Thesun 2009-10-30 Page10 Respite For Education Ministry

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10 theSun | FRIDAY OCTOBER 30 2009

news without borders

Zainon Ahmad at the Dewan Rakyat

Respite for Education Ministry

nate that some people had to suffer
as a result of the overzealousness of
some officials in implementing the
Anti-Money Laundering Act 2001.
He said there had been complaints
and suggested that the government
THE House refused to debate the a fortnight, the education minister Datuk Seri Abdul Ghapur Salleh On Wednesday, Tony Pua (DAP- take a closer look at the implementa-
tragedy of three primary school girls would probably shed light on what (BN-Kalabakan) interjected to say PJ Utara) said in his debate that tion of the Act and maybe even make
who drowned in a fast-flowing river happened near SK Kuala Dipang that the opposition leader was giving the the general election is likely to be some amendments to it.
near Kampar when the brand new night. impression that only opposition par- in 2011, judging from the “drastic To this, he received the support
suspension bridge they were on with Of course, some people want to ties care about the people’s interests increase” in emoluments and pen- of Ahmad, Datuk Bung Mokhtar
about 30 others collapsed on Monday know immediately. But the Speaker and welfare. He said this was not sion allocations in the budget. Radin (BN-Kinabatangan) and
night. The rest were lucky. knows best. true as the Barisan Nasional cares He told civil servants not to be too Mohd Yusmadi Yusof (PKR-
Requests to debate what had hap- On Monday, Opposition Leader the most. concerned about not getting bonuses Balik Pulau).
pened in the incident at a 1Malaysia Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim kicked On the annual RM50 and RM25 this year as the government is going Datuk Ibrahim Ali (Independent-
camp in which 298 pupils from 60 off the debate on the RM191.5 bil- sales tax to be imposed on credit to announce a generous reward for Pasir Mas), who contested under a
schools took part, were turned down lion Budget 2010 which was tabled card holders (principal and sup- them next year, “and after that in PAS ticket in last year’s general elec-
as a committee headed by Education by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib plementary), Datuk Ahmad Hamzah 2011 there will be the general elec- tion but had since become a bitter
Ministry director-general Tan Sri Razak in his capacity as finance (BN-Jasin) on Tuesday said banks tion”. rival of the party, also spoke at length
Alimuddin Mohd Dom was already minister last Friday, by calling it a should absorb the tax as they enjoy The first term MP said this even including calling for the establish-
investigating the matter. “short-term” government policy that good profits from the service. though Najib in a written reply to ment of more religious schools so
Had the debate been allowed by benefited concessionaires more than He said that if banks were not Fong Po Kuan (DAP-Batu Gajah) that there will be more morally
the Speaker, the Education Ministry the people. prepared to do this, the least they had already said there was not upright people in the country.
would have had to respond imme- He criticised the government’s could do was to absorb it for one going to be a snap election any time He took a swipe at Anwar, calling
diately to such queries as whether reliance on Petronas and said the oil year, especially when the tax comes soon and that his call to recapture him a frog when he was speaking
pupils crossing the bridge were company’s contribution had doubled into force next year. Selangor was merely a message to during the debate.
supervised by teachers and whether from 2005 to 2009, while the volume BN leaders to work hard to win the The former Umno and S46 mem-
the safety aspect of using the bridge of petroleum and gas reserves had people’s support. ber also hurled a jibe at a species of
was considered when deciding the not changed although operating In response to the call by Hamim green flies, green being the colour
camp site. costs had tripled during the same Samuri (BN-Ledang) for more of PAS, saying that while frogs are
But as it stands, the public will period. efforts to be made for a single- harmless, flies are known to carry all
have to wait until the committee Anwar said the people were school system, Pua said he would kinds of dangerous diseases.
completes its work. Of course, MPs not enjoying the full fruits of rev- agree to it at the secondary level if “But dangerous though the green
are free to broach the subject during enue earned by the country due to there were no more Mara second- flies are, the frog can easily zap and
the ongoing debate on Budget 2010. government mismanagement as ary schools. swallow them,” he said.
And in responding to points raised highlighted by the auditor-gener- Datuk Ismail Kassim (BN- The debate at policy stage contin-
on his ministry’s estimates in about al’s report tabled last week. Arau) said it was most unfortu- ues next week.

Making sense of PAS Nik Aziz has the ability to influence the grassroots and
by Zakiah Koya versity Law professor openly going against him would mean losing the crucial who wrote the article votes of the grassroots. Furthermore, the Chinese and
in Sinar Harian which Indians are also with Nik Aziz as Hadi has not been able to
KUALA LUMPUR: PAS has been in the news was then used by Nik draw their support.”
for the past few days, all because its spiritual Aziz as the basis for his Prof Abdul Aziz Bari
adviser Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, respectfully arguments that the “prob-

addressed as Tok Guru, decided to “pour out” his lematic” top PAS leaders
feelings in his blogsite. should be booted out in
Long before the Kelantan mentri besar an extraordinary general
updated his blog, the writing was already on the meeting politely called Muk-
wall – that the days of PAS president Datuk Seri tamar Khas.
Abdul Hadi Awang and his gang would be num- It has been said that Nik Aziz is more a
bered if they did not pay their obeisance to him. shrewd politician than Hadi will ever be, while
After he did, the writing became even clearer, the president is seen to be more of an ulama
and Hadi and his men seem to have acknowl- acting as a politician.
edged it. Thus Nik Aziz holds more clout than Hadi in
The problem with PAS is that it is run more the party even though he is president.
like a religious body than a political party, says PAS central committee members, who req-
Prof Abdul Aziz Bari. And this, he said, is at uested anonymity, said it has been a sort of a
the same time the strength of the party – all its “party tradition” that when the spiritual adviser
members acknowledge only “one leader”. speaks, others listen. And they listened to him
Abdul Aziz is the International Islamic Uni- when he ranted at some of them during their

(From left) Nasharuddin, Nik Aziz and Hadi at a meeting of the PAS central committee and state
commisioners on Wednesday night.

meeting with him on Wednesday night. The as Hadi has not been able to draw their sup-
party had to do as he says for it to be trusted port. Hadi is also not media savvy,” Abdul
again by the grassroots of more than a mil- Aziz said.
lion people. “The politics of PAS is unlike that of
“Nik Aziz is flexing his muscle in the MCA and Umno; when the spiritual adviser
party in order to dominate it and grassroots cracks his whip, everyone takes note. This
members seem to be drawn to him more is because he gives the impression that
than to the president who, as a result, seems what he says is very much for the survival
to be losing his appeal,” a committee member of the party.”
said. During his tenure as president, Hadi has
“Hadi and his gang have been on the def- been accused of spending more time sight-
ensive ever since Nik Aziz came out with the seeing overseas than doing his work at home.
statement in his blog,” Abdul Aziz said. Power, it is said, seems to have been relegated
So there is not going to be an EGM. But a to party secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali,
political seminar which 1,000 delegates will who has been seen as the man behind the
attend may turn out to be almost the same idea of a unity government.
thing. If the EGM was meant to oust those Hadi’s inability to retain Terengganu
whom the spiritual adviser has decided he speaks volumes about his ability and leader-
has no confidence in, it is speculated that the ship.
seminar can do the same thing. Meanwhile, Nasharuddin, who was
Datuk Husam Musa, PAS central commit- almost PAS’s spokesperson before the last
tee member, and often said to be Nik Aziz’s muktamar, has been keeping a low profile
blue-eyed boy, is seen as the likely candidate ever since the bickering between the “ulama
to succeed Hadi, said Abdul Aziz. faction” and the “professionals faction” in PAS
No PAS central committee member will was played up by the mainstream press.
ever openly oppose Nik Aziz. On the other hand, Nik Aziz is still seen
“This is because Nik Aziz has the ability as a PAS icon and a strong force with which
to influence the grassroots and openly going the Barisan Nasional had to contend. He has
against him would mean losing the crucial helmed the Kelantan government for two
votes of the grassroots. Furthermore, the decades and may go on to lead the Kelantan
Chinese and Indians are also with Nik Aziz PAS to another victory.

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