The West Wight Practice: Minutes

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The West Wight Practice

PPG Meeting No. 12 Thursday 3rd April 2014 at 18.00 at roo!side "ealth #entre $ "ealth %ducation &oo'

Present( Maricel #onsolacion) Gaynor Pit'an) #harles *a+idson) #olin ,ily-hite) Alan .ngra's) /te+e #o-ley) 0i' Malia) Phyllis Phillips) George Tho'son) Gordon Wal!er) 1en Magee) Mi!e 0u!es) #arina %ccles Mi!e 2ldha' Tina urgoyne) 0a'es "o-e) 0ohn "o-e) ill Mc1en3ie) 4ran "olds-orth

#hair( Apologies( 1.0


Apologies -ere recei+ed 5ro' the a6o+e. The Minutes o5 Meeting No. 11 held on 27th 4e6 2014 -ere agreed. /ecretaries Note8 4ollo-ing +arious -ritten state'ents o+er the last t-o 'onths and !ey 'eetings -ith +arious parties) The Practice Partners too! this opportunity to update the PPG 'e'6ers regarding an agreed -ay 5or-ard 5or the West Wight Practice. 2.0 Practice Ne-s 9pdate) the -ay 5or-ard. *r Wal!er led the discussion 6y ad+ising those present that 5ollo-ing producti+e discussions -ith West Wight Practice Partners) N"/ %ngland) ##G and ,ighthouse Medical ,i'ited :,M,;) the Partners -ere pleased to report a -ay 5or-ard 5or the continuation o5 the Practice had 6een agreed. 2+er the ne<t 3 'onths ,M, -ill de+elop a -or!ing plan to ta!e o+er 5ull control o5 West Wight Practice. The 5irst 'onth ,M, -ill place specialist resource into the West Wight Practice to 6etter understand it=s 'a!e up and -or!ing procedures) including tal!ing to patients. The second 'onth ,M, -ill digest and analyse the in5or'ation o6tained to de+elop a plan that -ill e55ect a sea'less hando+er. The third 'onth -ill i'ple'ent the plan -ith an o6>ecti+e o5 ta!ing 5ull control o5 West Wight Practice in 0uly 2014. At that ti'e the current West Wight Partners -ill resign their Partner positions. *r=s Tho'son) Magee and Wal!er -ill continue to -or! -ithin the West Wight Practice under the ne- structure 5or the 5oreseea6le 5uture. *iscussion too! place clari5ying e<actly -ho ,M, are and their status. *r Wal!er ad+ised the PPG that ,M, is an .sland 6ased not 5or pro5it co'pany headed 6y *r *en'an? 0ohnson -ith a 6oard o5 directors. %ach GP on the .sland holds 1:one; share in ,M,. ,M, already runs .sland 6ased 'edical ser+ices e.g. The eacon and *er'atology /er+ice at /t Marys and they are currently supporting West Wight Practice -ith island 6ased GPs. Any pro5its 'ade are in+ested 6ac! into the co'pany and used 5or pro>ects li!e training. .t -as stated that e'ployees 5ro' West Wight Practice ha+e recently 6een on training courses run 6y ,M,.

The @uestion regarding the 5uture o5 Aar'outh surgery -as raised. *r Wal!er ad+ised the PPG that N"/ %ngland had stipulated that the plan 6eing prepared 6y ,M, 'ust include the re?opening o5 the Aar'outh surgery. The current West Wight Practice Partners considered ,M, ta!ing o+er the Practice in 0uly 2014 as a positi+e 'o+e 5or the 5uture. *r Wal!er said that N"/ %ngland=s current thin!ing -as that Practice groups needed to ha+e at least 30)000 patients to 'a!e the' cost e55ecti+e) the e@ui+alent o5 three Practices the si3e o5 West Wight all -or!ing under a single 'anage'ent structure. This -ould ena6le a greater 'i< o5 GP specialist ser+ices to 6e pro+ided to patients and i'pro+e the prospects o5 GPs) -hich -ould aid 5uture recruit'ent on the .sland. *r Wal!er 6elie+ed the 5or'at and structure planned 5or West Wight -ith ,M, could 6e used as a 'odel 5or other Practices. .t -as suggested that a representati+e 5ro' the ,M, 'anage'ent tea' attend the ne<t PPG 'eeting at the end o5 May 2014 to outline their plans 5or the 5uture o5 the West Wight Practice. #% to pursue. Gaynor Pit'an -anted to place on record her appreciation 5or the e55orts 'ade 6y the three re'aining partners in 'aintaining a 5irst class GP ser+ice 5or the West Wight Practice during the di55iculties o5 the past couple o5 'onths. M2 and other PPG 'e'6ers supported this co''ent and than!ed all West Wight Practice sta55 5or 'aintaining the high standards -e all recei+e -hen +isiting the practice. 3.0 B/on o5 /tourC B/tourC re5ers to a 'ethod o5 6oo!ing appoint'ents de+eloped at a doctor=s practice in /tour) 'uch li!e our telephone triage 6oo!ing syste'. B/on o5 /tourC 'odi5ies this 6oo!ing syste' to o55er patients a choice as to -ho they -ould li!e to see. .5 patients -ant one o5 the Partners i.e. *rs Tho'son) Magee or Wal!er they -ill still ha+e to -ait 5or a telephone call 6ut i5 they are happy to see one o5 the ,ocu' doctors or the Nurse Practitioner then reception can 'a!e the appoint'ent 5or that day. *r Wal!er ad+ised the PPG that this syste' had 6een introduced at West Wight to address the current situation. M2 e<pressed concern that -hen +isiting /t Marys he -as al-ays as!ed 5or his GP 6y na'e. With the a6sence o5 any per'anent replace'ents 5or the doctors -ho ha+e recently le5t the practice) pro+iding a na'ed GP -as pro+ing di55icult. *r Wal!er said that patients are assigned to the practice not a speci5ic GP. This pro+ides the option o5 seeing any o5 the GPs. This issue had also 6een a pro6le' at the nursing ho'es -hen a 'edical report -as re@uired. *r Wal!er suggested patients use their last !no-n doctor -hen as!ed and any reports or actions necessary -ould 6e dealt -ith. 4.0 #ancer &e5erral *ata *r Tho'son handed out a spread sheet detailing cancer re5erral data 5or West Wight Practice co'pared to ##G a+erages. .t -as recognised that West Wight Practice had a higher D o5 patients o+er EF than the ##G a+erage) -hich -as re5lected in the higher nu'6er o5 ne- cancer cases and cancer deaths in West Wight Practice co'pared to the ##G a+erage. The spread sheet -as a little co'plicated to co'prehend and -ould pro6a6ly 6e 'ore 6ene5icial 5or GPs rather than patients. -2-

"o-e+er) -hilst stat=s can 6e +ery interesting and a use5ul guide the 'essage to patients is Bthe sooner cancer can be diagnosed the better the chance of a successful outcome so do not delay in getting your sy'pto's chec!ed out. F.0 A2 PP :ne- 'e'6er; -anted to 6etter understand the 'a!eup o5 the PPG in ter's o5 representation 5ro' the Aar'outh area. *iscussion led to the initial thin!ing o5 representation 5ro' each area 6ut those original 'e'6ers said there had 6een a lac! o5 co''unication to !eep the' in5or'ed o5 'eetings etc. M2 said that the current thin!ing -as to try and ha+e a group that co+ered all areas o5 the practice ensuring a good 'i< o5 age groups. %55orts had 6een 'ade to !eep all patients in5or'ed through the -e6 site 6ut ac!no-ledged this did not help those -ho did not ha+e internet access or did not use a co'puter. The ne-ly 5or'ed GPPG -ith 120 'e'6ers -ould help to !eep people in5or'ed and those -ithout a P# could 6uddy up -ith a local 5riend -ho did ha+e one. We -ill also loo! at the hard copy distri6ution o5 Ne-sletters etc. E.0 /chedule o5 *ates 5or 2014 Meetings Thursday 2H May 2014 Thursday 28 August 2014 Thursday 27 No+e'6er 2014 All starting at 18.00 and held at roo!side "ealth #entre


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