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18 theSun | FRIDAY OCTOBER 30 2009


Proton, autoparts
makers winners of
more open NAP
KUALA LUMPUR: National carmaker pioneer status and investment tax al-
Proton Holdings Bhd is seen as the im- lowance for the manufacture of critical
Lim, flanked by mediate beneficiary of the more open components will see potential foreign
Power (left) and National Automotive Policy (NAP) as it candidates investing in Malaysia in a big
Boots, with a already has available capacity for poten- way rather than merely as assemblers,
plaque marking tial auto manufacturers to capitalise on. it said.
the opening of Other beneficiaries are the tier-1 OSK Research said the possibility
TNT’s Penang autoparts suppliers as the industry of a global OEM maker establishing its
International consolidates further with the enforce- manufacturing hub as a regional export
Gateway facility. ment of mandatory standards on parts centre is favourable for Proton given the
and components, OSK Research said ample capacity for 200,000 units (per
yesterday. year) at its Shah Alam plant.
“Overall, we think most players in Proton currently has a total excess

TNT to double size of Asian the industry will potentially benefit as

the NAP ensures the long-term viability
and competitiveness of the automotive
industry, thus transforming Malaysia
capacity of 57% from both its Tanjung
Malim and Shah Alam plants. The
carmaker once said it intended to shift
its main production to Tanjung Malim
network in four years into a regional and global player,” it
Under the policy, the government
given that some of its model line-ups
produced from the Shah Alam had been
by Himanshu Bhatt China through TNT’s acquisition of electronic, computing, telecom- informed that the potential partnership Although Thailand is ahead of Ma- China-based Hoau Logistics three munications and semi-conductor with a global original equipment manu- laysia on incentives by offering lower
years ago, a move that allowed sectors in Penang. facturer (OEM) will be established. excise duties on vehicle prices, exemp-
GEORGE TOWN: Freight forwarding TNT to have about 2,000 domestic Power said TNT was also seeing Market talk is that the tie-up could tion of import duty on plant machinery
giant TNT Express Worldwide NV is depots and hubs there, he said. strong demand from the life sci- potentially involve a strategic tie-up with with the already established supply
planning to double the size of its He said TNT was also working ences sector in Penang. Measuring a local assembler, and a likely candidate chain, the downside is that this requires
7,620km-long Asia Road Network to expand further in India with the 1,300 sq m, the facility is capable of is DRB-Hicom. a minimum investment of RM1 billion.
(ARN) – the region’s first fully-man- acquisition of ARC India Limited in conveying 2,500 parcels per hour “However, our channel checks reveal “We generally view the newly an-
aged and operated scheduled road 2006. Boots said this at a press con- and 320 tonnes of cargo daily, and that the potential strategic tie-up will nounced NAP positively as Malaysia will
express cargo service – within the ference after the opening of TNT’s augments the company’s existing merely be with a global OEM without be opening up the automotive industry
next four years. Penang International Gateway by depot in the airport. the inclusion of a local assembler,” said for value-added investments from global
Onno Boots, TNT regional man- Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng at Power said despite the eco- OSK Research. OEMs and leading part manufacturers,
aging director for Asia said the the Second Cargo Complex of the nomic uncertainties of the past 12 Potential candidates, it said, are likely especially with the host of incentives
network, which covers over 127 Penang International Airport. to 18 months, TNT Malaysia was to come in on a bigger scale. such as corporate tax holidays and tax
cities across Malaysia, Singapore, Also present was TNT Express seeing a growth rate of 38% to 40% The lifting of the freeze on issuance of exemption on exported goods,” said OSK
Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Worldwide Sdn Bhd managing a year. The company’s gateway at new manufacturing licences to selected Research.
south China, would be expanded director for Malaysia and Brunei, the KL International Airport was set manufacturers bodes well for the exist- To date, Thailand has seven global
through branches or “spin-offs”. Gerry Power. up in 2007. ing local manufacturers and assemblers, OEMs – Toyota, Mitsubishi, Isuzu,
“The core of the main axis (of The RM6 million gateway is Boots said although the com- notably those with ample excess capac- Honda, Nissan, Ford and General Mo-
the ARN) had already been laid. northern Malaysia’s first integrated pany’s main customer base three ity, which are ready to be capitalised tors – and a few smaller ones that have
We will now probably develop the air and road facility, connecting years ago was from small- and on by foreign automakers, the research set up plants with capacity totalling 1.625
spin-offs,” he said yesterday, adding TNT’s air network here to the ARN. medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) firm said. million units as of 2008.
that the company would announce The facility is expected to provide at about 80% to 90%, the ratio of Furthermore, the additional incen- As none represents Europe, Malaysia
details by early next year. increased opportunities for the multi-national corporations (MNCs) tives such as tax exemptions on exported may try to attract global OEMs from this
The ARN is linked directly to high-tech industry, specifically the was increasing. goods and fiscal deductions from the region instead. – Bernama

Private sector to lead again

PETALING JAYA: Malaysia’s export erate technology transfers but Interpac’s disposable income.
performance will be crucial in the concern lies with the bureaucracy’s ef- No tax cut for middle income bracket
government’s projection of a real gross ficiency and labour productivity where plus higher service tax on credit, charge
domestic product (RGDP) of between salaries act as a hurdle on investment. and supplementary cards may curb
2% and 3% for 2010, says the research Apart from continuing its focus on spending, especially to those in the low-
team at Inter-Pacific Research Sdn Bhd projects such as the Integrated Immigra- middle income bracket, it said.
(Interpac). tion, Customs and Quarantine Complex In the property sector, the govern-
“While we applaud the bold measures (CIQ) in Bukit Kayu Hitam, six UiTM ment’s allocation of RM899 million next
taken by the government to trim the campuses and development of Matrade year to intensify the tourism sector is
Truth deficit, our underlying concern will be Centre, the government has allocated expected to attract more MM2H partici-
the pace of economic recovery,” said the RM2.3 billion to construct and upgrade pants.
pays in team in its report on Budget 2010. infrastructure in rural areas. House buyers’ affordability would im-
advertising According to the report, there will be According to Interpac, the drop in prove as EPF contributors can withdraw
pg 20 strong emphasis for the private sector economic expenditure coupled with the current and future savings in Account
to take the lead again while domestic issue of implementation will put a lid on 2 for property purchases, although it is
activities are expected to act as a comple- the construction sector but it remains limited to the purchase of one house at
ment. neutral on the sector, expecting com- any one time.
“Apart from consumer spending, roll- panies with good track record such as Property developers such as Sunrise,
out of projects in the construction and WCT, Fajar Baru, Loh & Loh and others E&O and Mah Sing are expected to ben-
infrastructure sectors will determine the to benefit. efit from the boost in MM2H programme
magnitude of the multiplier,” it said. Meanwhile, the reduction of personal while township developers in general
The team, which projected a 3% RGDP income tax to 26% only benefits the up- would benefit from further relaxation of
growth for 2010, said Budget 2010 will per income bracket. EPF withdrawal.
encourage local companies abroad to “The RM1,000 personal tax relief could On the flip side, the real property
remit their profits and reinvestment. The be of some help, while the impact of EPF gains tax (RPGT) abolished in April 2007
government also has plans to provide a remains muted,” said Interpac. is now back. A 5% tax will be imposed on
more conducive business environment In order for private consumption to gains from the disposal of real property
and a more market-oriented economy improve, several developments need beginning Jan 1, 2010.
by establishing two new Commercial close attention namely employment op- “We think this move will have damp-
Division Courts to expedite commercial portunities; trend of the retail prices of ening effect on the secondary property
cases and to resolve them within nine goods and services although consumer market and may slow down the recovery
months. price index remains low; commodity of property sector despite trying to curb
It will also be giving PR status to prices especially crude oil; rate of suc- property speculation via RPGT,” said
skilled individuals from abroad to accel- cess for proactive measures; and the real Interpac.

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