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Potential Projects for Evaluated

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. Scaling up Farmer Led Seed Enterprises for Sustained Productivity and Livelihoods in ECA (FSLE) Up scaling NERICA adoption in Southern Sudan & Northern Uganda (NERICA up-scaling) Scaling up and out Technologies in Quality Protein Maize using AIS (QPM-AIS) Scaling up and out Technologies in OFSP using AIS (OFSP-AIS) Farmer Empowerment for Innovation in Smallholder Agriculture (FEISA) Dissemination and Transfer of new agricultural technologies in Quality protein Maize (DONATA QPM*) Dissemination and Transfer of new agricultural technologies in Orange Fleshed Sweet potato (DONATA OFSP*) Enhancing the Competitiveness of Snap Beans for Domestic and Export Markets Intensification of Climbing Beans Systems Processing for commercial exploitation of selected tree-fruits & vegetables in Tanzania and Rwanda Utilization of Bean Innovations for Food Security and Improved Livelihoods in ECA Validation of processed fruits and vegetables products in Rwanda and Tanzania Promotion of snap bean integrated crop management technologies for improved livelihoods in ECA Validation of Multiple Disease Resistant Snap bean Varieties for Local and Export Markets Validation & dissemination of quality fruit trees in Ethiopia & Uganda Integrating agro-diversity with conservation to improve livelihood in savannah ecosystems. Fighting Striga: Resistance Genes Deployed To Boost Sorghum Productivity Diagnostic And Control Tools And Strategies For Taenia solium Cysticercosis Pearl Millet innovations for improved livelihoods in drought prone areas of ECA Validation and Dissemination of Highland Maize Varieties for Kenya and Uganda Improved Banana technologies for Markets and Income generation in Rwanda Enhancing Utilization of quality seed Potato by Small scale farmers Development and dissemination of normal and nutritionally enhanced highland Maize Sustainable Management of Banana Bacterial within Banana Cropping Systems in East & Central Africa Development & dissemination of quality protein agro-enterprises for improved household income in ECA Integrated Management of CBSD and CMD Diseases to Enhance Productivity and Utilization of Cassava in ECA Up scaling of soil & water management technologies & drought tolerant varieties for increased maize productivity in ECA Sustainable intensification of sorghum-legume system to improve livelihood and adaptation to climate change in ECA Up scaling innovations for quality seed potato production in ECA Up scaling Banana Xanthomonas wilt control in Eastern and Central Africa Improved Banana Technologies for Markets and Income Generation in Rwanda Up scaling of Highland maize varieties in Ethiopia Validation of highland maize varieties in Kenya and Uganda Validation of banana juice in Rwanda. Building public/private sector partnership to enhance productivity and competitiveness of aquaculture in ECA Harnessing crop-livestock integration to enhance food security and livelihoods resilience to effects of climate variability and change Up-scaling feed packaging and feed conservation innovations for drought management in pastoral systems of ECA Increasing feed availability through Napier stunt and smut diseases management Integrated productivity enhancing technology packages for smallholder dairy farmers in ECA Validation of rumen liquor for in vitro gas production Up-scaling tick and tick borne disease control in ECA Establishment of a feed resources database for ECA Exploiting market opportunities for value added dairy and meat products quality and safety in ECA Napier grass smut and stunt resistance Strengthening regional germplasm collection and regional forage seed supply in ECA Tick and tick borne diseases prevention and control in ECA Enhancing Adoption of Harmonized Seed Standards, Regulations and procedures in ECA Enhancing Adoption of Harmonized Standards for Roots and Tubers in ECA Food Price Trends Analysis & Policy Options for Enhancing Food Security Rationalization and harmonization of policies, laws, regulations and procedures for key agricultural sectors in ECA Addressing the Food Price Situation in COMESA Combating hunger- enhancing effectiveness of agricultural input and output markets in ECA Facilitating collective marketing best practices in Kenya & Uganda Strategies for adapting to climate change in rural sub-Saharan Africa: targeting the most vulnerable Natural resource management and biodiversity conservation in the dry lands of ECA

56. Going to scale: enhancing the adaptive management capacities of rural communities for sustainable land management in the highlands of Eastern Africa 57. Integrated management of water for productivity and livelihood security under variable and changing climatic conditions in ECA 58. Up-scaling integrated soil fertility management for improved livelihoods 59. Enhancing the adaptive capacity of smallholders to climate variability through response farming innovations 60. Accelerated uptake & utilization of soil fertility management best-bets practices in ECA sub-region 61. Promoting sustainable NRM through effective governance & farmer-market linkages 62. Making the best of climate adapting agriculture to climate variability

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