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tion) Email:


Say ‘Tak Nak’ to

such clichés.
Are we giving promoters the impres-

Sell houses ready

sion that Malaysians are a gullible lot?
Like trying to export snow to the Eski-
mos, many are looking East for vulner-
able people who are willing to part with
their money so as to enrich themselves
with all kinds of events. And we seem for occupation
‘tennis segera’ to be suckers for punishment. No one
will have any qualms if promoters take
their money out of their own pockets
and take business risks. But when tax-
payers are asked to guarantee that such
events are not financial disasters, then
it takes a different dimension. If previ-
WE refer to the move to use
RM200 million of public funds
to revive abandoned housing
Such projects are essen-
tially failed businesses where
various disaster scenarios
predicted proved nonsensical
and the housing industry has
grown by leaps and bounds.
I would like to further stress
that it is precisely for the
IN THIS column some years there’s nothing to show. ously, government-linked-companies the business proprietors consideration of the “bigger
ago, I made an observation: If If you are talking about were directed to do “national service” (developers) are no longer picture” that the system
you dug a hole in front of your attracting tourists, then the by underwriting costs, they have now able to continue with their must change. Only a flawed
house and threw in some promotions for the event turned to the government coffers, in this business (ie, to complete the system can bring about such
guppies, you could get a VIP must have started a year case, taxpayers’ money. houses that they had set out havoc to so many innocent
to officially launch it and it ago. But no, we can “create” At a time when the Tourism Ministry to build). Thus it is a situation victims. If we do not phase
would be declared a “tourist instant tourists. And after the can’t even put its house in order with the of, “Profits privatised whilst out the progressive payment
attraction”. What I did not add never-heard of CYC tourna- million-ringgit losses in “investments” losses are nationalised!” By system, house buyers will
was that you could even get ment which came to our by its wholly-owned companies under the way, the RM200 million continue to face problems
million-ringgit grants from shores three years ago and the Pempena umbrella, why is it getting represents only a small in buying houses and the
the government. From watch in which we lost more than involved in areas which are alien to it? proportion of the total sum tax-paying public will forever
exhibitions to sports events, RM25 million, another circus The Tourism Malaysia and the required. In Selangor alone, have to shoulder the burden
the phrase “tourist attraction” CitizenNades is coming to town. Tourism Ministry must come clean on it was reported that RM4-5 of paying for the revival of
has been used to squeeze the by R. Nadeswaran
It’s called the Showdown the sports events that they are funding. billion is required if the aban- failed housing projects.
arms of our tourism “czars” of Champions – Asia versus Taxpayers are entitled to know how doned projects in the state In the eyes of foreign
for money. Russia Grand Slam 2009. much is being spent on and what kind were to be revived. property investors, Malaysia
It was not surprising that a retired Ever heard of it? No one had heard of of returns can be expected. The reply But why does the govern- will continue to carry the
police officer with “strong connections” it previously. I Googled this tournament can be envisaged: “Malaysia will be ment have to intervene and stigma where one can pay
walked into Tourism Malaysia’s office and as of noon yesterday, there were just mentioned four thousand nine hundred incur vast amounts of public for a property and not get it.
demanding RM10 million so that he two entries – both from the website of and two times during the telecast and we funds to revive abandoned What more with the various
could open a booth at last year’s Beijing the Lawn Tennis Association of Malay- see this as valuable returns” but are we as projects? It is because the development corridors in the
Olympics. When he was politely shown sia (LTAM). There were no such tourna- gullible as they are? house buyers are suffering pipeline. It is time we put our
the door, one of the bosses remarked: ments previously and someone coined Heads of government departments the effects of paying a lot of house in order. Research by
“Even my father does not like you.” the name of the tournament and for good and agencies are custodians of people’s money to the developers and Universiti Sains Malaysia in-
If you thought that the nonsense of measure appointed a failed but good- money. They have to be prudent and not getting their houses. They dicates that countries like the
“investing” in sports activities ended looking tennis star as “ambassador”. the principle of “value for money” must have used up their savings UK, Australia, New Zealand,
with the Champions Youth Cup (CYC) Does she have to present credentials to always be in their minds when spend- and continue to service the Singapore and even Thailand
where a “bidding” fee of RM17 million anyone? Probably not, since she has not ing it. While some will be labelled as loans. They also continue to operate under various ver-
was paid to the promoter which led won a major singles title. Judging by the “kedekut” and refuse to part with taxpay- live in rented houses. Their sions of the 10-90 BTS.
to the National Sports Council almost posting on the website, even the LTAM ers’ money without examining its impli- dream houses have turned Contrary to popular
breaking the bank, the queues are getting does not deem it important enough to cations, there are many who are willing into nightmares. But how belief, the 10-90 BTS not
longer at the Tourism Ministry. The key deserve better play. The posting dated to spend RM42,000 for a laptop. And the does this situation come only benefits house buyers
weapons in the new operators’ armoury Sunday reads: Tennis fans will be in for a people at Tourism Malaysia have seen about? but all parties in the housing
are “project paper” and “surat sokong”. treat as the Tourism Minister is scheduled similar transactions in the past; the time The main culprit is the industry. Briefly, the benefits
Armed with these, all and sundry have to launch the Showdown of Champions has come for them to be accountable for “sell-then-build” system of are as follows:
joined the bandwagon – spin doctors, 2009 at the Pavillion Shopping Center their actions. payment when buyers buy
journalists and even sports officials – to in Bukit Bintang at 10am tomorrow. Now that the dozens of “aides” of the houses. The system compels » Bridging financiers’ collat-
erals will not be progressively
become sports impresarios. For a good Also, a Russian female star will grace the minister have found themselves in dif- buyers to make “progressive
fragmented. Revival is less
measure, the traditional name-dropping event and meet our junior players at the ferent locations and no longer poke their payments” while the houses
complicated and speedier.
game is used. National Tennis Center in the evening. heads into finance and administration, are being built. For those
Last month, we had the Malaysian Four women will travel to Kuala it is time for Tourism Malaysia to stand who take housing loans, the » Developers need not have
Open ATP tournament and no one Lumpur with an entourage of coaches, up and say: “We’ll not be a party to your banks would automatically to rely so critically on their
knows how much the Tourism Ministry tukang urut and the lot (on first-class of money-making schemes.” release the progressive pay- sales to meet their cash-
doled out. Yet we talk about Key Per- course) and we the taxpayers are sup- ments until the full sum has flows.
formance Index and Return on Invest- posed to pay for their holiday. And we been paid. Such payments
ment. Of course, the reasoning that is are told that some tukang urut have also While there are returns from events like are made according to » Joint-venture land owners’
often given is that “the tournament will jumped on the bandwagon. the F1, R. Nadeswaran feels that “instant” progressive claims made by interests are better protected
put Malaysia on the world map.” Really? Government departments and agen- kucing-kurap tournaments should not be the developers, as certified and there will be more land
Does anyone measure the returns on cies are not sports promoters. And for touched with a 10-foot pole. He is editor by their architects. The loan owners who will be willing to
million-ringgit investments? Except for one moment, do not use the phrase “it (special and investigative reporting) at agreements even remove the go into join venture partner-
the VIPs who get the syiok sendiri feel- will help promote tennis among the theSun and can be reached at: citizen- right of the borrowers to stop ship with developers.
ing of rubbing shoulders with the stars, youth”. We have had an overdose of any payment even if they feel » House buyers are insulated
that the construction stage from the effects of project
is not as claimed. There had abandonment. There will be
been cases of excessive better quality houses and
disbursements made when less substandard materials
Raub turns developers made claims in
excess of the construction
used because come payment
time, the buyers will conduct
festive stage.
The National House Buy-
a prior delivery inspection
with their developer.
ers Association (HBA) has
I WOULD like to share my over the past few years been » End-financing banks’ risks
experience of celebrating appealing to the government are much lower as they now
Deepavali at my hometown to do away with the progres- finance completed houses
in Raub, Pahang, recently. that are readily cashable in
sive payment system and to
I was taken aback to see the event of defaults.
adopt the 10-90 build-then-
so many banners displayed sell (BTS) system. Opponents » The government need not
all over the town wishing of this proposal often cite,”the have to get involved with
Hindus Happy Deepavali. bigger picture”, arguing that and spend vast amounts of
This included the political the 10-90 BTS will shrink the money to bail out what are
parties, the district officer, industry because the smaller essentially failed businesses.
the Public Works Depart- developers will go out of
ment and many other business while the big ones » The industry will be more
government agencies. will downsize their projects; self-regulating with less
Even the small shops that there will be shortages governmental policing and
which hardly take note of and house prices will go up enforcement.
the festival had joined the by up to 50%. The sell-then-build (STB)
bandwagon to have their HBA had adequately progressive payment system
banners displayed. rebutted all arguments. It is has outlived its usefulness
Never in all my child- recorded in the Hansard that and is creating havoc in the
hood days in Raub, has when Housing Minister Tan industry. The switch to the
the Deepavali celebration Sri Khaw Kai Boh was tabling 10-90 BTS is long overdue.
drawn such an attention. the first reading of the Hous- Those who are in a position
After 52 years of Inde- ing Developers’ Act in Parlia- but are reluctant to effect
pendence, Deepavali is ment in 1966, he faced similar this switch, are guilty of
finally seeing the light in arguments. On that occasion, dereliction of duty.
this beautiful town of mine. the Opposition Leader, Tan Sri
It was a history lesson for Dr Tan Chee Khoon, in all his Chang Kim Loong
me. wisdom, actually supported Secretary-General
the minister. The Act was National House Buyers
Sivachandralingam subsequently passed. The Association

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