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NC600]NC600WUser ManuaI

Network Terminal ntroduction

Quick installation guide
Step 1: nstall software on the host computer
Step 2: Add users for terminal
Step 3: Complete the network terminal physical connection
Step 4: Start up the network terminal
Step 5: Other settings
With Admain user login
600W wifi connection method NC
Login with the external network


How to use USB printer on NC600&NC600W?

How to use CA Client on NC600&NC600W?

Network TerminaI Introduction
nterface Features:
Through lhe |AN, moke o number ol nelwork lerminols lo shore o highperlormonce compuler.
Nelwork diogromis os lollows.
600 NC 600W NC
Net Computer Layouts
Step 1: nstall software on the host computer
lnserl lhe C0 inlo lhe C0POM in lhe hosl compuler,doubleclick lhe NCserver3.2.exe lile on lhe C0's rool direclory,
lollow lhese sleps lo insloll.;
Click Nexl.
Selecl l occepl lhe lerms in lhe |icense Agreemenl,lhen click Nexl.
Ouick instaIIation guide
Click lnsloll.
Click Nexlldeloull inslollolionl, olso con chonge lhe inslollolion direclory.
Click |inish.
ClickYes.lhe inslollolion is successlul oller reslorl lhe compuler.
IClickHosl lnlormolion".you will see Operoling syslem"lnlernol \ersion"l Address"Terminol service"
lerminol service musl bePunning".olherwise lerminol won'l workunderSyslem lnlormolion". ll you wonl lo log inlo hosl
wilhoul possword.pleose choose Allow emply possword". You con see User"l0"Slolus".Clienl nome"ond
Clienl l"lor oll lhe lerminols which connecled wilh hosl. See |igure 2.
Figure 1 Figure 2
28ock lo |igure I.clickTerminol |isl".you con lind correclly running ond successlully nelwork connecled lerminols in lhe lell
lisl. leose click Pelresh" il lhere is no disploy. See |igure 3.
Figure 3
3ClickTerminol Selling".you will seeTerminol lnlormolion"Nelwork lnlormolion"Aulo Connecl lnlormolion".
See |igure 4.
Figure 4
Step 2: Add users for terminals
0oubleclickNelServer_en.exe on lhe hosl compuler's desklop
IClickNelwork Sellings".lhen you con sel lerminol lyou con chonge lerminol l wilhoul reslorling. See |igure 5.
2Click Aulo Connecl".inpul hosl l oddress, lhe user nome which you wonl lo oulo log inlo hosl.possword".lhen
chooseAulo Pun".leose choose0isk drivers"il you wonl lhe US8 driver connecled wilh lerminol lo be showed in lhe hosl, click
ok"lo sove oll lhe sellings. Terminol will oulo log inlo hosl oller reslorl. See |igure 6.
3ClickPemole Moniloring" lo remole moniloring lhe lerminol.
4ClickSend Messoges".lo send messoge lo lhe lerminol. You con send lo oll lhe lerminols by choose A||".See |igure 7.
Figure 5
Figure 6 Figure 7
48ock lo |igure I. clickUser Monogemenl".you will see oll lhe user nome which ore P0 users in lhe lell lisl. 8.
chooseAdd Users" lo odd user.lhen inpul user nome"ondpossword"chooseodminislrolor"or normol".lhen click
Add". .
See |igure
See |igure
Figure 8 Figure 9
5.Moss odd. Click Mossodd.
Moss odd con creole mulli user nomes including some leolures. you need lo odd 5 users;userIuser2user3
user4user5. There is only ligure dillerence .il we usel*l lo show lhe dillerenl porl.only need lo inpul userl*l in lhe User Nome
blonk.inpul I"in|rom" blonk.inpul 5"in lo"blonk.Wildcord |englh"meons lhe ligure lenglh ol lhese user nome's
dillerenl porl.e.g.;userIuser5.wildcord lenglh is I,user0Iuser05.wildcord lenglh is 2,user00Iuser005.wildcord lenglh is
3. See |igure I0.
Wildcord olso con insleod ol leller. E.g. userAuser8userC, lhe only dillerence ol lhese 3 users is lhe losl leller.l*l meons
dillerenl porl.inpul userl*l in lhe User nome blonk.choose second bullon,.inpul o"in lrom"blonk.inpul c"inlo"blonk.
There is no wildcord lenglh when wildcord is leller, ond cose sensilive .See |igure II.
Then inpul unilorm possword,choose odminislor or normol user in Croup",odd".
Figure 10 Figure 11
6Choose lhe user nome you wonl lo delele.click0elele Users".lhen clickconlirm"lo delele lhe user. See |igure I2.
Figure 12
7 8ock lo |igure I. Click Slorl Syncloend"lo ochieve synchronous.lhen oll lhe delecled lerminols will show some screen os hosl.
oller synchromous.hosl inlerloce will minimize lo lhe bollom righl corner ol loskbor.lhen become lo icon .
8Slop synchronous .righl clicklhe bollom righl corner ol loskbor .chooseslop syncloend".
Moke keyboord,mouse,monilor.coble ond power supply elc connecl wilh lerminol.
Complele ond conlirm lhol oll coble conneclions ore correcl, open lerminol power swilch.
According lo lhe lollowing sleps lo conligure lhe nelwork lerminol.
A: System start up
Step3: CompIete the network terminaI physicaI connection
Step4Start up the network terminaI
B: Default System screen
D: Set screen resolution
Click Screen Pesolulion, selecl lhe suiloble resolulion. pls click conlirm oller resloulion chonge ond lerminol reslorlil you don'l
click conlirm, lhen lerminol resolulion will relurn bock lo previous
C: Enter System Settings" interface
Click lhe Syslem Sellings bullon. lnpul lhe deloull possword I23.
Click OK oller selecl, need lo reslorl lo moke il ellecl.
CickSyslem lnlormolion".you will see lhe lerminol inlormolion|irewore \ersion"ond l Address"elc.
F: 0oooect boct
one oddress ond
ClickConnecl Hosl".il will pop up lhe NcClienl window.lhen hosl's l will be disployed in lhe lisl.
choose l lhen click connecl"lo log inlo hosl .
ll hosl l wos nol disployed in lhe lisl, lhen click A00" lo inpul hosl l oddress, click OK".
ll you wonl lo delele one hosl l oddress,Choose lhe hosl l which you wonl lo delele, lhen click 0elele" .
E: Network Settings
8ock lo Syslem Sellings,click Nelwork Sellings.
0oubleclick lhe Elhernel Adopler 0MCEI, conligure lhe l Address, click OK oller done.
Wilh lhe lollowing sleps, you con chonge some selling lo log inlo hosl, lor exomple, il you wonl lo disploy US8 disk.choose|ocol
Pesources">|ocol devices".choose0isk drives redireclion".lhen you will see lhe US8 disk connecled wilh lerminol in
lerminol device.
Choose hosl l oddress, click Selling", lhen inpul deloull possword I23".
Step5:Other settings
Click lhe Syslem Sellings 8ullon on lhe deloull syslem screen. lnpul lhe possword I23 ond enlerSyslem Sellings diolog.
A. Set to automatically connect host.
lnpul lhe hosl l in lhe Compuler.
lnpul lhe user nome in lhe User nome.
lnpul lhe possword in lhe ossword.
Aller done,click Sove.
lnpul lhe domoin in lhe 0omoin.
ll need lo slorl one progrom on ,selecl Slorl lhe lollowing progrom on ond inpul lhe progrom's lull polh in
lhe rogrom polh ond lile nome..
connecl connecl
ll need lo use usb disk,selecl 0isk drivers.
ll need lo oulomolicolly connecl hosl when lerminol slorlup,selecl Aulo Pun.
B. OS Update
Copy lhe OS imogel*.nb0l inlo usb disk on C ond plug lhe usb disk inlo lerminol, lhen click OS Updole on lhe Syslem Sellings
ClickAulo connecl Selupbullon
f you need connect domain Server
Aller lhe updole is compleled,click OK,syslem will reslorl ond lhe whole updole process is complele.
Click Slorl updole,click OK,ond progrom will oulomolicolly updole,lhe updole process will conlinue severol minules.
Click Selecl OS lile,novigole lo Hord 0isk ond selecl lhe OS imogel*.nb0l,click OK.
Click selecl logo lile,novigole lo Hord 0isk ond selecl lhe logo imoge,click OK.
Click updolo logo,click OK,ond progrom will oulomolicolly updole,lhe updole process will conlinue len seconds or so.
Aller lhe updole is will show logo updole complele!!,click OK,
C. Logo Update
Copy lhe logo imogelPequiremenls.8M lormol,size.720X480l inlo usb disk on C ond plug lhe usb disk inlo lerminol,lhen click
|ogo Updole on lhe Syslem Sellings.
D.Remote viewer settings Click"Remote viewer settings" on the "System Settings".
1.Set a password
0eloull possword is emply.ll need lo sel o possword. Selecl \NC ossword Aulhenlicolion on lhe Aulhenlicolion
lob.clickok. Then pop up o messoge box like lhis.
Aller inpul lhe possword,clickOK.ll needs lo reslorl lo moke il ellecl.
syslem will reslorl ond lhe whole updole process is complele.
4nputs settings
Selecl lnpuls lob.
2Change password
On lhe Aulhenlicolion,click Conligure.
Aller inpul lhe possword,click OK.ll needs lo reslorl lo moke il ellecl.
3Cancel password
Selecl No Aulhenlicolion on lhe Aulhenlicolion lob,click OK,lhen pop up o messoge box like lhis.
click Yes.ll needs lo reslorl lo moke il ellecl.
Selecl lhe dillerenl oplions os needed,click OK lo sove. ll needs lo reslorl lo moke il ellecl.
Set windows server 2003" as the domain controller
Authorize DHCP server
EAdd Domain Users
Connect Windows XP Professional to domain
Use the domain user of N 600 login
I.lnsloll 0HC"server.
2.lnsloll 0NS" ond Aclive 0ireclory"leose see lhe inslollolion melhod lrom olher liles .
The domoin is", Windows Server 2003bosed compuler syslem colled oz2qe6oyg78j.
IAller reslorling compuler lhen press Clrl+All+0el"combinolion key .
|ogin server os ond keep possword blonk.
2Click slorl" choose"conlrol ponel lhen click 0HC".
3Click". Pighlclick oz2qe6oyg78j.conloso. com".lhen click oulhorizolion"
4Close 0HC" Monogemenl console.
Click"slorl"conlrol ponel"Aclive 0ireclory user ond compuler",click Aclive 0irecloryuser ond
compuleroz2qe6oyg78j.conloso.com_"on lell side . >">Users Pighlclick"Users"sel up new user
lnpul kim" os |osl nome , jim"os lrisl nome .> nexl slepinpul possword ond conlorm wilhoul o lick on need chonge lhe
possword when login losl lime choose permonenl possword"linish.|ind lhe user nomed kimjim" lhen righl click roperly"
olloched lo oddodvoncedlind now choose 0omoin Admins"in lhe reseorch resull below.>okokok.
IUse Adminislrolor occounl lnsloll lhe sollwore lnc600l in disk .
2Click my compuler" righl click roperly"compuler nomerevisechoose domoin lrom olloched lo" inpul lhe domoin nome"OK .
ICheck ond see lhe l A00PESS ol Windows X rolessiono series.
2Click Pemole 0esklop Conneclions"ol NC600.inpul lhe l Address ol windows xp rolessionol,Aller show |oglorm lhen inpul
lhe user's nome jim" ond possword selled up belore .Choose conloso"click connecl" lhen will login.

Figure 1
Login with the externaI network
The router's !P address is (note the back of the router),!nput "" on the host PC browser's
address bar and press Enter to enter a user name and password (note the back of the router), as shown in Figure 1.
2Open lhe |orword Pules > \irluol Server > Add new enlry, os shown in |igure 2.
Figure 2
Figure 3
3ln lhe Service orl Number. inpul lhe l Address. inpul os lhe hosl ol |AN l lhe rolocol.,
selecl TC, in lhe Slolus. selecl lorce , common service porl number by deloull, click lhe Sove , os shown in |igure 3, |igure 4.
Figure 4
4Selecl lhe running, in lhe WAN Slolus column,you will see o hosl ouler nelwork l oddress, os shown in |igure 5.
Figure 6
Figure 7
6Enler lhe user nome ond possword, click OK. As shown in |igure 7.
5Use NC600 connecl hosl, click connecl hosl, odd l I24.I72.20I.252. click connecled. As shown in ligure 6.
Figure 6
Figure 8
7Successlully login lo lhe l oddress ol lhe hosl os shown in |igure 8.
I The rouler's l oddress is I2.I68.I.I lnole lhe bock ol lhe roulerl,lnpul I2.I68.I.I on lhe hosl C browser's oddress bor ond
press Enler lo enler o user nome ond possword lnole lhe bock ol lhe roulerl, os shown in |igure I.
Figure 1
2 Open Wireless oromelers > bosic sellings, where SSl0 number. lhis is lhe Wl|l nome which shown on NC600 le.g. |igure 3l.
ll you wonl lo use Wl|l, moke sure Enoble wireless lick. il you wonl lo sel lhe Wl|l possword, musl loke lhe Open Securily
Sellings lick. Sel lhe Securily Type., Securily Oplions., encryplion melhod., SK possword. os shown in |igure I.
Figure 2
Figure 4
3 Open NC600, ll's con oulomolicolly idenlily lhe Wl|l, os shown in |igure 3.

4 0oubleclick lhe nome ol lhe correcl Wl|l, os shown in |igure 4. And lhe selling conlenl should belhe some wilh ligure 2.
Figure 3

5 Sel ond click OK, il will connecl successlully, os shown in |igure 5.
Figure 6
6 Click lhe |ocol 0esklop, you con see lhe bollom righl corner ol lhe Wl|l icon hos work properly, os shown in |igure 6.
Figure 6
How to use USB printer on NC600&NC600W7
I.|irsl,lnsloll lhe driver ol prinler on lhe Hosl C,ond lhen, connecl lhe prinler's US8 coble lo lhe US8 inlerloce ol NC600, power on
NC600 ond lhe prinler. Click Connecl Hosl, lhe syslem will oulomolicolly recognize lhe Hosl C's l oddress or odd lhe Hosl C's l
oddress monuolly,selecl one Hosl C'sllhe one hove inslolled driver ol prinlerl l oddress in lhe lisl, click Selling lpossword is.
I23l. See |igureI.
Figure 1
2.Selecl lhe |ocol Pesources lob, choose rinlers in lhe locol device"oplions,ond lhen,click prinlers"bullon.See |igure2.
Figure 2
3. 0oubleclick Add rinler. il moy need lo woil o shorl lime,becouse lhe syslem needs lo delecl lhe oppropriole porl.See |igure3.
Figure 3
Figure 3
4.Selecl lhe porl you wonl your prinler lo use |TI.", click Nexl. See |igure4.
Figure 4
5. Selecl lhe rinler Model, selecl lhe correcl Monuloclurers" ond rinlers" model in lhe lisl. Click Nexl.See ligure 5. Here
will skip lo slep 7,See |igure7. lll your prinler is nol lisled, pleose choose lhe User 0elined. Click Nexl. See ligure 6. Here lhen
proceed lo slep 6.l
Figure 5
Figure 6
6. Enler lhe Model Nome, here lo lill in lhe hosl prinler nome shown on lhe Hosl C. lExomple. oller inslolling lhe driver ol prinler on lhe

Hosl C,ll's will show in rinlers ond |oxes, lhen here lo lill out the "Jolimark FP-S30K +", this name musl be
consislenll, ond click Nexl.See ligure 7.
Figure 7
7. Nome Your rinler ,Here moy deloull, click Nexl. See ligure 8.
Figure 8
8. Selecl No, click Nexl. |igure .
Figure 9
, Click |inish. See ligure I0.
Figure 10
I0. Al lhis poinl, lhe prinler odded successlully, click OK. See ligure II.
Figure 11
II, Aller NC600 connecled lo lhe Hosl C successlully,ond need lo prinl documenls, pleose selecl lhe prinler nome like 1olimork
|530K + l|rom WindowCEl in session I.ond click rinl",lhen prinl compleled.See ligure I2.
Figure 12
I.NC600 con nol supporl MullilunclionlAllinonel US8 rinlers.
2.ll con nol lind lhe prinler nome similor 1olimork |530K + l|rom WindowCEl in session I oller connecled lo lhe Hosl C, leose
opens Slorl > Pun > Enler gpedil.msc > Compuler Conligurolion > Adminislrolive Temploles > Windows
Componenls > Terminol Services > Clienl / Server dolo redireclion in lhe Hosl C, double click 0o nol ollow clienl prinler
redireclion, Choose 0isobled in lhe selling , ond lhen,Applicole ond reconnecl lhe hosl . See |igure I3.
Figure 13
I, |irsl ol oll.lnsloll Cilrix sollwore on lhe hosl, ond lhen,sel lhe hosl l oddress.
2, Turn on lhe NC600, ond enler lhe locol desklop, doubleclick lhe lCA Clienl on lhe desklop. As shown in ligure I.
Figure 1
3, Close lhe lollowing window, As shown in ligure 2.
4, 0oubleclick lhe lCA Clienl ogoin on lhe desklop, click Creole New Conneclion. As shown in ligure 3.
Figure 3
Figure 2
How to use ICA CIient on NC600&NC600W 7
5, |ill in lhe hosl's l oddress, ond click Sove. As shown in ligure 4.
Figure 4
6, Selecl lhe l oddress ol lhe hosl need lo login, click Connecl. As shown in ligure 5.
Figure 5
7, |og inlo lhe hosl inlerloce, enler lhe user nome ond possword ond click OK. As shown in ligure 6.
Figure 6
8, |og inlo lhe hosl successlully. As shown in ligure 7.
Figure 7
, Aller log inlo lhe hosl, il you do nol see lhe slorl menu ond losk bor, you con doubleclick lhe groy oreo on lhe upper righl corner.
As shown in ligure 8.
Figure 8
I0, Sel lhe color quolily. Selecl lhe hosl l oddress, ond click Edil. As shown in ligure .
Figure 9
II,Selecl Edil Window Sellings", As shown in ligure I0.
Figure 10
I2, ln lhe dropdown lisl, selecl High Color lI6 bill, click Sove. As shown in ligure II.
Figure 11

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