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Solar Power Comparison I was informed from a newspaper article that not far from Abu Dhabi, the

biggest solar power station int he world was built. The Shams built of an in!estment of "## million $S dollars on an area of %.& 'm% which collects the ra(s of sunlight with %&) ### mirrors producung thereb( ## *+ current . I ha!e an own patent for a solar power station of a different construction read( for reali,ation and ha!ing all the necessar( technical details being more fa!ourable in e!er( parameter than that of Shams . Therefore I elaborated a comparison between the two power stations. In this comparison, the one built in Abu Dhabi is mar'ed b( A, whereas m( own is mar'ed b( -. 1. The volume of the solar power station A.: Mirrors take an area of 2.5 km2 on the mainland. -.. The total area taken by the 3 piece mirror collectors protected by concrete walls is 211 !5" m2 on water surface 2. Total area of the mirrors: A.: The surface of the 25# """ mirrors calculatin$ with % m2 for each makes 1&5'# """ m2 & at calculatin$ with # m2 for each makes 2&"%' """ m2 . (.: The total surface of the 3 piece mirror collectors with a diameter of 3"" m each is 211 !5" m2 alto$ether.

3. )ower of the solar power station A.: Total power:1"" M*h (.: Total power: 1 piece 35 M*h 3 piece 1"5 M*h

'. +nvestment costs for the two types A.: %"" million ,-A dollars (.: 1 piece %# million ,-.& 3 piece 2"' million ,-. 5. )rotection a$ainst storms A.: /o solution e0ists for this type (.: )rotection e0ists in ' $rades of 1""1 safety %. Maintainin$ of the mirror surfaces A.: 2leanin$ of the mirror surfaces is not ensured a$ainst snad and dust. (.: 2leanin$ of mirror surfaces is ensured as a perforated pipeline is situated in a concentric position on their outside rim& from which by the operation of the pump& distilled water can be pumped for washin$ the mirrors

. 3. 4fficiency of the mirrors A.: The mirrors reflect sunrays to the reciever bein$ on the top of the tower in the middle of the area. Thus& due to their position& their incidence an$leis '5o. A further decrease int he power is caused by the bi$ distance between the mirrors and the reciever 5it e0ceeds 1 km6. .ue to this& the coolin$ effect of air and the flue dust also shadow reducin$ thereby efficiency. (.: All the mirrors stand perpendicular to the sun& i.e. under an an$le of !"o . A further advanta$e is that their distance to the reciever does not e0ceed 1"" m. A further advanta$e is that the sunrays arrive to the reciever throu$h a collector operatin$ as a heat trap without any loss. #. May the solar power station be enlar$ed7 A.: This type cannot be enlar$ed (.: This type can be enler$ed even to 1""" M* or more. !. 8as the solar ener$y power sation ener$y storin$7 A.: This type do9es not have this possibility (.: This type is provided with a hi$h capaity ener$y storin$ e:uipment.

1". Movin$ of mirrors and breakdowns due to this A.: All the 25# """ mirrors can be moved separately& which causes many breakdowns. Thus at least 1"1 of the mirrors are out of order continuously. Another problem is that in addition to the central focus& two other& false focuses e0ist increasin$ the loss. (.: All the mirrors int he collector move to$ether& bein$ always perpendicular to the sun. The movin$ e:uipment operates safely if ri$htly maintained. 11. 2an the solar power stations be used for other purposes than current production7 A.: This type cannot be used directly for other purposes. (.: This type can be used directly& in addition to current production& for hydro$en& desalination of sea water& for producin$ aluminium from alumina& and as combustion furnace in concrete production. 12. May the power of the solar power station increased without any e0tra intervention7 A.: There is no possibility for this. (.: +n a cantvise position of the collectors& they can utili;e the reflected rays from the water surface as well.

+ think& these data prove which one of the two solar power stations is more advanta$eous . .ear -ir& + thank you that you have confidence in me and read and studied the proofs sent by me. +f you have some :uestions or problems concernin$ my solar power ststion& do not hesitate to contact me& + am ready to provide the answers also personally. + notice that we are now workin$ on the desi$n of a lar$er mirror collector of %"" m diameter 5accordin$ to preliminary calculations the price will be 3#" million 4uro6 and this will be capable of producin$ 1'2 M* power. + would like to call your attention to our <=arden of 4den desert town> pro?ect already elaborated which is a town of 1" """ inhabitants in the middle of the desert& with a 1 km lon$& '"" m wide artificial lake in its centre. The town will be provided with 3" """ m3 sweet water and ample current& to$ether with a full infrastructure ensurin$ lu0urious conditions and well bein$ for its inhabitants. Availability: e mail: dr.$ode.$abor@$ Tel: A3% 3" 353 5513 *eb : http:BBinvention production2"11.iwk.huB

.r =Cde =Dbor +nvention and )roduction 2"11. s.r.o 5 Etd.6 Mana$in$ .irector and )ro?ect Mana$er

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