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Meet the Pros

Two big events for body

boarders going on this month
WaterLog | Page 8

Ser ving the students of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa since 1922
Presidential Endorsements Rainbows shut-out Alumni Motion City Returns to Hawaiʼi
ISOLATED SHOWERS Our picks for party nominations First season win in Baseball Details of their Pipeline performance inside MONDAY
H:77° L:70° Commentary | Page 4 Sports | Page 12 Mixed Plate | Page 7 FEB. 11, 2008

SCIENTOLOGY UNDER ATTACK Masked protestors urge vigilance

ACM to West
O‘ahu Campus?
New bill enters final stages for
department relocation
By Taylor Hall the Mānoa to West O‘ahu campus
Ka Leo Features Editor and that West O‘ahu Chancellor
Gene Awakuni defers to UH
The Academy for Creative Mānoa’s position.
Media will be required to relocate However, if ACM is not
from the University of Hawai‘i at moved, “we will not fund their
Mānoa campus to the new West department, though we would
O‘ahu campus and give up its allow another entity,” said EDT
promised lease agreement with Chair Sen. Carol Fukunaga after
PBS Hawai‘i, under a bill passed the hearing on Thursday.
late last week by two Senate com- On Feb. 2 nearly a dozen
TREVOR ATKINS • KA LEO O HAWAI‘I mittees. supporters from a variety of back-
In a 4-0 vote on Thursday, the grounds urged the lawmakers to
Protestors gather in front of the Church of Scientology in Chinatown to publicize their dispute with the church’s practices Sunday move ACM to the fledgling West
Senate committee on Economic
morning. The protest was organized entirely online and executed in major cities across the globe yesterday. One protestor said, “We
Development and Tourism (EDT) O‘ahu campus.
wear these masks to hide our identity because Scientology has a policy of harassing and abusing those who speak out against it.” The
protestors urged citizens to educate themselves. passed the bill a day after it was Supporters included two key
passed by the Senate Education members of the Lingle adminis-
Committee. Senate bill 3168 will tration. Theodore E. Liu, director
Supreme Court Associate Justice visits UH Law School now advance to the Senate Ways
and Means Committee, which han-
for the Department of Business,
Economic Development and
Richardson School of Law last dition that can only be done by dles funding and budgets. Tourism, said in written testimo-
week, while also touring the women, explained the speaker. Student testimony may be sent ny: “An Academy for Creative
Justice Breyer and wife to the Ways and Means Committee Media program at UH West O‘ahu
island’s historic sites. Justice Breyer was invited
help plant an ‘ōhi‘a lehua Justice Breyer and his wife to participate in the UH Law
when it schedules its meeting at a Campus is a much needed step
later date, prior to its crossing over in expanding ACM’s reach. By
tree at law school Joanna were welcomed warmly School public forum “Doe
to the House. establishing a program at UH’s
by the Law School. They were v. Kamehameha Schools:
University of Hawai‘i officials West O‘ahu Campus, many stu-
asked to participate by plant- A ‘Discrete and Insular dents who would not otherwise
opposed the bill, objecting to mov-
By Kumari Sherreitt ing an ʻōhiʻa lehua tree in the Minority’ in Hawai‘i 70 years ing “a Board of Regent’s approved have the opportunity to participate
Ka Leo Editor In Chief
courtyard, in commemoration after Carolene Products?” program from one campus to in the ACM will be able to enroll
of their stay and the school’s in its biennium Law Review another within the UH system,” in a variety of classes and pursue
Associate Justice of the renovated planting beds of Symposium. said Linda K. Johnsrud, vice presi- careers that may not have been as
United States Supreme Court native Hawaiian fauna. Law students had a chance dent for Academic Planning and accessible to them.”
Stephen Breyer, one of nine Mrs. Breyer was asked to to hear about the day-to-day Policy, to the committees in a joint Patricia Hamamoto, super-
Supreme Court justices, was a plant a young ʻōhiʻa tree in life of a Supreme Court justice, hearing on Feb. 2. Johnsrud said intendent for the Department of
guest lecturer at the University one of the newly manicured that Mānoa Chancellor Virginia
of Hawai‘i at Mānoa’s courtyard beds, a planting tra- Hinshaw opposes the move from
See Breyer, page 2 See ACM, page 2

News 2 M O N D A Y S U R F O U T L O O K Justice Breyer interview


Mixed Plate 3
Commentary 4 6 HONOLULU TIDES NORTH 8-12 Surf from the next North-
Point your cursor to
Wave heights
WaterLog 8 HI 12:49 A.M. | 1:09 P.M. SOUTH 0-2 reported west swell will be above WWW .KALEO.ORG
RG !
Cartoons 9 LO 6:29 A.M. | 8:12 P.M.
WEST 4-8 Hawaiian style, the 12 ft. for North and and check out Ka Leo’s ?
RECYCLE 6 HALEIWA TIDES about half face West Shores.
Puzzles & Classifieds 10
HI 5:27 A.M. | 7:10 P.M. EAST 1-2+ heights.
exclusive interview
Sexxx on Campus

Six hot spots for

getting freaky
Commentary | Page 4

Ser ving the students of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa since 1922
Made in China Fierce, Ferosh Finale Super Backfire Attack!!!
Part 2 of China Series A Project Runway Primer Dems duel in the comics WEDNESDAY
H:80° L:66° Commentary | Page 3 Mixed Plate | Page 6 Cartoons | Page 9 MARCH 5, 2008

Bill to move ACM awaits approval from Legislature

ACM Academy
By Taylor Hall
Ka Leo Features Editor
in written testimony that the bill has
caused “concerns and anxiety” in faculty
and students.
tunities on the Mānoa campus.”
Linda K. Johnsrud, Mānoaʻs interim
chancellor for academic affairs, also said
Others, like Theodore E. Liu, director
of the Department of Business, Economic
In light of recent legislative devel- “The eventual housing of the pro- in a written statement, “The university Development and Tourism said in written
opments supporting the relocation of gram into dedicated facilities is part of cannot support any language that moves testimony that he “supports wholeheart-
the Academy of Creative Media to West the Mānoa planning process,” he said. any academic program – or it’s administra- edly” the move to West O‘ahu.
O‘ahu, some at this university are voicing “Its success and student accomplishments tion – from one campus to another or that In an earlier issue of Ka Leo, Liu
their criticism. are the result of the breadth and depth of replaces sound and timely academic plan-
ACM Chairman Tom Brislin stated interdisciplinary collaborations and oppor- ning for UH West O‘ahu with legislative See ACM, page 2

At-risk students suffer in silence

By Kris DeRego does not make information about with her longtime boyfriend and was
Ka Leo Commentary Editor campus suicides readily available. MIA for about a day,” Boyce said.
He maintained, however, that his Friends of the victim said that
Students at the University of group’s statistics show an increase the student struggled with emo-
Hawai‘i at Mānoa are at greater risk in the number of cases involving tional difficulties, which were
of committing suicide than their UH Mānoa students over the past well-known to Hale Aloha Lehua’s
national counterparts, according to two years. resident advisers.
the Suicide Prevention Network, a “We’re beginning to see an “Everyone knew about her
nonprofit group dedicated to rais- upward trend in the number of problems,” said a former adviser,
ing awareness about mental health reported suicides and attempts,” who did not wish to be identified
issues on college campuses. Meider said. “Clearly, something because of the sensitivity of the
Since the beginning of 2007, needs to be done at the administra- matter. “She was very open about
there have been at least four con- tive level to prevent any further her life, so someone should have
firmed suicides at UH Mānoa, loss of life.” been checking in to make sure she
two of which have occurred this The most recent event took was OK.”
semester. When compared with the place last Wednesday at the Hale During training, resident
size of the school’s enrollment, Aloha Lehua dormitory. Currently advisers attend sessions on how to
UH Mānoa’s suicide rate stands at classified as an accidental over- deal with students suffering from
9.7 deaths per 100,000 students, dose, the incident involved a emotional disabilities. In emergen-
well above the national average of female student who had broken up cies, advisers are instructed to refer
7.5 deaths per 100,000 students, with her boyfriend. In a statement dormitory occupants to one of four
according to the Suicide Prevention released online, Amber Boyce, the resident counselors, each of whom
Network. student’s sister, said that she had remains on call around the clock.
Sebastian Meider, a counsel- been missing the day before the UH Mānoa is not the only
tragedy happened.
Campus Security sits outside Hale Aloha Lehua following
or for the network, said that UH
Mānoa is hesitant to categorize “As far as I know, she was last week’s tragic event.
an incident as a suicide, and it depressed due to a recent breakup See Sucide, page 2

News 2 W E D N E S D A Y S U R F O U T L O O K Get Ka Leo in your inbox

Commentary 3
Wave heights The northwest advisory- Point your cursor to
Mixed Plate 6 HI 2:50 A.M. | 2:59 P.M.
reported level swell will continue
PLEASE Sports 8 Hawaiian style, through tonight and subside

RECYCLE Cartoons 9 6 HALEIWA TIDES about half face slowly through Sunday.
and sign up forr the
Puzzles & Classifieds 10 HI 1:48 A.M. | 1:57 P.M. heights. Ka Leo e-mail
il editio
2 Monday, Feb. 11, 2008

Two developers also gave division of D.R. Horton, Inc. said,

ACM strong support in written testimony.
Kapolei Property Development offi-
“moving ACM to West O‘ahu cam-
pus will provide much needed career The Academy for
From page 1
cials praised the bill as “an ideal
solution to finding a permanent
opportunites for the next generation,
many of whom live in the area and
Creative Media
home” for ACM, which would also have shown a propensity to excel in
have the benefit of being located this digital media industry.” ACM has brought many opportunities to UH Mānoa students:
near the planned Kapolei studios. Other supporting testimonies
Education, in supporting the bill, rec- According to Kapolei Property came from several Leeward resi-
ommended that ACM’s program “be Development officials, these will dents, prominent attorney Jeffrey -Speech by writer-director Cameron Crowe,
facilitated jointly” by UH’s commu- have “motion picture and televi- Watanabe of the Watanabe, Ing &
nity colleges and D.O.E and that it be sion sound stages, office, dressing Komeiji firm, and Randy Iwase,
-Campus visit by Kal Penn, “Kumar” from “Harold & Kumar
included as an option for high school room, set construction and produc- Democratic nominee for governor Go to White Castle,”
students. She said in written testi- tion office space. We also under- in 2006.
mony: “The continuity and transition stand that Kapolei Studios plans UHM student Wayde Toyama,
-Student internship positions on the set of “Lost,”
from elementary programs to middle to include a student film annex for an interdisciplinary studies major -Intern opportunities on the set of “Superman Returns,”
school programs to high school pro- use by the university’s Academy enrolled in ACM, applauded the
grams to postsecondary programs of Creative Media as well as by “win-win” decision to move the -Hosted luncheon with filmmaker Zhang Yimou.
must be aligned to ensure progressive Waiʻanae Searider Productions at ACM, saying “it either forces them
skills and knowledge development Waiʻanae High School.” to get their act together or cut the
and avoid duplication.” Officials from the Schuler bull----.”

and sense of humor.

Breyer “Everyone has been so gen-
erous here,” Justice Breyer said
while smiling through the stack of
From page 1 leis that had been given to him by
the UH law students and profes-
sors sad to see him leave.
as Justice Breyer gave lectures The couple toured many of
in class and answered questions. the tourist attractions, but as only
“It’s every law student’s dream a member of the Supreme Court
to become a Supreme Court jus- could: privately. Some of the plac-
tice,” said a group of Masters of es they went were the Arizona
Law (LLM) students after the Memorial, ʻIolani Palace, and
ceremony. Hanauma Bay (on its closed day).
“He was very friendly, very Breyer is the 108th Supreme
liberal, and open-minded,” said Court Justice, inaugurated in 1994
Micheal Saenger, an LLM stu- by President Clinton. He has been
dent from Germany. His friend on the court for such decisions as
Andreas Sider, an LLM student maintaining the parental notifica-
from Switzerland, added that tion of teenage abortions.
Justice Breyer kept saying things Before Supreme Justice, he
like “take it easy, and don’t work was Justice Arthur Goldberg’s
too much,” during his talks. selected clerk, helping him to
If Justice Breyer had not been draft an opinion in the landmark
the guest speaker, he and his wife right-to-privacy case, Griswold v. KUMARI SHERREITT • KA LEO O HAWAI‘I
would have been hard to spot in Connecticut in 1964. He was also
the crowd. His laid-back attitude an aide to Archibald Cox in the Supreme Court Associate Justice Stephen Breyer was given many gifts Friday at the UH Mānoa Richardson Law school during a cer-
was exemplified in his aloha attire Watergate prosecutions of 1972. emony for his departure.

The United States Supreme Court:



Editor in Chief Kumari Sherreitt Commentary Editor Kris DeRego -Is the highest appellate court (where you appeal cases)
Ka Leo O Hawai‘i Managing Editor Chris Damitio Associate Commentary Editor Meghan Lopez -Decides landmark cases based on the U.S. Constitution
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa News Editor Blane Benvedes Web Editor Laura Jolly
1755 Pope Road 31-D
-Is made up of a Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices
Associate News Editor Casey Chin Sports Editor Glendalyn Junio
Honolulu, HI 96822 Associate News Editor Rachel Cabamongan Associate Sports Editor Ashley Nonaka
-Meets in Washington D.C. in the United States Supreme
Features Editor Taylor Hall Comics Editor Will Caron
Court building
Newsroom (808) 956-7043 Associate Features Editor Ariel Pease Design Editor Jerrica Klout
Advertising (808) 956-7043
Facsimile (808) 956-9962 ADVERTISING
Now located at the business office parallel to the bottom
Supreme Court Justices
E-mail entrance of the Bookstore.
Web site Advertising Director Joel Binder -Are appointed by the president and approved by the Senate
Ka Leo O Hawai‘i is the campus newspaper of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. It is published by the Board of Publications three times a week except on holi- -Serve lifelong terms, unless are removed, resign, retire or are
days and during exam periods. Circulation is 10,000. Ka Leo is also published once a week during summer sessions with a circulation of 10,000. Ka Leo is funded impeached
by student fees and advertising. Its editorial content reflects only the views of its editors, writers, columnists and contributors, who are solely responsible for its
content. No material that appears in Ka Leo may be reprinted or republished in any medium without permission. the first newsstand copy is free; for additional -Make decisions that are the “Law of the land,” meaning no
copies, please come to the Ka Leo Building. Subscription rates are $36 for one semester and $54 for one year. © 2007 Ka Leo O Hawai‘i state or county law can contradict it
2 Wednesday, March 5, 2008

cacy organization. “After all, well as the potential for harm ACM’s prospective home
Suicide one of their chief responsibili-
ties is to protect the image and
reputation of the university.”
that exists when students’ needs
aren’t addressed by the col-
lege,” Gordon said.
ACM ACM is being positioned as
one of the flagship programs at UH-
West O‘ahu, an institution whose
Gordon also believes that UHM administrators have
From page 1 From page 1 importance is rising in the region.
recent school shootings, such declined to comment on the mat-
Randy Iwase, an ex-Senator who
as the massacres at Northern ter, despite inquiries from Ka Leo. secured the land for the new cam-
lem. According to the American Illinois University and For now, outreach services stated, “An
Medical Association, an estimat- (ACM) pro- pus, stated that “UH West O‘ahu
Virginia Tech, have increased are available to all faculty and was a critical component to the
ed 1,100 suicides and 24,000 administrators’ awareness of students at UHM’s Counseling gram at UH’s
West O‘ahu success of a second city.”
attempts occur each year, mak- the potential damage caused and Development Center.
Campus is a Among other developments
ing suicide the second leading by an untreated psychological “We are very concerned,” in the area, such as the Disney-
cause of death amongst college much needed
affliction. says Allyson Tanouye, step in expand- owned hotel complex within the
students, behind motor-vehicle “More than ever, univer- Director of the Counseling and Ko Olina Resort, ACM is expect-
accidents. ing ACM’s
sity officials are becoming Development Center. “Students reach. By ed to be housed in a new facility
The high number of deaths aware of how serious mental can walk people over or come presently in construction in West
e s t a b l i s h i n g JOHNSRUD
has led some universities to insti- health problems really are, as in just to talk.” O‘ahu. The building features a
a program at
tute policies for dealing with UH’s West O‘ahu Campus, many sound stage and costume depart-
chronically depressed students, students who would not otherwise ment as well as classrooms and
including mandatory suspension
or expulsion. While their intent is NEED TO TALK? have the opportunity to participate
in the ACM will be able to enroll
offices. Presently, ACM uses sec-
tions of PBS
to protect emotionally disturbed in a variety of classes and pursue Hawai‘i for
students by forcing them to seek
Call for help careers that may not have been as office space
assistance, student advocates say • Counseling and Development Center: accessible to them.” and media
such measures often complicate Such division over the bill
mental disorders by exacerbating
956-7927 underscores the issue of UH auton- Under the
a student’s fear of alienation. • Hopeline: 1-800-784-2433 omy and whether the state has the newest draft
of the bill, the
“Students become less will- right to govern the UH system.
ing to step forward with their
• Adult Mental Health department 832-3100 will expand
problems because they’re afraid ACM’s fate update its academ- BRISLIN
of being penalized, both social-
ly and academically,” Meider
• Hawai‘i State Mental Health hot line The bill calling for the move,
ic duties. If
passed, ACM must offer courses,
said. “It’s basically academic ASK-2000 (275-2000) SB 3168, just needs to pass the
certificate programs and associ-
legislature and to receive a sig-
discrimination.” • Women’s Center (808) 956-8059 nature from Gov. Linda Lingle ate, bachelor, master and doc-
At the moment, UHM has torate degrees. Presently, ACM
not announced any plans to to move the program from the
only offers bachelors degrees
Mānoa campus to the West O‘ahu-
increase surveillance of mental- • Blue line counselor on-call Kapolei region. In addition, the through Mānoa’s interdisciplin-
ly distressed students, but some ary studies department. It will
experts believe that an increase in
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday measure will give the program
also be expected to mentor future
$4.87 million to further develop
suicidal behavior could lead the Open hours for talking curriculum and infrastructure. media programs for K-12 classes
school’s administrators to adopt throughout the state.
tougher regulations to immunize
• Also there is a counselor in residence for The senate Ways and Means
Committee (WAM) recently passed An amendment to the bill
themselves from liability claims. dorm residents – ask a resident adviser the bill with an 11-0 bipartisan also changes the qualifications

“It’s not impossible that for the ACM creative director
administrators could seek a more
• On-campus emergency consultation: vote, making it the third commit-

stringent course of action if they Call the access line 832-3100

feel the problem is becoming • Ombudsman: “The university cannot support any language that
more widespread,” said Sarah
Gordon, founder of Suicide moves any academic program – or it’s admin-
Watch, a Honolulu-based advo- •Half-of-us: 1-800-273-TALK istration – from one campus to another or that
replaces sound and timely academic planning for

K A LEO UH West O‘ahu with legislative management.”

Editor in Chief Kumari Sherreitt Associate Commentary Editor Alexis E. Jamison
Ka Leo O Hawai‘i Chief Copy Editor Kyle Mahoney Web Editor Laura Jolly Linda K. Johnsrud, Mānoa’s
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa News Editor Blane Benevedes Sports Editor Meghan Lopez
interim chancellor for academic affairs
1755 Pope Road, 31-D Associate News Editor Casey Chin Associate Sports Editor Ashley Nonaka
Honolulu, HI 96822 Associate News Editor Rachel Cabamongan Comics Editor Will Caron
Features Editor Taylor Hall Design Editor Jerrica Klout tee to pass it. If approved, ACM position, whose future candidates
Associate Features Editor Ariel Pease Photo Editor John Nakatsu is expected to receive the addi- must “have training and experi-
Newsroom (808) 956-7043
Commentary Editor Kris DeRego tional funding over the next two ence in creative media, includ-
Advertising (808) 956-3210 fiscal years and be permanently ing the film and digital media
Facsimile (808) 956-9962 ADVERTISING removed from the Mānoa campus. industry or other related creative
E-mail Now located at the business office parallel to the bottom The newest draft of the bill fields,” if passed into law. It is
Web site entrance of the Bookstore. no longer specifies that ACM is unsure how this will affect present
Advertising Director Joel Binder required to move to the West O‘ahu director, Chris Lee, who could not
Ka Leo O Hawai‘i is the campus newspaper of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. It is published by the Board of Publications three times a week except on holi- campus. It now states that the be reached for comment in time
days and during exam periods. Circulation is 10,000. Ka Leo is also published once a week during summer sessions with a circulation of 10,000. Ka Leo is funded “expansion of programs and facili- for publication.
by student fees and advertising. Its editorial content reflects only the views of its editors, writers, columnists and contributors, who are solely responsible for its ties of the Academy for Creative If passed by the governor, ACM
content. No material that appears in Ka Leo may be reprinted or republished in any medium without permission. The first newsstand copy is free; for additional Media program shall be directed to could initialize a move as soon as
copies, please come to the Ka Leo Building. Subscription rates are $36 for one semester and $54 for one year. © 2008 Board of Publications.
the west O‘ahu / Kapolei region.” June 29, 2008.
FEATURES | Wednesday, May 2, 2007 | Ka Leo O Hawai‘i | Page 7

Anime convention biggest yet

By Taylor Hall
Ka Leo Staff Reporter

Only its third year, Hawaii’s only

anime convention is already a big
hit. Starting in 2005, Kawaii Kon
has grown to be one of Hawaii’s pre-
mier events, especially for the otaku
(fan) scene. While still retaining some
preconceived conventions from other
similar attractions, the Kawaii Kon is
still turning into a local must-see.
This year, the festival moved
to the Hawai‘i Convention Center
from its previous location at the Ala
Moana Hotel. The convention center
is home to nearly every Hawaiian
industry meeting and the big car show
that happens every February, which
attracts nearly 3,000 fans. However,
the Kawaii Kon may soon surpass
those numbers.
Costumed fans, both store-bought LEFT: Fans sketched
and lovingly handmade, descended in their favorite characters
droves. The greater space gave the on the Artist Mural in
greater-sized crowd room to move. the Artist Alley.
“Being in the convention center
TOP:Fans of Kingdom
really gives us a lot of space to work
Hearts stood for a photo
with,” said assistant director Chris with two “Heartless
Macedonio. “I expect that as time mushrooms” in the
goes on, we’ll need that space as Kawaii Kon last Friday.
attendance grows. I also expect that
in the future, we will garner more and
more attention both on the mainland
and abroad, which will help us to gain
the support and resources we’ll need RIGHT: Dealers room
to make our show one of the premier where vendors from all
anime conventions in the nation.” over come to sell their
While the Kawaii Kon certainly stuff.
didn’t do anything to dispell the myths
that all anime fans are either fat white COURTESY PHOTO
guys or small Asian girls, it did attract
a surprising cross-section of people
and provided enough entertainment every year. This year’s Kawaii Kon
to fill its three-day block. Filled to the proved that, with time, it could be a Tickets for 2008
brim with vendors, voice actors and positive draw for tourism during a
games, the Kawaii Kon proved that typically weak month. Advanced tickets for next year are
with time, it will be able to compete ing the convention floor. Some of proved to draw equal numbers, but “Our show is so much fun, and available now for $25 for all three
on the nation convention block as a you don’t have to be a hardcore fan to
premier event.
the larger attractions included how were eclipsed by the new attractions. days. More information can be
to take better pictures, how to make The convention, started three enjoy it,” Macedonio said. “I would
The talent that it is starting to encourage everyone to try us out at
found on their Web site at
your own vinyl dolls, mini theaters years ago by founders Stan Dahlin,
show is impressive. This year, they and a professional photographer that least once. I truly believe there is
Marlon Stodghill, Scott Richardson
had over 20 guest speakers, includ-
took pictures of you and your friends and Chris Macedonio, has grown something at our show for everyone.”
ing Michael Sinterniklaas of “Venture
in costume.
Brothers” fame and audience favorite
“The crowd control was a lot bet-
Vic Mignogna. His presence alone
generated enough buzz to attract ter than last year,” said Eric Tamayo,
nearly half of the show’s attendees who already bought a three-day pass
on Sunday to his presentation. There for next year. “There was more peo-
were so many people, two room-sepa- ple, but there was also a lot more to
rating walls had to be torn down to do and you weren’t standing around
hold the anxious crowd. Many voice not knowing where to go. I wish they
actors also brought bloopers and early had more collectible dolls, but that’s
career footage that couldn’t be seen pretty much my only complaint.”
anywhere else. Some of the standards from pre-
The big step up from last year vious crowd pleasures, like the cos-
was the abundance of seminars lin- tume contest and the Saturday dance,
Fort Collins free-for-all

Rainbow Wahine square off with

Purdue in regional semifinal
Sports | Page 11

Ser ving the students of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa since 1922
Got friends? Antarctic-what? Economic Grinch
Happy people make people happy Interview with eco-researchers Hiding Who-cash under the Who-mattress THURSDAY–SUNDAY
H:77° L:69° Commentary | Page 4 Mixed Plate | Page 6 Cartoons | Page 9 DEC. 11–14, 2008

Demand for student loans reaches all-time high

By Taylor Hall companies still offering student then they’re out of that amount,” student loans follows the hous- students should begin the applica-
Ka Leo Editor-in-Chief loans. The loans offered through Feliciano said. ing market, said Feliciano. And tion process early. The deadline for
UH Mānoa’s financial aid office Sallie Mae reported $6.8 bil- with the housing market in such FAFSA first priority for the 2009-
are financed through Sallie lion in earnings in the third quar- decline, students have every rea- 2010 school year is March 1.
2008 will be remembered as Mae. Outside of the UH system, ter, up 17 percent from last year; son to be worried.
a recessive year, with declining American Savings Bank is the however, it still had a loss of $159 “More FAFSAs have come in Why does the FAFSA process take
job opportunities and necessary only FDIC bank that offers stu- million. Without federal funding, than ever,” Feliciano said. “Nearly so long?
changes to the nation’s spending dent loans in Hawai‘i. Sallie Mae wouldn’t exist. every student at UH Mānoa is using
habits. It was also the year that “If the bank makes 3 percent The avail- at least one form of financial aid.” The FAFSA form is available starting
student loans became a necessity. off each loan, that means they’ll ability of With increased competi- Jan. 1, but the process can extend into
There have been a record make an average of a few hun- tion for
number of student-loan requests
early summer. “The time frame is total-
dred off of you. If you financial ly dependent on the student,” Feliciano
this semester, according to don’t pay (it) back, aid,
Ku‘ulei Feliciano, interim assis- said. While students can begin working
tant director of the University of on the application in January, it cannot
Hawai‘i Financial Aid Services be finished until the previous year’s tax
office. The office has given out information is received. “Simply apply-
6,000 loans this year, nearly dou- ing is great, but you have to finish,”
ble that of 2007. Feliciano said.
“More students have had to
apply for financial aid,” Feliciano
said. “The downside is that there is Bank or Credit Union?
less money to give out.”
According to Feliciano the Banks have the downside of high
large number of requests are fil- interest rates, although they have
tered through a small pool of the ability to lend larger amounts.
Credit unions offer lower interest rates
Steps to getting a student loan because each customer owns a part of
the company, so the credit union can
1. Fill out the FAFSA online at fafsa. lend as much money as the custom- ers provide.
2. Be sure to include your school’s code
in the designated section, so UH can Need credit?
receive your award information (UH
code: 00161000). The University of Hawai‘i
4. UH sends your award information to Federal Credit Union offers
your MyUHPortal account (myuhportal. a start-up plan for students with low cash flow who want
to build their credit. The “Student
5. View your award offers and accept Savings Plan” has a start-up cost of
or decline each. Students must
$5 and comes with a debit card and a
6. Sallie Mae sends the school your navigate the pitfalls
credit card with a credit limit of $300
loan; you receive a letter in the mail of financial aid, espe-
that can be increased. The plan was
with information about your new loan. cially during tough
introduced this semester and has a
economic times.
7. UH disburses any funds above the low minimum, which is usually around
cost of tuition to you in the second $300 at banks. For more information,
week of school. MCT CAMPUS

News 2 T H U R S D A Y S U R F O U T L O O K Special Advance Screening


Mixed Plate 3
6 HONOLULU TIDES NORTH 3–5+ Wave heights
Another northwest swell will see page 11
Commentary 4 HI 3:11 a.m. | 2:39 p.m. SOUTH 1–3 reported
build rapidly tonight, peak
PLEASE LO 10:32 a.m. | 8:16 p.m. tomorrow, then gradually
Cartoons 9
WEST 2–4 Hawaiian style,
RECYCLE 6 HALEʻIWA TIDES about half face
subside through the begin-
Puzzles & Classifieds 10
HI 2:09 a.m. | 1:37 p.m. EAST 1–2 heights.
ning of next week.
MAHALO Sports 11 LO 8:27 a.m. | 6:11 p.m. WINDS 15–25+ mph, S-SW SOURCE: NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE

12 Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2008

Don’t buy software - Use Freeware instead

By Taylor Hall the price. If you lost your Office
Ka Leo Features Editor disk or are installing on multiple
computers, or heck, even if your
Back in October, Wal-Mart not, there’s no better or faster
released a Linux (Ubuntu) power option.
system with enhanced graphics.
The system retails for the low Compression
cost of $199. The reason that the
gOP-powered system is so cheap 7-zip: The look is a little
is that the main applications are Windows ’95, but still a far
all Web-based. The reliance on faster, larger format and better
Google apps lead some to won- shrinking alternative to WinZip.
der if the “g” in gOP stands for
Google. A fact that Wal-Mart’s
PR department vapidly denies. Downloading
Whatever your politics are on
uTorrent: The best torrent client,
Wal-Mart, marketing an open-
with easily set upload/download
source, Web app-based computer
limits as well as upload files in
to the casual target market was
the window with saved pref-
a surprisingly successful ven-
erences. Recommended above
ture. has already
slower and ad-heavy BitTorrent.
reported that the unit has sold out
of its online supply, well over the
5 percent new computer-buyer Converting
market they had estimated. VidDownloader: Batch process-
The future gets closer every ing moves this app to the top.
day to a time when large HDDs Freely convert video for your
and fast connections reduced iPod and PSP without having to
our OSs to shelf space for our load each piece.
virtual life, though that day has COURTESY GRAPHIC • UTORRENT.COM
not yet come. To celebrate your Media Encoder: The quickest utorrentUI, while still in beta, allows you remote access and control of your downloads, even when you are
clumsy old operating system, audio converter. away from your home rig.
we bring you our most essen-
tial freeware programs. In the XNView: Batch hundreds of art
future, Ka Leo will cover its for conversion. Simple interface.
choices for Web apps and other
joys from the digital realm, but
for now relish in the quick and
downloadable. You may have
Firefox and AVG, but treating CCleaner: Indispensable. For
yourself to these free apps will every program you delete, there For all those class and research Illustrator and Photoshop in one from any previous time with
brighten your day and stream- is always the cobwebs that stay PDF packets, you won’t believe application. Recuva. Even after reinstalling
line your virtual world. From over and slowly eat the life- how much faster it moves. your OS, Recuva can grab most
word processing to security, line of your computer. CCleaner Blender: The interface is differ- lost music, movies and docu-
digital art and torrents, these removes those unwanted appli- ent from Maya, but the results ments you thought were gone.
programs will make your life cations while also giving an Movie viewer are the same. If you’re inter-
that much easier. Take this as improved add/delete system to VLC: Burn discs and watch ested in 3-D modeling, give
a beginning guide to the world your computer. Remove history, nearly every video format Blender a chance. The system is
outside of the Google pack. forms, broken links and much
iTunes helper
made by man. Why use WMP, gaining ground all the time on
more. You might be surprised at QuickTime and RealPlayer, the bigger guys, and the system OurTunes: Grab music over
Office replacement just how much space one run will when you can use this applica- has proven to be relatively easy any network. Offices, dorms,
clear up. Highly recommended. tion in their place? but highly capable of large proj- wireless, etc.
Open Office: With Open Office ects, as you can tell from the
you’ll never miss Windows’ movie section on their page. SharePod: You never again
darling processes. Nearly every have to fear the invisible bars
Office suite is faithfully recre-
PDF replacement Photoshop/Illustrator
surrounding your iPod, keeping
ated and works in conjunction Foxit: Like the infamous free- GIMP: Proves that whatever those borrowed tunes hostage.
with Windows’ program and ware it borrows its name from, Recovery
Adobe spends years and mil- SharePod easily and quickly
formats. Power users may miss Foxit is the Firefox of PDF cli- lions of dollars doing, a crack Recuva: From the makers of transfers your iPod music back
some of their Vista options and ents. Quicker, sleeker and with a team of geniuses will top within CCleaner. If your computer suf- to your PC.
tabbing, but XP users will love multitude of extensions as well. months. Effectively open-source fers a meltdown, recover data
8 Monday, Oct. 8, 2007

Halo 3 lets gamers ‘finish the fight’

By Taylor Hall latest installment in the Halo
Ka Leo Staff Reporter video game series. The launch
of Halo 3 was the largest single-
At midnight last Tuesday, day entertainment release ever,
people all around the country breaking numerous entertainment
were finally able to rush home records. In its first 24 hours,
and “finish the fight” with the Halo 3 managed to sell 7 mil-


Thursday, Oct. 11, 2007 • 7:30 pm • Ward Theatre


The release of video game Halo 3 broke previous entertainment records, such as one held by “Spider-Man 3,” when it launched
Tuesday and sold more than 7 million copies.
lion copies, including a record- and the low reliability rate of the tiplayer capability has been the
shattering 1.7 million in pre- new Microsoft console, the Xbox big draw for many of the series’
orders, according to a Microsoft 360, have resulted in costly repair fans, providing staying power
press release. More than 10,000 and warranty replacement plans in for Halo and Microsoft.
retailers hosted midnight release addition to an estimated $300 loss “Within the first 20 hours
events to celebrate the launch of on each system. alone, we’ve seen more than a
this third installment in the bil- Despite the high loss rate, million Xbox LIVE members
lion-dollar franchise. there is a large established fan come online to play Halo 3
Halo 3 beat previous enter- base for Halo. Halo 2 had the – that makes Sept. 25 the most
tainment records set by theatri- largest single-day release for active Xbox LIVE gaming day
cal releases like “Spider-Man an American video game, earn- in history,” said Kim.
3” and novels such as “Harry ing about $125 million on its Some people are purely
Potter and the Deathly Hallows” release day. Halo 2 was Xbox interested in finishing the tril-
with a first-day release total of LIVE’s most-played and lon- ogy of a story that started over
$170 million. Whether or not it gest-played game. Three years seven years ago.
will save Microsoft’s flounder- after the release, it had tens “I just want to know how
One family on opposite sides of the law... ing games division remains to be of thousands of daily players. it ends,” said Wayde Toyama,
Two brothers about to collide. seen. Microsoft’s reliance on the an Academy for Creative Media
COLUMBIA PICTURES and 2929 PRODUCTIONS present ent a NICK WECHSLER production oduction
Microsoft spent a legendary Halo series to drive sales has major, who purchased the Halo 3
amount of money on the release resulted in many fans viewing Legendary Collectors Edition – a
music costume
me edited
ed production

raphy JOAQUIN BACA-ASAY producers

director of
co- executive
of Halo 3, which happened to the Xbox as the Halo-box. $130 package that includes years
exe utive produced


ced writt
tten and
be released in 37 countries in Halo 3 has earned a score of bonus material and a life-size
Soundtrack On
Lakeshore Records 17 languages. of 94 on, trail- helmet like the Halo protagonist’s.
“It’s far too early to say what ing only 2K Games’ BioShock, The video game industry
© Touchstone Pictures
the financial return will be for our which earned a 96, in ratings for relies on successful sequels to
investment. ... If we can’t make 2007 releases on the PlayStation grow. A concrete conclusion for
a profit in the year Halo 3 comes 3, Wii and Xbox 360 platforms. a series is rare – particularly a
Present your valid UH Student ID at the out, then when will we?” said Retro Games’ Metroid Prime 3 is young series that has already
Ka Leo building from 12 noon today Microsoft Game Studios’ general a distant sixth with a score of 90. seen buyouts, sudden design
manager Shane Kim in an inter- While it is still too early changes and the mother of all
to get your complimentary pass! view with the BBC. to see how the game mechanics gaming cliffhangers.
Microsoft entered the console will sustain its core audience, Players have had to wait
IN THEATRES OCTOBER 12th game industry hoping to expand its
software properties into other ave-
Halo 3 seems to set things right
with fans.
over three years to find a con-
clusion after Halo 2, which sim-
nues and has yet to make a profit “I don’t think I’ve ever even ply told players to “finish the
on its investment. Asian coun- played Halo 2’s single player,” fight” before the music swelled.
First come, first served. A valid UHM ID is required. tries largely ignore Microsoft’s said Timothy Clark, an educa- For college students who start-
attempts to enter the industry, with tion major at the University of ed Halo’s story line in middle
No phone calls please. One pass per person. Supplies are Hawai‘i at Mānoa, who recent-
some large chains refusing to even school or high school, the time
limited. One pass admits two. carry the product. The escalat- ly purchased the standard edi- to “finish the fight” couldn’t
ing costs of its home consoles tion of the game. Halo’s mul- have come any sooner.

8 Wednesday, April 9, 2008


John Butler Trio

plays Pipeline Café


John Butler, center, showing off his tattoos. “They stand for some pretty personal stuff,” Butler said. His arms will be featuring some
fresh ink at the O‘ahu show, as he has recently added a yin-yang type of symbol above the stripes.
By Taylor Hall to the banjo, Butler’s instrument of I really like it, definitely want to
Ka Leo Features Editor choice is still his 11-string guitar, hear some more of it when I am out
whose highest string is purposely there. We’ve been wanting to go (to
John Butler’s voice is notice- removed. “I just don’t like the Hawaiʻi) for years. I can’t wait to
ably exhausted, but his manners are sound of the high G. ... Plus, it see Waikīkī. I know we’re going to
keeping him on the phone. He will breaks a lot.” go somewhere on the North Shore.”
be touring until September with a The bright notes of the instru- A quick mention of Oʻahu
stop at the Coachella Music Festival ment allow him to play everything being a laid-back concert-going
in two weeks, but for now John from funk to open-tuned instrumen- community spurs Butler’s humor.
Butler is a very tired man. tals with an individual sound aided “I hope not. We’re pretty laid back
Butler has just finished a gig in by a custom array of pedals. too; I don’t know if two laid-back
Japan hours and he is presently wait- His virtuosity with the instru- groups – you know – I don’t know
ing to fly into Honolulu for his first ment is well-demonstrated on if that’s best!”
Hawai‘i show and a rare mid-tour YouTube, where a video of Butler Last advice: “Be prepared to
rest on O‘ahu. performing his song “Ocean” has go on a ride. We’re going to rock
“It was wonderful. They (the become a viral hit with three mil- you, funk you out, some instru-
Japanese) are a funky, beautiful peo- lion views. He sits alone under mentals, we don’t really do one
ple,” Butler said. a spotlight, telling the audience specific thing. Be prepared to go
The John Butler Trio has about the first time he held his on a journey.”
been compared to the likes of Jack daughter, Banjo, in his arms. Then
Johnson and Dave Matthews (both he plugs in the guitar and begins
of whom will be participating in this tapping the strings Van Halen
years Kōkua festival at the Waikīkī style. What follows is five min- John Butler Trio
Shell) for his prevalent use of the utes of open-tuned bliss.
acoustic guitar and feel-good party “I use a lot of standard tun- Tonight, 8 p.m. at Pipeline Cafe
vibe. But the Australian-born Butler ing, well, the standard open tunings.
Mostly open C ... dropped open D.”
Tickets: $35 for
separates himself from his contem-
poraries purely by his delivery. And when the talk turns to loft seating, $20 for standard.
Despite playing a variety of Hawaiian slack key, Butler is enthu-
instruments, from the didgeridoo siastic. “I’ve just started trying it.

Editor: David Pham Associate Editor: Ting-Cheng Wen | (808) 956-3221 | Tuesday, January 23, 2007 | Page 3

Kevin Pereira, luckiest

guy in his world
By Taylor Hall
Ka Leo Contributing Reporter

If you had the chance to log

onto http://www.assgotserved.
com last year you would find
a one-page Web site discuss-
ing the politics of networking
and servers. This would make
perfect sense, since it was an
actual server being run out of
somebody’s rectum.
“I really appreciate the
freedom that G4 allows us, I
don’t think any other network
would have ever approached
it with the same kind of open-
mindedness.” said TV person-
ality Kevin Pereira.

You have to wonder

how being one of the
few faces changes you.
Pereira is surprisingly
calm and friendly.

Besides hatching the idea

for the perfect cyborg, Kevin
Pereira has come up with many
of the shows' skits as the idea
man, and half of the hosting
team on channel G4’s “Attack
of the Show.” Along with Olivia
Munn, they are in charge of
reporting the constant changes Besides hatching the idea for the perfect
taking place in the interweb
and the overall tug and pull that
cyborg, Pereira has come up with many of
is the video game industry.
Talking with Kevin Pereira
the shows' skits as the idea man.
is a surprisingly calm and
friendly experience. You have calloused gamer give “Gears of that Playstation 3 launched on a
to wonder how being one of the War” the old college try. It’s Friday and the Wii launched on a
few faces in the new industry of refreshing to see somebody so in Sunday meant the completion of
televised video game journal- tune and enjoying their profes- the holy trinity for game consoles
ism changes you. Is it a posi- sion. … but the beginning of a dark age
tion you seek out or something The main topic on our minds for video games.
you just stumbled upon? that day was the impending Every few years, new con-
Unlike so many others, effects of two next generation soles arrive with high attention
Pereira is unchanged by the system releases. As part of his from the mainstream media and
celebrity curse. His devotion day job, Pereira happily covered bring the added attention to an
to the game industry is clear, the huge lines and camps across
and his enthusiasm is infectious the country to report on the hard-
enough to make even the most See Pereira, page 7
core video game fans. The fact

Editor: David Pham Associate Editor: Ting-Cheng Wen | (808) 956-3221 | Tuesday, January 23, 2007 | Page 7

system is superior for the com- site, http://www.likemysweaty.
mon video game consumer and com, under the stage name of
in a matter of years when the Captain Immy. Discussing every-
price tag falls and more high thing from games to his dad’s
From page 3 profile games become available, old coats, he was able to do a
he expects the PS3 to be a more daily half-hour show for 120 days
industry that is already struggling worthwhile system. straight at one point.
to meet demand. The launch of “As of right now, its just He also made his own short
the “next-gen.” movies that won
systems has regional awards
been tumultu- in California
ous, with death, where he grew
greed and con- up, leading to
spiracy doing a scholarship at
their part in the Academy of
bringing the Arts college in
most elite $10 San Francisco,
billion video which he
game indus- attended for
try back into two months.
the news since “I thought I
Rockstar’s GTA had to do the
hot-coffee inci- college thing,
dent. A situa- since that’s
tion where one what every-
of industry’s body wants you
most success- to do, your par-
ful companies ents and your
was brought to teachers, but it
its knees by a just wasn’t for
conservative me,” Pereira
Senate hearing said.
directly mirror- After five years
ing the “par- of network
ents against offensive managing, Pereira was
lyrics” situation in the called and given the
early 80s. opportunity to be a
The controversy Pereira's own opinion on host on the first nation-
here was Sony’s releas- al Gaming Network.
ing its Playstation, the matter is that Nintendo's He’s also in
despite knowing it charge of their daily/
could not meet the high system is superior weekly podcast, a
demand from its crazed chore that he admits,
fans. “is work, since now it’s
Death, rob- for a national
bery at gun- company, but is
point and over- still fun. [It’s]
saturation of just a little dif-
eBay’s servers ferent … you
(reaching pric- got to watch
es upwards of what you say.”
$4,000), were So does he still
all responses play games?
to a horrible Of course. His
shortage of favorite, as of
game consoles, now, is “Gears
leading some of War.” He is
to think it was an avid sup-
a purposeful porter of Game
shortage. The Developers
holiday rush, achieving the
mixed with the same status
overshadowing as Rockstar’s,
of Nintendo’s Authors and
new Wii sys- Filmmakers.
tem by mass He has bought
marketing of a the game twice
niche commod- after giv-
ity, would help ing away his
spur demand for first copy to
Sony’s system even more once doesn’t make sense,” Pereira said. a deserving intern and already
people realized the short amount When asked to give a few pointers beating G4’s beta version. He
in stock. in the art of journalism he frankly also competes in Guitar Hero 2
Releasing a paltry 400,000 responded, “I would, but it is some- office tourneys, and is enjoying
copies of its system (which thing I know nothing about.” the heck out of the Wii’s launch
retails for $600) is made even His frank response buoys repertoire.
more embarrassing by the million many of the accomplishments Pereira works hard and keeps
copies of the Wii that Nintendo that took him to get to his posi- close contact with his roots and
managed to sell (at $250). tion as the face of G4. Starting in his fans. He truly cares for all
Pereira’s own opinion on high school, Pereira had a pod- aspects of the future and reputa-
the matter was that Nintendo’s cast broadcast on his own web- tion of the game industry.
FEATURES | Wednesday, April 18, 2007 | Ka Leo O Hawai‘i | Page 7

‘Vacancy,’ the next stop for Luke Wilson

By Taylor Hall launching the Owen Brothers and the
Ka Leo Staff Reporter idiosyncratic director Wes Anderson.
The movie road caught Wilson
There are a lot of dusty ill- by surprise and has given him more
traveled roads in the American can- clout than he thought he could
non. With each passing year, the Luke Wilson achieve, but it has also come with its
road culture that has defined the free comforts Kate fair share of disappointments.
roaming nature of America gets one Beckinsale in their “People ask me, ‘Why don’t you
year deeper into its geriatric ages. crisis as they try do more indies?’ Why do the ‘Legally
The freedom of having roads that to escape their Blonde’ sequel?” Wilson said. “Truth
lead you anywhere you want to go "living hell" in the is, you read about these people like
is the unique American desire – the upcoming movie, Warren Beatty who wait years between
only country in the world with the "Vacancy." roles, but I’d rather stay busy. It helps
option to do so. With every new high- my thinking. People ask, ‘Why don’t
way, an old town road is bypassed you just do more movies with your
and falls into despair. PHOTO COURTESY brother and Wes [Anderson],’ but you
“I would go from Dallas, usu- PRESS KIT
gotta keep busy in between. I spent a
ally with my dog, and just drive to year and a half going out to auditions
nowhere,” said Luke Wilson. “We’d before and who your neighbors tinued friendships have earned them between the time ‘Bottle Rocket’ was
always get scared after Phoenix, are.” Wilson said. the title of “The Frat Pack” by critics. made and it coming out, and I didn’t
then well into Flagstaff and past “I had turned down the movie They’re usually on the spot filming, get one callback.”
El Paso, though nothing bad ever once,” he said. “The producer who then the large scale of “Vacancy” The disappointment associated
really happened.” had done these movies like ‘The caught Wilson by surprise. with letting someone else control his
Wilson stars in the upcoming Exorcism of Emily Rose’ ... they “It was a pretty impressive set,” destiny got Luke to writing his own
film “Vacancy,” a new thriller due wanted to do a movie with some Wilson said. “The set was filmed at story, “The Wendell Baker Story.” It is
out this Friday. The film deals with actors they liked, and make a real stage 18 at the Sony lot, which is a about an ex-con who goes to work at a
a couple starting their life again and scary movie.” massive set. It was the first set where retirement community and gets some
hitting a major setback on one such The director, Nimrod Antal, got I was calling my friends and telling geriatric help with his love life.
highway, indiscrete motel. his first break as the director of them that they have to get down here. “People say, ‘Well you’ve been
“When you stay in places like “Kontroll,” a psychological thriller. It was sent over from England, back working on this script for 10 years,
that ... it’s easy to scare your- “It’s not gory at all,” Antal said. in the day. They filmed ‘Crimson it better be perfect,’” he said. “Well,
self, thinking about who was there “[I think] it brings you in more if you Tide’ there, ‘The Shining,’ ‘Wizard I don’t know, but I really like the
say what happens rather than if you of Oz’, you go inside and they have way it came out, and I’m excited
see it. It reminds me more of those the gas station there (a scene from the about the DVD, which is going to be
’70s movies where the car breaks movie), a huge oak tree, the motel.” packed as well.”
down.” Wilson studied English in col- The decision to stay indepen-
“It was intense; it all takes lege, though he admits his love for dent has led Wilson on a journey
place in one night. I’d show up writers like Twain, Ford or Crumbly as one of Hollywood’s most liked
Monday morning at 6 a.m. doing has taken a backseat to his love for straight man, and it has given him
the same scene from Friday night,” poetry and reading biographies. close relationships with some of the
he explained. “The set was enjoy- “Woody Guthrie’s bio, written by Hollywood elite.
able, but it’s not like making a com- Joe Klein, is one of the best books I’ve Wilson’s fellow Texan, Mike
edy where you show up and all your ever read,” he said. Judge (“King of the Hill”), cast him as
friends just joke around all day, like Wilson planned to graduate and the lead in his last movie, “Idiocracy,”
‘Old School.’” maybe stay in Texas, but when his which sadly ran into its own delays
“This was the first movie where, brother said that they wanted him when FOX gave the movie a limited
when it was done, I thought, ‘Alright, to act with him – in a short he release before relinquishing it to a
I deserve a weekend’ (laughs). I need and his roommate wanted to film long-delayed DVD sentence.
a vacation!” he said. – Wilson agreed. The movie that “I felt more sad for Mike [Judge]
Wilson’s movie roles continu- spawned turned out to be one of than for me, but at least he got to make
ally land him in positions joined by those Hollywood fairy tales. James the movie he wanted to make, and it
his brother Owen, Will Ferrell, Ben L. Brooks liked the idea and let them seems the bad release has helped turn
Stiller and Vince Vaughn. Their con- turn “Bottle Rocket” into a feature, it into a moving cult classic,” he said.

16 Monday, May 12, 2008


Interview with writer/director Andrew Stanton

By Taylor Hall think, ‘Well, where did every-
Ka Leo Features Editor one go?’” Stanton said. “I never
wanted to do anything but this
Andrew Stanton has been a nice love story, so hopefully it is
creative force at Pixar since its still that.”
short film days in the early ’90s. None of the main charac-
He directed the genesis for what ters in “WALL•E” talk. “When I
would become “Toy Story” (just wrote the script, I wrote out dia-
“A Story” in 1987) and co-direct- logue for the character between
ed “A Bugs Life” (1998) with the lines,” Stanton said, “so that a
John Lasseter, who is to Pixar sound effect could be understood
what Walt is to Disney. “Finding to mean something like ‘I am
Nemo” (2003) would go on to hungry’ and it still reads like a
gross nearly one billion dollars in regular script.”
revenue and merchandise. Music also plays a large role
“(With) ‘Toy Story’, we in the movie, as the voices are just
didn’t know if we could make sound effects. “Tom Newman,
it work, and then to make the who scored this movie for me, did
next three or four successful. I’ve a fantastic job,” Stanton said.
never made a movie without pres- The idea for the character
sure,” Stanton said. of WALL•E came when Stanton
Stanton is calm and collected was at a Little League game and
on the phone, even though he was playing with his binoculars.
is a month away from releasing “By bending them, I could imag-
Pixar’s riskiest venture yet, the ine the different emotions for
heavily silent film “WALL•E.” the characters,” he said. “From
“The sci-fi angle came there, we built the rest of the
because of the story. I wanted character ... we made his body a COURTESY PHOTO • DISNEY.GO.COM/WALL-E
him (WALL•E) to be alone on box, we didn’t want him to look Pixar’s WALL•E is “the saddest character I ever thought up,” said director Andrew Stanton. “WALL•E” hits theaters June 27.
our planet, so that makes you like a person.”

Creating an animated char- much whatever we want, so

acter takes a lot of pantomime, the few things that we did con-
Stanton said, and involves many quer, we tried to keep invisible
ideas coming together. “When to the audience,” Stanton said.
you’re working with a real per- “Maybe the geekiest filmgoer
son, they bring something else will appreciate it, but everyone
to the table,” he said. “With ani- else will think the film is just a
mation, you have many people little more viceral.”
bringing different ideas into one “WALL•E” hits theaters
character.” June 27.
Stanton is also known for
playing the voice of Crush, the
laid-back surfer turtle who rides
the current with his kid Squirt in
“Finding Nemo,” becoming a fan
favorite and the top-selling mer-
chandise doll for the movie.
In 1995, Pixar released
the instant-hit “Toy Story,” but
consecutive years brought more
releases in digital film, push-
ing technology further. Pixar has
nine films planned to release
in the next four years, includ-
ing “Toy Story 3” in 2011. For
“WALL•E”, that meant trying COURTESY PHOTO • IMDB.COM
something different for a charac-
Writer/director Andrew Stanton’s next
ter 20 years in the making.
“Animation has hit this project is a movie he has been formu-
ceiling, where we can do pretty lating since he was 10 years old.

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