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theSun | WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 28 2009 7

news without borders

National astronaut fails

to get suit quashed
KUALA LUMPUR: National astro- more than RM90,000.
naut Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszaphar In her statement of claim, she
Shukor Al-Masrie yesterday failed stated that Sheikh Muszaphar had
in his bid to quash a suit filed by a not paid her wages as agreed in a
businesswoman against him when letter appointing her as his personal Govt mulls
a sessions court here dismissed with assistant on April 2 last year. special
costs, his application. She claimed that on May 28 last
Judge Madihah Harullah, in a year, she received a letter of dis- unit to
decision made in chambers, ruled missal from Sheikh Muszaphar after address
that the suit filed by Norlina Nordin she had secured various contracts. maid
had merit for trial. She is seeking RM45,000 in wages,
She fixed Nov 25 for mention and RM47,751 in damages, general dam- abuse
case management. ages and other costs deemed fit by pg 8
Counsel Dzaki Ezhar Bahar, who the court.
represented Sheikh Muszaphar, said Sheikh Muszaphar, in his state-
later that he would appeal against ment of defence, denied having ap-
the decision in the High Court. pointed Norlina as his representative
Sheikh Muszaphar and Norlina in any of his business dealings.
were not in court. He also filed a counter claim
Norlina filed the suit on July 25 against Norlina for her to pay him
last year claiming that Sheikh Mus- RM25,000 which she had taken from
zaphar had breached the contract the Negeri Sembilan Action Council,
of her appointment as a personal for which payment was supposed to
assistant and demanded damages of be made to him. – Bernama

Teoh’s family applies to exhume

remains for second post mortem
by Tan Yi Liang urgency under obvious grounds pathologists which they relied as the doctor has said that on to give evidence in court,”
the longer we delay, there’s a he said, adding that the limited
SHAH ALAM: The family of greater chance of decomposi- scope of her examination had
Teoh Beng Hock yesterday tion,” said Teoh’s family lawyer been raised by government
filed an application with the Gobind Singh Deo. counsel Tan Hock Chuan and
coroner’s court here to ex- Gobind spoke to reporters the MACC.
hume his remains for a second after accompanying Teoh’s “Dr Pornthip has given her
post-mortem to be conducted family members to file the ap- opinion based on these photos,
by veteran Thai pathologist plication in the court here. but based on the questions
Pornthip Rojanasunand. “We are saying that after by Tan and also the MACC, it
Pornthip, who was invited Teoh died, a post mortem was would appear that they are
by the Selangor government, carried out by two government taking issue with the fact that
testified last Wednesday in the forensic doctors who went into she did not personally view the
inquest into Teoh’s death that detail into the injuries on the body, and therefore her opinion
there was an 80% possibility body. Photographs were also is considerably weakened. We
Teoh was murdered based on produced indicating the nature do not want that to become an
her examination of photographs of the injuries, but none of them issue,” said Gobind.
of his body taken by hospital spoke about injuries to the “This is an application by
authorities. neck consistent with manual the family to have her confirm
Pornthip has performed strangulation or about the anal her opinion and come up with
about 10,000 autopsies and is injuries,” said Gobind. a final opinion as to whether
the director-general of the Thai “After Dr Pornthip gave Teoh could have been strangled
Ministry of Justice’s Central evidence, the family got very manually and whether there
Institute of Forensic Science. concerned as she has used the were pre-fall injuries at his anal
“I have filed a certificate of photographs by the government region,” he said.

cation to transfer his sedition trial from a

sessions court to the High Court.
Justice Datuk Mohamad Zabidin Mohd
Diah said Uthayakumar’s main argument
that the case involved complicated issues
in law held no merit.
Malaysian trekker He said sessions court judges had all the
qualifications and experience to handle the
found dead in India case.
NEW DELHI: A Malaysian on a spiritual visit “Furthermore, the applicant can appeal
who went missing in the northern Indian moun- to or file for revision at the High Court on the
tains more than a month ago was found dead lower court’s decision later,” he added.
by an Indian rescue team on Saturday night. Mohamad Zabidin said the court also
Vicknesvaren Murugesu’s body was found disagreed with Uthayakumar’s counsel
in the hilly Topavan area, about 25km from his N.Surendran that words like “ethnic cleans-
resthouse in Gangotri, a popular spiritual site in ing” and “genocide” in the charge itself
Uttarkashi, in the northern state of Uttranchal. should be interpreted as issues involving
The 33-year-old Vicknesvaren, an engineer complicated matters.
by profession, arrived in Gangotri on Sept 18 Uthayakumar, 48, had claimed trial in a
and trekked to Topavan with a local porter. sessions court to posting on a website a let-
He was scheduled to have returned to his ter with seditious tendency, dated Nov 15,
resthouse about two weeks later but failed to 2007, which was addressed to British Prime
show up. Minister Gordon Brown at No 10, Downing
He is believed to have died of severe head Street, London.
injuries. – Bernama He is charged under Section 4(1)(c) of
the Sedition Act which carries a maximum
Uthayakumar’s bid to move RM5,000 fine or three years jail, or both, on
sedition trial dismissed The sedition trial before sessions judge
KUALA LUMPUR: The High Court yesterday Sabariah Othman is set for Nov 4. – Ber-
dismissed lawyer P.Uthayakumar’s appli- nama

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