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2 theSun | FRIDAY OCTOBER 30 2009

news without borders

Penang rep
Najib: Give MCA leaders some time
by Tim Leonard What is important is that they must recently by MCA deputy president model. He said the government
says Liow, CC
should resign be committed towards making MCA Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai and some wants to set up a national innova- by Opalyn Mok
a party which is united and stronger members of the central committee, tion centre or MyNIC to enhance the
KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister ... whatever decision has to lead to a who complained about being kept in level of innovation and creativity in
Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak yes- stronger MCA.” the dark by Ong. Liow has also said the country. GEORGE TOWN: Newly-elected MCA
terday said that MCA leaders should Najib had last week given his sup- that the plan must be tabled before “There are also suggestions to deputy president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong
be given more time to sort out their port to a peace plan to end the feuding the central committee for endorse- set up a national iconic innovation Lai and the entire central committee (CC)
problems and that whatever deci- between president Datuk Seri Ong ment, something that Ong has so far centre, to be as significant as the ought to resign if they insist that party
sions they make should lead to a Tee Kiat and ousted deputy president refused to do. Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC).” president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat step
stronger party. Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek. Najib declined to elaborate on Najib said innovation has to be down after a no-confidence resolution
“Give them a bit of time … I think But the announcement of the what course of action could be taken total, and should include corporate was passed against him at the Oct 10
they should be given time,” he said peace pact, dubbed the Greater Unity by MCA to solve its crisis. innovation and societal innovation, extra-ordinary general meeting (EGM).
after chairing the National Innova- Plan, obviously failed to douse the On the outcome of the innovation among others. Penang MCA deputy chairman and
tion Council meeting at Putra World flames of discontent in the second council meeting, Najib said that ‘in- He also said government agencies central committee member Eng Hiap
Trade Centre yesterday. largest component party of the Ba- novation’ would be a national policy or organisations which come up with Boon reminded Liow that three resolu-
“I have met the leaders and I risan Nasional. and nanotechnology would be the innovative or creative innovation tions were voted on at the EGM.
want them to sort out their problems. The peace plan was questioned new frontier in the new economic will be rewarded. “The three resolutions were for a
vote of no confidence against Ong, to
revoke any disciplinary action against

Unity plan needs support of CC to work: Liow Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek and to
reinstate Chua as the MCA deputy
president,” he said.
He said the first two resolutions
by Giam Say Khoon implemented. BERNAMAPIX
were carried through and only the third They also urged that the results resolution was thrown out.
of Oct 10 extraordinary general “So if Liow and his supporters insist
KUALA LUMPUR: The MCA unity meeting (EGM), where Ong had Ong respect the outcome of the EGM
plan needs to be transparent and get a motion of no-confidence passed and quit as MCA president, they should
the support of the central commit- against him while Chua was re- also do likewise,” he said.
tee (CC) to work, says new deputy jected by the delegates as deputy Eng said the EGM overturned the
president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong president, must be respected. CC’s decision on the disciplinary action
Lai. In a blog posting on Wednesday, against Chua, so it is tantamount to a
“It (the plan) has to be transpar- Ong, who had previously said that vote of no confidence against the CC.
ent and it has to be understood and it was his prerogative to make deci- “Then, under the rules of political
discussed by the CC. If we do not sions without acknowledging the gamesmanship, the entire CC should
understand and we do not know the CC, questioned the motive of some resign. I hope Liow is not too busy plot-
details, how can we work on it?” he members who insisted on knowing ting to the point that he has forgotten
told reporters after launching the the details of the plan. about the second resolution,” he said in
International Association for Ado- “Do these people hope to see the Liow receives a statement.
lescent Health 9th Conference 2009 party being dragged down by con- a copy of the
yesterday. tinuous infighting, just so they can book, Live
Life, Stay
“If we want the unity plan to
have good results, we need to get
achieve their selfish ambitions?
“Do they understand the impor- Safe, from I’m not quitting,
the support of all quarters, includ- tance of putting the greater unity cerebral
ing the delegates, CC and party
members,” he reiterated.
plan to work so that MCA can con-
tinue with its healing and reforms
palsy patient,
says Yen Yen
Daud, 20,
KUALA LUMPUR: MCA vice-president
Liow was commenting on following the setbacks during last
and Down
Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen does not
the party’s Greater Unity Plan year’s general election?” he asked.
want to entertain any speculation that
hammered out between president However, his blog posting has
patient Ho
she was being pressured to resign
Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat and raised Wee’s ire, who said Ong can-
Wai Kin,
from the party post and as minister.
former deputy president Datuk not expect the CC to accept the unity
22, at the
“I will not entertain or respond to
Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek which was plan without knowing the details.
launch of
such speculation because there is no
announced last week without any “We do not have problem with
truth in it. Such speculation must stop
consultation with the CC. the unity plan provided we know the
as it will tarnish my reputation and im-
On Tuesday, Liow and 14 dis- contents. We are not out to kill each
age in the party and the government,”
gruntled CC members including other, we want to unite the members
she told reporters after launching
MCA Youth chief Datuk Dr Wee but unity should not be confined
Health 9th
“The Malaysia Asean Heritage Trail
Ka Siong and Wanita chief Datin to one or two members across the
With Chef Wan” here yesterday.
Paduka Chew Mei Fun, told a press board of 930,000 members,” he said
– Bernama
conference that the CC wanted Ong when met at the parliament lobby
to give details of the plan before it is yesterday.

Wee rubbishes alleged link to PKFZ

by Terence Fernandez “These are baseless allegations and carry out the business of consultancy what they are trying to do is absolute rub- and preparation of environmental im-
bish,” he said when contacted last night. pact assessment report for all kinds of
PETALING JAYA: MCA Youth chief and Asked if Hijau Sekitar was subcon- environmental works”.
Deputy Education Minister Datuk Wee Ka tracted a traffic impact assessment job Its directors are Lim Kit Siong, who
Siong says allegations linking a company by KDSB in the early 2000s for the PKFZ is the majority shareholder with 50,001
he part owns to dealings with Port Klang project, he said: “It is for them to prove. shares, and Wong Woon Ping who has
Free Zone (PKFZ) turnkey contractor The burden of proof is not on me”. one share.
Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd (KDSB) are “rub- Indicating he may resort to legal action It is understood that Wee, who was
bish” and “politically-motivated”. on the matter, Wee said it was preposter- elected Ayer Itam MP in 2004 and is in
In responding to the allegations which ous to claim that he benefited from PKFZ the thick of the MCA’s leadership crisis,
have been posted on several blogs in the of which groundworks started in 1999, as gave up some of his shares before enter-
past few days, Wee said attempts to link he was still doing his doctorate then. ing politics.
Hijau Sekitar Sdn Bhd in which he holds Companies Commission of Malaysia When pressed further, he reiterated
49,998 shares, to KDSB which is owned records show that Hijau Sekitar was that the revelations of his business deal-
by Tan Sri Tiong King Sing are politically- registered in Johor Baru in 1992 and ings at this time was to hurt him politi-
motivated. describes its nature of business as “to cally.

Sabah PKR fracture: Two views

PETALING JAYA: The resignation of two among some members. in a fortnight.
of Sabah’s top Parti Keadilan Rakyat This was what PKR and Umno said “The frustrations which have been
(PKR) leaders got its president in damage yesterday. expressed by some colleagues within the
control mode yesterday, while rival Umno » PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah party and by some supporters are valid
questioned the party’s ability to govern. Wan Ismail appealed to the people to and I remain open to engaging all parties
Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan resigned as continue to have faith and patience in on the principle of mutual respect, under-
a PKR vice-president and as a member supporting the mission of PKR and Paka- standing and an unrelenting commitment
of the party’s supreme council while its tan Rakyat. She said the announcements to the principles of justice and fairness.”
political bureau and PKR Kota Kinabalu made this week are based on consensus » Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin
division chief Christina Liew quit as a su- and consultation within the party to work Yassin said the turmoil is clear proof the
preme council member. towards a better future. opposition pact has no ability to govern,
This came after the party named on “I acknowledge the setbacks that unlike the Barisan Nasional (BN).
Sunday Ahmad Thamrin Jaini to replace we have faced since the March (2008) He said the prolonged bickering among
Azmin Ali as state liaison chief and Datuk elections. Political parties are complex the opposition parties had shown to the
Kong Hong Ming to replace Liew. These organisms and political coalitions are people that they were incapable of admin-
developments had caused confusion neither crystallised overnight, nor even istering the states which they won.”

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