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300,000 COPIES DAILY Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations (Malaysia)

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Award winning newspaper
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investigative reporting

No. 4875 PP 2644/12/2009 (023092)

October 29, 2009

Having » Liow: Leaders poisoning ties with Ong pg2 » Six UN staff killed in Kabul pg8 News without
Faith in pg16
her songs BERNAMAPIX

Ex-top official
POH: The Perak State Assembly charged
I sitting to approve the 2010 state
budget descended into pandemo-
nium yesterday when two rival
groups of assemblymen held their
“sittings” with separate agendas in
with graft
KUALA LUMPUR: A former secretary-
general of the Science, Technology
the same venue. and Innovation Ministry was yesterday
At the end of the short but noisy charged in the Sessions Court with
sitting – it was over in about two receiving bribes totalling RM59,390.60.
hours – the Barisan Nasional state Abdul Hanan Alang Endut, 57,
government led by Mentri Besar pleaded not guilty to all 10 charges
Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir and optional charges. Sessions judge
approved a motion on the budget. The Syafeera Mohd Said granted him bail of
Pakatan Rakyat assemblymen led by RM10,000 and fixed Dec 2 for mention.
Datuk Seri Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin Abdul Hanan (pic), who was trans-
approved three motions. Sivakumar, in the speaker’s robe (left) and without it, chaired a sitting and approved three motions yesterday. ferred to the Public Services Department
BN Speaker Datuk R. Ganesan in July, is accused of obtaining a blank
called to order the sitting about 10am cheque belonging to Adam Omar as an

Two sittings
with a “doa”, but the Opposition incentive to approve a “TechnoFund”
members were noticeably missing. application from Global Goodway (M)
After observing a minute’s silence Sdn Bhd. He allegedly
over the suspension bridge tragedy used the cheque to
at Kuala Dipang in which a school- pay RM15,024 for
girl drowned and two others went repairs to his house
missing, Zambry tabled the proposed in Section 17, Petal-
state budget. At this point, the 28 ing Jaya.
opposition assemblymen were still The charge under
outside the House. the Anti-Corruption
Ganesan announced a one-hour Act carries a maxi-

in assembly
recess until 11.20am after Zambry mum of 20 years jail
had tabled the budget. Shortly and a fine of not less
after, the Pakatan Rakyat members than five times the
entered and convened their value of the bribe or
“sitting”. The BN assemblymen ig- RM10,000, whichever
nored them. is more.
Former speaker and Tronoh In his optional charge, Abdul Hanan,
assemblyman V. Sivakumar began who chaired the fund approval com-
the “sitting” with the “doa” and also mittee, is accused of obtaining a blank
asked the assemblymen to observe cheque from Adam, the owner of Global
a moment’s silence. Some BN as- Goodway, and is alleged to have used
semblymen interrupted them, say- investigations. This was unani- Outside the state assembly the RM15,024 for house repairs. The
ing “tadi dah buat” (it’s been done), mously “approved”. He then spoke premises, about 200 PR support- optional charge carries a maximum of
but the retort from Sivakumar and on the findings of the 2008 Auditor- ers gathered near the Perak DAP two years jail, or a fine or both.
colleagues was: “Itu speaker haram General’s Report, saying that his office nearby, with some among All the other charges are worded
yang buat.” (That was done by the administration had done well the crowd performing the “solat similarly to the main and optional
illegal speaker). (during its 10-month tenure). hajat” (prayer of need) and others charges except for the amount of
A. Sivasubramanian (DAP- Shortly after, Sivakumar shouting various slogans. National auto bribe. Abdul Hanan is alleged to
Buntong) asked Ganesan to leave the
speaker’s chair, claiming he was not
adjourned the “sitting” and the Ipoh police chief ACP Azisman
PR assemblymen left the House at Alias said the situation was under
policy highlights have used the cheques, among
others, to pay for house repairs,
qualified to occupy it as he continued zakat for income for 2008, credit
to practise law three months after
However, the BN sitting had assembly.
control and there was no illegal »
Foreign firms to be given 100% equity
card, house assessment and water
in firms which produce luxury vehicles with
having been appointed the speaker. resumed at 11.20am, and after more He said more than 200 policemen bill and service charges, quit rent
an engine capacity of more than 1,800cc
Ganesan remained in his seat noisy exchanges, Zambry tabled a had been deployed around the state and to put it into his wife Norihan
and costing more than RM150,000.
throughout the PR “sitting” while Ahmad’s bank account.
the BN members ignored the
motion to adjourn the BN sitting assembly building and that police
sine die, and it was passed. instructions were adhered to.
»Open Approved Permits for used
All the offences were allegedly
vehicles scrapped by Dec 31, 2015.
“proceedings” and talked among committed at No. 25, Jalan 17/21,
Earlier, before the sitting started, The PR state government lost its
there was drama when Sivakumar majority in the House when three
»Franchise APs to end by Dec 31,
Section 17, Petaling Jaya between
At 11am, Nizar tabled a motion to Dec 1 and 15 last year.
suspend all National Service camps
claimed that police grabbed his opposition assemblymen became
songkok. He was wearing the BN-friendly independents early
»import duties on all completely-built-
Counsel Badrul Munir Bukhari
up and completely-knocked-down cars
and other outdoor extra-curricular speaker’s ceremonial robe but was this year. This sparked a prolonged told the court that Datuk Muham-
to be maintained.
activities in light of the Kampar prevented from going in with it. He legal battle in the courts that has yet mad Shafee Abdullah will lead
tragedy, pending the outcome of later entered without his robe. to end. – Agencies »Full story in Page 13 Abdul Hanan’s defence team.

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