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1. Easter Dawn Sunrise Service 2. Hello Breakfast Express 3. The Feinstein Challenge 4. Gardening in a Bucket Returns! 5.

Advocacy Spotlight 6. Let s Worship Together


Easter Dawn Sunrise Service

The Easter Dawn Resurrection Celebration took place in the early mornings at West Capitol Park with a program that included Pastor Michael Asbury and Rev. Keith Scott. Thank you to all for coming, and Emmanuel Baptist Church for hosting the delicious breakfast following service.


Hello Breakfast Express

Volunteers have now begun the Breakfast Express season, which operates April-October, serving a cold breakfast buffet. Thank you to the staff and volunteers who hosted the Winter Breakfast Program season 13 -14 with such hospitality and warmth. Below is a picture of musician Diane Bossung playing guitar for guests at the FOCUS Breakfast Program on Thursday, April 17, the last day of the Winter Breakfast season.


The Feinstein Challenge

The Feinstein Challenge continues until the end of the month on April 30th. We invite you to make a contribution to FOCUS. In this time period, your donation will be added to by the Feinstein Foundation. Read more about the 2014 $1 Million Giveaway to Fight Hunger ~ Click Here.

4. Gardening in a Bucket Returns

If its Maythen Gardening in a Bucket is almost here! Gardening in a Bucket is a project of the FOCUS Churches of Albany. It provides Food Pantry guests with the tools they need to grow their own vegetables. Guests receive a pot with soil, seedlings, seeds, and advice from an experienced gardener. We are also lining up Gardening in a Bucket for Kids. This is a combination art/gardening event which we take on the road to family homeless shelters and other groups. It is always a fun project, and volunteers are invited to help. Donations of seedlings, seed packets, and other necessities are most welcome. Gardeners, if you are starting seeds, please consider donating some seedlings to the project. Monetary donations will help pay for items we do not have. Please send them to FOCUS Churches of Albany, 275 State St, Albany, NY 12210. Volunteer in the garden, help with Gardening in a Bucket for Kids, or donate items! Please call Becca at the FOCUS office at 443 -0460 or email her at Thank you!


Advocacy Spotlight

Join us at the Bread for the World National Gathering!

June 9 & 10. Please contact FOCUS for more information about receiving a scholarship to attend the Bread for the World National Gathering and Lobby Day. Call 443-0460 or email . Click here to read more about the gathering and lobby day.

Next week

April 28

NY4Democracy The New York for Democracy coalition will be heading to Albany on April 28th to lobby state senators in support of a notification to Congress to overturn Citizens United. Read more here on the web site and participate in the lobby day on April 28.


Lets Worship Together

Please join us and worship together. All are welcome! Summer worship services will begin at 10 am. July 6 - at First Church 10 AM Aug. 3 - at Delmar Reformed Church 10 AM Aug. 31 - Westminster Presbyterian Church 10 AM

Stay in Touch with FOCUS





Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Email!

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