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theSun | THURSDAY OCTOBER 29 2009 9

news without borders

France jails
arms smugglers
PARIS: A French court slapped mediately taken into custody by
jail terms on Tuesday on the police at the courtroom, despite
main players in a network that his plans to appeal.
smuggled arms to war-torn An- Ex-interior minister Charles
gola and included an ex-minister Pasqua, 82, was ordered jailed
and the son of the late president for a year, plus two more years
Francois Mitterrand. suspended, and fined €100,000
Russian-Israeli tycoon Arkady (RM510,000). Now a French
Gaydamak was convicted in ab- senator, he was not in court but
sentia for organising the 1990s his lawyers said he intends to
arms sales and sentenced to six appeal.
years in jail at the trial that ex- In a television interview
posed a ring of corruption at the with France 2, Pasqua said that
highest levels of Paris politics. former president Mitterrand
The huge Soviet-made arse- knew that weapons were being
nal that fuelled Angola’s grim sold to the Angolans.
civil war included 420 tanks, “The president was aware
150,000 shells, 170,000 anti- of the sale of arms to Angola.
personnel mines, 12 helicopters, The prime minister was aware,
and six warships and was worth most ministers too... I think the
US$790 million (RM2.7 billion). time has come to put the record
Only six of the 42 defend- straight,” he said.
ants were acquitted in the trial Jean-Christophe Mitterrand,
dubbed “Angolagate” that began 62, who was an advisor on Africa
last October after years of com- to his president father, was given
plex investigations. a two-year suspended sentence
“Rarely have we reached and a €375,000 (RM1.9 billion)
such levels in the organisation fine for receiving embezzled
and the dissimulation of crimi- funds from the illegal arms sales
nality generating considerable to Angola. He accepted millions
profits,” said judge Jean-Baptiste of euros in “consultant fees”
Parlos as the verdicts were on the sale of the weapons to
handed down. President Eduardo Dos Santos’s
He described Gaydamak, 57, regime for use in the 1979-2002
as someone who “behind the bush war against Unita rebels.
mask of worthiness... scoffs at The arms originated in the
borders, laws and justice”. former Soviet bloc and were sent
French businessman Pierre to Africa in breach of French
Falcone, 55, was also sentenced law through a French-based
to six years jail for his role in firm and its eastern European
the illegal trade and was im- subsidiary. – AFP

“retainer for a book.”

The cash was paid before
briefs she formally stepped down as
Alaska Governor in July, accord-
ing to the records, which were
reproduced by the Anchorage
Man orders honour Daily News on its website.
Palin’s book Going Rogue: An
killing of son-in-law American Life shot to the top of
NEW DELHI: In another ter- Amazon’s bestseller list earlier
rifying case of honour killing in this month, ahead of its publi-
northern India, the father of a cation on Nov 17. – AFP
young bride hired thugs to kill his
son-in-law and rape his daughter Gang rape at
as a punishment for marrying
within the same caste. The crime school dance
happened on Deepavali day, on SAN FRANCISCO: Police have
Oct 17, when the father, a retired arrested a 15-year-old boy on
army man, hatched the plan to charges that he participated in
teach a lesson to his 21-year-old a shocking gang rape outside a
daughter who married her child- school dance hall in California,
hood friend. amid reports that over a dozen
The Times of India yesterday students witnessed the brutal as-
reported that the victim’s husband sault but did nothing to stop it.
was killed by her own relative and The incident occurred on
friends and she was repeatedly Saturday night at Richmond
raped by them from Oct 17 to 22, High School, just outside San
until she escaped and reported to Francisco. The victim was found
the police. Haryana police have ar- semi-conscious under a bench
rested the girl’s 50-year-old father and was flown to hospital in criti-
and his nephew for the alleged cal condition. – dpa
honour killing in Narela, outside
Delhi. – Bernama Sisters kept
chained for 22 years
Palin receives PRISTINA: A 70-year-old Albani-
RM4m for book an man kept his two daughters
ANCHORAGE: Former vice- chained for 22 years, saying
presidential candidate Sarah they were mentally ill and ag-
Palin received a US$1.25 mil- gressive, local media reported
lion (RM4.3 million) advance on Tuesday.
payment for her upcoming “They were both ill, and I
memoir, official records kept them in chains to keep
showed on Tuesday. Financial them from running away,”
records filed by Republican the man told local media. “I
politician Palin with Alaska’s have fed them and washed
Public Offices Commission them, but I had no time to go
listed the payment from and look for them if they ran
publisher HarperCollins as a away,” he said. – dpa

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