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Summary of Experiences

Experience 1/ Common Experience I asked them if we had a pizza party what kind of pizza would you want? N replied and said I dont like pepperoni, I peel it all off the pizza and thats it. I replied saying so your favorite pizza is cheese pizza? N says yes and the other preschoolers began telling me their favorites too. wo preschoolers at a time, I asked them to count each slice to find out how many pepperonis each slice held. I then asked them to place the slices beside each other in order from one to ten. I asked them if I were to add two slices together how many pepperonis would there be all altogether and how much would it e!ual. "evelopment# he children used their intellectual skills to count toppings on each pizza. hey also were able to use their fine motor skills to place each pizza slice in order from one to ten. Experience 2 he children are learning about different toppings that can be made onto a pizza. hey noticed the different shapes cut into s!uares and they asked me $what are all these colours for?$. I told the preschoolers that they were the different toppings that they could put on your pizza. hey started by cutting out their pizza slices, then they glued the cheese on and added the rest of their toppings. %hich were green peppers, pepperoni, mushrooms and olives. &t the end they asked $can we eat our pizzas now?$. "evelopment# he children used their fine motor skills to cut out a triangle shaped pizza slice and glue on different ingredients on top. his shows that the children are able to use their physical development skills. Experience 3

he children used playdough to learn the steps to make a pizza. hey each took pieces of the playdough to use as pizza dough to make their pizza slices. hey used the playdough knives to cut their slices. hey also used rollers to roll their dough flat enough to add their toppings on. 'ne of the preschoolers said $ I want to put a lot of cheese on my pizza$ another preschooler said $I want to make a big slice$. he preschoolers learned how to roll the dough and cut shapes for their toppings on their pizza. "evelopment# he preschoolers used their creative development skills by using their imagination and pretending that the playdough was the real ingredients to make a pizza. hey rolled the dough, made grated cheese, and made circular pepperonis. hey also pretended to eat it at the end. Experience 4 he preschoolers learned about the nutritional values of the ingredients used to make a pizza. In this chart they separated the ingredients that were good for you and not so good for you. hey also talked about the ways that these ingredients keep you to stay healthy and strong. N says I drink a lot of milk because it makes me bigger and stronger$. he children were able to learn where the ingredients originally come from. &s they learned were they come from, they were then able to connect and match the pictures together. ( says $ pepperonis come from pigs?$. I told ( yes, and ( then says but pigs go in the mud$. "evelopment# )hildren used their intellectual skills to match the nutritional values of good and not good ingredients on the chart. he children also continue to develop fine and gross motor skills by getting up and walking to the board to stick the photos on the right side of the chart and drawing lines to match each picture.

Experience 5

he preschoolers wanted to visit a pizza store to learn about pizza. I turned the dramatic area into our own pizza store. * was the cashier, N was the cook and & was the customer. 'n the menu there were different sizes of pizza they could buy and different types of toppings that were added. hey learned how to do all the things that are to be done at a pizza store. N put the pizza in the play oven and turned the knobs to cook it. +he waited for it to finish and put it into the pizza bo, to give to the customer. * took up the phone and imagined to speak with a customer on it. %hen she was finished she asked, $can you deliver it to my house now$. hey took turns playing each role in the pizza store. "evelopment# he preschoolers were able to use their imaginations by using all the pizza materials and playing roles that are the same in a pizza store. hey pretended to be a cashier, cook the pizza, eat the pizza, make an order on the phone, and deliver the pizza.

Celebration Anecdotal / Experience 6 &fter every e,perience I implemented with the preschoolers, their main !uestion for me was when are we going to eat pizza?- .or the celebration I asked the children if they wanted to have a pizza party and make pizza for everything they did and learned about pizza. hey said yes and we decided to have a pizza activity where they made their on pizzas individually and ate it when it was done. +tep by step

they learned the order to prepare their pizza by viewing the picture direction chart. Individually they took turns putting each ingredient on their pizzas and passing it down to the preschooler beside them. N says I want to add more cheese on mine$ and she added more cheese and smiled. * said I dont want any peppers Noleshia$ and she passed the peppers down to the preschooler beside her. N said Noleshia my mommy makes pizza at home$ as she add sauce to her (nglish muffin. %e used (nglish muffins as the dough and added/spread the tomato sauce on top. %e then had some grated cheese and used tongs to sprinkle it on top of the tomato sauce. %e added green peppers for our toppings to top it off. .inally we let it cook in the oven and ate it when it was cool and finished.

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Cue Analysis

0y interpretation of the cue came from observing the amount of times the preschoolers brought up the topic of pizza. Not only did their interest for pizza that occurred in the dramatic play area play a part in figuring out their cues. %hat played an even bigger part was when they wanted to make $sand pizzas$ in the sandbo, during outdoor play. his lead me to recognize their able to interpret mental representation. hey understand that real pizzas are not made with sand so they acknowledged that we can make representations of pizza buy using sand.

&ccording to 1iaget and his +ensorimotor stage heory children between the ages of 23456 months start establishing the ability to use symbols to represent different events and ob7ects. I agree with 1iaget in the sensorimotor +tage heory in a connection to what I have observed from my group of preschoolers. hey are at the stage and development domain where they are using early representational thought. 1iaget does go on by saying that at these stages children go on by understanding the world through mental operation. his shows me that when N said lets make sand pizza- that N is at the appropriate developmental stage that N is supposed to be at.


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