost immediately information from hairdressers to caterers and tips on the best places to shop in So Paulo were being passed around! A short uneventful flight later we touched down at Belo Horizonte and were greeted by our guide Antonella. On the way into town we passed by the recently finished State Administrative City Building for the State of Minas Gerais designed by Oscar Neimayer and his last project. The most interesting building was the Palcio do Governo where the entire central part of the building is suspended by 30 steel ropes cast in concrete! The rest of the afternoon we were treated to a tour of Belo Horizonte the highlight of which was the Oscar Neimayer buildings in Pampulha. The group thoroughly enjoyed the guided tour of the Church of Saint Francis of Assisi with murals painted by Portinari as well as strolling on the grounds of the Museum of Modern Art surrounding the lake. The day was complete with an amazing meal

Elections in Brazil
Page 8: Bringing you up to speed with the candidates and main parties for the 2014 upcoming Brazilian election.

Childrens Field Day

Page 10: A review of one of our main charitable events of the year, the Childrens Field Day at the American Consulate.

Our Mission
The American Society of So Paulo promotes friendship by organizing social, cultural and athletic events for its diverse membership; encourages integration with the Brazilian society; and supports the American traditions of education, philanthropy and volunteerism.

Presidents Corner
Living in Brazil for going on four years now has brought many great experiences to my wife and me. Having traveled here on business nearly 100 times over the past 25 years, finally living By Frank Pierce, AmSoc president here has allowed us to really get to know So Paulo, travel around the country on business, vacation on the Litoral Norte and in the Nordeste, meet great people and truly absorb the culture. We still want to see the Amazon and Iguassu Falls and hope to get to Columbia, Peru and Argentina. Sometime in June 2011 I saw a notice on the AmSoc website about the upcoming July 4th picnic at the US Consulate and I immediately joined AmSoc and signed up for the picnic. At the picnic I met people in the same industry as me, people from the same city as me, and of course, people from all around the USA, Brazil and other countries. It was at that event that I asked about getting more involved in charity work, and a couple of the current directors quickly recruited me to the Board of AmSoc. Well, the rest is history. Being part of AmSoc has introduced countless new opportunities and experiences to both my wife and me. At every Happy Hour, every holiday party, every event for the childrens organizations we support, weve met new people. The business networking at all our events has also been great. Weve also had the chance to be part of the planning for the annual gala and the solicitation of donations of items to be auctioned off for charity at the event. If you have had the chance to attend any of the galas you know that weve been very fortunate to receive donations from hotels, airlines, jewelers, restaurants, spas, and artists. Speaking of artists, my wife and I have had the opportunity to become friends with a few of these wonderful people: Claudia Kiatake, David Dalmau and Elon Brasil. Along with several other very well-known and talented artists, these people have generously donated their works to AmSoc to help raise money for the organizations we support. Claudia Kiatake makes wonderful sculptures and one of her works was shown on the cover of our annual yearbook in 2013. Claudia was also instrumental in organizing the first AmSoc Travel Club outing in March to Inhotim. David Dalmau, known to his friends simply as Dalmau, has lived in the USA and Spain and during the 1990s decided to move to Brazil. Dalmaus works personifies the happiness of life with bright colors and images of parties, crowds and famous settings. Dalmaus works have been shown in expositions around the world for over twenty years and he works from studios in Miami, Spain and So Paulo. Elon Brasil, a self-taught artist from Rio de Janeiro has also shown his work in the USA and across Europe. He currently focuses his paintings on the indigenous issues in Brazil and derives his inspiration from regular trips to the Amazon and other northern regions to live with the indians, absorb their culture and actually participate in their ethnic rituals. While living in California Elon became friends with several famous Americans and actors and has not only sold his work to them but also accompanied them on trips to the indigenous areas where they have provided the Indians with items like boats, housing and tools rather than money that has no commercial value to them. Elons ability to bring out the expressions of the indigenous people is a true talent. Each of these three artists, along with many others have supported AmSoc over the years and we truly appreciate their generosity. Finally, and on a lighter note, we just finished ten days with two of my wifes sisters visiting us in Brazil. I know they had a great time, enjoyed the sights, sounds and great restaurants. They even had a chance to spend a weekend at the beach which was a great experience for them. One evening, one of the sisters was talking to her husband on the phone and telling him what she did that day which included a trip to the shopping mall. He replied by saying, Oh, so they have shopping malls in Brazil? Need I say more?

Forum is published monthly, with the exception of February and July, by

About Forum

Lynn Cordeiro, editor and layout Ernest White II, staff writer Julie Herrmann, Coordinator Forum is printed by EGB. ( Views expressed in Forum do not necessarily reflect those of the American Society board of governors, members, or staff. Forum reserves the right to edit content for brevity and/or clarity.

The American Society of So Paulo Rua da Paz, 1431 04713-001 So Paulo, SP Tel: (11) 5182-2074 Fax: (11) 5182-9155 email the editor:



The American Society of So Paulo

Welcome To Our New Members

Last name FERREIRA GONZALEZ BASSARAB DE MEIRA JOHNSTON BOOKER AVELAR GRIGGS Name Tatiana Luis Saul Lopez Anna Lee Carr Elizabeth Ann Lee Catherine Adiel Scott Angela Meirelles AVELAR Francis KUSZNIR Renata Verderesi GONZALEZ Courtie BASSARAB Joo Fernando DE MEIRA Graham Thomas JOHNSTON Spouse Nationality Brazil USA USA Brazil UK USA Brazil USA

Welcome the following New Members who joined us recently. We are very grateful for your support! Membership Single Patron Supporter Family Patron Family Patron Family Supporter Family Single Patron Patron Family Supporter Family FALCONI Consultores de Resultado Copart Conformity Advisors Company Teamwork International Moving Vidalink do Brasil S.A.

Meet Our New Members

Why Brazil: Jason transferred with his company, FNC. After commuting for a year (between SP and Los Angeles) we decided to move here. Family with you? or at home: Our newest family member arrived on December 23, Miss Willa Simone. Best things so far: Apart from Willas arrival, meeting people from all over Brazil and the world, the beach and the fruit. Biggest frustration: 7 weeks to get internet, working out how to convert a gas BBQ to a Brazilian gas tank. Name: Brooke and Jason Swartz Where you were born: Jason Greenville, MI Brooke Perth, Western Australia Length of time youve been in Brazil: 6 months What you miss back home: Friends, being 5 blocks from the beach. Progress with Portuguese: Slow and painful. Our aim is to keep up with Willas progress Favorite place to hang out: Coffee Lab, our corner padaria anyones pool (we are not picky!) Places you plan to visit: The list is too long to put here. Well start tackling these after planned trips to the US and Australia to meet the grandparents. Reading/sports/music/travel, which do you prefer? Travel.



Consulate Corner: Voting In 2014

By John Rhatigan, American Consulate Your vote counts! Did you know that many recent U.S. elections have been decided by a margin smaller than the number of ballots cast by military and overseas voters? Follow a few simple steps to make sure that you can vote in the 2014 U.S. elections: Receiving Your Ballot Request Electronic Delivery! States are now required to send out ballots 45 days before a regular election for federal office (President, U.S. Senate, and U.S. House of Representatives) and states generally send out ballots at least 30 days before primary elections. on-line, or search the Internet to locate articles and information. For information about election dates and deadlines, subscribe to FVAPs Voting Alerts ( FVAP also shares Voting Alerts via Facebook and Twitter. Returning Your Completed Ballot If your state requires you to return paper voting forms or ballots to local election officials, you can do so free of charge at the nearest Embassy or Consulate. Ballots must be in either postage paid return envelopes or in envelopes bearing sufficient domestic U.S. postage, and must also be addressed to the relevant local election officials. If you wish to deliver your FPCA or ballot in person to the Consulate and have us mail it to your local election officials in the United States, please come to the American Citizen Services Unit at Rua Henri Dunant 500 So Paulo, SP during our public office hours, which are 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday and 2:00 p.m. to3:30 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. You do not need to schedule an appointment to drop off your ballot. Please note that it can take a month or more for mail sent from the Consulate to reach the United States. If it is more convenient for you, you can also return your FPCA or ballot to your local election officials via international mail or professional courier service at your own expense. Learn more at the Federal Voting Assistance Programs (FVAP) website If you have any questions about registering to vote overseas, please contact So Paulo Voting Assistance Officer at 11-32505000 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00p.m., or at

Registering to Vote Complete a new Federal Post Card Application (FPCA). Even if you have voted by absentee ballot in the past, you must complete a new Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) to vote in the 2014 elections. The FPCA is accepted by all local election officials in all U.S. states and territories. It allows you to register to vote and request absentee ballots for all regular, primary, run-off, and special elections for federal offices (President, U.S. Senate, and U.S. House of Representatives) during the course of the year in which it is submitted. You can complete the FPCA online at The online voting assistant will ask you questions specific to your state of residence. It will tell you if your state allows the FPCA to be returned electronically or if you must submit a paper copy with original signature.

No matter which state you vote in, we encourage you to ask your local election officials to deliver your blank ballots to you electronically (by email, internet download, or fax, depending on your state). Be sure to include your email address on your FPCA to take advantage of the electronic ballot delivery option. You can now also confirm your registration and ballot delivery online for most states. Researching the Candidates and Issues Online Resources. Check out the FVAP links page at for helpful resources that will aid your research of candidates and issues. Nonpartisan information about candidates, their voting records, and their positions on issues are widely available and easy to obtain via numerous websites such as Project Smart Voter. You can also read national and hometown newspapers



The American Society of So Paulo

Board Bio - Renato Opice Blum

As a Brazilian lawyer, specialized in digital and technology law, I am very fond of new and state-of theart technologies and the novelties of the virtual world. In my work I daily witness the new forms of communication between people and the new challenges that people face, given this free access to information. In my opinion, applying ethics, personal values, culture and respect for the individual and privacy should be the basis for using these tools in the way that they were intended: facilitate communication and access to information in an egalitarian and democratic way. In my free time I am an enthusiast of outdoor sports. Myself, my wife, and kids love sports from swimming to martial arts and we try to practice a little of each of them. And as soccer lovers, my kids play at the club every weekend and participate in group activities which promote their collaboration spirit. The values that guide AmSoc resonate in my daily life as a professional and as a family man. Values such as friendship, charity, respect for different cultures and traditions, volunteering, the stimulus to sports, are the ethical and moral north that guides the education of my children. I believe that the growth of interest in AmSoc by both Brazilians and Americans who live here is due the quality of the events and the genuine care for everyone who joins the society, which is the main characteristic, almost a trademark, of the society: the warmth that we receive when we join AmSoc and that we transmit to any new member.

It was with great pleasure that I joined the Board of Directors of AmSoc in October 2013.

Obituary - Janice Grabowsky

In 1972, Janice Margrette Brask, a Minneapolis native, left the vicepresidency of a NYC high fashion firm to marry Alan Grabowsky and embarked with him when he was recruited by a Brazilian advertising agency. In So Paulo, Janice began knitwear exporting, then founded Girassol Ltda., a furniture design and manufacturing business. She interrupted business activity after birth of daughter Marisa. She had an avid love for animals, even having a large stio and raising an orphaned owl at home. Her daughter Marisa, a graduate of Graded and NYU in genetics and former researcher at Yale Medical, followed her mothers example. She now is dedicated to wildlife and greyhound rescue, in Ridgefield, CT. When Alan left the advertising agency in 1975 to preside Abaco Marketing Research in So Paulo, Janice became administrative director and later COO. A stroke suffered in October 2013 when returning from a research congress in Istanbul led to her parting on April 1.



What To Look for At The Gala...

About our Master of Ceremonies American voice actor Jason Bermingham has lived and worked in Brazil for over 15 years. You may have already heard his voice asking passengers to tuck their hand luggage under their seats on TAM international flights, pointing out emergency exits to foreign tourists at the So Paulo sambodromo, or in CNN ads for companies such as Embratur, So Paulo Tourism Bureau, and Vale Mining. Jason runs a recording studio with his wife and fellow voice talent, Simone Kliass, known as the voice of the So Paulo International Airport, among other accomplishments. A Special Farewell thank you! to our Auctioneer Edmund Fleetwood Woody Dunstan Woody is a U.S. Foreign Service Officer currently living in So Paulo. Prior lives included the U.S. Navy, Director of operations at Christies, Inc. in NYC, commodity trading, and marketing director. Woody and his wife Augusta (Gussie) have three children. He is an avid birdwatcher who likes to row, hike, and run. Born in London and raised in Vermont, Woody is used to being a nomad; he and his family will soon depart for their next Foreign Service post, Belgrade, Serbia. For the Discerning Palate Taste single malts from around the world! Exclusive evening with a select few from the Single Malt Club of So Paulo, in a members home, which includes an elegant dinner and one bottle of Single malt Dalmore. Here is an opportunity of a lifetime!

NEW this year! Caipirinha and Caipiroska bar. YES! In addition to the normal assortment of red wine, Prosecco, Johnny Walker Black and soft drinks, guests have a chance to enjoy Brazils most popular cocktail! Choose your favorite: lemon, tangerine, kiwi, pineapple or passionfruit!

Buffet Colonial A special thank you! to Buffet Colonial for hosting our AMSoc Gala again this year. Their representatives continue to support our organization with outstanding professional dedication and commitment to service. Executive chef Cac and chef patisserie Bruno Grando have both been nominees for Best of the Year for the Pleasures of the Table magazine the last two years. Please remember them for those important events. And they cater!



The American Society of So Paulo

you can
Elon Brasil Elon Brasil is an internationally known, self-taught artist who focuses his work on indigenous tribes of Northern Brazil. His amazing ability flawlessly depicts the various cultures and expressions of the people, carefully combining those that are centuries old with the more urban setting. The theme seeks to highlight and preserve the Brazilian culture and its roots, utilizing his figurative and abstract works.


Take a few minutes to look at all of the fabulous items being offered at this years Gala auction! Weve highlighted just a few which we believe to be a good representation of the quality of the items available for you to bid on. Join us for an evening of unforgettable fun and excitement!


At the Gala
Shimmering and Radiant! An 18K gold charm authenticates this Pearls of Wisdom 106 long necklace. Made of six and one-half strands of large 10.5 to 11mm real cultured, white pearls, it is strung on one silk cord and individually knotted. A matching 18K white gold clip allows them to be worn several ways. Accompanied by an appraisal.
Enjoy Rio In Style JW Marriott, Rio de Janeiro, Copacabana Beach, 4 days/3 nights for two, including breakfast! Enjoy the rooftop pool with breathtaking views of Sugar Loaf Mountain, Corcovado, and Christ the Redeemer. Premier resort also has a Spa & Fitness Center for hours of indulgence. Simply the best

Thank You To Our Sponsors



A Beginners Guide To The Brazilian Presidential Elections

By Ernest White II, Staff Writer After all the hoopla of this years World Cup subsides, Brazil will have a major, even more important event taking place: presidential elections. On October 5th, as many as 140 million voters will decide whether current president Dilma Rousseff keeps her job or gets replaced by another wouldbe reformer. While state governors and congressional deputies will also be chosen, it is the presidential race as in all countries that garners the most interest, nationally and abroad. Despite a severe drop in popularity during last years protests, Dilma still figures favorably for a little less than half of the electorate in opinion polls, and pundits consider this election to be Dilmas to lose. That said, she may not be able to secure the 50%-plus-one vote necessary to clench an outright victory in the first round. With two months left before the June 30th deadline for pretenders to the presidential palace to officially declare their candidacy, only five official candidates have declared, out of 32 officially registered political parties in Brazil. Voting is obligatory in Brazil, and with 140 million votes up for grabs, the contenders are already polishing their smiles and fine-tuning their talking points. Below, we take a look at the candidates currently registered as we went to press, and the various political parties they represent. CURRENT CANDIDATES has long ago moved from the shadow of her predecessor and mentor, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, taking a more centrist stance on many economic issues. Born in Belo Horizonte in 1947, Dilma Rousseff graduated with a degree in economics from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul before continuing her masters and doctoral degrees at the University of Campinas. Her left-wing politics in the late 1960s influenced her participation in militant political groups fighting against the countrys military dictatorship, culminating in her arrest and incarceration by the government from 1970 to 1972. Afterwards, Dilma moved up the political ladder from local treasury secretary in Porto Alegre to state and then national offices before being appointed Chief of Staff during Lulas administration. In 2010, she became the first woman president of Brazil, winning the largest number of votes in the first round and finally becoming victorious in the run-off, with 56% of the vote. Research institute Datafolha gave Dilma a large edge among voters in February, with 47% expressing support for her, but that has since dropped to 38%. Unfortunately for Dilma, these numbers are barely half of her 74% approval rating before the massive wave of urban protests began last June. Eduardo Campos The second person to officially announce his candidacy for president and a member of the Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB), Eduardo Campos resigned as governor of the state of Pernambuco only last month. There had been speculation about his candidacy, as popular ex-senator and possible presidential contender Marina Silva joined his party when her own budding political party failed to register in time for the elections. Born in Recife in 1965, Campos studied economics at the Federal University of Pernambuco. Active in politics as a student, Campos first joined the PSB in 1990 when he was elected as a representative in the state legislature, and alternated between various state and congressional posts, including state Secretary of the Treasury and congressional representative of Pernambuco. In 2006, he was elected governor of the state and named to poca magazines list of 100 Most Influential Brazilians in 2009, before being reelected governor in 2011. The February Datafolha poll shows Campos support at 12%. Acio Neves Representing the party of Dilmas primary opponent during the first election run-off, the center-right Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB), Acio Neves is considered to be her main opponent this time around. Born in Belo Horizonte in 1960 and grandson of former Brazilian presidentelect Tancredo Neves (who died before taking office), Neves began his political career by working as his grandfathers personal secretary at the age of 21. He studied economics at the Pontificia Universidade Catlica de Minas Gerais and participated in the campaign that first elected the elder Neves to the governorship of Minas. From 1986 to 2002, Neves served as a congressional representative for Minas before assuming the governorship in 2002 and being reelected in 2006, then finally being elected senator, representing the state in Braslia, in 2010. During his tenure as governor, he introduced a widely admired program called Management Shock (Choque de Gesto), designed to reduce government expenditures and promote investment, and has since been reproduced in other state and local governments. Datafolha shows that support for Neves has dropped from 19% in November of last year to 17% in February.

Dilma Rousseff (Picture above) The incumbent president, representing the Workers Party (PT),



The American Society of So Paulo

Randolfe Rodrigues Currently a senator for Brazils northernmost state, Amap, Randolfe Rodrigues represents the left-leaning Socialism and Liberty Party (PSOL). Born in Pernambuco in 1972, Rodrigues moved to Amap with his family as a child and began his political activism as a teenager during the movement to oust disgraced former president Fernando Collor de Mello. A journalist, history professor, and a proponent of improved public transport and infrastructure, Rodrigues was elected to the Senate in 2010, making him the youngest senator in the country. Public opinion numbers about Rodrigues had yet to be released by Datafolha as we went to press. Eduardo Jorge The most recent candidate to officially declare his intent to run for the presidency, Eduardo Jorge is a member of the Green Party (PV). Born in Salvador in 1949, Jorge graduated with a degree in medicine from the Federal University of Paraba and specialized in preventative medicine and public health at the University of So Paulo. He began his political life as part of a militant student movement in Paraba in the late 1960s, being arrested twice. Later, he joined the Workers Party and served as a member of the state legislature and the national congress between 1983 and 2003. He also served as the Secretary of Health and the Secretary of the Environment for the city of So Paulo underneath four separate mayors of differing political stripes. Jorge is an advocate for the end of medicinal trademarks and assisted with the introduction of generic medicines in Brazil. Public opinion numbers about Jorge had yet to be released by Datafolha as we went to press. POLITICAL PARTIES Workers Party (Partido dos Trabalhadores PT) With over 1.4 million members, the Workers Party of Brazil is one of the largest center-left political organizations in Latin America. As the party of former president Lula and current president Dilma, the PT has had delegates finish either first or second in all of the last five presidential elections. Starting in 1980 as a far-left, socialist party in opposition the right-wing military dictatorship, the PT has since moved to a more center-left position, causing dissent among its members and spawning smaller parties that are ideologically farther to the left. Brazilian Socialist Party (Partido Socialista Brasileiro PSB) Originally founded in 1947, the PSB was banned by the leaders of the military dictatorship from 1965 to 1985. Subsequently, the party has grown so influential as to consistently have a strong presence among state governorships and congressional representatives. Over the last few election cycles, the PSB has thrown its support in presidential elections behind candidates from the PT, namely Lula and Dilma, though this year, the party has a competing candidate. Brazilian Social Democracy Party (Partido da Social Democracia Brasileiro PSDB) Conceived originally as a centerleft party in 1988, the PSDB is often associated with centrist ideals relating to the Third Way approach, which is a fusion of right-wing economic policies with left-wing social ideology. This combination has allowed the organization to become one of the most electorally successful since its founding, with party member and former president Fernando Henrique Cardoso held up as an example of good governance. Still, the PT and PSDB consider themselves political adversaries and rarely, if ever, find themselves on the same side of contentious issues, in spitr of periods of economic stability and even success sustained under Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Lula, and, until recently, Dilma. Socialism and Freedom Party (Partido Socialismo e Liberdade PSoL) Established in 2004 by dissatisfied members of the PT, PSoL is a relatively small, left-wing, anticapitalist political party with very little representation on the federal level. In fact, Randolfe Rodrigues, PSoLs current presidential candidate, was the partys only member in the Senate, along with three representatives in the lower house. Interestingly, PSoLs previous presidential candidate, nurse and politician Helosa Helena, finished third in 2006, with 6.5 million votes, the most any woman candidate had ever garnered until then. Green Party (Partido Verde PV) Founded in 1986 on the basis of social democracy and environmental sustainability, Brazils Greens have not met with the same level of success in elections as their European counterparts. The PV has historically had low levels of voter engagement, but in 2010, environmentalist and thenparty member Marina Silva captured mainstream attention and 19 million votes when she ran for president.

2010 2014


Childrens Field Day

Nearly 100 children had a blast on April 5 at the U.S. Consulate on Childrens Field Day. The Consulate graciously offered its soccer field, swimming pool, basketball court and barbecue area and supplied a lot of worked on their tans and just plain relaxed with their friends. Many, many thanks to the Consulate for helping the American Society with this great day. Thanks also to Camp Juice, Sophie and Theos Cupcakes (dee-lish! see picture below, contact jaime@, Chocolates Brasil Cacau, the Corinthians Steamrollers and the clowns of the Desordineiros Ondina Lobo. We cant do these events without major help like that. We also want to be sure to thank the amazing individuals who donated cash towards the party so it could actually happen. Finally, special thanks to the wonderful volunteers who took an afternoon off to kick balls, barbecue hamburgers,

serve juice, be lifeguards, teach tennis, glue rhinestones, set up, clean up, and run here and there. Our deepest gratitude goes out to the Consulate security personnel who made sure we were all safe during the event.

enthusiastic volunteers so that children and teenagers from six orphanages or educational institutions could have a fun day in the sunshine. From noon until nearly 5 p.m., both boys and girls crafted necklaces, bracelets and picture frames and the girls painted their nails. They played football with the Corinthians Steamrollers and had a delicious barbecue lunch with cupcakes for dessert. They played basketball, spoke a little English, goofed around with clowns, talked about career options,




The American Society of So Paulo

Winter Warmth Campaign

It doesnt snow in So Paulo, theres no winter frost to ruin our gardens and there certainly is no missed school because of the weather. But anyone who has spent a winter here knows that winters can be cold, sometimes worse than winters in colder climates. Why? It can drop to very cold temperatures here but most places have no central heating. Included in the most places above are orphanages and underprivileged communities around So Paulo. In addition to the shivery days and nights we all experience, they go through it without enough blankets on their beds, with threadbare sheets and towels, with inadequate coats and sweatshirts and with thin socks. Starting May 1, the Community Action Committee (CAC) is asking that you do a fall cleaning of your closets, cupboards and drawers. Were collecting any items new or used that we can give our institutions to help them feel warmer this winter. Well welcome anything: from baby blankets to down comforters, from long-sleeved T-shirts to long underwear, from sweatpants to jeans. Anything that looks like it will keep someone warm and happy will find a home in our institutions. For information about handy drop off points around town, write Sue Sileci ( Take a look in your cupboards and drawers. We all have something an old coat or gently used socks that dont match anything we really wear. CAC will happily take any or all of it!

(continued from front page)

The 2014 Angel Party

Were starting up again! Put November 8 on your calendar for this years Angel Party, a day when 240 children from AmSoc supported orphanages, daycare centers and educational programs meet up at Chapel School for a Christmas party like no one has ever seen. The Angel Party organizing committee is already starting to form, so please let Eileen Tasso know if youd like to help. ( And, if youd like to sponsor a child and buy a bag full of brand new and beautiful Christmas presents (backpack, pants, shirt, sweatshirt or coat, tennis shoes, socks, underwear, toy and candy treat), send Sue Banman Sileci an email. (sue@sileci. com). If you choose a child now, youll be able to do your shopping if you go abroad in July, sometimes more efficient than doing it here.

We continued our exploration focusing primarily on installations by Brazilian artists. In Desi Vo Para O Vermelho or Red shift by Cildo Meireles we entered a room where all the furnishings, accessories, walls, floors were entirely in red where a trail of red paint led us to a sink gushing red liquid. Next, we visited a gazebo with mirrored walls and entered to see projections of two dancers, dancing to the Look of Love by Burt Bacharach. This is Valeska Soaress Folly. Art appreciation was not restricted to just the visual. Forty part Motet is an installation of 40 black speakers each projecting a single voice. The artist had recorded the individual voices of members of the Salisbury Cathedral choir singing Spem in Alium a tribute to Queen Elizabeth. A sublime and meditative experience to say the least. The mornings explorations culminated in the largest and newest pavilion housing the artwork of the Brazilian artist Tunga which provoked a range of interesting reactions from the group. With our visual and auditory senses on overload, we succumbed to another sensory delight lunch! INHOTIM boasts some wonderful restaurants and we tucked into a sumptuous buffet of delights, in a gorgeous garden setting and even caught a glimpse of Bernardo Paz! For some of us the rest of the afternoon was spent riding electric golf carts to view more pavilions and installations at more remote locations as well as just wandering around the beautiful landscaped grounds. Some of us lounged with a good book and others indulged themselves in the store stocked with all kinds of interesting items. INHOTIM is so large that it is almost impossible to see and experience in one day. Many of us were left wanting more and promised to return. We left Belo Horizonte the next day for So Paulo after spending the morning exploring more of the city in smaller groups. This was one of the best parts of the trip, connecting with each other and sharing experiences with our new friends. The AmSoc travel club inaugural trip was declared a hit and we returned home happy at the prospect of undertaking more trips in the near future.




AmSoc Sports
By John Kennedy AmSoc Basketball Tournament - 2014 The American Society will host its Annual Basketball Tournament this year on Saturday May 17 at the Graded School in Morumbi where we can use 2 full courts and a third smaller court if necessary. The games will start at 10am of 5 on 5 for two 12-minute halves. Last year we had six teams divided into 2 groups with the three teams in each group playing each other. The group winners went on to play the second place finishers of the other AmSoc Golf Match one of the two match dates on a course they chose. The hosting team will also determine the specific match play rules for that days golf match. The winner of this golf cup will be the team with the most accumulated match points over the two golf outings. Last year the Campinas golfers hosted the first leg of this match at their Campinas Golf Club. Playing just 10 against 10 (5 groups of 2 against 2) in 4-ball Match Play rules, the Campinas team won 3 to 1 in match points. Then on the second leg, AmSoc challenged the Campinas team at the exquisitely manicured and long Quinta da Baroneza Golf Club course. Unfortunately AmSocs selected home course nor a change in match rules to Twosome Best Ball Scramble didnt help turn the tide against a strong Campinas team which won handily 4 to that day, therefore winning the So Paulo Hackers Cup by a score of 8 to 2. So golfers be on the look-out for notices coming from AmSoc regarding the upcoming date and location for the first leg of our So Paulo hackers Cup. Contact John Kennedy at john@ for more details. group, while the third place teams were eliminated. So each team will play at least 3 games, while the 2nd and 1st place teams will play 4 or 5 games, respectively. For those of you who are either building or joining a team, remember that it pays off to have a decent bench because you could run out of gas with only 6 and 7 players. However that was not the case with last years champs who played with just 6 players (see photo on left). And remember to bring your own lunch or snack since the games will go non-stop until we finish around 3 - 4pm. If you are basketball player and have an interest in playing, either as an individual or play with a group of buddies that would like to form a team, contact John Kennedy at john@

Due to the growing demand for golf outings and events, and spurred on by AmSocs successful annual Golf Challenge (Munro Cup) against the Scots, now going on its eighth year, AmSoc last year created a second annual golf tournament called the So Paulo Hackers Cup. This tournament is another team golf event for American Society members and its guests, but this time the match is against the Americans of the Campinas Golf Club. This team golf challenge will be played on two different Saturdays and on two different golf courses in the state of So Paulo during the months of May and June. Each team will host




The American Society of So Paulo

Memorial Service at Fellowship Community Church

By David T. Warren On 25 May, the American Society Veterans Association and Fellowship Community Church will hold their 4th Memorial Service. The service will begin at 10:30 that Sunday morning and refreshments will be served afterwards. Our Consul General, Mr. Dennis Hankins or his representative will read the Presidential Proclamation and the local Marine Guard Detachment will present the Colors. FCC is located at Rua Carlos Sampaio, 107, Bela Vista, just two blocks from the Brigadeiro Metro Station, with discounted parking near by. The US Memorial Day, on 26 May is to remember all those who gave their all. These are the men and women who died while fighting for and preserving our freedom. This year however, I would like for us to remember all of the men and women, who returned to their families, but still gave a lot for our freedom. They did not return to us, the same as they were when they left us. In some cases, they returned home, forgotten or looked down on or with pity. They will continue to live, but their sacrifice will still be with them, sometime visible and sometimes hidden from sight. We should never forget them, for they too, gave all they could and then some. We also want to take time to remember those who are still serving today and pray for their safe return to their families and loved ones. Today the U.S. military is all volunteer with many varying reasons for enlistees joining. Those who serve are sworn to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution, each of us and our way of life. Sometimes they defend these with their own lives. We should never forget that. The next time youre traveling and find yourself in the airport waiting and fighting the crowds, if you see a soldier, airman, marine or sailor, go up to them, shake their hand and tell them how much you care. It will only take an extra minute of your time and not only will the man or woman in uniform feel good about your effort, but you will be surprised how good you will feel as well.


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H ousing
Luxury Apartment for Rent by Graded Prime location on Jose Galante. 400m2 w/ 3 suites. Master bdrm w/ 2 baths and 2 closets. Armored doors, marble floors, living w/ fireplace, central a/c, enclosed varanda w/ BBQ facility. Extensive amenities- 25 mt indoor pool, full gym w/ saunas, tennis court, outdoor pools and party room available. 5 car garage. Pls call Andrew at 98202-0008. Taylor Real Estate Luxury spacious houses, apartments and penthouses. Sales and rentals.Ten years experience with expatriates. Furnished and unfurnished. Trilingual Real Estate agents. References from consulates and multinationals.Photos sent by email. Relocation Service. Consult the site: e-mail: Phone: 55 11 3079-8888 and 55 11 98774- 5100 (Maria Elisa) Vila Nova Conceio SPS Best Place to Live Near Ibirapuera Park. Modern building, with all sports facilities, pool, gym, play room, barbecue and sports court. 130m2, 3br (1 suite), living room with terrace, complete kitchen, big service area, two parking spaces. Fully furnished with all appliances. Contact Ana Beatriz (11)99626-6229 or (11)3849-7085 anabeatriz@ Panamby Apartment for Sale or Rent Located at Rua Domenico Perotti, 100, 13th. Semi furnished, 4 dorms, kitchen, 2 pantries, business suite, 5 parking spaces, 2 closets, linen closet, tiled large deposit in the basement. Blinds, lighting, cabinets, pool and sauna. 1.500.000,00 reais for sale or 12 thousands including IPTU and Cond. Counter offer accepted. 11 9-9974-5465 Ivana.

S ervices
Family Dentistry Dental care you can trust for your whole family. We want to make sure you are comfortable and confident in our care. We work only with the highest quality products and equipment, bringing specialists to you so that you dont have to face traffic and providing you with clear information to make the dental decisions that are right for you. Native English. Tel.: (11) 30443111; Math and Science tutor Fernando Knijnik has been offering tutoring services for over 25 yrs. Physics, math and chemistry are taught for all levels, including IB, SAT, ACT, AP, GMAT and Brazilian vestibular, to name a few. Mr. Knijnik has worked for several years in the international schools of SP. For more info, please call (11) 991346700 or Interiors Rental Furniture Quality and refined furniture rental for your home away from home. We offer great variety! A complete line of appliances, kitchen devices and linen & towels. Complements such as rugs, lamps and decor items. or American-licensed Expat Psychologist Richard Morhaime, Psy.D., offers skilled psychotherapy for children and adults. He also provides complete diagnostic evaluations in English for children with academic or behavioral difficulties, featuring individualized recommendations for school and home. For more information, contact Dr. Morhaime at 5538-0099 or 99669-8057 or visit www.expatpsychologist. com FIFA Soccer World Cup Apartments, relocation services - should you or any of your friends coming to Brazil, especially So Paulo and Rio, need apartments to rent and/or any other relocation services, such as VIP tours or tips for a better sojourn, please contact us: or +55 11 9 9177 1111. Dawn Morelli, LCSW. American licensed and trained Therapist/Counselor My expertise includes mood, anxiety, cultural issues, relationship and family concerns, selfesteem, trauma, and personal growth. I have strong skills in assessment/evaluation which allow to identify the best and most effective treatment. I work with individuals, families and children. 98963-2871 or

Personal Trainer I will come to your home, office, or workout facility and create an exercise/fitness program tailored to your health concerns, fitness goals, and schedule. For adults and children, individuals or groups. Sessions in English, Spanish, or Portuguese. For more information please contact Daniela Franco at (11) 99739-6191 or Piano and Keyboard Classes Beginning music classes for piano or keyboard. Special method for children 4 years and older, teenagers, adults and senior citizens. Classes in Portuguese or English. Contact: Suely Azevedo 98456-5365. Years of successful experienceI Class in your house in Morumbi or south area. Dr Virna Teixeira English-speaking neurologist. Clinical Neurology, Sleep Medicine and Addiction. Masters from Edinburgh University. Rua Itapeva, 366 Cj 102 So Paulo-SP. Fones: 3262 1348/ 99232 3705 email:

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The American Society of So Paulo


Learn more about this months AmSoc events (highlighted) at

INC Book Club & Lunch

Book Discussion Format Blue Monday by Nicci French. Time: 10h30 a.m. to 1h30 p.m. RSVP until the Monday before the event to

AmSoc and Instituto General Motors Time: 7h30p.m. At Buffet Colonial Moema. Call the AmSoc office at 5182-2074 to Charity Gala purchase tickets St. Andrew Society Picnic Happy Hour at BOS BBQ INC Red Rose Coffee Annual Basketball Tournament 4th Annual Memorial Day Service SP Hackers Cup Golf Tourney first leg Contact 6pm. Itaim, R. Pedroso Alvarenga 559 Time: from 10 a.m. to 12 oclock. In Jardins. R.S.V.P. to INC at br See page 12 More information on our website - HIGHTLIGHT EVENTS at More information on our website - HIGHTLIGHT EVENTS at

We Need You!
Membership Committee Help Make phone calls to welcome new members, attend PTA breakfasts and AmSoc social events to sign up new members, assist with updating current member records, call for member renewals. If you can spend one or two hours per week helping out, please contact contact@ Community Action Committee The community action committee is looking for new energetic members to be part of committee. This involves working with orphanages and community centers, special projects and campaigns, planning of Childrens Field Day and The Angel Party. We meet once per month to plan these events and see what we can do to help our charitable institutions. Please contact Eileen Tasso, Sports Event Supervisor We have our annual basketball tournament coming up on Saturday, May 17. Who can help out, a full day on your feet, making sure the games run on time and the scores are kept? We have referees available, but need an event supervisor.Contact John Kennedy at john@ for more details.

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Blog Of The Month: Paulista Pursuits

Every month, the Forums last page will introduce you to a blog from the English-speaking community. This month, we feature Jana Davis Pearls blog Paulista Pursuits, mypaperplains. Jana has been taking photographs since 2005, when her father gave her a Nikon SLR. Ever since, shes been digitally capturing her favorite things, as well as special moments in the lives of others. So Paulo is a dynamic, colorful and vibrant city, with lovely parks and places worthy of capturing year round. It might not be as dramatic and breathtaking as Rio de Janeiro but there is beauty to be found in everything. One of my favorite places to take photos is Sunset Park in Alto de Pinheiros. It is at the end of Vila Beatriz atop a hill with a nice city view that looks directly to the west for spectacular sunset photos year round. When I set out to take photos of families, I usually suggest the popular Parque Ibirapuera or Jardim Botanico, about 10 minutes past Congonhas airport on Bandeirantes. While the park is big with many different environments for lighting and scenery, the botanic gardens are semi-private and usually less crowded on the weekends. Each has their own Brazilian-esque backdrop with native plants and flowers, water features and endless nooks and crannies that are fun to explore each time I am there. If you want to venture off the normal garden track, I love Parque Burle Marx in Morumbi with its signature art and water features as well as a large open space. Parque Vila Lobos has another amazing sunset view if you can look past the marginal, as well as several open spaces for picnics or fun photos. A smaller park I love with great light is Parque Trianon. Its a dense space with a simple pallet of green and white, the white being the curvilinear pathways weaving through the trees that reflect the light shining through. In contrast for a more urban feel, check out Batman Alley, an open graffiti gallery in an alley space of Vila Madalena. It is always changing and worthy of seeing every few months to track which artists have made new work. If you plan to take a few family photos yourself, here are a few things to keep in mind with any type of camera. Lighting is hands down the most important thing to consider when taking a picture. What direction is the sun facing, is it pointing to or away from your face and the time of day. I usually schedule shoots in the early morning or late afternoon almost year round due to how bright and intense the sun is. It of course varies depending on cloud cover or incoming storms but generally if you keep that rule of thumb you wont have to worry so much about your subject being overexposed. About an hour before the sun goes down is called, the golden hour, and for me that is the most beautiful time to photograph. During (and usually a little before) this hour you dont have to worry so much about where the sun is in relation to faces because the light is tempered. My other advice would be to get to know your camera, read the manual (I know this sounds obvious but so many people dont) and then practice, practice, practice!

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