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through Bertha Dudde 7813

Light of realisation through Gods address ....

Understand that you are eing enlightened if ! edu"ate you #yself. $ou are on the %ath of return to #e if you yoursel&es offer #e the o%%ortunity to s%ea' to you #yself .... e it dire"tly or through #y (essengers) *ho ring #y Word to you. +hen the dar'ness *ill re"ede fro( you) 'no*ledge *ill e re&ealed to you) you *ill gain realisation of yoursel&es again) of your origin) your a%ostasy and your goal .... $ou *ill no longer e as s%iritually lind as you e"a(e through your a%ostasy fro( #e. $ou had se%arated yoursel&es fro( #e) the ,ternal Light) and therefore had to e without light .... -t first) all a*areness *as ta'en fro( you and you e.isted in %rofound dar'ness) ound y #y *ill in earthly "reations) yet only in order to re(o&e you fro( the ad&ersarys influen"e .... /o*e&er) you %ossessed no light .... -nd e&en in the stage of a hu(an eing you are still s%iritually unenlightened until you gi&e #e the o%%ortunity to illu(inate you again *ith #y light .... -nd that ha%%ens *hen you allo* #e #yself to s%ea' to you. +hen the state of dar'ness *ill gradually "hange into a state of rightest realisation again) and then you "an "onsider yoursel&es fortunate) e"ause it is the sign that you are on the %ath of return into your Fathers house) that your goal is not far a*ay any(ore and that you *ill surely rea"h it too .... +he hu(an eing on earth does not e.%erien"e this la"' of light e"ause he is satisfied *ith (any different de"e%ti&e lights) ut they ha&e no radian"e and "annot enlighten a %ersons inner

eing .... But the ti(e on earth is gi&en to hi( so that he "an dis%el the dar'ness .... so that he "an stri&e to*ards the light and defeat the dar'ness of s%irit .... and there y gain realisation. -nd ! -( al*ays *illing to 'indle a light in you) %ro&iding you want to attain the light of realisation. -nd one su"h light is #y dire"t address) *hi"h you "an hear *hen you desire to e"o(e enlightened. But then you *ill also start to li&e .... to li&e a s%iritual life *hi"h then *ill ne&er e&er end again and *hi"h *ill (a'e you in"redi ly ha%%y and "hange you into the eing again that you *ere in the eginning. For as soon as you %ossess a light you *ill also ta'e the right %ath) and this leads u%*ards) a"' into your Fathers house .... Dar'ness is the *orst state for a s%iritual eing) e"ause it no longer re"ognises itself nor #e as its Father and therefore *ont stri&e to*ards #e either and thus "an re(ain in dar'ness for an infinitely long ti(e .... But ti(e and again ! try to send a ray of light into the hu(an heart *hi"h ignites and enlightens the heart fro( *ithin0 that is) ! ti(e and again guide a %ersons thoughts su"h that he *ill loo' for his God and desires light) that he *ould li'e to 'no* (ore a out #e and his o*n relationshi% *ith #e .... -nd then ! *ill indeed 'indle a light in hi( and (a'e the right 'no*ledge a""essi le to hi( *hi"h *ill %lease hi( and (a'e hi( desire (ore infor(ation. -nd on"e the s%iritual dar'ness is %enetrated he *ill also ste% out of the night into the right light of (orning) and the sun of the s%irit *ill shine on hi( and illu(inate his %ath .... -nd he *ill find #e *ithout fail and *ant to 1oin #e again) he *ill irre&o"a ly unite *ith #e and in unity *ith #e on"e again e lissfully ha%%y in light and strength and freedo( as he *as in the eginning ....


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