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6 theSun | FRIDAY OCTOBER 30 2009

news without borders

Husna Yusop, Giam Say Khoon and Hemananthani Sivanandam at the Dewan Rakyat yesterday

PAC turns attention to double track project

FOLLOWING its inquiry into the
Port Klang Free Zone scandal, the
sues highlighted in the report will
be looked into.
some explanation from the people
involved,” he told reporters at the
will not be looking into issues or per-
sons who are under the investigation
“As the project was not properly
managed, it did not meet the objective
Public Accounts Committee (PAC) He said the committee had been Parliament lobby. by the police or the Malaysian Anti- of its implementation,” the Auditor
will now shift its attention to the briefed by Auditor-General Tan Sri “We will also call the contractors, Corruption Commission (MACC). General’s Report 2008 said.
double tracking project, highlighted Ambrin Buang on the report. some of whom who belong to several “We will allow them (the police The report said the Transport
for suffering RM1.14 billion losses “The Transport Ministry’s con- government-linked companies.” and MACC ) to go first because I do Ministry should have taken firm
in the Auditor-General’s Report for tractors would be among the first Azmi said the report seemed to not think we would want to duplicate action against project manager Sya-
2008. few to be called up for the project reveal the same types of problems their work, but we will look into areas rikat Kinta SamuderaOpus Consor-
PAC chairman Datuk Seri Azmi as it has RM1.143 billion of cost every year. that we should see,” he said. tium for allegedly not reporting its
Khalid said the committee will meet overruns and we do not know “If you compare between last It was reported that an audit of the dismal performance to the Finance
on Wednesday to discuss which is- the reasons behind it. So we want year’s audit report and this year’s au- project carried out from August 2008 to Ministry so that its services could be
dit report, there are not many changes January 2009 identified several weak- terminated.
although there are a lot of things the nesses in its implementation such as Azmi also disclosed that the Port
government is trying to clear but the the delay, and the procurement of Klang Free Zone report is being print-
same problems arise. So, there are extra equipment and coaches not in ed and the committee hopes to table it
basic problems that need to be ad- keeping with the specifications, thus to the Parliament on Wednesday.
dressed.” causing the infrastructure to be not However, he had refused to dis-
However, Azmi said the committee fully optimised. close the content of the report.

MP calls on Ong, Koh to quit cabinet

A BACKBENCHER has asked Datuk Bung Moktar This policy will destroy BN. My
We have a MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Radin (BN-Kinabatangan) uncles in the villages want old
Tee Keat and Gerakan president interjected and asked whether cars because they are cheap,
dignified PM, Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon to quit Ong, who is the transport they can pay cash. This is a
the ministers, their ministerial posts as they are minister, was lying when he crazy policy.
too, must no longer wanted by the people. declared previously that if the “I am fighting for the kam-
have dignity. Datuk Mohamad Aziz motion against his leadership pung folk who use 15- (and)
You should (BN-Sri Gading) said if the was passed at the party EGM, 20-year-old cars only to go to
two ministers have pride and he would quit. the mosques and stalls. If we
know where honour, they should willingly Mohamad agreed with ask these people to go to Puspa-
you stand. relinquish their posts as there Bung Moktar and said Koh, a kom, BN will be smashed. Don’t
Why stay are other party members quali- minister in the Prime Minister’s make this an anti-BN policy.”
when your fied to take over their places. Department tasked to monitor Mohamad also touched on
“Please quit. Don’t create the implementation of the Key Umno and PAS relations, say-
leadership is trouble for the prime minister. Performance Indicators, is him- ing the two parties must make
ineffective? You no longer have the trust of self “someone with no KPI.” truce as their members are all
You don’t party members. I am saying this Mohamad advised the other of the same religion and race.
have the in the interest of the rakyat. Not ministers to do their jobs well He said PAS should “clique”
people’s trust. a small group, but the majority and not become arrogant, say- with Umno instead of Parti
of them,” he said when debat- ing that “as an experienced Keadilan Rakyat and DAP.
Get out.” ing the Supply Bill 2009. old-timer” he need not mince On another point, he said
“We have a dignified PM, the his words. Kuala Lumpur has too many
– Sri Gading MP ministers, too, must have dig- He also criticised the proposal foreigners, making the people
Datuk Mohamad nity. You should know where for cars aged 15 years or more to feel unsafe as “some of them
Aziz you stand. Why stay when your go through mandatory annual tend to create trouble”.
leadership is ineffective? You inspection at Puspakom. He said the enforcement
don’t have the people’s trust. “This policy will chase authorities should play their
Get out.” away two million BN voters. role accordingly.

Khalid hails probe on Selangor PAS

SHAH ALAM MP Khalid Samad welcomed the decision by the
PAS central committee (CC) members on Wednesday night
to direct the disciplinary committee to investigate allegations
against Selangor PAS.
This showed the issue is being addressed and not swept under
the carpet, he told reporters at the Parliament lobby. Khalid said he
did not attend the meeting but was “informed” of the decision.
The CC members unanimously decided not to call for a special
extraordinary general meeting, as demanded by spiritual leader
Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat to weed out “problematic” leaders
seen to favour working with Umno.
Another decision made at the meeting was to hold a political
seminar to discuss the issues raised by Nik Aziz.

‘Bank chose its own directors’

BANK NEGARA Malaysia did not have a hand in choosing
the new board of directors for Maybank Bhd but it was the
bank itself which made the appointments.
Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Dr Awang Adek Hussein
said the bank applied its corporate governance through a
nomination committee which made its deliberations and
suggested a major revamp.
“It was understood that almost all of them in the previous
board had been there for too long. So, there was a need for
Chokehold ... Perak DAP chief Datuk Ngeh a major reshuffle to prepare the bank for current and future
Koo Ham uses Ipoh Barat MP M. Kulasegaran to challenges since it plans to be more active overseas,” he told
demonstrate how former Perak speaker V. Sivakumar Datuk Mahfuz Omar (PAS-Pokok Sena).
was “nearly strangled” at the state assembly parking “The same procedure could be done by other banks if
lot on Wednesday after police allegedly tried to take they follow the corporate governance process and have
Sivakumar’s robe and songkok from him. their own nomination committees.”

DPM wants more views on single-stream system

KOTA TINGGI: Deputy Prime Minister “A single-stream system has been the issue which was raised recently by
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin expressed sup- ultimate objective of the Razak Report academician and historian Tan Sri Prof
port for the proposal for a single-stream but due to circumstances in the country’s Emeritus Dr Khoo Kay Kim.
education system but wants all parties to history, we now have a multiple-stream Several government and opposition
pursue discussions on the matter so that system. members of parliament spoke in support
all views can be explored. “This is a huge issue and it is better of a single-stream system in the Dewan
Muhyiddin, who is education minis- that we discuss it extensively so that Rakyat on Wednesday.
ter, said that although he agreed with we can have a clearer picture, including Muhyiddin said he would not object
the single-stream arrangement, which from politicians and the people,” he told it if non-governmental organisations
he said was in line with the 1Malaysia reporters after the presentation of the wanted to discuss the issue.
vision, the country’s education system national-level Ilham Desa Awards 2009 in “We want to listen to the views
had taken the path of a multiple-stream Kampung Mawai Baru yesterday. of all, not just from one side,” he said.
system. He was asked to comment on the – Bernama

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