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2 theSun | THURSDAY OCTOBER 29 2009

news without borders

Press Digest
by Kong See Hoh

‘Chua aiming to
be Johor MCA
I also feel betrayed, says Liow
KUALA LUMPUR: New MCA deputy presi- uncalled for,” he said in an interview. Liow said he believed that there was some-
dent Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai has spoken of Liow said his relationship with Ong was body behind CC member Datuk Ti Lian Ker,
chief again’ an attempt by some party leaders to “poison”
his relationship with president Datuk Seri Ong
still normal and gave his account of what had
transpired in the time between the Oct 10
a hardcore supporter of Ong, who had been
making verbal attacks against him (Liow) and
by Kong See Hoh Tee Keat for their own personal agenda. EGM and the central committee (CC) meeting claiming that he (Liow) was the leader of the Liow, who is the health minister, said he on Oct 15. “third force” in the party.
was under siege now and believed the con- Liow said some CC members asked him Liow also said he would take action against
FORMER MCA deputy president Datuk Seri tinuous attacks on his personality and cred- to talk to Ong – who had earlier expressed his those who had defamed him on the allegation
Dr Chua Soi Lek aims to become the party’s ibility was master-minded by certain leaders desire to resign but then changed his mind that his wife had accepted a Toyota Alphard
Johor state chief again and is not looking to get who “want to create a split in the party”. – to find an amicable solution before the vehicle costing almost RM600,000 as a gift on
reinstated to his No. 2 post, Nanyang Siang Pau “I also feel betrayed. I supported Ong all meeting. For this, Liow said, he was accused his behalf.
reported yesterday. this while. I supported his effort to have one of betraying and plotting to topple Ong and “I have given my fullest cooperation to the
Chua was the Johor chief before he gave MCA. Only after the Oct 10 EGM (extraordi- was called names like “traitor”, “betrayer” Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission and
it up along with other party and government nary general meeting) did the situation turn and “CC mutineer”. the police. I want to clear my name. I will also
posts in January last year following a sex DVD sour. I not only became a victim but was also “This is very unfair. I have to defend my- take legal action against those trying to defame
scandal. betrayed. self and defend the CC members who have me. This is serious character assassination.
Chua, who made a comeback by winning “All of us were together before but after been accused of backstabbing the president,” “I traded in my car to get a reconditioned
the deputy president’s post in October last year, Oct 10 there has been name-calling. This is he added. Alphard. That’s all,” he said. – Bernama
was sacked from the party by the presidential
council in August over the scandal but the cen-
tral committee (CC) revised the decision and
suspended him for four years instead.
After failing to get himself reinstated to his
Ka Siong dares Tee Keat to tell the truth
position at the Oct 10 extraordinary general by Giam Say Khoon prerogative to make deci- party affairs but said he would
meeting (EGM), Chua appealed to the Registrar sions without acknowledging let the president decide
of Societies (ROS). the CC. when to call for the next CC
In the meantime, he has agreed to work with KUALA LUMPUR: MCA Youth chief Commenting on Ong’s meeting.
party president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat under Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong yesterday statement, Wee said that Bernama reports that
the Greater Unity Plan. challenged party president Datuk while leaders have a right Ong, in a blog posting yester-
A source from Chua’s camp told the daily Seri Ong Tee Keat to come clean to refuse to answers ques- day, defended himself from
even if Chua is reinstated to the No. 2 post, he on the greater unity plan and not tions, the stand of the CC attacks by party officials,
does not believe he will be given much oppor- keep the central committee (CC) members was clear as they and said the unity plan was
tunity to prove his mettle under Ong. only wanted to know the to heal the party and place it
members in the dark.
Chua’s top aide told Nanyang it makes more truth. on track for the next general
The truth needs to be told, he
sense for Chua to fight for the Johor liaison chief “If one does not have election.
said, adding the press conference
post with which he can wield his influence. the courage to speak the Prime Minister Datuk Seri
held on Tuesday by 15 CC members
“As such, what Chua is concerned with is not
was to express their unhappiness truth, how is he going to Najib Abdul Razak had given
how ROS views the status of his position in MCA
over the current situation. survive in politics?” he his blessings to the plan, Ong
but rather whether Ong will appoint him as the
The 15 CC members, including asked at the Parliament said.
Johor liaison committee chairman,” he said.
deputy president Datuk Seri Liow lobby. “I find it perplexing why I
However, it is learnt that in resolving their
personal conflicts, Ong and Chua have reached Tiong Lai, Wee and Wanita chief Datin On whether the re- need the CC’s permission when
a tacit agreement on who among them should Paduka Chew Mei Fun, explained lationship between Ong I try to bring about unity in the
head Johor. that the CC was not told about the and the CC members party. Do these people hope
The aide said: “If the ROS refuses to reaffirm plan that was agreed to by Ong and would deteriorate over to see the party being dragged
Chua’s position as MCA deputy president, Chua former deputy president Datuk Seri this latest development, down by continuous infighting,
can apply to the court to resolve the matter but Dr Chua Soi Lek. Wee said there is always just so they can achieve their
he does not intend to do so”. They had also demanded that room for negotiation. selfish ambitions?
Meanwhile, Sin Chew Daily reported that all the plan be endorsed by the CC be- On Monday, Wee said “Do they understand the im-
eyes are on the Johor state liaison committee fore it is implemented. Further, they the outcome of the EGM portance of putting the greater
meeting scheduled for Sunday. alleged that Ong did not state his must be respected as it unity plan to work, so that MCA
Speculation is rife that Ong, who is the current intention clearly before announcing is the highest body to can continue with its healing and
Johor liaison chairman, will appoint Chua to the his decision to stay on as president determine the future reforms following the setbacks in
post. He is also expected to name Datuk Tee Siew despite losing a vote of confidence of the party. the last general election? Are they
Kiong as secretary of the liaison committee. at the Oct 10 extraordinary general On Oct 10, both Ong and Chua’s uphold not prepared to set aside their self-
There is also speculation that Tee will also meeting (EGM). leadership was rejected by the the public trust in him. interest for the sake of MCA and
replace Yoo Wei How as the national organising Ong had reportedly said that central delegates but Ong decided to Liow, when met at the parlia- the nation?” Ong said, adding no
secretary. as the party president, he had the stay on as president, saying he must ment lobby, refused to comment on one should question the unity plan.

Chua may send

More trouble for PKR Sabah in formal appeal,
as Christina Liew quits says Hisham
KOTA KINABALU: Parti Keadilan strengthen itself in Sabah. KUALA LUMPUR: Home Minister Datuk
Rakyat (PKR) Sabah has suffered Jeffrey, who was expected to Seri Hishammuddin Hussein yesterday ad-
another blow, with Kota Kinabalu divi- send his quit letter to the party vised former MCA deputy president Datuk
sion chief Christina Liew announcing headquarters yesterday, will remain Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek to submit a formal
her resignation as a supreme council an ordinary member of the party, letter should he want to make an appeal to
member yesterday, following in PKR according to a former aide. be reinstated to his party post.
vice-president Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitin- It is believed that many of the divi- Chua was sacked from the party by the
gan’s footsteps. sion chiefs, including Jeffrey himself, presidential council in August over the DVD
However, Liew who was replaced were disappointed with the decision sex scandal but the central committee (CC)
as Sabah PKR deputy chairman said of PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri revised the decision and suspended him for
she would remain as a party member Anwar Ibrahim to appoint Ahmad four years instead.
and retain the post of Kota Kinabalu Thamrin as the party’s new chief in The MCA extraordinary general meeting
division chief. the state. Sabahan Ahmad Thamrin on Oct 10 voted against reinstating Chua to
“I will be submitting my resigna- was named the new state PKR chief the post, following which he appealed to the
tion letter to the party president last weekend after a group of division registrar of societies (ROS). However, the
today,” she said. chiefs said they had no confidence in ROS said the party should resolve the matter
Liew said she had always believed PKR vice-president Azmin Ali leading itself.
that the party was fair and transpar- the state PKR. Hishammuddin told reporters at the
ent until the appointment of Ahmad In Tawau, Kong said he was sur- Parliament lobby the proper procedure for
Thamrin Jaini and Datuk Kong Hong prised at Jeffrey’s decision, adding Chua now is to appeal to him under Section
Ming as PKR Sabah chief and deputy he (Jeffrey) was in agreement with all 18 of the ROS Act.
chief respectively. decisions with regard to the appoint- He had said on Tuesday that Chua had
“My mum had to take the public ment of Ahmad Thamrin. sent another letter to the ROS furnished with
humiliation of me being replaced “I respect his decision but do not “additional information” but said he did not
(deputy chairman) for unknown agree with the assumption that the know whether the second letter was an ap-
reasons. I worked so hard for the appointment of the new Sabah PKR peal from Chua.
last nine years to promote Sabah chief did not meet the wishes of the “I would like to see the status of the
PKR. Since the party has disregarded division chiefs,” he said. second letter sent by Chua. If it can be
my contribution, I will bow out with A Sabah PKR meeting held on Oct construed as an appeal, then I will make a
dignity now,” she said. 22 in Kota Kinabalu, attended by all decision that is final.”
Jeffrey announced his intention to the 25 divisions and liaison chiefs “If it is not, I would advise Chua to appeal
resign as PKR vice-president and as a including Jeffrey, agreed that the against the decision of the registrar directly
member of the supreme council and appointment of the state PKR chief because that is the procedure under the Act
political bureau on Tuesday, dealing a be left to the party president, Kong and I will look into it,” he said, adding that
major blow to the party’s attempt to said. – Bernama he will also seek legal advice on the matter.

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