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8 theSun | WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 28 2009

news without borders

Press Digest
by Kong See Hoh

Hua Zong makes

11-point appeal
Govt mulls special unit Legislate
to protect
over Budget 2010
HUA ZONG (Federation of Chinese Associa-
tions of Malaysia) has given the thumbs-up
to five proposals contained in Budget 2010
but wants the government to look at several
other measures, the Chinese press reported
to address maid abuse
KUALA LUMPUR: The Home Ministry is con- Alyaa Alhadjri reports: Police CID di-
pg 13

Malaysian employers are currently paying

sidering setting up a special unit by pooling the rector Datuk Seri Mohd Bakri Mohd Zinin RM8,000 (equivalent to 16 months maid’s sal-
yesterday. resources of several ministries to find the best said in a statement Mantik’s employers – a ary) in agency fees to obtain a maid, while the
At a press conference in Kuala Lumpur on way to address cases of maid abuse in the country, 35-year-old man and his wife – have been hiring costs stand at not more than RM2,200
Monday, Hua Zong president Tan Sri Pheng the minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, arrested and are under investigation. per maid.
Yin Huah said the federation supported the said yesterday. “We are conscious of the fact that this case “To compensate for the high cost, maids
proposal to create a conducive environment The matter would be raised at the cabinet has to be conducted expeditiously and that all are subjected to a forced deduction of their
for investment; build 80 more schools of vari- meeting, he told reporters at the Parliament lobby parties have confidence in the way in which salary; up to 100% deduction for seven
ous streams; award based on merit, 30 na- when asked how the government would go about it is handled,” he said. months,” he said.
tional scholarships for top students; increase tackling the cases of maid abuse following the He advised all parties to remain calm to Ong said that many maids have to work
the personal income tax relief by RM1,000; death of Indonesian maid Mantik Hani. allow police to complete the investigation in more than 15 hours a day and they deserve
and modernise the farming industry. Mantik, 36, from Surabaya, was allegedly accordance with the law. the right to their salary without deductions.
However, he said that there were several abused and found locked up in the toilet of a Meanwhile, an Indonesian association for “In the spirit of Asean, both governments
other areas that need attention, and as such, house in Taman Sentosa, Klang, and died in the migrant workers sovereignty has called for should agree that domestic workers are given
the federation is making an 11-point appeal intensive care unit of Tengku Ampuan Rahimah maid agencies that shortchange employers the rights to hold their passport, having a day
to the government regarding the budget, as Hospital in Klang at about 10am on Monday. and maids through profiteering practices to off, and be paid a fair rate according to their
well as asking for tax exemptions on profits She was found in a bathroom with a broken be disbanded to ease tensions between the skill qualifications,” said Ong, referring to the
from funds raised by Chinese organisations back, broken right wrist, and bruises on her face two countries. ongoing dialogue between the Indonesian
and gains from the disposal of real property when the police raided her employer’s home on Migrant Care Malaysia country director and Malaysian governments over the treat-
that has been held for more than five years. Oct 20. According to Bernama, Hishammuddin Alex Ong, in a statement yesterday, said ment of maids.
Pheng said as all Chinese associations are said the government would not compromise on
non-profit-oriented, the government should the question of safety of the people, regardless of
consider tax exemptions on funds raised for nationality.
welfare and association activities.
He said Hua Zong will submit a memoran-
dum on its response to the national budget,
He said Deputy Inspector-General of Police
Tan Sri Ismail Omar, who heads the probe into
the case, had told him that the investigation
Commission and tribunal to
which would detail the federation’s support
for five proposals and 11 requests.
Among the appeals, Hua Zong wants
papers were being readied for submission to the
Attorney-General’s Chambers.
“I hope the case will be brought to court as
hear Iraq war crimes
the government to put a stop to all talk of a soon as possible because, in the context of bilat- by Meena L. Ramadas. the minimum two-month period, the tribunal will
single-stream schools , build more Chinese eral relations with Indonesia, it is in the people’s decide when the trial will be held,” Mahathir said.
primary schools based on need and approve interest to see that the case is brought to court He said Malaysian lawyers will represent the
the setting up private Chinese schools in ar- and judgement served immediately,” Hisham- KUALA LUMPUR: A commission and tribunal will prosecution in the tribunal.
eas where they are needed such as Pahang. muddin said. convene on Friday and Saturday to hear the testi- The members of the commission and tribunal
monies of two Guantanamo Bay detainees in an are international and local personalities but he did
effort to bring Iraq war perpetrators to justice. not name them.
They will hear the experiences of a Sudanese Asked the laws that will be used to prosecute
reporter and a Briton who were detained without those found to commit war crimes, he said the
trial in Guantanamo Bay. tribunal will utilise international laws such as
The commission and tribunal will be held at those practised by the United Nations.
Putra World Trade Centre. “We are going to use the same law to point
War Criminal Conference and Exhibition out to them that if you will not use the law against
keynote speaker and former prime minister Tun these criminals, then we are going to do it,” he
Dr Mahathir Mohamad said yesterday the com- said.
mission will also deliberate on the affidavits of Although the tribunal cannot arrest and im-
other Iraq war victims that have been submitted prison the individuals as they would be tried in
to the commission. absentia, Mahathir said there are other ways to
“International institutions and the courts enforce the sentence.
established by the United Nations charter have “We can campaign against these people to not
done nothing in dealing with war crimes,” he be accepted in any society or country,” he said.
told reporters. “Even the powerful nations like “Beyond this, we want to encourage demo-
the United States and the United Kingdom have cratic countries to try and ensure that candidates
done nothing.” for the legislative council will be those that are
Mahathir said the commission will seek a de- anti-war supporters.”
tailed account of the experiences and will adjourn The commission and the tribunal are an
to consider the evidence. extension of the War Criminal Conference and
Once it reaches a consensus that there are Exhibition, organised by the Perdana Global Peace
cases to be heard by the tribunal, the plaintiffs will organisation and Kuala Lumpur Foundation to
elucidate their experiences again to the tribunal. Criminalise War.
The tribunal will decide on the same day The conference and exhibition, which will be
whether certain individuals should be charged held from today to Saturday at Dewan Merdeka,
with the crimes. PWTC, are to create awareness among the public
“Having decided that, we have to give two that war is a crime.
months for the people to be informed and after Entry to the exhibition is free.

Stoning law in Aceh to be reviewed

BANDA ACEH: An Islamic law authorising the They are supposed to replace elements of
stoning to death of adulterers and the whip- Indonesia’s secular criminal code, causing um-
ping of homosexuals in Aceh province will be brage in Jakarta which wants to portray Indonesia
reviewed, officials said. as a developing, modernising democracy with a
The law enacted by the former Aceh Legisla- moderate Muslim majority.
tive Council on Sept 14 would be reconsidered Earlier this month the Acehnese government
by the newly-elected council and has not been publicly disowned Miss Indonesia beauty pageant
signed into effect by the governor of the con- winner Qori Sandioriva, 18, because she did not
servative province. wear an Islamic veil during the contest.
Human rights activists and officials in Jakarta Acehnese Governor Irwandi Yusuf has stated
have expressed concern that lawmakers in Aceh his opposition to the draconian measures, putting
are out of step with the rest of the mainly moder- him at odds with hardline religious leaders.
ate Muslim country, and have asked for the law Provincial parliament speaker Hasbi Abdullah
to be withdrawn. said the parliament which was inaugurated on
“The governor has refused to sign the by-law Sept 30 was “generally” opposed to the stoning
because of the stoning (provision), which is iden- law and its revision would be a priority for the
tical to a death sentence,” said Aceh government new lawmakers.
spokesman Abdul Hamid Zein. Yusuf’s Aceh Party controls 33 of the new
“From the beginning the Acehnese govern- parliament’s 69 seats.
ment hasn’t agreed with the stoning law. We But Moharriadi Syafari, from the influential Pros-
hope the parliament will discuss the law again.” perous Justice Party, said the law had automatically
The new regulations – which allow punish- come into force in the middle of Oct, or 30 days
ments of up to 400 lashes for child rape, 100 lashes after it was approved by the outgoing parliament.
for homosexual acts and 60 lashes for gambling “The by-law comes into effect 30 days after
– were unanimously passed by lawmakers in the it’s been approved even if the governor has
final weeks of the outgoing parliament. refused to sign it. “ – AFP

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