Managment in Movies

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1) Expectancy theory (pg 110) def: process perspective that suggests that motivation depends on two things- how

much we want something and how likely we think we are to get it. Four basic assumptions: 1. Behavior is determined by a combination of forces in the individual and in the environment 2. People make their own decisions about behavior in organizations. 3.Different people have different types of needs, values, and goals. 4. People make choices from among alternative plans of behavior, based on their perceptions of the extent to which a given behavior will lead to desired outcome. Effort-to-Performance Expectancy- individuals perception of the probability that effort will lead to high performance (If it will directly lead to high performance effort-toperformance expectancy is quite strong. If they are unrelated it is weak) Performance-to-Outcome Expectancy- individuals perception that performance will lead to a specific outcome. (performance impacts outcome directly and for sure is high, that the performance may lead to an outcome is moderate, that they are unrelated is low) Examples: Captain Kirk knows the only way to save the ship is to sacrifice himself. He predicts that going into the radio active chamber will save the ship. (performance to outcome?) 2) Intuition (pg 289) def: An innate belief about something, without conscious consideration. Manager does something because feels right hunch usually not arbitrary but based on years of experience and practice in making decisions in similar situations. Careful not to rely too heavily on. If rationality and logic are continually flouted for what feels right the odds are disaster will strike one day. Examples: Knowing that the Starfleet disaster meeting would be attacked. Trusting Khan 3) Risk Management (pg 169) def: The process of protecting the firm and its assets by reducing the potential consequences of risky future events. risk propensity- the degree to which an individual is willing to take chances and make risky decisions. (Kirk has a high risk propensity)

-understand potential costs and benefits - reduce risk -share risk Risk Examples Risking violating Prime Directive (ship being seen by primitive culture) to save Spocks life. Risk going to the Klingon planet Risking bringing the fugitive Khan onboard for the sake of a just trial. Risking his life to save the ship.

4) Managing conflict (pg 121) conflict def: A disagreement among two or more individuals, groups, or organizations. Methods for managing conflict: Stimulating conflict: Increase competition among individuals or teams. Hire outsiders to shake things up, change established procedures. Controlling Conflict: Expand resource base, enhance coordination of interdependence, set superordinate goals, match personalities and work habits of employees. Resolving & eliminating conflict: Avoid conflict, convince conflicting parties to compromise, bring conflicting parties together to confront and negotiate conflict. Examples: Letting Scotty resign when he disagrees with taking the torpedos not know whats inside. Admiral Marcus displeased with the enterprises choice to disobey orders and orders Enterprises destruction. Spock and Nyota Uhura argument during voyage with Kirk to Klingon surface. 5) Reinforcement theory (pg 208) def: argues that behavior that results in rewarding consequences is likely to be repeated, whereas behavior that results in punishing consequences is less likely to be repeated. kinds of reinforcement: Positive reinforcement- a method of strengthening behavior, is a reward or a positive outcome after a desired behavior is performed. Punishment- used by some managers to weaken undesired behaviors. Extinction- occurs when a behavior is repeated because it is rewarded, but then it stops when the reward is removed.

Then theres more about Providing reinforcement (not sure if we were going to include any of these) Fixed interval schedule variable-interval schedule fixed-ratio schedule variable ratio schedule Behavior modification/ OB Mod Examples:

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