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16 theSun | FRIDAY OCTOBER 30 2009

speak up!

THIS is how overzealous apple-polishing civil “unseen hands” forcing the civil servants to
servants get their superiors into trouble. On
Wednesday, the Petaling Jaya City Council
(MBPJ) declared a surplus budget of over
RM130,000. Not too bad in these dire economic
However, what little achievement the
Apple polishers outride breach the law and code of ethics.
It has been ages since the exposes on a
certain ex-minister and former mentri besar.
So far apart from a director-general, who has
since been acquitted of corruption charges,
no one has been made to face the music for

common sense
folk at MBPJ did on balancing the books was entering into dubious deals during the tenure
overshadowed by a ridiculous proposal in the of this minister at various ministries.
budget by Mayor Datuk Mohd Roslan Saki- At the same time, the former mentri besar
man to buy two high-powered motorcycles needs to explain the dubious land alienation,
at RM80,000 each – to be used by escorts for monopolistic deals, overseas trips paid by
Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim state subsidiaries and a multi-million ringgit
when he visits Petaling Jaya. house. The public are asking but the MACC
“What? Khir Toyo never had and perhaps a loss for the coun- present administration of local councils in does not seem too intent in asking the same
outriders. If Khalid wants outrid- cil’s enforcement division which Selangor after five decades of rot and unac- questions, perhaps only the right ones?
ers, ask him to get his own or get may have had a legitimate need countability. I make no apologies to Datuk Seri Ahmad
the state to pay for it” was the com- for the big bikes after all. Who Why should the people not vote any dif- Said Hamdan and Datuk Seri Abu Kassim
mon response in the newsroom. knows? After all, when contacted ferently the next time if they have to continue Mohammed (the MACC commissioner and
The perception was that Ab- later Mohd Roslan said the big putting up with officials who are not careful deputy respectively) if they feel that no matter
dul Khalid had requested for the bikes were for “other occasions with people’s money and have their priorities what they do, the likes of Citizen Nades and
motorcycles. It took a few phone as well”. So whose fault is it that backwards. myself keep demanding more.
calls between Mohd Roslan, coun- some people can’t put their case Too much damage has been done – even
cillor Derek Fernandez, reporter forward succinctly? ************* before Teoh Beng Hock’s body was found
Llew-Ann Phang, Citizen Nades Meanwhile, could MBPJ at the bottom of Plaza Masalam – for the
and yours truly to set the record Down2Earth explain why we need to buy five IN ONE of my columns two weeks ago, I MACC to earn the public’s trust and respect,
straight – the mentri besar re- chillers for RM2 million? Are rate- implored that for a change, graft busters go by merely picking up one or two former civil
quested for only escorts. However, by Terence Fernandez payers going into the food busi- after the big fish instead of nabbing small fry servants.
this was misinterpreted, perhaps ness now or is MBPJ going into as part of their public relations exercise. In my Having dealt personally with Abu Kassim,
conveniently so, by the enforce- the bereavement industry since a last column on Tuesday I had also pleaded on I know he is earnest in wanting to do his job.
ment division and the MBPJ administration certain illegal funeral parlour has since closed behalf of civil servants forced to do the bidding Alas, here is where the misleading notion of
including the mayor as a request for motor- shop? Or do we need one of those chillers for of their political masters may now face the rap the MACC’s independence lies. For, as long as
cycles for outriders. the RM300,000 “rumah rehat” which has been for financial abuses exposed in the Auditor- political considerations need to be weighed in
So a harebrained idea now has resulted in included in Budget 2010? General’s Report 2008. getting the MACC to function as it should, it
a PR disaster for the mentri besar and MBPJ A lot of hope has been placed on the While the latest arrest and charging of has to do much more to shake off the percep-
former secretary-general to the Science, tion that it is a mere lackey. Gee, it’s a job not
Technology and Innovation Ministry Abdul even slick PR practitioners could do.
Hanan Alang Endut on 10 counts of corrup-
tion, may go so far as to earn the Malaysian
Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) a pat Terence is deputy editor special reports & in-
on the back, for widening its net and looking vestigations and can be reached at terence@
upwards in its quest to weed out graft; it is He can also be followed on
also hoped that this will be extended to the Twitter @ TerencetheSUN.


Honours student feels left out

I GRADUATED from University of Malaya in Previously, Higher Education Minister Datuk
August with first class honours, majoring in Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin stated that the
Genetics and Molecular Biology, and am pursu- proposal would be considered only when the
ing my Master of Science in Molecular Oncology financial situation of PTPTN is sustainable. In ad-
in the same university. The completion of my dition, PTPTN chief executive officer Yunos Abd
undergraduate studies was made possible with Ghani also said that the corporation was unable
the help of the National Higher Education Fund to consider the requests as the amount would be
Corporation (PTPTN), which provided me with full too much to absorb.
loans (RM3,500 a semester) for three years and I suspect that one reason for the PTPTN being
for this I am indeed grateful. unsustainable is the high number of loan default-
When tabling Budget 2010, the prime minister ers. They include politicians, celebrities and other
proposed that PTPTN loans be converted to A-listers. Why are no further concrete efforts being
scholarships for students who obtain first class made to retrieve the money other than blacklist-
honours degree or equivalent, from next year. ing some names (for example, taking court action
I am happy for the younger generation as this against these defaulters)? More importantly, are
would definitely entice them to strive harder for we being made to pay for their faults?
academic excellence. However, I cannot help but I strongly feel that those who achieved first
feel dejected and disappointed for myself and class honours this year should be entitled to the
others who are excluded. To my knowledge, the benefit of converting our loans to full scholar-
conversion of the PTPTN loans to scholarships ships as we worked hard for several years
for outstanding students had been implemented without expecting to be rewarded since the
before July 1, 2005. It is frustrating for many of discontinuation of the practice. On behalf of those
us since then, especially for those who started who are affected, I humbly ask the government
their undergraduate studies in 2006 like me. I am to reconsider. We have been disappointed twice
not sure on the reasons behind the decision to before. Hopefully we would not be disappointed
discountinue the practice, but as the practice yet again.
would now resume, is it really too much to ask for
those students who are affected to be accorded Eugene Phuah
the same recognition? Penang

Release wildlife probe report

SAHABAT Alam Malaysia (SAM) refers to an promote effective wildlife law enforcement.
interview with a convicted wildlife smuggler and What is needed is an overhaul of the policing
the revelation that Malaysia is a “Wildlife hotspot” of the illegal wildlife trade and an urgent need for
some months ago. Following the big splash in the monitoring of the traffic of Malaysian wildlife.
media the Natural Resources and Environment The issue of special permit which regulates the
Ministry stepped in to investigate allegations of collection of animals and permits the keeping of
special permit abuses. totally protected species by zoos, theme parks
There were also calls to the police and the Ma- and individuals should be examined closely.
laysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) by There is an absence of a monitoring mecha-
animal conservation groups. There were also calls nism of how and where endangered species are
by the Penang Government to reveal details of the sourced from or how they end up in such animal
special permit. It has been several months since establishments. The granting of special permits
and much to our dismay there is no response to these establishments will only perpetuate the
from the ministry, the police and the MACC. trade in illegal wildlife.
These three agencies must take a serious SAM calls on the ministry, police and the MACC
view of the case as Malaysia’s image has been to release the findings of their investigation which
tarnished by its reputation as a hub for a multi- is long overdue.
billion ringgit global trade in illegal wildlife. Results
of the findings should be revealed. S. M. Mohd Idris
It is the sole responsibility of the Natural President
Resources Ministry and Wildlife Department to Sahabat Alam Malaysia

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