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Rosicrucian O r d e r Head Literary Thief Is De fense Argument

Counter charges of plagiarism were hurled In Justice Grandin II. Miller's court by attorneys for George L. Sm ith. Bakersfield printer, against Dr. II. Spencer lew is, when the printer opened his defense to the Rosicrucian Order head's libel charge today.

Resents Verbal Pummeling

Smith's charge th at lecturcs were; taken from the Book of Knowledge were admitted by Dr. Lewis. In 1920 when he was In Egypt, he

"Even though Dr. Lewis got Ideas from other books as a basis for his own, W aterhouse objected time and time again, "the evidence Is n o t su f ficient to prove literary th eft and Is lrrclevcnt." The court sustained most of th e objections along this line.

The first witness called by the de fense was Dr. Lewis. Attorney Grat tan's efforts, however, to use books ranging from economics to astrology as a basis to prove his plagiarism charges met defeat a t the numerous objections entered b y Deputy District Attomy Frank J. Waterhouse and Special Prosecutor Alfred Aram.

LEWIS ON STAND These charges were denied by Dr. Lewis, when the prosecution reopened Its case as court convened this m orn ing and called him to testify. The prosecution rested Immediately a fte r ward.
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By books and pamphlets, allegedly written by Dr. Lewis and members of his editorial board and published by the Rosicrucian Order here. Attorney Eugene Grattan, defending Smith, sought to prove that his client's charges or "literary thief" against Dr. Lewis are true. The charges are made In a letter allegedly written to Dr. Lewis by Smith last March 25. coplcs of which were said to have been circulated by Smith over various parts of the country and abroad.

Dr. II. Spencer Lewis, im perator of the Order of Rosicrucian*, is ac cusing George L. Smith, Bakersfield printer, of crim inal libel In a n ac tion now occupying the attention of a local court. Dr. Lewis Is shown above; Sm ith In the lower picture. Lomer Engraving Service photos.

In 1920 when lie was In Egypt, he testified, a. woman he engaged to p re pare a series of articles on child cul tu ral subjects obtained m aterial from the "Book of Knowledge" for five or six of the series. D r. Lewis also declared th a t a poem allegedly published by him several years after it appeared in another author's work was originally translated from the walls of an old Egyptian temple dating back thousands of years. The Rosicrucian Order, he testified, was formed by him in this country in 1000 with permission of the order in France. I t Is Incorporated in Califor nia under the nam e of tho Ancient Mystical Order of Rosicruclans, is an educational and fraternal organiza tion, and is non-profit making. Only four witnesses were callcd by the prosecution yesterday. Testimony was th a t the letter, allegedly written by Sm ith, was mailed to Dr. Lewis here and to other members of tho Rosicrucian Order in Seattle, Iowa, Canada, England ond elsewhere, and
{C ontinued on P uce T w o)

(Contlnoia rroro T i n om)

witness and rehashed to suit your purpose. "Lewis, your Unto 1 Orant U ft steal from the 'Economy of Human Lite.* "Lewis, why did you demand IJ000 from the San Francisco and Lc* An geles lodges when you were forced to leave Tampa to suddenly? "You, Lewu, lied when you went to Tampa and promised a $13,000,000 building. Lewis, why do you not complete your case against Thomas? You fear both him and me when th at case cornea to trial, do you not? Do you not think I am wise to the ipethods you used to frme Thornes in Freeno and even now in Lo* Angeles? You poor sap. The letter Is dated "S10 Cheiter Avenue, Bakersfield, Calif., March 25, 1933." end addressed "H. Spencer Lewis. Imp of Amorc, San Jose, Calif.

th a t It was composed for appAteritly malicious purposes. The witnesses wer6 Ralph Lewis, en of the impergtor and firAnd secre tary of the order; R. H. Knox, m an ager of the local Better Busmens Bu reau: Mrs, Mary A. Burice, Seattle cosmetologist, and A. L. Renfo, Kern County deputy sheriff, who arreited Smith at his Bakersfield home on Lewis warrant and confiscated 40 copies of the alleged libel letter and ft, mimeograph stencil. Ralph Lewis testified th at he h*d received the letter written to his father, Mr. Knox declared he re ceived a copy of the letter from Cal vary, Canada, and Mrs. Burke stated ano also had received * copy from Smith. The letter, read into the court rec ord by Assistant District Attorney Frank J. Waterhouae, contains much m atter of sensational nature allegedly reflecting upon Lewis' personal integ rity and his connection with the Rosl. crucian Order. Excerpts from the let ter. headed "You Rotter, aro u follows; "Lewis, you lie when you say that you are a doctor of philosophy or an/ Iher title from the Rose Croix Uni versity In Toulnuse, France, o t any other place In France. There is no awoh university, "Lewis, you are no my psychic than a. door knob, If you are, which 1 know you are not. you will have In the mall tonight, to be received by me tomor row at 10:30, x complete copy of this letter which I am writing you, as well as a complete copy of the material I am forwarding to tho postal depart m ent In connection herewith. Year failure to read your own stars and my mind and messaie will be proof posi tive th at you have no power over the forces of Intelligence. Accomplish that feat, and 1 will admit to the world your ability. "Lewis, you He when you state th *t you are a member of the Masonlo fra ternity, either here or abroad. You were barred from Masonry In New York after taking the first degree. "Lewis, your Mystical Life of Jesus Is t, steal of the Crucifixion of * n Eye

San Jose Evening News San Jose, California Wednesday, July 2 0 ,1 9 3 2 Pages 1 and 2


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