How We Spent Our Time by Myrthe

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Hi, My name is Myrthe van der Velden and I am 14 years old.

I live in the village Bennekom and I am a student from the third grade of Pantarijn. Last year I applied to do this exchange with Croatia because I love Croatia. I enjoyed having a Croatian student as a guest and I am looking forward to May, when I go to Croatia. When I started whit this exchange, I was a little bit scared because I didnt knew who would be my exchange partner, but I have a nice girl as partner so I dont have to worry anymore :p. The first day, the Croatian people came here by plane and by bus. When they were at our school, we had a drink with all the exchange students and we had some time to get to know each other. I also showed my partner the school and my own class. The next day, we went by bike to the midget golf course. We had to find our way with a knooppunterroute. There we played midget golf, but because it was too cold, we didnt play it very long. Then we went to the pancake restaurant De Panoramahoeve. There we ate poffertjes. Then we were warm again. After eating poffertjes we could go home, but because Sinterklaas would be in Wageningen that day, we went to the city of Wageningen whit some of the students. Sunday, we went to Amsterdam by bus. First we were at the Rijksmuseum, we could just walk alone there, so you could see everything you wanted to see. When we were ready to go, we went to de dam to make a picture from the group. We were all wearing a t-shirt with the logo from the exchange. After that we had some time to go shopping. On Monday we had separate programs. The Croatian students learned Netherlands and they went to the town hall of Wageningen, when they were there, the mayor of Wageningen talked with them about the project. We had to be with our own class. Tuesday in the morning, we had a sports day whit all the students from the third grade of the Pantarijn and with the students from Croatia. After that, we had separate programs again. They learned our language again, and we had to be with our own class again. Wednesday we went to the small city of Houten because in Houten is a very special infrastructure for cyclists. We had explanation from the mayor. He told us how they made the special infrastructure of Houten and about the cycle lanes and the bypass for cars. Then we walked through Houten to see everything he told us. After Houten, we went to De Zaanse Schans. We could walk there by ourselves to see everything you wanted to see. And inside one of the mills, they showed us a small movie about the mills from how they used to be. Thursday there were some people from a bike organisation at school and they told us about their organisation. Then we were free, well we did had to make something to eat for the evening. In the evening we had diner at school with all the students and all the parents. Friday we thought about the project in groups. We had to write things down about what we had done and about what we were going to do in Croatia. There were also a few presentations from Croatian students. Saturday and Sunday we didnt had a program. We could do nice things whit our family. Monday early in the morning, the Croatian students left.

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